/** * This requires * https://files.printables.com/media/prints/451501/stls/4205518_58958bba-4c36-4995-b4e7-da5abd1ba821/loveboard-cover-r2.stl * * to be placed under `./stls/LoveBoard-cover-R2.stl` in order to work * but it needs a run in meshlabs uniform fcae orientation filter for * openscad to be happy with it * * if rendering is missing the ear infill, `Design` > `Flush Caches` * may be required. */ include use HEIGHT=11; THICKNESS=1; SIDE_LEN=12; BEND_FACTOR=0.15; STRETCH_FACTOR=1.2; CHAMFER=0; CHAMFER_SHAPE="none"; DEBUG=false; FILL=true; FILL_HEIGHT_FACTOR=0.9; FILL_HEIGHT_FALLOFF_STEP=0; FILL_HEIGHT_FALLOFF_FACTOR=0.98; FILL_HEIGHT_FALLOFF_EXPONENT_FACTOR=3; FILL_STEP=0.5; module fs_cover() { translate([2.5, 0, 0]) rotate(180, [0, 0, 1]) translate([0, 0, 17]) rotate(90, [1, 0, 0]) import("stls/fs-cover.stl"); } module fs_cover_cat() { $fn=90; union() { difference() { union() { for (i=[-1,1]) scale([i, 1, 1]) translate([-13, 4, 5.5]) rotate(-80) { union() catear( height=HEIGHT, thickness=THICKNESS, side_len=SIDE_LEN, bend_factor=BEND_FACTOR, stretch_factor=STRETCH_FACTOR, debug=DEBUG, chamfer=CHAMFER, chamfer_shape=CHAMFER_SHAPE ); if (FILL) { echo("BEGIN FILL"); for (i=[FILL_STEP:FILL_STEP:(SIDE_LEN-FILL_STEP)]) color([0, (256-i*8)/256,0]) { fill_height=( HEIGHT * FILL_HEIGHT_FACTOR * pow(FILL_HEIGHT_FALLOFF_FACTOR, (SIDE_LEN-1-i)*FILL_HEIGHT_FALLOFF_EXPONENT_FACTOR) - ((SIDE_LEN-1-i)*FILL_HEIGHT_FALLOFF_STEP) ); echo([i, fill_height]); translate([0, 0, (fill_height-HEIGHT)/2]) union() catear( height=fill_height, thickness=THICKNESS, side_len=i, bend_factor=BEND_FACTOR, stretch_factor=STRETCH_FACTOR, chamfer=0, chamfer_shape=CHAMFER_SHAPE ); } echo("END FILL"); } } } scale(0.9999) hull() fs_cover(); } color("red") fs_cover(); } } fs_cover_cat();