// Headings // // All HTML headings, `

` through `

`, are available. `%h1` through `%h6` // classes are also available, for when you want to match the font styling of a // heading but not be a heading. h1, %h1, h2, %h2, h3, %h3, h4, %h4, h5, %h5, h6, %h6 { @include margin-block(1 .33, 'em'); color: var(--color-headings); font-family: var(--ff-headings); font-weight: var(--fw-headings); line-height: var(--heading-line-height); text-wrap: balance; // Smaller margin when a headeing is right after another heading. & + & { @include margin-block-start(.5, 'em'); } // Set max text line width in main for readability. .main & { max-width: var(--max-line-width); } } h1, %h1 { // h1 only on top of page so different margins. @include margin-block(1 .5, 'rem'); font-size: var(--fs-xxl); letter-spacing: -.01em; } h2, %h2 { font-size: var(--fs-xl); letter-spacing: -.01em; } h3, %h3 { font-size: var(--fs-l); letter-spacing: -.01em; } h4, %h4 { font-size: var(--fs-m); } h5, %h5 { font-size: var(--fs-s); } h6, %h6 { font-size: var(--fs-xs); }