[menu_title] other = "Menu principal" [menu_home] other = "Accueil" [menu_mobile] other = "Menu" [pager_next] other = "Suivant" [pager_prev] other = "Précédent" [taxo_tags] other = "Tags" [last_mod] other = "Dernière modification:" [created] other = "Établi:" [search_placeholder] other = "Entrez les termes de la recherche." [search_title] other = "Rechercher" [search_loading] other = "Loading search index…" [string_at] other = "à" [string_by] other = "par" [string_follow] other = "suivre" [string_in] other = "dans" [string_on] other = "sur" [string_recent_content] other = "Contenu récent" [string_see_also] other = "See also" [js_required] other = "Javascript doit être activé pour utiliser ce formulaire de contact." [contact_submitted] other = "Votre message a été envoyé." [contact_error] other = "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'envoi du formulaire." [contact_name] other = "Nom" [contact_name_placeholder] other = "Votre nom" [contact_mail] other = "Adresse e-mail" [contact_mail_placeholder] other = "Votre adresse e-mail" [contact_subject] other = "Sujet" [contact_subject_placeholder] other = "Le sujet du message" [contact_message] other = "Message" [contact_message_placeholder] other = "Contenu du message" [contact_submit] other = "Envoyer" [contact_honeypot] other = "Ne faites pas attention à ça si vous êtes humain" [lang_select_title] other = "Selection de la langue" [cookieconsent_message] other = "This website uses non essential cookies for tracking and analytics that you can accept or decline." [cookieconsent_accept] other = "Accept tracking" [cookieconsent_decline] other = "Decline tracking" [privacy_policy] other = "Privacy policy"