# fastd-exporter We are building a prometheus exporter for the [fastd](https://projects.universe-factory.net/projects/fastd/wiki) vpn daemon. We have a working version, but the metrics, and by extension their labels, are not stable yet. When they are we will very likely be tagging our first release. ## Getting Started For now run ``` $ go get github.com/freifunk-darmstadt/fastd-exporter ``` and ``` $ ./fastd-exporter --instance ffda ``` The exporter will need read access to both the instances `fastd.conf` and `status socket`, keep that in mind. By default the metrics webserver will listen on `:9281`, which can be changed through the `--web.listen-address` parameter. Check out the help for additional information. ``` $ ./fastd-exporter --help ``` ## Development We are happy to discuss the fastd-exporter with you on: > irc.hackint.org #fastd-exporter ### Formatting We are using go's internal formatting for this codebase. ``` $ go fmt ```