--- title: "Kontakt" date: 2022-11-20T09:03:20-08:00 draft: false headless: true --- TODO: Karte, Kontaktdaten - {{< fa envelope >}} Mailingsliste Hamburg: [talk](https://www.hamburg.ccc.de/mailman/listinfo/talk) - {{< fa envelope >}} E-Mail an den CCC Hamburg: - {{< fa envelope >}} Verwaltung des CCC Hamburg: - {{< fa brands mastodon >}} Fediverse: [@ccchh@chaos.social](https://chaos.social/@ccchh) - {{< fa comments >}} Internet Relay Chat: [hackint.eu](https://webirc.hackint.org/#irc://irc.hackint.org/#ccchh?nick=) [#ccchh](ircs://hackint.eu/ccchh) - {{< fa comments >}} Matrix IRC Bridge: [#ccchh:hackint.org](https://matrix.to/#/#ccchh:hackint.org) TODO: How to have "Interwebs & E-Mails" only once for home-Onepager and here?