# Role `send_only_mail_server` Makes sure a send-only mail server is deployed using OpenSMTPD and Rspamd for DKIM signing. Make sure to manually set a DMARC record and MX record for the mail domains. ## Supported Distributions The following distributions are supported: - Debian 11 ## Required Arguments For the required arguments look at the [`argument_specs.yaml`](./meta/argument_specs.yml) Also make sure to set the following for the `cert` role dependency: - `cert__acme_account_email` ## Updates This role doesn't handle updates. However it uses the system package manager for installing all the packages, so when you're making sure the system packages are up-to-date, you're handling updates for the packages installed by this role as well. ## `hosts` The `hosts` for this role need to be the machines on which you want to deploy a mail server. ## Links & Resources - - - -