David Soria Parra 0271920b60 Initial version
2016-05-24 04:39:09 +02:00

4273 lines
192 KiB

# **********************************************************************
# Copyright (c) 2003-2013 ZeroC, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************
# Ice version 3.5.1
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>
import Ice, IcePy
import Ice_SliceChecksumDict_ice
# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')
# Start of module Murmur
_M_Murmur = Ice.openModule('Murmur')
__name__ = 'Murmur'
if '_t_NetAddress' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_NetAddress = IcePy.defineSequence('::Murmur::NetAddress', ('python:seq:tuple',), IcePy._t_byte)
if 'User' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.User = Ice.createTempClass()
class User(object):
'''A connected user.'''
def __init__(self, session=0, userid=0, mute=False, deaf=False, suppress=False, prioritySpeaker=False, selfMute=False, selfDeaf=False, recording=False, channel=0, name='', onlinesecs=0, bytespersec=0, version=0, release='', os='', osversion='', identity='', context='', comment='', address=None, tcponly=False, idlesecs=0, udpPing=0.0, tcpPing=0.0):
self.session = session
self.userid = userid
self.mute = mute
self.deaf = deaf
self.suppress = suppress
self.prioritySpeaker = prioritySpeaker
self.selfMute = selfMute
self.selfDeaf = selfDeaf
self.recording = recording = channel = name
self.onlinesecs = onlinesecs
self.bytespersec = bytespersec
self.version = version
self.release = release
self.os = os
self.osversion = osversion
self.identity = identity
self.context = context
self.comment = comment
self.address = address
self.tcponly = tcponly
self.idlesecs = idlesecs
self.udpPing = udpPing
self.tcpPing = tcpPing
def __eq__(self, other):
if other is None:
return False
elif not isinstance(other, _M_Murmur.User):
return NotImplemented
if self.session != other.session:
return False
if self.userid != other.userid:
return False
if self.mute != other.mute:
return False
if self.deaf != other.deaf:
return False
if self.suppress != other.suppress:
return False
if self.prioritySpeaker != other.prioritySpeaker:
return False
if self.selfMute != other.selfMute:
return False
if self.selfDeaf != other.selfDeaf:
return False
if self.recording != other.recording:
return False
if !=
return False
if !=
return False
if self.onlinesecs != other.onlinesecs:
return False
if self.bytespersec != other.bytespersec:
return False
if self.version != other.version:
return False
if self.release != other.release:
return False
if self.os != other.os:
return False
if self.osversion != other.osversion:
return False
if self.identity != other.identity:
return False
if self.context != other.context:
return False
if self.comment != other.comment:
return False
if self.address != other.address:
return False
if self.tcponly != other.tcponly:
return False
if self.idlesecs != other.idlesecs:
return False
if self.udpPing != other.udpPing:
return False
if self.tcpPing != other.tcpPing:
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringify(self, _M_Murmur._t_User)
__repr__ = __str__
_M_Murmur._t_User = IcePy.defineStruct('::Murmur::User', User, (), (
('session', (), IcePy._t_int),
('userid', (), IcePy._t_int),
('mute', (), IcePy._t_bool),
('deaf', (), IcePy._t_bool),
('suppress', (), IcePy._t_bool),
('prioritySpeaker', (), IcePy._t_bool),
('selfMute', (), IcePy._t_bool),
('selfDeaf', (), IcePy._t_bool),
('recording', (), IcePy._t_bool),
('channel', (), IcePy._t_int),
('name', (), IcePy._t_string),
('onlinesecs', (), IcePy._t_int),
('bytespersec', (), IcePy._t_int),
('version', (), IcePy._t_int),
('release', (), IcePy._t_string),
('os', (), IcePy._t_string),
('osversion', (), IcePy._t_string),
('identity', (), IcePy._t_string),
('context', (), IcePy._t_string),
('comment', (), IcePy._t_string),
('address', (), _M_Murmur._t_NetAddress),
('tcponly', (), IcePy._t_bool),
('idlesecs', (), IcePy._t_int),
('udpPing', (), IcePy._t_float),
('tcpPing', (), IcePy._t_float)
_M_Murmur.User = User
del User
if '_t_IntList' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_IntList = IcePy.defineSequence('::Murmur::IntList', (), IcePy._t_int)
if 'TextMessage' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.TextMessage = Ice.createTempClass()
class TextMessage(object):
'''A text message between users.'''
def __init__(self, sessions=None, channels=None, trees=None, text=''):
self.sessions = sessions
self.channels = channels
self.trees = trees
self.text = text
def __hash__(self):
_h = 0
if self.sessions:
for _i0 in self.sessions:
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(_i0)
if self.channels:
for _i1 in self.channels:
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(_i1)
if self.trees:
for _i2 in self.trees:
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(_i2)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.text)
return _h % 0x7fffffff
def __compare(self, other):
if other is None:
return 1
elif not isinstance(other, _M_Murmur.TextMessage):
return NotImplemented
if self.sessions is None or other.sessions is None:
if self.sessions != other.sessions:
return (-1 if self.sessions is None else 1)
if self.sessions < other.sessions:
return -1
elif self.sessions > other.sessions:
return 1
if self.channels is None or other.channels is None:
if self.channels != other.channels:
return (-1 if self.channels is None else 1)
if self.channels < other.channels:
return -1
elif self.channels > other.channels:
return 1
if self.trees is None or other.trees is None:
if self.trees != other.trees:
return (-1 if self.trees is None else 1)
if self.trees < other.trees:
return -1
elif self.trees > other.trees:
return 1
if self.text is None or other.text is None:
if self.text != other.text:
return (-1 if self.text is None else 1)
if self.text < other.text:
return -1
elif self.text > other.text:
return 1
return 0
def __lt__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r < 0
def __le__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r <= 0
def __gt__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r > 0
def __ge__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r >= 0
def __eq__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r == 0
def __ne__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r != 0
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringify(self, _M_Murmur._t_TextMessage)
__repr__ = __str__
_M_Murmur._t_TextMessage = IcePy.defineStruct('::Murmur::TextMessage', TextMessage, (), (
('sessions', (), _M_Murmur._t_IntList),
('channels', (), _M_Murmur._t_IntList),
('trees', (), _M_Murmur._t_IntList),
('text', (), IcePy._t_string)
_M_Murmur.TextMessage = TextMessage
del TextMessage
if 'Channel' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.Channel = Ice.createTempClass()
class Channel(object):
'''A channel.'''
def __init__(self, id=0, name='', parent=0, links=None, description='', temporary=False, position=0): = id = name
self.parent = parent
self.links = links
self.description = description
self.temporary = temporary
self.position = position
def __hash__(self):
_h = 0
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.parent)
if self.links:
for _i0 in self.links:
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(_i0)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.description)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.temporary)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.position)
return _h % 0x7fffffff
def __compare(self, other):
if other is None:
return 1
elif not isinstance(other, _M_Murmur.Channel):
return NotImplemented
if is None or is None:
if !=
return (-1 if is None else 1)
if <
return -1
elif >
return 1
if is None or is None:
if !=
return (-1 if is None else 1)
if <
return -1
elif >
return 1
if self.parent is None or other.parent is None:
if self.parent != other.parent:
return (-1 if self.parent is None else 1)
if self.parent < other.parent:
return -1
elif self.parent > other.parent:
return 1
if self.links is None or other.links is None:
if self.links != other.links:
return (-1 if self.links is None else 1)
if self.links < other.links:
return -1
elif self.links > other.links:
return 1
if self.description is None or other.description is None:
if self.description != other.description:
return (-1 if self.description is None else 1)
if self.description < other.description:
return -1
elif self.description > other.description:
return 1
if self.temporary is None or other.temporary is None:
if self.temporary != other.temporary:
return (-1 if self.temporary is None else 1)
if self.temporary < other.temporary:
return -1
elif self.temporary > other.temporary:
return 1
if self.position is None or other.position is None:
if self.position != other.position:
return (-1 if self.position is None else 1)
if self.position < other.position:
return -1
elif self.position > other.position:
return 1
return 0
def __lt__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r < 0
def __le__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r <= 0
def __gt__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r > 0
def __ge__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r >= 0
def __eq__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r == 0
def __ne__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r != 0
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringify(self, _M_Murmur._t_Channel)
__repr__ = __str__
_M_Murmur._t_Channel = IcePy.defineStruct('::Murmur::Channel', Channel, (), (
('id', (), IcePy._t_int),
('name', (), IcePy._t_string),
('parent', (), IcePy._t_int),
('links', (), _M_Murmur._t_IntList),
('description', (), IcePy._t_string),
('temporary', (), IcePy._t_bool),
('position', (), IcePy._t_int)
_M_Murmur.Channel = Channel
del Channel
if 'Group' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.Group = Ice.createTempClass()
class Group(object):
'''A group. Groups are defined per channel, and can inherit members from parent channels.'''
def __init__(self, name='', inherited=False, inherit=False, inheritable=False, add=None, remove=None, members=None): = name
self.inherited = inherited
self.inherit = inherit
self.inheritable = inheritable
self.add = add
self.remove = remove
self.members = members
def __hash__(self):
_h = 0
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.inherited)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.inherit)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.inheritable)
if self.add:
for _i0 in self.add:
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(_i0)
if self.remove:
for _i1 in self.remove:
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(_i1)
if self.members:
for _i2 in self.members:
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(_i2)
return _h % 0x7fffffff
def __compare(self, other):
if other is None:
return 1
elif not isinstance(other, _M_Murmur.Group):
return NotImplemented
if is None or is None:
if !=
return (-1 if is None else 1)
if <
return -1
elif >
return 1
if self.inherited is None or other.inherited is None:
if self.inherited != other.inherited:
return (-1 if self.inherited is None else 1)
if self.inherited < other.inherited:
return -1
elif self.inherited > other.inherited:
return 1
if self.inherit is None or other.inherit is None:
if self.inherit != other.inherit:
return (-1 if self.inherit is None else 1)
if self.inherit < other.inherit:
return -1
elif self.inherit > other.inherit:
return 1
if self.inheritable is None or other.inheritable is None:
if self.inheritable != other.inheritable:
return (-1 if self.inheritable is None else 1)
if self.inheritable < other.inheritable:
return -1
elif self.inheritable > other.inheritable:
return 1
if self.add is None or other.add is None:
if self.add != other.add:
return (-1 if self.add is None else 1)
if self.add < other.add:
return -1
elif self.add > other.add:
return 1
if self.remove is None or other.remove is None:
if self.remove != other.remove:
return (-1 if self.remove is None else 1)
if self.remove < other.remove:
return -1
elif self.remove > other.remove:
return 1
if self.members is None or other.members is None:
if self.members != other.members:
return (-1 if self.members is None else 1)
if self.members < other.members:
return -1
elif self.members > other.members:
return 1
return 0
def __lt__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r < 0
def __le__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r <= 0
def __gt__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r > 0
def __ge__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r >= 0
def __eq__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r == 0
def __ne__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r != 0
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringify(self, _M_Murmur._t_Group)
__repr__ = __str__
_M_Murmur._t_Group = IcePy.defineStruct('::Murmur::Group', Group, (), (
('name', (), IcePy._t_string),
('inherited', (), IcePy._t_bool),
('inherit', (), IcePy._t_bool),
('inheritable', (), IcePy._t_bool),
('add', (), _M_Murmur._t_IntList),
('remove', (), _M_Murmur._t_IntList),
('members', (), _M_Murmur._t_IntList)
_M_Murmur.Group = Group
del Group
_M_Murmur.PermissionWrite = 1
_M_Murmur.PermissionTraverse = 2
_M_Murmur.PermissionEnter = 4
_M_Murmur.PermissionSpeak = 8
_M_Murmur.PermissionWhisper = 256
_M_Murmur.PermissionMuteDeafen = 16
_M_Murmur.PermissionMove = 32
_M_Murmur.PermissionMakeChannel = 64
_M_Murmur.PermissionMakeTempChannel = 1024
_M_Murmur.PermissionLinkChannel = 128
_M_Murmur.PermissionTextMessage = 512
_M_Murmur.PermissionKick = 65536
_M_Murmur.PermissionBan = 131072
_M_Murmur.PermissionRegister = 262144
_M_Murmur.PermissionRegisterSelf = 524288
if 'ACL' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.ACL = Ice.createTempClass()
class ACL(object):
'''Access Control List for a channel. ACLs are defined per channel, and can be inherited from parent channels.'''
def __init__(self, applyHere=False, applySubs=False, inherited=False, userid=0, group='', allow=0, deny=0):
self.applyHere = applyHere
self.applySubs = applySubs
self.inherited = inherited
self.userid = userid = group
self.allow = allow
self.deny = deny
def __hash__(self):
_h = 0
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.applyHere)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.applySubs)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.inherited)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.userid)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.allow)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.deny)
return _h % 0x7fffffff
def __compare(self, other):
if other is None:
return 1
elif not isinstance(other, _M_Murmur.ACL):
return NotImplemented
if self.applyHere is None or other.applyHere is None:
if self.applyHere != other.applyHere:
return (-1 if self.applyHere is None else 1)
if self.applyHere < other.applyHere:
return -1
elif self.applyHere > other.applyHere:
return 1
if self.applySubs is None or other.applySubs is None:
if self.applySubs != other.applySubs:
return (-1 if self.applySubs is None else 1)
if self.applySubs < other.applySubs:
return -1
elif self.applySubs > other.applySubs:
return 1
if self.inherited is None or other.inherited is None:
if self.inherited != other.inherited:
return (-1 if self.inherited is None else 1)
if self.inherited < other.inherited:
return -1
elif self.inherited > other.inherited:
return 1
if self.userid is None or other.userid is None:
if self.userid != other.userid:
return (-1 if self.userid is None else 1)
if self.userid < other.userid:
return -1
elif self.userid > other.userid:
return 1
if is None or is None:
if !=
return (-1 if is None else 1)
if <
return -1
elif >
return 1
if self.allow is None or other.allow is None:
if self.allow != other.allow:
return (-1 if self.allow is None else 1)
if self.allow < other.allow:
return -1
elif self.allow > other.allow:
return 1
if self.deny is None or other.deny is None:
if self.deny != other.deny:
return (-1 if self.deny is None else 1)
if self.deny < other.deny:
return -1
elif self.deny > other.deny:
return 1
return 0
def __lt__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r < 0
def __le__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r <= 0
def __gt__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r > 0
def __ge__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r >= 0
def __eq__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r == 0
def __ne__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r != 0
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringify(self, _M_Murmur._t_ACL)
__repr__ = __str__
_M_Murmur._t_ACL = IcePy.defineStruct('::Murmur::ACL', ACL, (), (
('applyHere', (), IcePy._t_bool),
('applySubs', (), IcePy._t_bool),
('inherited', (), IcePy._t_bool),
('userid', (), IcePy._t_int),
('group', (), IcePy._t_string),
('allow', (), IcePy._t_int),
('deny', (), IcePy._t_int)
_M_Murmur.ACL = ACL
del ACL
if 'Ban' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.Ban = Ice.createTempClass()
class Ban(object):
'''A single ip mask for a ban.'''
def __init__(self, address=None, bits=0, name='', hash='', reason='', start=0, duration=0):
self.address = address
self.bits = bits = name
self.hash = hash
self.reason = reason
self.start = start
self.duration = duration
def __hash__(self):
_h = 0
if self.address:
for _i0 in self.address:
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(_i0)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.bits)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.hash)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.reason)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.start)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.duration)
return _h % 0x7fffffff
def __compare(self, other):
if other is None:
return 1
elif not isinstance(other, _M_Murmur.Ban):
return NotImplemented
if self.address is None or other.address is None:
if self.address != other.address:
return (-1 if self.address is None else 1)
if self.address < other.address:
return -1
elif self.address > other.address:
return 1
if self.bits is None or other.bits is None:
if self.bits != other.bits:
return (-1 if self.bits is None else 1)
if self.bits < other.bits:
return -1
elif self.bits > other.bits:
return 1
if is None or is None:
if !=
return (-1 if is None else 1)
if <
return -1
elif >
return 1
if self.hash is None or other.hash is None:
if self.hash != other.hash:
return (-1 if self.hash is None else 1)
if self.hash < other.hash:
return -1
elif self.hash > other.hash:
return 1
if self.reason is None or other.reason is None:
if self.reason != other.reason:
return (-1 if self.reason is None else 1)
if self.reason < other.reason:
return -1
elif self.reason > other.reason:
return 1
if self.start is None or other.start is None:
if self.start != other.start:
return (-1 if self.start is None else 1)
if self.start < other.start:
return -1
elif self.start > other.start:
return 1
if self.duration is None or other.duration is None:
if self.duration != other.duration:
return (-1 if self.duration is None else 1)
if self.duration < other.duration:
return -1
elif self.duration > other.duration:
return 1
return 0
def __lt__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r < 0
def __le__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r <= 0
def __gt__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r > 0
def __ge__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r >= 0
def __eq__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r == 0
def __ne__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r != 0
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringify(self, _M_Murmur._t_Ban)
__repr__ = __str__
_M_Murmur._t_Ban = IcePy.defineStruct('::Murmur::Ban', Ban, (), (
('address', (), _M_Murmur._t_NetAddress),
('bits', (), IcePy._t_int),
('name', (), IcePy._t_string),
('hash', (), IcePy._t_string),
('reason', (), IcePy._t_string),
('start', (), IcePy._t_int),
('duration', (), IcePy._t_int)
_M_Murmur.Ban = Ban
del Ban
if 'LogEntry' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.LogEntry = Ice.createTempClass()
class LogEntry(object):
'''A entry in the log.'''
def __init__(self, timestamp=0, txt=''):
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.txt = txt
def __hash__(self):
_h = 0
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.timestamp)
_h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.txt)
return _h % 0x7fffffff
def __compare(self, other):
if other is None:
return 1
elif not isinstance(other, _M_Murmur.LogEntry):
return NotImplemented
if self.timestamp is None or other.timestamp is None:
if self.timestamp != other.timestamp:
return (-1 if self.timestamp is None else 1)
if self.timestamp < other.timestamp:
return -1
elif self.timestamp > other.timestamp:
return 1
if self.txt is None or other.txt is None:
if self.txt != other.txt:
return (-1 if self.txt is None else 1)
if self.txt < other.txt:
return -1
elif self.txt > other.txt:
return 1
return 0
def __lt__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r < 0
def __le__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r <= 0
def __gt__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r > 0
def __ge__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r >= 0
def __eq__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r == 0
def __ne__(self, other):
r = self.__compare(other)
if r is NotImplemented:
return r
return r != 0
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringify(self, _M_Murmur._t_LogEntry)
__repr__ = __str__
_M_Murmur._t_LogEntry = IcePy.defineStruct('::Murmur::LogEntry', LogEntry, (), (
('timestamp', (), IcePy._t_int),
('txt', (), IcePy._t_string)
_M_Murmur.LogEntry = LogEntry
del LogEntry
if 'Tree' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_Tree = IcePy.declareClass('::Murmur::Tree')
_M_Murmur._t_TreePrx = IcePy.declareProxy('::Murmur::Tree')
if '_t_TreeList' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_TreeList = IcePy.defineSequence('::Murmur::TreeList', (), _M_Murmur._t_Tree)
if 'ChannelInfo' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.ChannelInfo = Ice.createTempClass()
class ChannelInfo(Ice.EnumBase):
def __init__(self, _n, _v):
Ice.EnumBase.__init__(self, _n, _v)
def valueOf(self, _n):
if _n in self._enumerators:
return self._enumerators[_n]
return None
valueOf = classmethod(valueOf)
ChannelInfo.ChannelDescription = ChannelInfo("ChannelDescription", 0)
ChannelInfo.ChannelPosition = ChannelInfo("ChannelPosition", 1)
ChannelInfo._enumerators = { 0:ChannelInfo.ChannelDescription, 1:ChannelInfo.ChannelPosition }
_M_Murmur._t_ChannelInfo = IcePy.defineEnum('::Murmur::ChannelInfo', ChannelInfo, (), ChannelInfo._enumerators)
_M_Murmur.ChannelInfo = ChannelInfo
del ChannelInfo
if 'UserInfo' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.UserInfo = Ice.createTempClass()
class UserInfo(Ice.EnumBase):
def __init__(self, _n, _v):
Ice.EnumBase.__init__(self, _n, _v)
def valueOf(self, _n):
if _n in self._enumerators:
return self._enumerators[_n]
return None
valueOf = classmethod(valueOf)
UserInfo.UserName = UserInfo("UserName", 0)
UserInfo.UserEmail = UserInfo("UserEmail", 1)
UserInfo.UserComment = UserInfo("UserComment", 2)
UserInfo.UserHash = UserInfo("UserHash", 3)
UserInfo.UserPassword = UserInfo("UserPassword", 4)
UserInfo.UserLastActive = UserInfo("UserLastActive", 5)
UserInfo._enumerators = { 0:UserInfo.UserName, 1:UserInfo.UserEmail, 2:UserInfo.UserComment, 3:UserInfo.UserHash, 4:UserInfo.UserPassword, 5:UserInfo.UserLastActive }
_M_Murmur._t_UserInfo = IcePy.defineEnum('::Murmur::UserInfo', UserInfo, (), UserInfo._enumerators)
_M_Murmur.UserInfo = UserInfo
del UserInfo
if '_t_UserMap' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_UserMap = IcePy.defineDictionary('::Murmur::UserMap', (), IcePy._t_int, _M_Murmur._t_User)
if '_t_ChannelMap' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_ChannelMap = IcePy.defineDictionary('::Murmur::ChannelMap', (), IcePy._t_int, _M_Murmur._t_Channel)
if '_t_ChannelList' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_ChannelList = IcePy.defineSequence('::Murmur::ChannelList', (), _M_Murmur._t_Channel)
if '_t_UserList' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_UserList = IcePy.defineSequence('::Murmur::UserList', (), _M_Murmur._t_User)
if '_t_GroupList' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_GroupList = IcePy.defineSequence('::Murmur::GroupList', (), _M_Murmur._t_Group)
if '_t_ACLList' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_ACLList = IcePy.defineSequence('::Murmur::ACLList', (), _M_Murmur._t_ACL)
if '_t_LogList' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_LogList = IcePy.defineSequence('::Murmur::LogList', (), _M_Murmur._t_LogEntry)
if '_t_BanList' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_BanList = IcePy.defineSequence('::Murmur::BanList', (), _M_Murmur._t_Ban)
if '_t_IdList' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_IdList = IcePy.defineSequence('::Murmur::IdList', (), IcePy._t_int)
if '_t_NameList' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_NameList = IcePy.defineSequence('::Murmur::NameList', (), IcePy._t_string)
if '_t_NameMap' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_NameMap = IcePy.defineDictionary('::Murmur::NameMap', (), IcePy._t_int, IcePy._t_string)
if '_t_IdMap' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_IdMap = IcePy.defineDictionary('::Murmur::IdMap', (), IcePy._t_string, IcePy._t_int)
if '_t_Texture' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_Texture = IcePy.defineSequence('::Murmur::Texture', (), IcePy._t_byte)
if '_t_ConfigMap' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_ConfigMap = IcePy.defineDictionary('::Murmur::ConfigMap', (), IcePy._t_string, IcePy._t_string)
if '_t_GroupNameList' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_GroupNameList = IcePy.defineSequence('::Murmur::GroupNameList', (), IcePy._t_string)
if '_t_CertificateDer' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_CertificateDer = IcePy.defineSequence('::Murmur::CertificateDer', (), IcePy._t_byte)
if '_t_CertificateList' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_CertificateList = IcePy.defineSequence('::Murmur::CertificateList', (), _M_Murmur._t_CertificateDer)
if '_t_UserInfoMap' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_UserInfoMap = IcePy.defineDictionary('::Murmur::UserInfoMap', (), _M_Murmur._t_UserInfo, IcePy._t_string)
if 'Tree' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.Tree = Ice.createTempClass()
class Tree(Ice.Object):
'''User and subchannel state. Read-only.'''
def __init__(self, c=Ice._struct_marker, children=None, users=None):
if c is Ice._struct_marker:
self.c = _M_Murmur.Channel()
self.c = c
self.children = children
self.users = users
def ice_ids(self, current=None):
return ('::Ice::Object', '::Murmur::Tree')
def ice_id(self, current=None):
return '::Murmur::Tree'
def ice_staticId():
return '::Murmur::Tree'
ice_staticId = staticmethod(ice_staticId)
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringify(self, _M_Murmur._t_Tree)
__repr__ = __str__
_M_Murmur.TreePrx = Ice.createTempClass()
class TreePrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
def checkedCast(proxy, facetOrCtx=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.TreePrx.ice_checkedCast(proxy, '::Murmur::Tree', facetOrCtx, _ctx)
checkedCast = staticmethod(checkedCast)
def uncheckedCast(proxy, facet=None):
return _M_Murmur.TreePrx.ice_uncheckedCast(proxy, facet)
uncheckedCast = staticmethod(uncheckedCast)
_M_Murmur._t_TreePrx = IcePy.defineProxy('::Murmur::Tree', TreePrx)
_M_Murmur._t_Tree = IcePy.defineClass('::Murmur::Tree', Tree, -1, (), False, False, None, (), (
('c', (), _M_Murmur._t_Channel, False, 0),
('children', (), _M_Murmur._t_TreeList, False, 0),
('users', (), _M_Murmur._t_UserList, False, 0)
Tree._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_Tree
_M_Murmur.Tree = Tree
del Tree
_M_Murmur.TreePrx = TreePrx
del TreePrx
if 'MurmurException' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.MurmurException = Ice.createTempClass()
class MurmurException(Ice.UserException):
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringifyException(self)
__repr__ = __str__
_ice_name = 'Murmur::MurmurException'
_M_Murmur._t_MurmurException = IcePy.defineException('::Murmur::MurmurException', MurmurException, (), False, None, ())
MurmurException._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_MurmurException
_M_Murmur.MurmurException = MurmurException
del MurmurException
if 'InvalidSessionException' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.InvalidSessionException = Ice.createTempClass()
class InvalidSessionException(_M_Murmur.MurmurException):
'''This is thrown when you specify an invalid session. This may happen if the user has disconnected since your last call to Server.getUsers. See User.session'''
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringifyException(self)
__repr__ = __str__
_ice_name = 'Murmur::InvalidSessionException'
_M_Murmur._t_InvalidSessionException = IcePy.defineException('::Murmur::InvalidSessionException', InvalidSessionException, (), False, _M_Murmur._t_MurmurException, ())
InvalidSessionException._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSessionException
_M_Murmur.InvalidSessionException = InvalidSessionException
del InvalidSessionException
if 'InvalidChannelException' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.InvalidChannelException = Ice.createTempClass()
class InvalidChannelException(_M_Murmur.MurmurException):
'''This is thrown when you specify an invalid channel id. This may happen if the channel was removed by another provess. It can also be thrown if you try to add an invalid channel.'''
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringifyException(self)
__repr__ = __str__
_ice_name = 'Murmur::InvalidChannelException'
_M_Murmur._t_InvalidChannelException = IcePy.defineException('::Murmur::InvalidChannelException', InvalidChannelException, (), False, _M_Murmur._t_MurmurException, ())
InvalidChannelException._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_InvalidChannelException
_M_Murmur.InvalidChannelException = InvalidChannelException
del InvalidChannelException
if 'InvalidServerException' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.InvalidServerException = Ice.createTempClass()
class InvalidServerException(_M_Murmur.MurmurException):
'''This is thrown when you try to do an operation on a server that does not exist. This may happen if someone has removed the server.'''
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringifyException(self)
__repr__ = __str__
_ice_name = 'Murmur::InvalidServerException'
_M_Murmur._t_InvalidServerException = IcePy.defineException('::Murmur::InvalidServerException', InvalidServerException, (), False, _M_Murmur._t_MurmurException, ())
InvalidServerException._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_InvalidServerException
_M_Murmur.InvalidServerException = InvalidServerException
del InvalidServerException
if 'ServerBootedException' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.ServerBootedException = Ice.createTempClass()
class ServerBootedException(_M_Murmur.MurmurException):
'''This happens if you try to fetch user or channel state on a stopped server, if you try to stop an already stopped server or start an already started server.'''
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringifyException(self)
__repr__ = __str__
_ice_name = 'Murmur::ServerBootedException'
_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException = IcePy.defineException('::Murmur::ServerBootedException', ServerBootedException, (), False, _M_Murmur._t_MurmurException, ())
ServerBootedException._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException
_M_Murmur.ServerBootedException = ServerBootedException
del ServerBootedException
if 'ServerFailureException' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.ServerFailureException = Ice.createTempClass()
class ServerFailureException(_M_Murmur.MurmurException):
'''This is thrown if Server.start fails, and should generally be the cause for some concern.'''
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringifyException(self)
__repr__ = __str__
_ice_name = 'Murmur::ServerFailureException'
_M_Murmur._t_ServerFailureException = IcePy.defineException('::Murmur::ServerFailureException', ServerFailureException, (), False, _M_Murmur._t_MurmurException, ())
ServerFailureException._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_ServerFailureException
_M_Murmur.ServerFailureException = ServerFailureException
del ServerFailureException
if 'InvalidUserException' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.InvalidUserException = Ice.createTempClass()
class InvalidUserException(_M_Murmur.MurmurException):
'''This is thrown when you specify an invalid userid.'''
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringifyException(self)
__repr__ = __str__
_ice_name = 'Murmur::InvalidUserException'
_M_Murmur._t_InvalidUserException = IcePy.defineException('::Murmur::InvalidUserException', InvalidUserException, (), False, _M_Murmur._t_MurmurException, ())
InvalidUserException._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_InvalidUserException
_M_Murmur.InvalidUserException = InvalidUserException
del InvalidUserException
if 'InvalidTextureException' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.InvalidTextureException = Ice.createTempClass()
class InvalidTextureException(_M_Murmur.MurmurException):
'''This is thrown when you try to set an invalid texture.'''
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringifyException(self)
__repr__ = __str__
_ice_name = 'Murmur::InvalidTextureException'
_M_Murmur._t_InvalidTextureException = IcePy.defineException('::Murmur::InvalidTextureException', InvalidTextureException, (), False, _M_Murmur._t_MurmurException, ())
InvalidTextureException._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_InvalidTextureException
_M_Murmur.InvalidTextureException = InvalidTextureException
del InvalidTextureException
if 'InvalidCallbackException' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.InvalidCallbackException = Ice.createTempClass()
class InvalidCallbackException(_M_Murmur.MurmurException):
'''This is thrown when you supply an invalid callback.'''
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringifyException(self)
__repr__ = __str__
_ice_name = 'Murmur::InvalidCallbackException'
_M_Murmur._t_InvalidCallbackException = IcePy.defineException('::Murmur::InvalidCallbackException', InvalidCallbackException, (), False, _M_Murmur._t_MurmurException, ())
InvalidCallbackException._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_InvalidCallbackException
_M_Murmur.InvalidCallbackException = InvalidCallbackException
del InvalidCallbackException
if 'InvalidSecretException' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.InvalidSecretException = Ice.createTempClass()
class InvalidSecretException(_M_Murmur.MurmurException):
'''This is thrown when you supply the wrong secret in the calling context.'''
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringifyException(self)
__repr__ = __str__
_ice_name = 'Murmur::InvalidSecretException'
_M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException = IcePy.defineException('::Murmur::InvalidSecretException', InvalidSecretException, (), False, _M_Murmur._t_MurmurException, ())
InvalidSecretException._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException
_M_Murmur.InvalidSecretException = InvalidSecretException
del InvalidSecretException
if 'NestingLimitException' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.NestingLimitException = Ice.createTempClass()
class NestingLimitException(_M_Murmur.MurmurException):
'''This is thrown when the channel operation would excede the channel nesting limit'''
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringifyException(self)
__repr__ = __str__
_ice_name = 'Murmur::NestingLimitException'
_M_Murmur._t_NestingLimitException = IcePy.defineException('::Murmur::NestingLimitException', NestingLimitException, (), False, _M_Murmur._t_MurmurException, ())
NestingLimitException._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_NestingLimitException
_M_Murmur.NestingLimitException = NestingLimitException
del NestingLimitException
if 'WriteOnlyException' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.WriteOnlyException = Ice.createTempClass()
class WriteOnlyException(_M_Murmur.MurmurException):
'''This is thrown when you ask the server to disclose something that should be secret.'''
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringifyException(self)
__repr__ = __str__
_ice_name = 'Murmur::WriteOnlyException'
_M_Murmur._t_WriteOnlyException = IcePy.defineException('::Murmur::WriteOnlyException', WriteOnlyException, (), False, _M_Murmur._t_MurmurException, ())
WriteOnlyException._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_WriteOnlyException
_M_Murmur.WriteOnlyException = WriteOnlyException
del WriteOnlyException
if 'ServerCallback' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.ServerCallback = Ice.createTempClass()
class ServerCallback(Ice.Object):
'''Callback interface for servers. You can supply an implementation of this to receive notification
messages from the server.
If an added callback ever throws an exception or goes away, it will be automatically removed.
Please note that all callbacks are done asynchronously; murmur does not wait for the callback to
complete before continuing processing.
Note that callbacks are removed when a server is stopped, so you should have a callback for
MetaCallback.started which calls Server.addCallback.'''
def __init__(self):
if Ice.getType(self) == _M_Murmur.ServerCallback:
raise RuntimeError('Murmur.ServerCallback is an abstract class')
def ice_ids(self, current=None):
return ('::Ice::Object', '::Murmur::ServerCallback')
def ice_id(self, current=None):
return '::Murmur::ServerCallback'
def ice_staticId():
return '::Murmur::ServerCallback'
ice_staticId = staticmethod(ice_staticId)
def userConnected(self, state, current=None):
'''Called when a user connects to the server.
state State of connected user.'''
def userDisconnected(self, state, current=None):
'''Called when a user disconnects from the server. The user has already been removed, so you can no longer use methods like Server.getState
to retrieve the user's state.
state State of disconnected user.'''
def userStateChanged(self, state, current=None):
'''Called when a user state changes. This is called if the user moves, is renamed, is muted, deafened etc.
state New state of user.'''
def userTextMessage(self, state, message, current=None):
'''Called when user writes a text message
state the User sending the message
message the TextMessage the user has sent'''
def channelCreated(self, state, current=None):
'''Called when a new channel is created.
state State of new channel.'''
def channelRemoved(self, state, current=None):
'''Called when a channel is removed. The channel has already been removed, you can no longer use methods like Server.getChannelState
state State of removed channel.'''
def channelStateChanged(self, state, current=None):
'''Called when a new channel state changes. This is called if the channel is moved, renamed or if new links are added.
state New state of channel.'''
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringify(self, _M_Murmur._t_ServerCallback)
__repr__ = __str__
_M_Murmur.ServerCallbackPrx = Ice.createTempClass()
class ServerCallbackPrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
'''Called when a user connects to the server.
state State of connected user.'''
def userConnected(self, state, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_userConnected.invoke(self, ((state, ), _ctx))
'''Called when a user connects to the server.
state State of connected user.'''
def begin_userConnected(self, state, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_userConnected.begin(self, ((state, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Called when a user connects to the server.
state State of connected user.'''
def end_userConnected(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_userConnected.end(self, _r)
'''Called when a user disconnects from the server. The user has already been removed, so you can no longer use methods like Server.getState
to retrieve the user's state.
state State of disconnected user.'''
def userDisconnected(self, state, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_userDisconnected.invoke(self, ((state, ), _ctx))
'''Called when a user disconnects from the server. The user has already been removed, so you can no longer use methods like Server.getState
to retrieve the user's state.
state State of disconnected user.'''
def begin_userDisconnected(self, state, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_userDisconnected.begin(self, ((state, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Called when a user disconnects from the server. The user has already been removed, so you can no longer use methods like Server.getState
to retrieve the user's state.
state State of disconnected user.'''
def end_userDisconnected(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_userDisconnected.end(self, _r)
'''Called when a user state changes. This is called if the user moves, is renamed, is muted, deafened etc.
state New state of user.'''
def userStateChanged(self, state, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_userStateChanged.invoke(self, ((state, ), _ctx))
'''Called when a user state changes. This is called if the user moves, is renamed, is muted, deafened etc.
state New state of user.'''
def begin_userStateChanged(self, state, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_userStateChanged.begin(self, ((state, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Called when a user state changes. This is called if the user moves, is renamed, is muted, deafened etc.
state New state of user.'''
def end_userStateChanged(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_userStateChanged.end(self, _r)
'''Called when user writes a text message
state the User sending the message
message the TextMessage the user has sent'''
def userTextMessage(self, state, message, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_userTextMessage.invoke(self, ((state, message), _ctx))
'''Called when user writes a text message
state the User sending the message
message the TextMessage the user has sent'''
def begin_userTextMessage(self, state, message, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_userTextMessage.begin(self, ((state, message), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Called when user writes a text message
state the User sending the message
message the TextMessage the user has sent'''
def end_userTextMessage(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_userTextMessage.end(self, _r)
'''Called when a new channel is created.
state State of new channel.'''
def channelCreated(self, state, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_channelCreated.invoke(self, ((state, ), _ctx))
'''Called when a new channel is created.
state State of new channel.'''
def begin_channelCreated(self, state, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_channelCreated.begin(self, ((state, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Called when a new channel is created.
state State of new channel.'''
def end_channelCreated(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_channelCreated.end(self, _r)
'''Called when a channel is removed. The channel has already been removed, you can no longer use methods like Server.getChannelState
state State of removed channel.'''
def channelRemoved(self, state, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_channelRemoved.invoke(self, ((state, ), _ctx))
'''Called when a channel is removed. The channel has already been removed, you can no longer use methods like Server.getChannelState
state State of removed channel.'''
def begin_channelRemoved(self, state, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_channelRemoved.begin(self, ((state, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Called when a channel is removed. The channel has already been removed, you can no longer use methods like Server.getChannelState
state State of removed channel.'''
def end_channelRemoved(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_channelRemoved.end(self, _r)
'''Called when a new channel state changes. This is called if the channel is moved, renamed or if new links are added.
state New state of channel.'''
def channelStateChanged(self, state, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_channelStateChanged.invoke(self, ((state, ), _ctx))
'''Called when a new channel state changes. This is called if the channel is moved, renamed or if new links are added.
state New state of channel.'''
def begin_channelStateChanged(self, state, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_channelStateChanged.begin(self, ((state, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Called when a new channel state changes. This is called if the channel is moved, renamed or if new links are added.
state New state of channel.'''
def end_channelStateChanged(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallback._op_channelStateChanged.end(self, _r)
def checkedCast(proxy, facetOrCtx=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallbackPrx.ice_checkedCast(proxy, '::Murmur::ServerCallback', facetOrCtx, _ctx)
checkedCast = staticmethod(checkedCast)
def uncheckedCast(proxy, facet=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerCallbackPrx.ice_uncheckedCast(proxy, facet)
uncheckedCast = staticmethod(uncheckedCast)
_M_Murmur._t_ServerCallbackPrx = IcePy.defineProxy('::Murmur::ServerCallback', ServerCallbackPrx)
_M_Murmur._t_ServerCallback = IcePy.defineClass('::Murmur::ServerCallback', ServerCallback, -1, (), True, False, None, (), ())
ServerCallback._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_ServerCallback
ServerCallback._op_userConnected = IcePy.Operation('userConnected', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, False, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_User, False, 0),), (), None, ())
ServerCallback._op_userDisconnected = IcePy.Operation('userDisconnected', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, False, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_User, False, 0),), (), None, ())
ServerCallback._op_userStateChanged = IcePy.Operation('userStateChanged', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, False, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_User, False, 0),), (), None, ())
ServerCallback._op_userTextMessage = IcePy.Operation('userTextMessage', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, False, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_User, False, 0), ((), _M_Murmur._t_TextMessage, False, 0)), (), None, ())
ServerCallback._op_channelCreated = IcePy.Operation('channelCreated', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, False, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_Channel, False, 0),), (), None, ())
ServerCallback._op_channelRemoved = IcePy.Operation('channelRemoved', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, False, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_Channel, False, 0),), (), None, ())
ServerCallback._op_channelStateChanged = IcePy.Operation('channelStateChanged', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, False, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_Channel, False, 0),), (), None, ())
_M_Murmur.ServerCallback = ServerCallback
del ServerCallback
_M_Murmur.ServerCallbackPrx = ServerCallbackPrx
del ServerCallbackPrx
_M_Murmur.ContextServer = 1
_M_Murmur.ContextChannel = 2
_M_Murmur.ContextUser = 4
if 'ServerContextCallback' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.ServerContextCallback = Ice.createTempClass()
class ServerContextCallback(Ice.Object):
'''Callback interface for context actions. You need to supply one of these for Server.addContext.
If an added callback ever throws an exception or goes away, it will be automatically removed.
Please note that all callbacks are done asynchronously; murmur does not wait for the callback to
complete before continuing processing.'''
def __init__(self):
if Ice.getType(self) == _M_Murmur.ServerContextCallback:
raise RuntimeError('Murmur.ServerContextCallback is an abstract class')
def ice_ids(self, current=None):
return ('::Ice::Object', '::Murmur::ServerContextCallback')
def ice_id(self, current=None):
return '::Murmur::ServerContextCallback'
def ice_staticId():
return '::Murmur::ServerContextCallback'
ice_staticId = staticmethod(ice_staticId)
def contextAction(self, action, usr, session, channelid, current=None):
'''Called when a context action is performed.
action Action to be performed.
usr User which initiated the action.
session If nonzero, session of target user.
channelid If not -1, id of target channel.'''
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringify(self, _M_Murmur._t_ServerContextCallback)
__repr__ = __str__
_M_Murmur.ServerContextCallbackPrx = Ice.createTempClass()
class ServerContextCallbackPrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
'''Called when a context action is performed.
action Action to be performed.
usr User which initiated the action.
session If nonzero, session of target user.
channelid If not -1, id of target channel.'''
def contextAction(self, action, usr, session, channelid, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerContextCallback._op_contextAction.invoke(self, ((action, usr, session, channelid), _ctx))
'''Called when a context action is performed.
action Action to be performed.
usr User which initiated the action.
session If nonzero, session of target user.
channelid If not -1, id of target channel.'''
def begin_contextAction(self, action, usr, session, channelid, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerContextCallback._op_contextAction.begin(self, ((action, usr, session, channelid), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Called when a context action is performed.
action Action to be performed.
usr User which initiated the action.
session If nonzero, session of target user.
channelid If not -1, id of target channel.'''
def end_contextAction(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerContextCallback._op_contextAction.end(self, _r)
def checkedCast(proxy, facetOrCtx=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerContextCallbackPrx.ice_checkedCast(proxy, '::Murmur::ServerContextCallback', facetOrCtx, _ctx)
checkedCast = staticmethod(checkedCast)
def uncheckedCast(proxy, facet=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerContextCallbackPrx.ice_uncheckedCast(proxy, facet)
uncheckedCast = staticmethod(uncheckedCast)
_M_Murmur._t_ServerContextCallbackPrx = IcePy.defineProxy('::Murmur::ServerContextCallback', ServerContextCallbackPrx)
_M_Murmur._t_ServerContextCallback = IcePy.defineClass('::Murmur::ServerContextCallback', ServerContextCallback, -1, (), True, False, None, (), ())
ServerContextCallback._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_ServerContextCallback
ServerContextCallback._op_contextAction = IcePy.Operation('contextAction', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, False, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0), ((), _M_Murmur._t_User, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0)), (), None, ())
_M_Murmur.ServerContextCallback = ServerContextCallback
del ServerContextCallback
_M_Murmur.ServerContextCallbackPrx = ServerContextCallbackPrx
del ServerContextCallbackPrx
if 'ServerAuthenticator' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator = Ice.createTempClass()
class ServerAuthenticator(Ice.Object):
'''Callback interface for server authentication. You need to supply one of these for Server.setAuthenticator.
If an added callback ever throws an exception or goes away, it will be automatically removed.
Please note that unlike ServerCallback and ServerContextCallback, these methods are called
synchronously. If the response lags, the entire murmur server will lag.
Also note that, as the method calls are synchronous, making a call to Server or Meta will
deadlock the server.'''
def __init__(self):
if Ice.getType(self) == _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator:
raise RuntimeError('Murmur.ServerAuthenticator is an abstract class')
def ice_ids(self, current=None):
return ('::Ice::Object', '::Murmur::ServerAuthenticator')
def ice_id(self, current=None):
return '::Murmur::ServerAuthenticator'
def ice_staticId():
return '::Murmur::ServerAuthenticator'
ice_staticId = staticmethod(ice_staticId)
def authenticate(self, name, pw, certificates, certhash, certstrong, current=None):
'''Called to authenticate a user. If you do not know the username in question, always return -2 from this
method to fall through to normal database authentication.
Note that if authentication succeeds, murmur will create a record of the user in it's database, reserving
the username and id so it cannot be used for normal database authentication.
The data in the certificate (name, email addresses etc), as well as the list of signing certificates,
should only be trusted if certstrong is true.
Internally, Murmur treats usernames as case-insensitive. It is recommended
that authenticators do the same. Murmur checks if a username is in use when
a user connects. If the connecting user is registered, the other username is
kicked. If the connecting user is not registered, the connecting user is not
allowed to join the server.
name Username to authenticate.
pw Password to authenticate with.
certificates List of der encoded certificates the user connected with.
certhash Hash of user certificate, as used by murmur internally when matching.
certstrong True if certificate was valid and signed by a trusted CA.
newname Set this to change the username from the supplied one.
groups List of groups on the root channel that the user will be added to for the duration of the connection.
UserID of authenticated user, -1 for authentication failures, -2 for unknown user (fallthrough),
-3 for authentication failures where the data could (temporarily) not be verified.'''
def getInfo(self, id, current=None):
'''Fetch information about a user. This is used to retrieve information like email address, keyhash etc. If you
want murmur to take care of this information itself, simply return false to fall through.
id User id.
info Information about user. This needs to include at least "name".
true if information is present, false to fall through.'''
def nameToId(self, name, current=None):
'''Map a name to a user id.
name Username to map.
User id or -2 for unknown name.'''
def idToName(self, id, current=None):
'''Map a user id to a username.
id User id to map.
Name of user or empty string for unknown id.'''
def idToTexture(self, id, current=None):
'''Map a user to a custom Texture.
id User id to map.
User texture or an empty texture for unknwon users or users without textures.'''
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringify(self, _M_Murmur._t_ServerAuthenticator)
__repr__ = __str__
_M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticatorPrx = Ice.createTempClass()
class ServerAuthenticatorPrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
'''Called to authenticate a user. If you do not know the username in question, always return -2 from this
method to fall through to normal database authentication.
Note that if authentication succeeds, murmur will create a record of the user in it's database, reserving
the username and id so it cannot be used for normal database authentication.
The data in the certificate (name, email addresses etc), as well as the list of signing certificates,
should only be trusted if certstrong is true.
Internally, Murmur treats usernames as case-insensitive. It is recommended
that authenticators do the same. Murmur checks if a username is in use when
a user connects. If the connecting user is registered, the other username is
kicked. If the connecting user is not registered, the connecting user is not
allowed to join the server.
name Username to authenticate.
pw Password to authenticate with.
certificates List of der encoded certificates the user connected with.
certhash Hash of user certificate, as used by murmur internally when matching.
certstrong True if certificate was valid and signed by a trusted CA.
newname Set this to change the username from the supplied one.
groups List of groups on the root channel that the user will be added to for the duration of the connection.
UserID of authenticated user, -1 for authentication failures, -2 for unknown user (fallthrough),
-3 for authentication failures where the data could (temporarily) not be verified.'''
def authenticate(self, name, pw, certificates, certhash, certstrong, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator._op_authenticate.invoke(self, ((name, pw, certificates, certhash, certstrong), _ctx))
'''Called to authenticate a user. If you do not know the username in question, always return -2 from this
method to fall through to normal database authentication.
Note that if authentication succeeds, murmur will create a record of the user in it's database, reserving
the username and id so it cannot be used for normal database authentication.
The data in the certificate (name, email addresses etc), as well as the list of signing certificates,
should only be trusted if certstrong is true.
Internally, Murmur treats usernames as case-insensitive. It is recommended
that authenticators do the same. Murmur checks if a username is in use when
a user connects. If the connecting user is registered, the other username is
kicked. If the connecting user is not registered, the connecting user is not
allowed to join the server.
name Username to authenticate.
pw Password to authenticate with.
certificates List of der encoded certificates the user connected with.
certhash Hash of user certificate, as used by murmur internally when matching.
certstrong True if certificate was valid and signed by a trusted CA.
newname Set this to change the username from the supplied one.
groups List of groups on the root channel that the user will be added to for the duration of the connection.
UserID of authenticated user, -1 for authentication failures, -2 for unknown user (fallthrough),
-3 for authentication failures where the data could (temporarily) not be verified.'''
def begin_authenticate(self, name, pw, certificates, certhash, certstrong, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator._op_authenticate.begin(self, ((name, pw, certificates, certhash, certstrong), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Called to authenticate a user. If you do not know the username in question, always return -2 from this
method to fall through to normal database authentication.
Note that if authentication succeeds, murmur will create a record of the user in it's database, reserving
the username and id so it cannot be used for normal database authentication.
The data in the certificate (name, email addresses etc), as well as the list of signing certificates,
should only be trusted if certstrong is true.
Internally, Murmur treats usernames as case-insensitive. It is recommended
that authenticators do the same. Murmur checks if a username is in use when
a user connects. If the connecting user is registered, the other username is
kicked. If the connecting user is not registered, the connecting user is not
allowed to join the server.
name Username to authenticate.
pw Password to authenticate with.
certificates List of der encoded certificates the user connected with.
certhash Hash of user certificate, as used by murmur internally when matching.
certstrong True if certificate was valid and signed by a trusted CA.
newname Set this to change the username from the supplied one.
groups List of groups on the root channel that the user will be added to for the duration of the connection.
UserID of authenticated user, -1 for authentication failures, -2 for unknown user (fallthrough),
-3 for authentication failures where the data could (temporarily) not be verified.'''
def end_authenticate(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator._op_authenticate.end(self, _r)
'''Fetch information about a user. This is used to retrieve information like email address, keyhash etc. If you
want murmur to take care of this information itself, simply return false to fall through.
id User id.
info Information about user. This needs to include at least "name".
true if information is present, false to fall through.'''
def getInfo(self, id, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator._op_getInfo.invoke(self, ((id, ), _ctx))
'''Fetch information about a user. This is used to retrieve information like email address, keyhash etc. If you
want murmur to take care of this information itself, simply return false to fall through.
id User id.
info Information about user. This needs to include at least "name".
true if information is present, false to fall through.'''
def begin_getInfo(self, id, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator._op_getInfo.begin(self, ((id, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch information about a user. This is used to retrieve information like email address, keyhash etc. If you
want murmur to take care of this information itself, simply return false to fall through.
id User id.
info Information about user. This needs to include at least "name".
true if information is present, false to fall through.'''
def end_getInfo(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator._op_getInfo.end(self, _r)
'''Map a name to a user id.
name Username to map.
User id or -2 for unknown name.'''
def nameToId(self, name, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator._op_nameToId.invoke(self, ((name, ), _ctx))
'''Map a name to a user id.
name Username to map.
User id or -2 for unknown name.'''
def begin_nameToId(self, name, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator._op_nameToId.begin(self, ((name, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Map a name to a user id.
name Username to map.
User id or -2 for unknown name.'''
def end_nameToId(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator._op_nameToId.end(self, _r)
'''Map a user id to a username.
id User id to map.
Name of user or empty string for unknown id.'''
def idToName(self, id, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator._op_idToName.invoke(self, ((id, ), _ctx))
'''Map a user id to a username.
id User id to map.
Name of user or empty string for unknown id.'''
def begin_idToName(self, id, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator._op_idToName.begin(self, ((id, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Map a user id to a username.
id User id to map.
Name of user or empty string for unknown id.'''
def end_idToName(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator._op_idToName.end(self, _r)
'''Map a user to a custom Texture.
id User id to map.
User texture or an empty texture for unknwon users or users without textures.'''
def idToTexture(self, id, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator._op_idToTexture.invoke(self, ((id, ), _ctx))
'''Map a user to a custom Texture.
id User id to map.
User texture or an empty texture for unknwon users or users without textures.'''
def begin_idToTexture(self, id, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator._op_idToTexture.begin(self, ((id, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Map a user to a custom Texture.
id User id to map.
User texture or an empty texture for unknwon users or users without textures.'''
def end_idToTexture(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator._op_idToTexture.end(self, _r)
def checkedCast(proxy, facetOrCtx=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticatorPrx.ice_checkedCast(proxy, '::Murmur::ServerAuthenticator', facetOrCtx, _ctx)
checkedCast = staticmethod(checkedCast)
def uncheckedCast(proxy, facet=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticatorPrx.ice_uncheckedCast(proxy, facet)
uncheckedCast = staticmethod(uncheckedCast)
_M_Murmur._t_ServerAuthenticatorPrx = IcePy.defineProxy('::Murmur::ServerAuthenticator', ServerAuthenticatorPrx)
_M_Murmur._t_ServerAuthenticator = IcePy.defineClass('::Murmur::ServerAuthenticator', ServerAuthenticator, -1, (), True, False, None, (), ())
ServerAuthenticator._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_ServerAuthenticator
ServerAuthenticator._op_authenticate = IcePy.Operation('authenticate', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, False, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0), ((), _M_Murmur._t_CertificateList, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_bool, False, 0)), (((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0), ((), _M_Murmur._t_GroupNameList, False, 0)), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ())
ServerAuthenticator._op_getInfo = IcePy.Operation('getInfo', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, False, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0),), (((), _M_Murmur._t_UserInfoMap, False, 0),), ((), IcePy._t_bool, False, 0), ())
ServerAuthenticator._op_nameToId = IcePy.Operation('nameToId', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, False, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0),), (), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ())
ServerAuthenticator._op_idToName = IcePy.Operation('idToName', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, False, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0),), (), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0), ())
ServerAuthenticator._op_idToTexture = IcePy.Operation('idToTexture', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, False, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0),), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_Texture, False, 0), ())
_M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator = ServerAuthenticator
del ServerAuthenticator
_M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticatorPrx = ServerAuthenticatorPrx
del ServerAuthenticatorPrx
if 'ServerUpdatingAuthenticator' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator = Ice.createTempClass()
class ServerUpdatingAuthenticator(_M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticator):
'''Callback interface for server authentication and registration. This allows you to support both authentication
and account updating.
You do not need to implement this if all you want is authentication, you only need this if other scripts
connected to the same server calls e.g. Server.setTexture.
Almost all of these methods support fall through, meaning murmur should continue the operation against its
own database.'''
def __init__(self):
if Ice.getType(self) == _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator:
raise RuntimeError('Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator is an abstract class')
def ice_ids(self, current=None):
return ('::Ice::Object', '::Murmur::ServerAuthenticator', '::Murmur::ServerUpdatingAuthenticator')
def ice_id(self, current=None):
return '::Murmur::ServerUpdatingAuthenticator'
def ice_staticId():
return '::Murmur::ServerUpdatingAuthenticator'
ice_staticId = staticmethod(ice_staticId)
def registerUser(self, info, current=None):
'''Register a new user.
info Information about user to register.
User id of new user, -1 for registration failure, or -2 to fall through.'''
def unregisterUser(self, id, current=None):
'''Unregister a user.
id Userid to unregister.
1 for successfull unregistration, 0 for unsuccessfull unregistration, -1 to fall through.'''
def getRegisteredUsers(self, filter, current=None):
'''Get a list of registered users matching filter.
filter Substring usernames must contain. If empty, return all registered users.
List of matching registered users.'''
def setInfo(self, id, info, current=None):
'''Set additional information for user registration.
id Userid of registered user.
info Information to set about user. This should be merged with existing information.
1 for successfull update, 0 for unsuccessfull update, -1 to fall through.'''
def setTexture(self, id, tex, current=None):
'''Set texture (now called avatar) of user registration.
id registrationId of registered user.
tex New texture.
1 for successfull update, 0 for unsuccessfull update, -1 to fall through.'''
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringify(self, _M_Murmur._t_ServerUpdatingAuthenticator)
__repr__ = __str__
_M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticatorPrx = Ice.createTempClass()
class ServerUpdatingAuthenticatorPrx(_M_Murmur.ServerAuthenticatorPrx):
'''Register a new user.
info Information about user to register.
User id of new user, -1 for registration failure, or -2 to fall through.'''
def registerUser(self, info, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_registerUser.invoke(self, ((info, ), _ctx))
'''Register a new user.
info Information about user to register.
User id of new user, -1 for registration failure, or -2 to fall through.'''
def begin_registerUser(self, info, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_registerUser.begin(self, ((info, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Register a new user.
info Information about user to register.
User id of new user, -1 for registration failure, or -2 to fall through.'''
def end_registerUser(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_registerUser.end(self, _r)
'''Unregister a user.
id Userid to unregister.
1 for successfull unregistration, 0 for unsuccessfull unregistration, -1 to fall through.'''
def unregisterUser(self, id, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_unregisterUser.invoke(self, ((id, ), _ctx))
'''Unregister a user.
id Userid to unregister.
1 for successfull unregistration, 0 for unsuccessfull unregistration, -1 to fall through.'''
def begin_unregisterUser(self, id, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_unregisterUser.begin(self, ((id, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Unregister a user.
id Userid to unregister.
1 for successfull unregistration, 0 for unsuccessfull unregistration, -1 to fall through.'''
def end_unregisterUser(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_unregisterUser.end(self, _r)
'''Get a list of registered users matching filter.
filter Substring usernames must contain. If empty, return all registered users.
List of matching registered users.'''
def getRegisteredUsers(self, filter, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_getRegisteredUsers.invoke(self, ((filter, ), _ctx))
'''Get a list of registered users matching filter.
filter Substring usernames must contain. If empty, return all registered users.
List of matching registered users.'''
def begin_getRegisteredUsers(self, filter, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_getRegisteredUsers.begin(self, ((filter, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Get a list of registered users matching filter.
filter Substring usernames must contain. If empty, return all registered users.
List of matching registered users.'''
def end_getRegisteredUsers(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_getRegisteredUsers.end(self, _r)
'''Set additional information for user registration.
id Userid of registered user.
info Information to set about user. This should be merged with existing information.
1 for successfull update, 0 for unsuccessfull update, -1 to fall through.'''
def setInfo(self, id, info, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_setInfo.invoke(self, ((id, info), _ctx))
'''Set additional information for user registration.
id Userid of registered user.
info Information to set about user. This should be merged with existing information.
1 for successfull update, 0 for unsuccessfull update, -1 to fall through.'''
def begin_setInfo(self, id, info, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_setInfo.begin(self, ((id, info), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Set additional information for user registration.
id Userid of registered user.
info Information to set about user. This should be merged with existing information.
1 for successfull update, 0 for unsuccessfull update, -1 to fall through.'''
def end_setInfo(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_setInfo.end(self, _r)
'''Set texture (now called avatar) of user registration.
id registrationId of registered user.
tex New texture.
1 for successfull update, 0 for unsuccessfull update, -1 to fall through.'''
def setTexture(self, id, tex, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_setTexture.invoke(self, ((id, tex), _ctx))
'''Set texture (now called avatar) of user registration.
id registrationId of registered user.
tex New texture.
1 for successfull update, 0 for unsuccessfull update, -1 to fall through.'''
def begin_setTexture(self, id, tex, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_setTexture.begin(self, ((id, tex), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Set texture (now called avatar) of user registration.
id registrationId of registered user.
tex New texture.
1 for successfull update, 0 for unsuccessfull update, -1 to fall through.'''
def end_setTexture(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_setTexture.end(self, _r)
def checkedCast(proxy, facetOrCtx=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticatorPrx.ice_checkedCast(proxy, '::Murmur::ServerUpdatingAuthenticator', facetOrCtx, _ctx)
checkedCast = staticmethod(checkedCast)
def uncheckedCast(proxy, facet=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticatorPrx.ice_uncheckedCast(proxy, facet)
uncheckedCast = staticmethod(uncheckedCast)
_M_Murmur._t_ServerUpdatingAuthenticatorPrx = IcePy.defineProxy('::Murmur::ServerUpdatingAuthenticator', ServerUpdatingAuthenticatorPrx)
_M_Murmur._t_ServerUpdatingAuthenticator = IcePy.defineClass('::Murmur::ServerUpdatingAuthenticator', ServerUpdatingAuthenticator, -1, (), True, False, None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerAuthenticator,), ())
ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_ServerUpdatingAuthenticator
ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_registerUser = IcePy.Operation('registerUser', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, False, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_UserInfoMap, False, 0),), (), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ())
ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_unregisterUser = IcePy.Operation('unregisterUser', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, False, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0),), (), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ())
ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_getRegisteredUsers = IcePy.Operation('getRegisteredUsers', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, False, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0),), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_NameMap, False, 0), ())
ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_setInfo = IcePy.Operation('setInfo', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, False, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), _M_Murmur._t_UserInfoMap, False, 0)), (), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ())
ServerUpdatingAuthenticator._op_setTexture = IcePy.Operation('setTexture', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, False, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), _M_Murmur._t_Texture, False, 0)), (), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ())
_M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator = ServerUpdatingAuthenticator
del ServerUpdatingAuthenticator
_M_Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticatorPrx = ServerUpdatingAuthenticatorPrx
del ServerUpdatingAuthenticatorPrx
if 'Server' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.Server = Ice.createTempClass()
class Server(Ice.Object):
'''Per-server interface. This includes all methods for configuring and altering
the state of a single virtual server. You can retrieve a pointer to this interface
from one of the methods in Meta.'''
def __init__(self):
if Ice.getType(self) == _M_Murmur.Server:
raise RuntimeError('Murmur.Server is an abstract class')
def ice_ids(self, current=None):
return ('::Ice::Object', '::Murmur::Server')
def ice_id(self, current=None):
return '::Murmur::Server'
def ice_staticId():
return '::Murmur::Server'
ice_staticId = staticmethod(ice_staticId)
def isRunning_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Shows if the server currently running (accepting users).
Run-state of server.'''
def start_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Start server.'''
def stop_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Stop server.
Note: Server will be restarted on Murmur restart unless explicitly disabled
with setConf("boot", false)'''
def delete_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Delete server and all it's configuration.'''
def id_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Fetch the server id.
Unique server id.'''
def addCallback_async(self, _cb, cb, current=None):
'''Add a callback. The callback will receive notifications about changes to users and channels.
cb Callback interface which will receive notifications.'''
def removeCallback_async(self, _cb, cb, current=None):
'''Remove a callback.
cb Callback interface to be removed.'''
def setAuthenticator_async(self, _cb, auth, current=None):
'''Set external authenticator. If set, all authentications from clients are forwarded to this
auth Authenticator object to perform subsequent authentications.'''
def getConf_async(self, _cb, key, current=None):
'''Retrieve configuration item.
key Configuration key.
Configuration value. If this is empty, see Meta.getDefaultConf'''
def getAllConf_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Retrieve all configuration items.
All configured values. If a value isn't set here, the value from Meta.getDefaultConf is used.'''
def setConf_async(self, _cb, key, value, current=None):
'''Set a configuration item.
key Configuration key.
value Configuration value.'''
def setSuperuserPassword_async(self, _cb, pw, current=None):
'''Set superuser password. This is just a convenience for using updateRegistration on user id 0.
pw Password.'''
def getLog_async(self, _cb, first, last, current=None):
'''Fetch log entries.
first Lowest numbered entry to fetch. 0 is the most recent item.
last Last entry to fetch.
List of log entries.'''
def getLogLen_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Fetch length of log
Number of entries in log'''
def getUsers_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Fetch all users. This returns all currently connected users on the server.
List of connected users.'''
def getChannels_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Fetch all channels. This returns all defined channels on the server. The root channel is always channel 0.
List of defined channels.'''
def getCertificateList_async(self, _cb, session, current=None):
'''Fetch certificate of user. This returns the complete certificate chain of a user.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
Certificate list of user.'''
def getTree_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Fetch all channels and connected users as a tree. This retrieves an easy-to-use representation of the server
as a tree. This is primarily used for viewing the state of the server on a webpage.
Recursive tree of all channels and connected users.'''
def getBans_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Fetch all current IP bans on the server.
List of bans.'''
def setBans_async(self, _cb, bans, current=None):
'''Set all current IP bans on the server. This will replace any bans already present, so if you want to add a ban, be sure to call getBans and then
append to the returned list before calling this method.
bans List of bans.'''
def kickUser_async(self, _cb, session, reason, current=None):
'''Kick a user. The user is not banned, and is free to rejoin the server.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
reason Text message to show when user is kicked.'''
def getState_async(self, _cb, session, current=None):
'''Get state of a single connected user.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
State of connected user.'''
def setState_async(self, _cb, state, current=None):
'''Set user state. You can use this to move, mute and deafen users.
state User state to set.'''
def sendMessage_async(self, _cb, session, text, current=None):
'''Send text message to a single user.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
text Message to send.'''
def hasPermission_async(self, _cb, session, channelid, perm, current=None):
'''Check if user is permitted to perform action.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
channelid ID of Channel. See
perm Permission bits to check.
true if any of the permissions in perm were set for the user.'''
def effectivePermissions_async(self, _cb, session, channelid, current=None):
'''Return users effective permissions
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
channelid ID of Channel. See
bitfield of allowed actions'''
def addContextCallback_async(self, _cb, session, action, text, cb, ctx, current=None):
'''Add a context callback. This is done per user, and will add a context menu action for the user.
session Session of user which should receive context entry.
action Action string, a unique name to associate with the action.
text Name of action shown to user.
cb Callback interface which will receive notifications.
ctx Context this should be used in. Needs to be one or a combination of ContextServer, ContextChannel and ContextUser.'''
def removeContextCallback_async(self, _cb, cb, current=None):
'''Remove a callback.
cb Callback interface to be removed. This callback will be removed from all from all users.'''
def getChannelState_async(self, _cb, channelid, current=None):
'''Get state of single channel.
channelid ID of Channel. See
State of channel.'''
def setChannelState_async(self, _cb, state, current=None):
'''Set state of a single channel. You can use this to move or relink channels.
state Channel state to set.'''
def removeChannel_async(self, _cb, channelid, current=None):
'''Remove a channel and all its subchannels.
channelid ID of Channel. See'''
def addChannel_async(self, _cb, name, parent, current=None):
'''Add a new channel.
name Name of new channel.
parent Channel ID of parent channel. See
ID of newly created channel.'''
def sendMessageChannel_async(self, _cb, channelid, tree, text, current=None):
'''Send text message to channel or a tree of channels.
channelid Channel ID of channel to send to. See
tree If true, the message will be sent to the channel and all its subchannels.
text Message to send.'''
def getACL_async(self, _cb, channelid, current=None):
'''Retrieve ACLs and Groups on a channel.
channelid Channel ID of channel to fetch from. See
acls List of ACLs on the channel. This will include inherited ACLs.
groups List of groups on the channel. This will include inherited groups.
inherit Does this channel inherit ACLs from the parent channel?'''
def setACL_async(self, _cb, channelid, acls, groups, inherit, current=None):
'''Set ACLs and Groups on a channel. Note that this will replace all existing ACLs and groups on the channel.
channelid Channel ID of channel to fetch from. See
acls List of ACLs on the channel.
groups List of groups on the channel.
inherit Should this channel inherit ACLs from the parent channel?'''
def addUserToGroup_async(self, _cb, channelid, session, group, current=None):
'''Temporarily add a user to a group on a channel. This state is not saved, and is intended for temporary memberships.
channelid Channel ID of channel to add to. See
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
group Group name to add to.'''
def removeUserFromGroup_async(self, _cb, channelid, session, group, current=None):
'''Remove a user from a temporary group membership on a channel. This state is not saved, and is intended for temporary memberships.
channelid Channel ID of channel to add to. See
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
group Group name to remove from.'''
def redirectWhisperGroup_async(self, _cb, session, source, target, current=None):
'''Redirect whisper targets for user. If set, whenever a user tries to whisper to group "source", the whisper will be redirected to group "target".
To remove a redirect pass an empty target string. This is intended for context groups.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
source Group name to redirect from.
target Group name to redirect to.'''
def getUserNames_async(self, _cb, ids, current=None):
'''Map a list of User.userid to a matching name.
List of ids.
Matching list of names, with an empty string representing invalid or unknown ids.'''
def getUserIds_async(self, _cb, names, current=None):
'''Map a list of user names to a matching id.
List of names.
@reuturn List of matching ids, with -1 representing invalid or unknown user names.'''
def registerUser_async(self, _cb, info, current=None):
'''Register a new user.
info Information about new user. Must include at least "name".
The ID of the user. See RegisteredUser.userid.'''
def unregisterUser_async(self, _cb, userid, current=None):
'''Remove a user registration.
userid ID of registered user. See RegisteredUser.userid.'''
def updateRegistration_async(self, _cb, userid, info, current=None):
'''Update the registration for a user. You can use this to set the email or password of a user,
and can also use it to change the user's name.
registration Updated registration record.'''
def getRegistration_async(self, _cb, userid, current=None):
'''Fetch registration for a single user.
userid ID of registered user. See RegisteredUser.userid.
Registration record.'''
def getRegisteredUsers_async(self, _cb, filter, current=None):
'''Fetch a group of registered users.
filter Substring of user name. If blank, will retrieve all registered users.
List of registration records.'''
def verifyPassword_async(self, _cb, name, pw, current=None):
'''Verify the password of a user. You can use this to verify a user's credentials.
name User name. See
pw User password.
User ID of registered user (See RegisteredUser.userid), -1 for failed authentication or -2 for unknown usernames.'''
def getTexture_async(self, _cb, userid, current=None):
'''Fetch user texture. Textures are stored as zlib compress()ed 600x60 32-bit BGRA data.
userid ID of registered user. See RegisteredUser.userid.
Custom texture associated with user or an empty texture.'''
def setTexture_async(self, _cb, userid, tex, current=None):
'''Set a user texture (now called avatar).
userid ID of registered user. See RegisteredUser.userid.
tex Texture (as a Byte-Array) to set for the user, or an empty texture to remove the existing texture.'''
def getUptime_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Get virtual server uptime.
Uptime of the virtual server in seconds'''
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringify(self, _M_Murmur._t_Server)
__repr__ = __str__
_M_Murmur.ServerPrx = Ice.createTempClass()
class ServerPrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
'''Shows if the server currently running (accepting users).
Run-state of server.'''
def isRunning(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_isRunning.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Shows if the server currently running (accepting users).
Run-state of server.'''
def begin_isRunning(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_isRunning.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Shows if the server currently running (accepting users).
Run-state of server.'''
def end_isRunning(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_isRunning.end(self, _r)
'''Start server.'''
def start(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_start.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Start server.'''
def begin_start(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_start.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Start server.'''
def end_start(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_start.end(self, _r)
'''Stop server.
Note: Server will be restarted on Murmur restart unless explicitly disabled
with setConf("boot", false)'''
def stop(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_stop.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Stop server.
Note: Server will be restarted on Murmur restart unless explicitly disabled
with setConf("boot", false)'''
def begin_stop(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_stop.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Stop server.
Note: Server will be restarted on Murmur restart unless explicitly disabled
with setConf("boot", false)'''
def end_stop(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_stop.end(self, _r)
'''Delete server and all it's configuration.'''
def delete(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_delete.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Delete server and all it's configuration.'''
def begin_delete(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_delete.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Delete server and all it's configuration.'''
def end_delete(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_delete.end(self, _r)
'''Fetch the server id.
Unique server id.'''
def id(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_id.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Fetch the server id.
Unique server id.'''
def begin_id(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_id.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch the server id.
Unique server id.'''
def end_id(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_id.end(self, _r)
'''Add a callback. The callback will receive notifications about changes to users and channels.
cb Callback interface which will receive notifications.'''
def addCallback(self, cb, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_addCallback.invoke(self, ((cb, ), _ctx))
'''Add a callback. The callback will receive notifications about changes to users and channels.
cb Callback interface which will receive notifications.'''
def begin_addCallback(self, cb, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_addCallback.begin(self, ((cb, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Add a callback. The callback will receive notifications about changes to users and channels.
cb Callback interface which will receive notifications.'''
def end_addCallback(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_addCallback.end(self, _r)
'''Remove a callback.
cb Callback interface to be removed.'''
def removeCallback(self, cb, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_removeCallback.invoke(self, ((cb, ), _ctx))
'''Remove a callback.
cb Callback interface to be removed.'''
def begin_removeCallback(self, cb, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_removeCallback.begin(self, ((cb, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Remove a callback.
cb Callback interface to be removed.'''
def end_removeCallback(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_removeCallback.end(self, _r)
'''Set external authenticator. If set, all authentications from clients are forwarded to this
auth Authenticator object to perform subsequent authentications.'''
def setAuthenticator(self, auth, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setAuthenticator.invoke(self, ((auth, ), _ctx))
'''Set external authenticator. If set, all authentications from clients are forwarded to this
auth Authenticator object to perform subsequent authentications.'''
def begin_setAuthenticator(self, auth, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setAuthenticator.begin(self, ((auth, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Set external authenticator. If set, all authentications from clients are forwarded to this
auth Authenticator object to perform subsequent authentications.'''
def end_setAuthenticator(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setAuthenticator.end(self, _r)
'''Retrieve configuration item.
key Configuration key.
Configuration value. If this is empty, see Meta.getDefaultConf'''
def getConf(self, key, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getConf.invoke(self, ((key, ), _ctx))
'''Retrieve configuration item.
key Configuration key.
Configuration value. If this is empty, see Meta.getDefaultConf'''
def begin_getConf(self, key, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getConf.begin(self, ((key, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Retrieve configuration item.
key Configuration key.
Configuration value. If this is empty, see Meta.getDefaultConf'''
def end_getConf(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getConf.end(self, _r)
'''Retrieve all configuration items.
All configured values. If a value isn't set here, the value from Meta.getDefaultConf is used.'''
def getAllConf(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getAllConf.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Retrieve all configuration items.
All configured values. If a value isn't set here, the value from Meta.getDefaultConf is used.'''
def begin_getAllConf(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getAllConf.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Retrieve all configuration items.
All configured values. If a value isn't set here, the value from Meta.getDefaultConf is used.'''
def end_getAllConf(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getAllConf.end(self, _r)
'''Set a configuration item.
key Configuration key.
value Configuration value.'''
def setConf(self, key, value, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setConf.invoke(self, ((key, value), _ctx))
'''Set a configuration item.
key Configuration key.
value Configuration value.'''
def begin_setConf(self, key, value, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setConf.begin(self, ((key, value), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Set a configuration item.
key Configuration key.
value Configuration value.'''
def end_setConf(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setConf.end(self, _r)
'''Set superuser password. This is just a convenience for using updateRegistration on user id 0.
pw Password.'''
def setSuperuserPassword(self, pw, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setSuperuserPassword.invoke(self, ((pw, ), _ctx))
'''Set superuser password. This is just a convenience for using updateRegistration on user id 0.
pw Password.'''
def begin_setSuperuserPassword(self, pw, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setSuperuserPassword.begin(self, ((pw, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Set superuser password. This is just a convenience for using updateRegistration on user id 0.
pw Password.'''
def end_setSuperuserPassword(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setSuperuserPassword.end(self, _r)
'''Fetch log entries.
first Lowest numbered entry to fetch. 0 is the most recent item.
last Last entry to fetch.
List of log entries.'''
def getLog(self, first, last, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getLog.invoke(self, ((first, last), _ctx))
'''Fetch log entries.
first Lowest numbered entry to fetch. 0 is the most recent item.
last Last entry to fetch.
List of log entries.'''
def begin_getLog(self, first, last, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getLog.begin(self, ((first, last), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch log entries.
first Lowest numbered entry to fetch. 0 is the most recent item.
last Last entry to fetch.
List of log entries.'''
def end_getLog(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getLog.end(self, _r)
'''Fetch length of log
Number of entries in log'''
def getLogLen(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getLogLen.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Fetch length of log
Number of entries in log'''
def begin_getLogLen(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getLogLen.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch length of log
Number of entries in log'''
def end_getLogLen(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getLogLen.end(self, _r)
'''Fetch all users. This returns all currently connected users on the server.
List of connected users.'''
def getUsers(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getUsers.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Fetch all users. This returns all currently connected users on the server.
List of connected users.'''
def begin_getUsers(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getUsers.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch all users. This returns all currently connected users on the server.
List of connected users.'''
def end_getUsers(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getUsers.end(self, _r)
'''Fetch all channels. This returns all defined channels on the server. The root channel is always channel 0.
List of defined channels.'''
def getChannels(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getChannels.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Fetch all channels. This returns all defined channels on the server. The root channel is always channel 0.
List of defined channels.'''
def begin_getChannels(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getChannels.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch all channels. This returns all defined channels on the server. The root channel is always channel 0.
List of defined channels.'''
def end_getChannels(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getChannels.end(self, _r)
'''Fetch certificate of user. This returns the complete certificate chain of a user.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
Certificate list of user.'''
def getCertificateList(self, session, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getCertificateList.invoke(self, ((session, ), _ctx))
'''Fetch certificate of user. This returns the complete certificate chain of a user.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
Certificate list of user.'''
def begin_getCertificateList(self, session, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getCertificateList.begin(self, ((session, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch certificate of user. This returns the complete certificate chain of a user.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
Certificate list of user.'''
def end_getCertificateList(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getCertificateList.end(self, _r)
'''Fetch all channels and connected users as a tree. This retrieves an easy-to-use representation of the server
as a tree. This is primarily used for viewing the state of the server on a webpage.
Recursive tree of all channels and connected users.'''
def getTree(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getTree.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Fetch all channels and connected users as a tree. This retrieves an easy-to-use representation of the server
as a tree. This is primarily used for viewing the state of the server on a webpage.
Recursive tree of all channels and connected users.'''
def begin_getTree(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getTree.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch all channels and connected users as a tree. This retrieves an easy-to-use representation of the server
as a tree. This is primarily used for viewing the state of the server on a webpage.
Recursive tree of all channels and connected users.'''
def end_getTree(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getTree.end(self, _r)
'''Fetch all current IP bans on the server.
List of bans.'''
def getBans(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getBans.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Fetch all current IP bans on the server.
List of bans.'''
def begin_getBans(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getBans.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch all current IP bans on the server.
List of bans.'''
def end_getBans(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getBans.end(self, _r)
'''Set all current IP bans on the server. This will replace any bans already present, so if you want to add a ban, be sure to call getBans and then
append to the returned list before calling this method.
bans List of bans.'''
def setBans(self, bans, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setBans.invoke(self, ((bans, ), _ctx))
'''Set all current IP bans on the server. This will replace any bans already present, so if you want to add a ban, be sure to call getBans and then
append to the returned list before calling this method.
bans List of bans.'''
def begin_setBans(self, bans, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setBans.begin(self, ((bans, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Set all current IP bans on the server. This will replace any bans already present, so if you want to add a ban, be sure to call getBans and then
append to the returned list before calling this method.
bans List of bans.'''
def end_setBans(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setBans.end(self, _r)
'''Kick a user. The user is not banned, and is free to rejoin the server.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
reason Text message to show when user is kicked.'''
def kickUser(self, session, reason, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_kickUser.invoke(self, ((session, reason), _ctx))
'''Kick a user. The user is not banned, and is free to rejoin the server.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
reason Text message to show when user is kicked.'''
def begin_kickUser(self, session, reason, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_kickUser.begin(self, ((session, reason), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Kick a user. The user is not banned, and is free to rejoin the server.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
reason Text message to show when user is kicked.'''
def end_kickUser(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_kickUser.end(self, _r)
'''Get state of a single connected user.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
State of connected user.'''
def getState(self, session, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getState.invoke(self, ((session, ), _ctx))
'''Get state of a single connected user.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
State of connected user.'''
def begin_getState(self, session, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getState.begin(self, ((session, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Get state of a single connected user.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
State of connected user.'''
def end_getState(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getState.end(self, _r)
'''Set user state. You can use this to move, mute and deafen users.
state User state to set.'''
def setState(self, state, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setState.invoke(self, ((state, ), _ctx))
'''Set user state. You can use this to move, mute and deafen users.
state User state to set.'''
def begin_setState(self, state, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setState.begin(self, ((state, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Set user state. You can use this to move, mute and deafen users.
state User state to set.'''
def end_setState(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setState.end(self, _r)
'''Send text message to a single user.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
text Message to send.'''
def sendMessage(self, session, text, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_sendMessage.invoke(self, ((session, text), _ctx))
'''Send text message to a single user.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
text Message to send.'''
def begin_sendMessage(self, session, text, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_sendMessage.begin(self, ((session, text), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Send text message to a single user.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
text Message to send.'''
def end_sendMessage(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_sendMessage.end(self, _r)
'''Check if user is permitted to perform action.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
channelid ID of Channel. See
perm Permission bits to check.
true if any of the permissions in perm were set for the user.'''
def hasPermission(self, session, channelid, perm, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_hasPermission.invoke(self, ((session, channelid, perm), _ctx))
'''Check if user is permitted to perform action.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
channelid ID of Channel. See
perm Permission bits to check.
true if any of the permissions in perm were set for the user.'''
def begin_hasPermission(self, session, channelid, perm, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_hasPermission.begin(self, ((session, channelid, perm), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Check if user is permitted to perform action.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
channelid ID of Channel. See
perm Permission bits to check.
true if any of the permissions in perm were set for the user.'''
def end_hasPermission(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_hasPermission.end(self, _r)
'''Return users effective permissions
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
channelid ID of Channel. See
bitfield of allowed actions'''
def effectivePermissions(self, session, channelid, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_effectivePermissions.invoke(self, ((session, channelid), _ctx))
'''Return users effective permissions
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
channelid ID of Channel. See
bitfield of allowed actions'''
def begin_effectivePermissions(self, session, channelid, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_effectivePermissions.begin(self, ((session, channelid), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Return users effective permissions
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
channelid ID of Channel. See
bitfield of allowed actions'''
def end_effectivePermissions(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_effectivePermissions.end(self, _r)
'''Add a context callback. This is done per user, and will add a context menu action for the user.
session Session of user which should receive context entry.
action Action string, a unique name to associate with the action.
text Name of action shown to user.
cb Callback interface which will receive notifications.
ctx Context this should be used in. Needs to be one or a combination of ContextServer, ContextChannel and ContextUser.'''
def addContextCallback(self, session, action, text, cb, ctx, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_addContextCallback.invoke(self, ((session, action, text, cb, ctx), _ctx))
'''Add a context callback. This is done per user, and will add a context menu action for the user.
session Session of user which should receive context entry.
action Action string, a unique name to associate with the action.
text Name of action shown to user.
cb Callback interface which will receive notifications.
ctx Context this should be used in. Needs to be one or a combination of ContextServer, ContextChannel and ContextUser.'''
def begin_addContextCallback(self, session, action, text, cb, ctx, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_addContextCallback.begin(self, ((session, action, text, cb, ctx), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Add a context callback. This is done per user, and will add a context menu action for the user.
session Session of user which should receive context entry.
action Action string, a unique name to associate with the action.
text Name of action shown to user.
cb Callback interface which will receive notifications.
ctx Context this should be used in. Needs to be one or a combination of ContextServer, ContextChannel and ContextUser.'''
def end_addContextCallback(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_addContextCallback.end(self, _r)
'''Remove a callback.
cb Callback interface to be removed. This callback will be removed from all from all users.'''
def removeContextCallback(self, cb, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_removeContextCallback.invoke(self, ((cb, ), _ctx))
'''Remove a callback.
cb Callback interface to be removed. This callback will be removed from all from all users.'''
def begin_removeContextCallback(self, cb, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_removeContextCallback.begin(self, ((cb, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Remove a callback.
cb Callback interface to be removed. This callback will be removed from all from all users.'''
def end_removeContextCallback(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_removeContextCallback.end(self, _r)
'''Get state of single channel.
channelid ID of Channel. See
State of channel.'''
def getChannelState(self, channelid, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getChannelState.invoke(self, ((channelid, ), _ctx))
'''Get state of single channel.
channelid ID of Channel. See
State of channel.'''
def begin_getChannelState(self, channelid, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getChannelState.begin(self, ((channelid, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Get state of single channel.
channelid ID of Channel. See
State of channel.'''
def end_getChannelState(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getChannelState.end(self, _r)
'''Set state of a single channel. You can use this to move or relink channels.
state Channel state to set.'''
def setChannelState(self, state, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setChannelState.invoke(self, ((state, ), _ctx))
'''Set state of a single channel. You can use this to move or relink channels.
state Channel state to set.'''
def begin_setChannelState(self, state, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setChannelState.begin(self, ((state, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Set state of a single channel. You can use this to move or relink channels.
state Channel state to set.'''
def end_setChannelState(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setChannelState.end(self, _r)
'''Remove a channel and all its subchannels.
channelid ID of Channel. See'''
def removeChannel(self, channelid, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_removeChannel.invoke(self, ((channelid, ), _ctx))
'''Remove a channel and all its subchannels.
channelid ID of Channel. See'''
def begin_removeChannel(self, channelid, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_removeChannel.begin(self, ((channelid, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Remove a channel and all its subchannels.
channelid ID of Channel. See'''
def end_removeChannel(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_removeChannel.end(self, _r)
'''Add a new channel.
name Name of new channel.
parent Channel ID of parent channel. See
ID of newly created channel.'''
def addChannel(self, name, parent, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_addChannel.invoke(self, ((name, parent), _ctx))
'''Add a new channel.
name Name of new channel.
parent Channel ID of parent channel. See
ID of newly created channel.'''
def begin_addChannel(self, name, parent, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_addChannel.begin(self, ((name, parent), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Add a new channel.
name Name of new channel.
parent Channel ID of parent channel. See
ID of newly created channel.'''
def end_addChannel(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_addChannel.end(self, _r)
'''Send text message to channel or a tree of channels.
channelid Channel ID of channel to send to. See
tree If true, the message will be sent to the channel and all its subchannels.
text Message to send.'''
def sendMessageChannel(self, channelid, tree, text, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_sendMessageChannel.invoke(self, ((channelid, tree, text), _ctx))
'''Send text message to channel or a tree of channels.
channelid Channel ID of channel to send to. See
tree If true, the message will be sent to the channel and all its subchannels.
text Message to send.'''
def begin_sendMessageChannel(self, channelid, tree, text, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_sendMessageChannel.begin(self, ((channelid, tree, text), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Send text message to channel or a tree of channels.
channelid Channel ID of channel to send to. See
tree If true, the message will be sent to the channel and all its subchannels.
text Message to send.'''
def end_sendMessageChannel(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_sendMessageChannel.end(self, _r)
'''Retrieve ACLs and Groups on a channel.
channelid Channel ID of channel to fetch from. See
acls List of ACLs on the channel. This will include inherited ACLs.
groups List of groups on the channel. This will include inherited groups.
inherit Does this channel inherit ACLs from the parent channel?'''
def getACL(self, channelid, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getACL.invoke(self, ((channelid, ), _ctx))
'''Retrieve ACLs and Groups on a channel.
channelid Channel ID of channel to fetch from. See
acls List of ACLs on the channel. This will include inherited ACLs.
groups List of groups on the channel. This will include inherited groups.
inherit Does this channel inherit ACLs from the parent channel?'''
def begin_getACL(self, channelid, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getACL.begin(self, ((channelid, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Retrieve ACLs and Groups on a channel.
channelid Channel ID of channel to fetch from. See
acls List of ACLs on the channel. This will include inherited ACLs.
groups List of groups on the channel. This will include inherited groups.
inherit Does this channel inherit ACLs from the parent channel?'''
def end_getACL(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getACL.end(self, _r)
'''Set ACLs and Groups on a channel. Note that this will replace all existing ACLs and groups on the channel.
channelid Channel ID of channel to fetch from. See
acls List of ACLs on the channel.
groups List of groups on the channel.
inherit Should this channel inherit ACLs from the parent channel?'''
def setACL(self, channelid, acls, groups, inherit, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setACL.invoke(self, ((channelid, acls, groups, inherit), _ctx))
'''Set ACLs and Groups on a channel. Note that this will replace all existing ACLs and groups on the channel.
channelid Channel ID of channel to fetch from. See
acls List of ACLs on the channel.
groups List of groups on the channel.
inherit Should this channel inherit ACLs from the parent channel?'''
def begin_setACL(self, channelid, acls, groups, inherit, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setACL.begin(self, ((channelid, acls, groups, inherit), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Set ACLs and Groups on a channel. Note that this will replace all existing ACLs and groups on the channel.
channelid Channel ID of channel to fetch from. See
acls List of ACLs on the channel.
groups List of groups on the channel.
inherit Should this channel inherit ACLs from the parent channel?'''
def end_setACL(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setACL.end(self, _r)
'''Temporarily add a user to a group on a channel. This state is not saved, and is intended for temporary memberships.
channelid Channel ID of channel to add to. See
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
group Group name to add to.'''
def addUserToGroup(self, channelid, session, group, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_addUserToGroup.invoke(self, ((channelid, session, group), _ctx))
'''Temporarily add a user to a group on a channel. This state is not saved, and is intended for temporary memberships.
channelid Channel ID of channel to add to. See
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
group Group name to add to.'''
def begin_addUserToGroup(self, channelid, session, group, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_addUserToGroup.begin(self, ((channelid, session, group), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Temporarily add a user to a group on a channel. This state is not saved, and is intended for temporary memberships.
channelid Channel ID of channel to add to. See
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
group Group name to add to.'''
def end_addUserToGroup(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_addUserToGroup.end(self, _r)
'''Remove a user from a temporary group membership on a channel. This state is not saved, and is intended for temporary memberships.
channelid Channel ID of channel to add to. See
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
group Group name to remove from.'''
def removeUserFromGroup(self, channelid, session, group, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_removeUserFromGroup.invoke(self, ((channelid, session, group), _ctx))
'''Remove a user from a temporary group membership on a channel. This state is not saved, and is intended for temporary memberships.
channelid Channel ID of channel to add to. See
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
group Group name to remove from.'''
def begin_removeUserFromGroup(self, channelid, session, group, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_removeUserFromGroup.begin(self, ((channelid, session, group), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Remove a user from a temporary group membership on a channel. This state is not saved, and is intended for temporary memberships.
channelid Channel ID of channel to add to. See
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
group Group name to remove from.'''
def end_removeUserFromGroup(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_removeUserFromGroup.end(self, _r)
'''Redirect whisper targets for user. If set, whenever a user tries to whisper to group "source", the whisper will be redirected to group "target".
To remove a redirect pass an empty target string. This is intended for context groups.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
source Group name to redirect from.
target Group name to redirect to.'''
def redirectWhisperGroup(self, session, source, target, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_redirectWhisperGroup.invoke(self, ((session, source, target), _ctx))
'''Redirect whisper targets for user. If set, whenever a user tries to whisper to group "source", the whisper will be redirected to group "target".
To remove a redirect pass an empty target string. This is intended for context groups.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
source Group name to redirect from.
target Group name to redirect to.'''
def begin_redirectWhisperGroup(self, session, source, target, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_redirectWhisperGroup.begin(self, ((session, source, target), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Redirect whisper targets for user. If set, whenever a user tries to whisper to group "source", the whisper will be redirected to group "target".
To remove a redirect pass an empty target string. This is intended for context groups.
session Connection ID of user. See User.session.
source Group name to redirect from.
target Group name to redirect to.'''
def end_redirectWhisperGroup(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_redirectWhisperGroup.end(self, _r)
'''Map a list of User.userid to a matching name.
List of ids.
Matching list of names, with an empty string representing invalid or unknown ids.'''
def getUserNames(self, ids, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getUserNames.invoke(self, ((ids, ), _ctx))
'''Map a list of User.userid to a matching name.
List of ids.
Matching list of names, with an empty string representing invalid or unknown ids.'''
def begin_getUserNames(self, ids, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getUserNames.begin(self, ((ids, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Map a list of User.userid to a matching name.
List of ids.
Matching list of names, with an empty string representing invalid or unknown ids.'''
def end_getUserNames(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getUserNames.end(self, _r)
'''Map a list of user names to a matching id.
List of names.
@reuturn List of matching ids, with -1 representing invalid or unknown user names.'''
def getUserIds(self, names, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getUserIds.invoke(self, ((names, ), _ctx))
'''Map a list of user names to a matching id.
List of names.
@reuturn List of matching ids, with -1 representing invalid or unknown user names.'''
def begin_getUserIds(self, names, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getUserIds.begin(self, ((names, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Map a list of user names to a matching id.
List of names.
@reuturn List of matching ids, with -1 representing invalid or unknown user names.'''
def end_getUserIds(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getUserIds.end(self, _r)
'''Register a new user.
info Information about new user. Must include at least "name".
The ID of the user. See RegisteredUser.userid.'''
def registerUser(self, info, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_registerUser.invoke(self, ((info, ), _ctx))
'''Register a new user.
info Information about new user. Must include at least "name".
The ID of the user. See RegisteredUser.userid.'''
def begin_registerUser(self, info, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_registerUser.begin(self, ((info, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Register a new user.
info Information about new user. Must include at least "name".
The ID of the user. See RegisteredUser.userid.'''
def end_registerUser(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_registerUser.end(self, _r)
'''Remove a user registration.
userid ID of registered user. See RegisteredUser.userid.'''
def unregisterUser(self, userid, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_unregisterUser.invoke(self, ((userid, ), _ctx))
'''Remove a user registration.
userid ID of registered user. See RegisteredUser.userid.'''
def begin_unregisterUser(self, userid, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_unregisterUser.begin(self, ((userid, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Remove a user registration.
userid ID of registered user. See RegisteredUser.userid.'''
def end_unregisterUser(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_unregisterUser.end(self, _r)
'''Update the registration for a user. You can use this to set the email or password of a user,
and can also use it to change the user's name.
registration Updated registration record.'''
def updateRegistration(self, userid, info, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_updateRegistration.invoke(self, ((userid, info), _ctx))
'''Update the registration for a user. You can use this to set the email or password of a user,
and can also use it to change the user's name.
registration Updated registration record.'''
def begin_updateRegistration(self, userid, info, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_updateRegistration.begin(self, ((userid, info), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Update the registration for a user. You can use this to set the email or password of a user,
and can also use it to change the user's name.
registration Updated registration record.'''
def end_updateRegistration(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_updateRegistration.end(self, _r)
'''Fetch registration for a single user.
userid ID of registered user. See RegisteredUser.userid.
Registration record.'''
def getRegistration(self, userid, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getRegistration.invoke(self, ((userid, ), _ctx))
'''Fetch registration for a single user.
userid ID of registered user. See RegisteredUser.userid.
Registration record.'''
def begin_getRegistration(self, userid, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getRegistration.begin(self, ((userid, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch registration for a single user.
userid ID of registered user. See RegisteredUser.userid.
Registration record.'''
def end_getRegistration(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getRegistration.end(self, _r)
'''Fetch a group of registered users.
filter Substring of user name. If blank, will retrieve all registered users.
List of registration records.'''
def getRegisteredUsers(self, filter, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getRegisteredUsers.invoke(self, ((filter, ), _ctx))
'''Fetch a group of registered users.
filter Substring of user name. If blank, will retrieve all registered users.
List of registration records.'''
def begin_getRegisteredUsers(self, filter, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getRegisteredUsers.begin(self, ((filter, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch a group of registered users.
filter Substring of user name. If blank, will retrieve all registered users.
List of registration records.'''
def end_getRegisteredUsers(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getRegisteredUsers.end(self, _r)
'''Verify the password of a user. You can use this to verify a user's credentials.
name User name. See
pw User password.
User ID of registered user (See RegisteredUser.userid), -1 for failed authentication or -2 for unknown usernames.'''
def verifyPassword(self, name, pw, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_verifyPassword.invoke(self, ((name, pw), _ctx))
'''Verify the password of a user. You can use this to verify a user's credentials.
name User name. See
pw User password.
User ID of registered user (See RegisteredUser.userid), -1 for failed authentication or -2 for unknown usernames.'''
def begin_verifyPassword(self, name, pw, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_verifyPassword.begin(self, ((name, pw), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Verify the password of a user. You can use this to verify a user's credentials.
name User name. See
pw User password.
User ID of registered user (See RegisteredUser.userid), -1 for failed authentication or -2 for unknown usernames.'''
def end_verifyPassword(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_verifyPassword.end(self, _r)
'''Fetch user texture. Textures are stored as zlib compress()ed 600x60 32-bit BGRA data.
userid ID of registered user. See RegisteredUser.userid.
Custom texture associated with user or an empty texture.'''
def getTexture(self, userid, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getTexture.invoke(self, ((userid, ), _ctx))
'''Fetch user texture. Textures are stored as zlib compress()ed 600x60 32-bit BGRA data.
userid ID of registered user. See RegisteredUser.userid.
Custom texture associated with user or an empty texture.'''
def begin_getTexture(self, userid, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getTexture.begin(self, ((userid, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch user texture. Textures are stored as zlib compress()ed 600x60 32-bit BGRA data.
userid ID of registered user. See RegisteredUser.userid.
Custom texture associated with user or an empty texture.'''
def end_getTexture(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getTexture.end(self, _r)
'''Set a user texture (now called avatar).
userid ID of registered user. See RegisteredUser.userid.
tex Texture (as a Byte-Array) to set for the user, or an empty texture to remove the existing texture.'''
def setTexture(self, userid, tex, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setTexture.invoke(self, ((userid, tex), _ctx))
'''Set a user texture (now called avatar).
userid ID of registered user. See RegisteredUser.userid.
tex Texture (as a Byte-Array) to set for the user, or an empty texture to remove the existing texture.'''
def begin_setTexture(self, userid, tex, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setTexture.begin(self, ((userid, tex), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Set a user texture (now called avatar).
userid ID of registered user. See RegisteredUser.userid.
tex Texture (as a Byte-Array) to set for the user, or an empty texture to remove the existing texture.'''
def end_setTexture(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_setTexture.end(self, _r)
'''Get virtual server uptime.
Uptime of the virtual server in seconds'''
def getUptime(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getUptime.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Get virtual server uptime.
Uptime of the virtual server in seconds'''
def begin_getUptime(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getUptime.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Get virtual server uptime.
Uptime of the virtual server in seconds'''
def end_getUptime(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Server._op_getUptime.end(self, _r)
def checkedCast(proxy, facetOrCtx=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerPrx.ice_checkedCast(proxy, '::Murmur::Server', facetOrCtx, _ctx)
checkedCast = staticmethod(checkedCast)
def uncheckedCast(proxy, facet=None):
return _M_Murmur.ServerPrx.ice_uncheckedCast(proxy, facet)
uncheckedCast = staticmethod(uncheckedCast)
_M_Murmur._t_ServerPrx = IcePy.defineProxy('::Murmur::Server', ServerPrx)
_M_Murmur._t_Server = IcePy.defineClass('::Murmur::Server', Server, -1, (), True, False, None, (), ())
Server._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_Server
Server._op_isRunning = IcePy.Operation('isRunning', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (), (), ((), IcePy._t_bool, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException,))
Server._op_start = IcePy.Operation('start', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_ServerFailureException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_stop = IcePy.Operation('stop', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_delete = IcePy.Operation('delete', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_id = IcePy.Operation('id', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (), (), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException,))
Server._op_addCallback = IcePy.Operation('addCallback', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_ServerCallbackPrx, False, 0),), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidCallbackException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_removeCallback = IcePy.Operation('removeCallback', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_ServerCallbackPrx, False, 0),), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidCallbackException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_setAuthenticator = IcePy.Operation('setAuthenticator', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_ServerAuthenticatorPrx, False, 0),), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidCallbackException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_getConf = IcePy.Operation('getConf', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0),), (), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException, _M_Murmur._t_WriteOnlyException))
Server._op_getAllConf = IcePy.Operation('getAllConf', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_ConfigMap, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException,))
Server._op_setConf = IcePy.Operation('setConf', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0)), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException,))
Server._op_setSuperuserPassword = IcePy.Operation('setSuperuserPassword', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0),), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException,))
Server._op_getLog = IcePy.Operation('getLog', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0)), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_LogList, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException,))
Server._op_getLogLen = IcePy.Operation('getLogLen', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (), (), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException,))
Server._op_getUsers = IcePy.Operation('getUsers', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_UserMap, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_getChannels = IcePy.Operation('getChannels', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_ChannelMap, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_getCertificateList = IcePy.Operation('getCertificateList', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0),), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_CertificateList, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSessionException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_getTree = IcePy.Operation('getTree', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_Tree, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_getBans = IcePy.Operation('getBans', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_BanList, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_setBans = IcePy.Operation('setBans', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_BanList, False, 0),), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_kickUser = IcePy.Operation('kickUser', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0)), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSessionException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_getState = IcePy.Operation('getState', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0),), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_User, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSessionException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_setState = IcePy.Operation('setState', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_User, False, 0),), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSessionException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidChannelException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_sendMessage = IcePy.Operation('sendMessage', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0)), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSessionException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_hasPermission = IcePy.Operation('hasPermission', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0)), (), ((), IcePy._t_bool, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSessionException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidChannelException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_effectivePermissions = IcePy.Operation('effectivePermissions', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0)), (), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSessionException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidChannelException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_addContextCallback = IcePy.Operation('addContextCallback', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0), ((), _M_Murmur._t_ServerContextCallbackPrx, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0)), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidCallbackException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_removeContextCallback = IcePy.Operation('removeContextCallback', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_ServerContextCallbackPrx, False, 0),), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidCallbackException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_getChannelState = IcePy.Operation('getChannelState', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0),), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_Channel, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidChannelException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_setChannelState = IcePy.Operation('setChannelState', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_Channel, False, 0),), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidChannelException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException, _M_Murmur._t_NestingLimitException))
Server._op_removeChannel = IcePy.Operation('removeChannel', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0),), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidChannelException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_addChannel = IcePy.Operation('addChannel', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0)), (), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidChannelException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException, _M_Murmur._t_NestingLimitException))
Server._op_sendMessageChannel = IcePy.Operation('sendMessageChannel', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_bool, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0)), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidChannelException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_getACL = IcePy.Operation('getACL', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0),), (((), _M_Murmur._t_ACLList, False, 0), ((), _M_Murmur._t_GroupList, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_bool, False, 0)), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidChannelException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_setACL = IcePy.Operation('setACL', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), _M_Murmur._t_ACLList, False, 0), ((), _M_Murmur._t_GroupList, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_bool, False, 0)), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidChannelException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_addUserToGroup = IcePy.Operation('addUserToGroup', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0)), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidChannelException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSessionException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_removeUserFromGroup = IcePy.Operation('removeUserFromGroup', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0)), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidChannelException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSessionException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_redirectWhisperGroup = IcePy.Operation('redirectWhisperGroup', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0)), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSessionException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_getUserNames = IcePy.Operation('getUserNames', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_IdList, False, 0),), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_NameMap, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_getUserIds = IcePy.Operation('getUserIds', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_NameList, False, 0),), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_IdMap, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_registerUser = IcePy.Operation('registerUser', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_UserInfoMap, False, 0),), (), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidUserException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_unregisterUser = IcePy.Operation('unregisterUser', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0),), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidUserException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_updateRegistration = IcePy.Operation('updateRegistration', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), _M_Murmur._t_UserInfoMap, False, 0)), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidUserException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_getRegistration = IcePy.Operation('getRegistration', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0),), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_UserInfoMap, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidUserException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_getRegisteredUsers = IcePy.Operation('getRegisteredUsers', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0),), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_NameMap, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_verifyPassword = IcePy.Operation('verifyPassword', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0)), (), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_getTexture = IcePy.Operation('getTexture', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0),), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_Texture, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidUserException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_setTexture = IcePy.Operation('setTexture', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), _M_Murmur._t_Texture, False, 0)), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidUserException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidTextureException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Server._op_getUptime = IcePy.Operation('getUptime', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (), (), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_ServerBootedException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
_M_Murmur.Server = Server
del Server
_M_Murmur.ServerPrx = ServerPrx
del ServerPrx
if 'MetaCallback' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.MetaCallback = Ice.createTempClass()
class MetaCallback(Ice.Object):
'''Callback interface for Meta. You can supply an implementation of this to receive notifications
when servers are stopped or started.
If an added callback ever throws an exception or goes away, it will be automatically removed.
Please note that all callbacks are done asynchronously; murmur does not wait for the callback to
complete before continuing processing.'''
def __init__(self):
if Ice.getType(self) == _M_Murmur.MetaCallback:
raise RuntimeError('Murmur.MetaCallback is an abstract class')
def ice_ids(self, current=None):
return ('::Ice::Object', '::Murmur::MetaCallback')
def ice_id(self, current=None):
return '::Murmur::MetaCallback'
def ice_staticId():
return '::Murmur::MetaCallback'
ice_staticId = staticmethod(ice_staticId)
def started(self, srv, current=None):
'''Called when a server is started. The server is up and running when this event is sent, so all methods that
need a running server will work.
srv Interface for started server.'''
def stopped(self, srv, current=None):
'''Called when a server is stopped. The server is already stopped when this event is sent, so no methods that
need a running server will work.
srv Interface for started server.'''
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringify(self, _M_Murmur._t_MetaCallback)
__repr__ = __str__
_M_Murmur.MetaCallbackPrx = Ice.createTempClass()
class MetaCallbackPrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
'''Called when a server is started. The server is up and running when this event is sent, so all methods that
need a running server will work.
srv Interface for started server.'''
def started(self, srv, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.MetaCallback._op_started.invoke(self, ((srv, ), _ctx))
'''Called when a server is started. The server is up and running when this event is sent, so all methods that
need a running server will work.
srv Interface for started server.'''
def begin_started(self, srv, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.MetaCallback._op_started.begin(self, ((srv, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Called when a server is started. The server is up and running when this event is sent, so all methods that
need a running server will work.
srv Interface for started server.'''
def end_started(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.MetaCallback._op_started.end(self, _r)
'''Called when a server is stopped. The server is already stopped when this event is sent, so no methods that
need a running server will work.
srv Interface for started server.'''
def stopped(self, srv, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.MetaCallback._op_stopped.invoke(self, ((srv, ), _ctx))
'''Called when a server is stopped. The server is already stopped when this event is sent, so no methods that
need a running server will work.
srv Interface for started server.'''
def begin_stopped(self, srv, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.MetaCallback._op_stopped.begin(self, ((srv, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Called when a server is stopped. The server is already stopped when this event is sent, so no methods that
need a running server will work.
srv Interface for started server.'''
def end_stopped(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.MetaCallback._op_stopped.end(self, _r)
def checkedCast(proxy, facetOrCtx=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.MetaCallbackPrx.ice_checkedCast(proxy, '::Murmur::MetaCallback', facetOrCtx, _ctx)
checkedCast = staticmethod(checkedCast)
def uncheckedCast(proxy, facet=None):
return _M_Murmur.MetaCallbackPrx.ice_uncheckedCast(proxy, facet)
uncheckedCast = staticmethod(uncheckedCast)
_M_Murmur._t_MetaCallbackPrx = IcePy.defineProxy('::Murmur::MetaCallback', MetaCallbackPrx)
_M_Murmur._t_MetaCallback = IcePy.defineClass('::Murmur::MetaCallback', MetaCallback, -1, (), True, False, None, (), ())
MetaCallback._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_MetaCallback
MetaCallback._op_started = IcePy.Operation('started', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, False, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_ServerPrx, False, 0),), (), None, ())
MetaCallback._op_stopped = IcePy.Operation('stopped', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, False, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_ServerPrx, False, 0),), (), None, ())
_M_Murmur.MetaCallback = MetaCallback
del MetaCallback
_M_Murmur.MetaCallbackPrx = MetaCallbackPrx
del MetaCallbackPrx
if '_t_ServerList' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur._t_ServerList = IcePy.defineSequence('::Murmur::ServerList', (), _M_Murmur._t_ServerPrx)
if 'Meta' not in _M_Murmur.__dict__:
_M_Murmur.Meta = Ice.createTempClass()
class Meta(Ice.Object):
'''This is the meta interface. It is primarily used for retrieving the Server interfaces for each individual server.'''
def __init__(self):
if Ice.getType(self) == _M_Murmur.Meta:
raise RuntimeError('Murmur.Meta is an abstract class')
def ice_ids(self, current=None):
return ('::Ice::Object', '::Murmur::Meta')
def ice_id(self, current=None):
return '::Murmur::Meta'
def ice_staticId():
return '::Murmur::Meta'
ice_staticId = staticmethod(ice_staticId)
def getServer_async(self, _cb, id, current=None):
'''Fetch interface to specific server.
id Server ID. See Server.getId.
Interface for specified server, or a null proxy if id is invalid.'''
def newServer_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Create a new server. Call Server.getId on the returned interface to find it's ID.
Interface for new server.'''
def getBootedServers_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Fetch list of all currently running servers.
List of interfaces for running servers.'''
def getAllServers_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Fetch list of all defined servers.
List of interfaces for all servers.'''
def getDefaultConf_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Fetch default configuraion. This returns the configuration items that were set in the configuration file, or
the built-in default. The individual servers will use these values unless they have been overridden in the
server specific configuration. The only special case is the port, which defaults to the value defined here +
the servers ID - 1 (so that virtual server #1 uses the defined port, server #2 uses port+1 etc).
Default configuration of the servers.'''
def getVersion_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Fetch version of Murmur.
major Major version.
minor Minor version.
patch Patchlevel.
text Textual representation of version. Note that this may not match the major, minor and patch levels, as it
may be simply the compile date or the SVN revision. This is usually the text you want to present to users.'''
def addCallback_async(self, _cb, cb, current=None):
'''Add a callback. The callback will receive notifications when servers are started or stopped.
cb Callback interface which will receive notifications.'''
def removeCallback_async(self, _cb, cb, current=None):
'''Remove a callback.
cb Callback interface to be removed.'''
def getUptime_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Get murmur uptime.
Uptime of murmur in seconds'''
def getSlice_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Get slice file.
Contents of the slice file server compiled with.'''
def getSliceChecksums_async(self, _cb, current=None):
'''Returns a checksum dict for the slice file.
Checksum dict'''
def __str__(self):
return IcePy.stringify(self, _M_Murmur._t_Meta)
__repr__ = __str__
_M_Murmur.MetaPrx = Ice.createTempClass()
class MetaPrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
'''Fetch interface to specific server.
id Server ID. See Server.getId.
Interface for specified server, or a null proxy if id is invalid.'''
def getServer(self, id, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getServer.invoke(self, ((id, ), _ctx))
'''Fetch interface to specific server.
id Server ID. See Server.getId.
Interface for specified server, or a null proxy if id is invalid.'''
def begin_getServer(self, id, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getServer.begin(self, ((id, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch interface to specific server.
id Server ID. See Server.getId.
Interface for specified server, or a null proxy if id is invalid.'''
def end_getServer(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getServer.end(self, _r)
'''Create a new server. Call Server.getId on the returned interface to find it's ID.
Interface for new server.'''
def newServer(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_newServer.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Create a new server. Call Server.getId on the returned interface to find it's ID.
Interface for new server.'''
def begin_newServer(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_newServer.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Create a new server. Call Server.getId on the returned interface to find it's ID.
Interface for new server.'''
def end_newServer(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_newServer.end(self, _r)
'''Fetch list of all currently running servers.
List of interfaces for running servers.'''
def getBootedServers(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getBootedServers.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Fetch list of all currently running servers.
List of interfaces for running servers.'''
def begin_getBootedServers(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getBootedServers.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch list of all currently running servers.
List of interfaces for running servers.'''
def end_getBootedServers(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getBootedServers.end(self, _r)
'''Fetch list of all defined servers.
List of interfaces for all servers.'''
def getAllServers(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getAllServers.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Fetch list of all defined servers.
List of interfaces for all servers.'''
def begin_getAllServers(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getAllServers.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch list of all defined servers.
List of interfaces for all servers.'''
def end_getAllServers(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getAllServers.end(self, _r)
'''Fetch default configuraion. This returns the configuration items that were set in the configuration file, or
the built-in default. The individual servers will use these values unless they have been overridden in the
server specific configuration. The only special case is the port, which defaults to the value defined here +
the servers ID - 1 (so that virtual server #1 uses the defined port, server #2 uses port+1 etc).
Default configuration of the servers.'''
def getDefaultConf(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getDefaultConf.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Fetch default configuraion. This returns the configuration items that were set in the configuration file, or
the built-in default. The individual servers will use these values unless they have been overridden in the
server specific configuration. The only special case is the port, which defaults to the value defined here +
the servers ID - 1 (so that virtual server #1 uses the defined port, server #2 uses port+1 etc).
Default configuration of the servers.'''
def begin_getDefaultConf(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getDefaultConf.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch default configuraion. This returns the configuration items that were set in the configuration file, or
the built-in default. The individual servers will use these values unless they have been overridden in the
server specific configuration. The only special case is the port, which defaults to the value defined here +
the servers ID - 1 (so that virtual server #1 uses the defined port, server #2 uses port+1 etc).
Default configuration of the servers.'''
def end_getDefaultConf(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getDefaultConf.end(self, _r)
'''Fetch version of Murmur.
major Major version.
minor Minor version.
patch Patchlevel.
text Textual representation of version. Note that this may not match the major, minor and patch levels, as it
may be simply the compile date or the SVN revision. This is usually the text you want to present to users.'''
def getVersion(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getVersion.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Fetch version of Murmur.
major Major version.
minor Minor version.
patch Patchlevel.
text Textual representation of version. Note that this may not match the major, minor and patch levels, as it
may be simply the compile date or the SVN revision. This is usually the text you want to present to users.'''
def begin_getVersion(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getVersion.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Fetch version of Murmur.
major Major version.
minor Minor version.
patch Patchlevel.
text Textual representation of version. Note that this may not match the major, minor and patch levels, as it
may be simply the compile date or the SVN revision. This is usually the text you want to present to users.'''
def end_getVersion(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getVersion.end(self, _r)
'''Add a callback. The callback will receive notifications when servers are started or stopped.
cb Callback interface which will receive notifications.'''
def addCallback(self, cb, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_addCallback.invoke(self, ((cb, ), _ctx))
'''Add a callback. The callback will receive notifications when servers are started or stopped.
cb Callback interface which will receive notifications.'''
def begin_addCallback(self, cb, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_addCallback.begin(self, ((cb, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Add a callback. The callback will receive notifications when servers are started or stopped.
cb Callback interface which will receive notifications.'''
def end_addCallback(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_addCallback.end(self, _r)
'''Remove a callback.
cb Callback interface to be removed.'''
def removeCallback(self, cb, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_removeCallback.invoke(self, ((cb, ), _ctx))
'''Remove a callback.
cb Callback interface to be removed.'''
def begin_removeCallback(self, cb, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_removeCallback.begin(self, ((cb, ), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Remove a callback.
cb Callback interface to be removed.'''
def end_removeCallback(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_removeCallback.end(self, _r)
'''Get murmur uptime.
Uptime of murmur in seconds'''
def getUptime(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getUptime.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Get murmur uptime.
Uptime of murmur in seconds'''
def begin_getUptime(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getUptime.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Get murmur uptime.
Uptime of murmur in seconds'''
def end_getUptime(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getUptime.end(self, _r)
'''Get slice file.
Contents of the slice file server compiled with.'''
def getSlice(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getSlice.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Get slice file.
Contents of the slice file server compiled with.'''
def begin_getSlice(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getSlice.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Get slice file.
Contents of the slice file server compiled with.'''
def end_getSlice(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getSlice.end(self, _r)
'''Returns a checksum dict for the slice file.
Checksum dict'''
def getSliceChecksums(self, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getSliceChecksums.invoke(self, ((), _ctx))
'''Returns a checksum dict for the slice file.
Checksum dict'''
def begin_getSliceChecksums(self, _response=None, _ex=None, _sent=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getSliceChecksums.begin(self, ((), _response, _ex, _sent, _ctx))
'''Returns a checksum dict for the slice file.
Checksum dict'''
def end_getSliceChecksums(self, _r):
return _M_Murmur.Meta._op_getSliceChecksums.end(self, _r)
def checkedCast(proxy, facetOrCtx=None, _ctx=None):
return _M_Murmur.MetaPrx.ice_checkedCast(proxy, '::Murmur::Meta', facetOrCtx, _ctx)
checkedCast = staticmethod(checkedCast)
def uncheckedCast(proxy, facet=None):
return _M_Murmur.MetaPrx.ice_uncheckedCast(proxy, facet)
uncheckedCast = staticmethod(uncheckedCast)
_M_Murmur._t_MetaPrx = IcePy.defineProxy('::Murmur::Meta', MetaPrx)
_M_Murmur._t_Meta = IcePy.defineClass('::Murmur::Meta', Meta, -1, (), True, False, None, (), ())
Meta._ice_type = _M_Murmur._t_Meta
Meta._op_getServer = IcePy.Operation('getServer', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0),), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_ServerPrx, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException,))
Meta._op_newServer = IcePy.Operation('newServer', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_ServerPrx, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException,))
Meta._op_getBootedServers = IcePy.Operation('getBootedServers', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_ServerList, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException,))
Meta._op_getAllServers = IcePy.Operation('getAllServers', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_ServerList, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException,))
Meta._op_getDefaultConf = IcePy.Operation('getDefaultConf', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (), (), ((), _M_Murmur._t_ConfigMap, False, 0), (_M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException,))
Meta._op_getVersion = IcePy.Operation('getVersion', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (), (((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0)), None, ())
Meta._op_addCallback = IcePy.Operation('addCallback', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_MetaCallbackPrx, False, 0),), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_InvalidCallbackException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Meta._op_removeCallback = IcePy.Operation('removeCallback', Ice.OperationMode.Normal, Ice.OperationMode.Normal, True, None, (), (((), _M_Murmur._t_MetaCallbackPrx, False, 0),), (), None, (_M_Murmur._t_InvalidCallbackException, _M_Murmur._t_InvalidSecretException))
Meta._op_getUptime = IcePy.Operation('getUptime', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (), (), ((), IcePy._t_int, False, 0), ())
Meta._op_getSlice = IcePy.Operation('getSlice', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (), (), ((), IcePy._t_string, False, 0), ())
Meta._op_getSliceChecksums = IcePy.Operation('getSliceChecksums', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, None, (), (), (), ((), _M_Ice._t_SliceChecksumDict, False, 0), ())
_M_Murmur.Meta = Meta
del Meta
_M_Murmur.MetaPrx = MetaPrx
del MetaPrx
# End of module Murmur