// stylelint-disable function-url-quotes // The relative path from the css directory to the sass directory. $image-url-path-to-source: '../sass' !default; // The relative path from the root sass directory to where your components usually lie. $image-url-subdirectory: 'components' !default; // image-url() // // If you include your images next to your component Sass files, you need to // specify a url() to point from the generated CSS to the Sass source like this: // // ```css // content: url(../sass/components/is-quite/long.svg); // ``` // // With the `image-url()` function the path to all your components is assumed to // start with `../sass/components/` and you just need to give it the last, short // bit of the path in your Sass code like this: // // ```scss // content: image-url(is-quite/short.svg); // ``` // // If you want to point at an image that is not in the components sub-directory // of your sass directory, you can override the default $subdirectory by // passing it in as the first parameter of `image-url()` like this: // // ```scss // content: image-url(base, grouping/blockquote.svg); // ``` // // which would output `url(../sass/base/grouping/blockquote.svg)`. // // $subdirectory = $image-url-subdirectory - Optional. The relative path from // the root of your Sass source to the sub-directory where // components usually lie. // $path - Required. The path to the image relative to the // `$subdirectory`. // $path-to-source = $image-url-path-to-source - Optional. The relative path // from the css build directory to the sass source directory. @function image-url($subdirectory, $path: null, $path-to-source: $image-url-path-to-source) { // If only 1 parameter is given, its value is intended for the $path. @if type-of($path) == 'null' { $path: $subdirectory; $subdirectory: $image-url-subdirectory; } @return url(unquote($path-to-source + '/' + $subdirectory + '/' + $path)); }