title: Hamburg Hackertours (en)
    name: Home
weight: 1
  headline: Welcome to Hackertours!
  intro: |
    Every year, the Chaos Computer Club organizes the main events "Chaos Communication Congress" and "Easterhegg". Within the framework of the above-mentioned main events, we at Hamburg Hackertours negotiate sightseeing tours to interesting places in and around Hamburg for technophiles. Here you will find information about the current sightseeing tours!
  logowidth: 500
  logoheight: 500
    intro: We at Hamburg Hackertours show you around the city!

## Welcome to Hamburg Hackertours!

**We are currently updating our website!**
More info will follow soon.
Thank you very much for your understanding!

Also this year we have found interesting places in and around Hamburg where you can delve into other worlds and experience fascinating things for a few hours. [We are going to explain how this works here in our FAQ article]({{< relref "posts/faq" >}})!

**[All 38c3 Tours]({{< relref "38c3" >}})**
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- **[Directly to the Ticket Shop](https://tickets.hamburg.ccc.de/hackertours/38c3)**
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Hackertours Desk: DECT 8687 "TOUR", +49 40 573 0830 8687, Foyer X, next to the white grandfather clock

# News