(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
	if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
		module.exports = factory();
	else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
		define([], factory);
	else if(typeof exports === 'object')
		exports["fp"] = factory();
		root["fp"] = factory();
})(this, function() {
return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ 	// The module cache
/******/ 	var installedModules = {};

/******/ 	// The require function
/******/ 	function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {

/******/ 		// Check if module is in cache
/******/ 		if(installedModules[moduleId])
/******/ 			return installedModules[moduleId].exports;

/******/ 		// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ 		var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ 			exports: {},
/******/ 			id: moduleId,
/******/ 			loaded: false
/******/ 		};

/******/ 		// Execute the module function
/******/ 		modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);

/******/ 		// Flag the module as loaded
/******/ 		module.loaded = true;

/******/ 		// Return the exports of the module
/******/ 		return module.exports;
/******/ 	}

/******/ 	// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ 	__webpack_require__.m = modules;

/******/ 	// expose the module cache
/******/ 	__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;

/******/ 	// __webpack_public_path__
/******/ 	__webpack_require__.p = "";

/******/ 	// Load entry module and return exports
/******/ 	return __webpack_require__(0);
/******/ })
/******/ ([
/* 0 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

	var baseConvert = __webpack_require__(1);

	 * Converts `lodash` to an immutable auto-curried iteratee-first data-last
	 * version with conversion `options` applied.
	 * @param {Function} lodash The lodash function to convert.
	 * @param {Object} [options] The options object. See `baseConvert` for more details.
	 * @returns {Function} Returns the converted `lodash`.
	function browserConvert(lodash, options) {
	  return baseConvert(lodash, lodash, options);

	if (typeof _ == 'function' && typeof _.runInContext == 'function') {
	  _ = browserConvert(_.runInContext());
	module.exports = browserConvert;

/***/ }),
/* 1 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

	var mapping = __webpack_require__(2),
	    fallbackHolder = __webpack_require__(3);

	/** Built-in value reference. */
	var push = Array.prototype.push;

	 * Creates a function, with an arity of `n`, that invokes `func` with the
	 * arguments it receives.
	 * @private
	 * @param {Function} func The function to wrap.
	 * @param {number} n The arity of the new function.
	 * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
	function baseArity(func, n) {
	  return n == 2
	    ? function(a, b) { return func.apply(undefined, arguments); }
	    : function(a) { return func.apply(undefined, arguments); };

	 * Creates a function that invokes `func`, with up to `n` arguments, ignoring
	 * any additional arguments.
	 * @private
	 * @param {Function} func The function to cap arguments for.
	 * @param {number} n The arity cap.
	 * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
	function baseAry(func, n) {
	  return n == 2
	    ? function(a, b) { return func(a, b); }
	    : function(a) { return func(a); };

	 * Creates a clone of `array`.
	 * @private
	 * @param {Array} array The array to clone.
	 * @returns {Array} Returns the cloned array.
	function cloneArray(array) {
	  var length = array ? array.length : 0,
	      result = Array(length);

	  while (length--) {
	    result[length] = array[length];
	  return result;

	 * Creates a function that clones a given object using the assignment `func`.
	 * @private
	 * @param {Function} func The assignment function.
	 * @returns {Function} Returns the new cloner function.
	function createCloner(func) {
	  return function(object) {
	    return func({}, object);

	 * A specialized version of `_.spread` which flattens the spread array into
	 * the arguments of the invoked `func`.
	 * @private
	 * @param {Function} func The function to spread arguments over.
	 * @param {number} start The start position of the spread.
	 * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
	function flatSpread(func, start) {
	  return function() {
	    var length = arguments.length,
	        lastIndex = length - 1,
	        args = Array(length);

	    while (length--) {
	      args[length] = arguments[length];
	    var array = args[start],
	        otherArgs = args.slice(0, start);

	    if (array) {
	      push.apply(otherArgs, array);
	    if (start != lastIndex) {
	      push.apply(otherArgs, args.slice(start + 1));
	    return func.apply(this, otherArgs);

	 * Creates a function that wraps `func` and uses `cloner` to clone the first
	 * argument it receives.
	 * @private
	 * @param {Function} func The function to wrap.
	 * @param {Function} cloner The function to clone arguments.
	 * @returns {Function} Returns the new immutable function.
	function wrapImmutable(func, cloner) {
	  return function() {
	    var length = arguments.length;
	    if (!length) {
	    var args = Array(length);
	    while (length--) {
	      args[length] = arguments[length];
	    var result = args[0] = cloner.apply(undefined, args);
	    func.apply(undefined, args);
	    return result;

	 * The base implementation of `convert` which accepts a `util` object of methods
	 * required to perform conversions.
	 * @param {Object} util The util object.
	 * @param {string} name The name of the function to convert.
	 * @param {Function} func The function to convert.
	 * @param {Object} [options] The options object.
	 * @param {boolean} [options.cap=true] Specify capping iteratee arguments.
	 * @param {boolean} [options.curry=true] Specify currying.
	 * @param {boolean} [options.fixed=true] Specify fixed arity.
	 * @param {boolean} [options.immutable=true] Specify immutable operations.
	 * @param {boolean} [options.rearg=true] Specify rearranging arguments.
	 * @returns {Function|Object} Returns the converted function or object.
	function baseConvert(util, name, func, options) {
	  var isLib = typeof name == 'function',
	      isObj = name === Object(name);

	  if (isObj) {
	    options = func;
	    func = name;
	    name = undefined;
	  if (func == null) {
	    throw new TypeError;
	  options || (options = {});

	  var config = {
	    'cap': 'cap' in options ? options.cap : true,
	    'curry': 'curry' in options ? options.curry : true,
	    'fixed': 'fixed' in options ? options.fixed : true,
	    'immutable': 'immutable' in options ? options.immutable : true,
	    'rearg': 'rearg' in options ? options.rearg : true

	  var defaultHolder = isLib ? func : fallbackHolder,
	      forceCurry = ('curry' in options) && options.curry,
	      forceFixed = ('fixed' in options) && options.fixed,
	      forceRearg = ('rearg' in options) && options.rearg,
	      pristine = isLib ? func.runInContext() : undefined;

	  var helpers = isLib ? func : {
	    'ary': util.ary,
	    'assign': util.assign,
	    'clone': util.clone,
	    'curry': util.curry,
	    'forEach': util.forEach,
	    'isArray': util.isArray,
	    'isError': util.isError,
	    'isFunction': util.isFunction,
	    'isWeakMap': util.isWeakMap,
	    'iteratee': util.iteratee,
	    'keys': util.keys,
	    'rearg': util.rearg,
	    'toInteger': util.toInteger,
	    'toPath': util.toPath

	  var ary = helpers.ary,
	      assign = helpers.assign,
	      clone = helpers.clone,
	      curry = helpers.curry,
	      each = helpers.forEach,
	      isArray = helpers.isArray,
	      isError = helpers.isError,
	      isFunction = helpers.isFunction,
	      isWeakMap = helpers.isWeakMap,
	      keys = helpers.keys,
	      rearg = helpers.rearg,
	      toInteger = helpers.toInteger,
	      toPath = helpers.toPath;

	  var aryMethodKeys = keys(mapping.aryMethod);

	  var wrappers = {
	    'castArray': function(castArray) {
	      return function() {
	        var value = arguments[0];
	        return isArray(value)
	          ? castArray(cloneArray(value))
	          : castArray.apply(undefined, arguments);
	    'iteratee': function(iteratee) {
	      return function() {
	        var func = arguments[0],
	            arity = arguments[1],
	            result = iteratee(func, arity),
	            length = result.length;

	        if (config.cap && typeof arity == 'number') {
	          arity = arity > 2 ? (arity - 2) : 1;
	          return (length && length <= arity) ? result : baseAry(result, arity);
	        return result;
	    'mixin': function(mixin) {
	      return function(source) {
	        var func = this;
	        if (!isFunction(func)) {
	          return mixin(func, Object(source));
	        var pairs = [];
	        each(keys(source), function(key) {
	          if (isFunction(source[key])) {
	            pairs.push([key, func.prototype[key]]);

	        mixin(func, Object(source));

	        each(pairs, function(pair) {
	          var value = pair[1];
	          if (isFunction(value)) {
	            func.prototype[pair[0]] = value;
	          } else {
	            delete func.prototype[pair[0]];
	        return func;
	    'nthArg': function(nthArg) {
	      return function(n) {
	        var arity = n < 0 ? 1 : (toInteger(n) + 1);
	        return curry(nthArg(n), arity);
	    'rearg': function(rearg) {
	      return function(func, indexes) {
	        var arity = indexes ? indexes.length : 0;
	        return curry(rearg(func, indexes), arity);
	    'runInContext': function(runInContext) {
	      return function(context) {
	        return baseConvert(util, runInContext(context), options);


	   * Casts `func` to a function with an arity capped iteratee if needed.
	   * @private
	   * @param {string} name The name of the function to inspect.
	   * @param {Function} func The function to inspect.
	   * @returns {Function} Returns the cast function.
	  function castCap(name, func) {
	    if (config.cap) {
	      var indexes = mapping.iterateeRearg[name];
	      if (indexes) {
	        return iterateeRearg(func, indexes);
	      var n = !isLib && mapping.iterateeAry[name];
	      if (n) {
	        return iterateeAry(func, n);
	    return func;

	   * Casts `func` to a curried function if needed.
	   * @private
	   * @param {string} name The name of the function to inspect.
	   * @param {Function} func The function to inspect.
	   * @param {number} n The arity of `func`.
	   * @returns {Function} Returns the cast function.
	  function castCurry(name, func, n) {
	    return (forceCurry || (config.curry && n > 1))
	      ? curry(func, n)
	      : func;

	   * Casts `func` to a fixed arity function if needed.
	   * @private
	   * @param {string} name The name of the function to inspect.
	   * @param {Function} func The function to inspect.
	   * @param {number} n The arity cap.
	   * @returns {Function} Returns the cast function.
	  function castFixed(name, func, n) {
	    if (config.fixed && (forceFixed || !mapping.skipFixed[name])) {
	      var data = mapping.methodSpread[name],
	          start = data && data.start;

	      return start  === undefined ? ary(func, n) : flatSpread(func, start);
	    return func;

	   * Casts `func` to an rearged function if needed.
	   * @private
	   * @param {string} name The name of the function to inspect.
	   * @param {Function} func The function to inspect.
	   * @param {number} n The arity of `func`.
	   * @returns {Function} Returns the cast function.
	  function castRearg(name, func, n) {
	    return (config.rearg && n > 1 && (forceRearg || !mapping.skipRearg[name]))
	      ? rearg(func, mapping.methodRearg[name] || mapping.aryRearg[n])
	      : func;

	   * Creates a clone of `object` by `path`.
	   * @private
	   * @param {Object} object The object to clone.
	   * @param {Array|string} path The path to clone by.
	   * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned object.
	  function cloneByPath(object, path) {
	    path = toPath(path);

	    var index = -1,
	        length = path.length,
	        lastIndex = length - 1,
	        result = clone(Object(object)),
	        nested = result;

	    while (nested != null && ++index < length) {
	      var key = path[index],
	          value = nested[key];

	      if (value != null &&
	          !(isFunction(value) || isError(value) || isWeakMap(value))) {
	        nested[key] = clone(index == lastIndex ? value : Object(value));
	      nested = nested[key];
	    return result;

	   * Converts `lodash` to an immutable auto-curried iteratee-first data-last
	   * version with conversion `options` applied.
	   * @param {Object} [options] The options object. See `baseConvert` for more details.
	   * @returns {Function} Returns the converted `lodash`.
	  function convertLib(options) {
	    return _.runInContext.convert(options)(undefined);

	   * Create a converter function for `func` of `name`.
	   * @param {string} name The name of the function to convert.
	   * @param {Function} func The function to convert.
	   * @returns {Function} Returns the new converter function.
	  function createConverter(name, func) {
	    var realName = mapping.aliasToReal[name] || name,
	        methodName = mapping.remap[realName] || realName,
	        oldOptions = options;

	    return function(options) {
	      var newUtil = isLib ? pristine : helpers,
	          newFunc = isLib ? pristine[methodName] : func,
	          newOptions = assign(assign({}, oldOptions), options);

	      return baseConvert(newUtil, realName, newFunc, newOptions);

	   * Creates a function that wraps `func` to invoke its iteratee, with up to `n`
	   * arguments, ignoring any additional arguments.
	   * @private
	   * @param {Function} func The function to cap iteratee arguments for.
	   * @param {number} n The arity cap.
	   * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
	  function iterateeAry(func, n) {
	    return overArg(func, function(func) {
	      return typeof func == 'function' ? baseAry(func, n) : func;

	   * Creates a function that wraps `func` to invoke its iteratee with arguments
	   * arranged according to the specified `indexes` where the argument value at
	   * the first index is provided as the first argument, the argument value at
	   * the second index is provided as the second argument, and so on.
	   * @private
	   * @param {Function} func The function to rearrange iteratee arguments for.
	   * @param {number[]} indexes The arranged argument indexes.
	   * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
	  function iterateeRearg(func, indexes) {
	    return overArg(func, function(func) {
	      var n = indexes.length;
	      return baseArity(rearg(baseAry(func, n), indexes), n);

	   * Creates a function that invokes `func` with its first argument transformed.
	   * @private
	   * @param {Function} func The function to wrap.
	   * @param {Function} transform The argument transform.
	   * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
	  function overArg(func, transform) {
	    return function() {
	      var length = arguments.length;
	      if (!length) {
	        return func();
	      var args = Array(length);
	      while (length--) {
	        args[length] = arguments[length];
	      var index = config.rearg ? 0 : (length - 1);
	      args[index] = transform(args[index]);
	      return func.apply(undefined, args);

	   * Creates a function that wraps `func` and applys the conversions
	   * rules by `name`.
	   * @private
	   * @param {string} name The name of the function to wrap.
	   * @param {Function} func The function to wrap.
	   * @returns {Function} Returns the converted function.
	  function wrap(name, func, placeholder) {
	    var result,
	        realName = mapping.aliasToReal[name] || name,
	        wrapped = func,
	        wrapper = wrappers[realName];

	    if (wrapper) {
	      wrapped = wrapper(func);
	    else if (config.immutable) {
	      if (mapping.mutate.array[realName]) {
	        wrapped = wrapImmutable(func, cloneArray);
	      else if (mapping.mutate.object[realName]) {
	        wrapped = wrapImmutable(func, createCloner(func));
	      else if (mapping.mutate.set[realName]) {
	        wrapped = wrapImmutable(func, cloneByPath);
	    each(aryMethodKeys, function(aryKey) {
	      each(mapping.aryMethod[aryKey], function(otherName) {
	        if (realName == otherName) {
	          var data = mapping.methodSpread[realName],
	              afterRearg = data && data.afterRearg;

	          result = afterRearg
	            ? castFixed(realName, castRearg(realName, wrapped, aryKey), aryKey)
	            : castRearg(realName, castFixed(realName, wrapped, aryKey), aryKey);

	          result = castCap(realName, result);
	          result = castCurry(realName, result, aryKey);
	          return false;
	      return !result;

	    result || (result = wrapped);
	    if (result == func) {
	      result = forceCurry ? curry(result, 1) : function() {
	        return func.apply(this, arguments);
	    result.convert = createConverter(realName, func);
	    result.placeholder = func.placeholder = placeholder;

	    return result;


	  if (!isObj) {
	    return wrap(name, func, defaultHolder);
	  var _ = func;

	  // Convert methods by ary cap.
	  var pairs = [];
	  each(aryMethodKeys, function(aryKey) {
	    each(mapping.aryMethod[aryKey], function(key) {
	      var func = _[mapping.remap[key] || key];
	      if (func) {
	        pairs.push([key, wrap(key, func, _)]);

	  // Convert remaining methods.
	  each(keys(_), function(key) {
	    var func = _[key];
	    if (typeof func == 'function') {
	      var length = pairs.length;
	      while (length--) {
	        if (pairs[length][0] == key) {
	      func.convert = createConverter(key, func);
	      pairs.push([key, func]);

	  // Assign to `_` leaving `_.prototype` unchanged to allow chaining.
	  each(pairs, function(pair) {
	    _[pair[0]] = pair[1];

	  _.convert = convertLib;
	  _.placeholder = _;

	  // Assign aliases.
	  each(keys(_), function(key) {
	    each(mapping.realToAlias[key] || [], function(alias) {
	      _[alias] = _[key];

	  return _;

	module.exports = baseConvert;

/***/ }),
/* 2 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {

	/** Used to map aliases to their real names. */
	exports.aliasToReal = {

	  // Lodash aliases.
	  'each': 'forEach',
	  'eachRight': 'forEachRight',
	  'entries': 'toPairs',
	  'entriesIn': 'toPairsIn',
	  'extend': 'assignIn',
	  'extendAll': 'assignInAll',
	  'extendAllWith': 'assignInAllWith',
	  'extendWith': 'assignInWith',
	  'first': 'head',

	  // Methods that are curried variants of others.
	  'conforms': 'conformsTo',
	  'matches': 'isMatch',
	  'property': 'get',

	  // Ramda aliases.
	  '__': 'placeholder',
	  'F': 'stubFalse',
	  'T': 'stubTrue',
	  'all': 'every',
	  'allPass': 'overEvery',
	  'always': 'constant',
	  'any': 'some',
	  'anyPass': 'overSome',
	  'apply': 'spread',
	  'assoc': 'set',
	  'assocPath': 'set',
	  'complement': 'negate',
	  'compose': 'flowRight',
	  'contains': 'includes',
	  'dissoc': 'unset',
	  'dissocPath': 'unset',
	  'dropLast': 'dropRight',
	  'dropLastWhile': 'dropRightWhile',
	  'equals': 'isEqual',
	  'identical': 'eq',
	  'indexBy': 'keyBy',
	  'init': 'initial',
	  'invertObj': 'invert',
	  'juxt': 'over',
	  'omitAll': 'omit',
	  'nAry': 'ary',
	  'path': 'get',
	  'pathEq': 'matchesProperty',
	  'pathOr': 'getOr',
	  'paths': 'at',
	  'pickAll': 'pick',
	  'pipe': 'flow',
	  'pluck': 'map',
	  'prop': 'get',
	  'propEq': 'matchesProperty',
	  'propOr': 'getOr',
	  'props': 'at',
	  'symmetricDifference': 'xor',
	  'symmetricDifferenceBy': 'xorBy',
	  'symmetricDifferenceWith': 'xorWith',
	  'takeLast': 'takeRight',
	  'takeLastWhile': 'takeRightWhile',
	  'unapply': 'rest',
	  'unnest': 'flatten',
	  'useWith': 'overArgs',
	  'where': 'conformsTo',
	  'whereEq': 'isMatch',
	  'zipObj': 'zipObject'

	/** Used to map ary to method names. */
	exports.aryMethod = {
	  '1': [
	    'assignAll', 'assignInAll', 'attempt', 'castArray', 'ceil', 'create',
	    'curry', 'curryRight', 'defaultsAll', 'defaultsDeepAll', 'floor', 'flow',
	    'flowRight', 'fromPairs', 'invert', 'iteratee', 'memoize', 'method', 'mergeAll',
	    'methodOf', 'mixin', 'nthArg', 'over', 'overEvery', 'overSome','rest', 'reverse',
	    'round', 'runInContext', 'spread', 'template', 'trim', 'trimEnd', 'trimStart',
	    'uniqueId', 'words', 'zipAll'
	  '2': [
	    'add', 'after', 'ary', 'assign', 'assignAllWith', 'assignIn', 'assignInAllWith',
	    'at', 'before', 'bind', 'bindAll', 'bindKey', 'chunk', 'cloneDeepWith',
	    'cloneWith', 'concat', 'conformsTo', 'countBy', 'curryN', 'curryRightN',
	    'debounce', 'defaults', 'defaultsDeep', 'defaultTo', 'delay', 'difference',
	    'divide', 'drop', 'dropRight', 'dropRightWhile', 'dropWhile', 'endsWith', 'eq',
	    'every', 'filter', 'find', 'findIndex', 'findKey', 'findLast', 'findLastIndex',
	    'findLastKey', 'flatMap', 'flatMapDeep', 'flattenDepth', 'forEach',
	    'forEachRight', 'forIn', 'forInRight', 'forOwn', 'forOwnRight', 'get',
	    'groupBy', 'gt', 'gte', 'has', 'hasIn', 'includes', 'indexOf', 'intersection',
	    'invertBy', 'invoke', 'invokeMap', 'isEqual', 'isMatch', 'join', 'keyBy',
	    'lastIndexOf', 'lt', 'lte', 'map', 'mapKeys', 'mapValues', 'matchesProperty',
	    'maxBy', 'meanBy', 'merge', 'mergeAllWith', 'minBy', 'multiply', 'nth', 'omit',
	    'omitBy', 'overArgs', 'pad', 'padEnd', 'padStart', 'parseInt', 'partial',
	    'partialRight', 'partition', 'pick', 'pickBy', 'propertyOf', 'pull', 'pullAll',
	    'pullAt', 'random', 'range', 'rangeRight', 'rearg', 'reject', 'remove',
	    'repeat', 'restFrom', 'result', 'sampleSize', 'some', 'sortBy', 'sortedIndex',
	    'sortedIndexOf', 'sortedLastIndex', 'sortedLastIndexOf', 'sortedUniqBy',
	    'split', 'spreadFrom', 'startsWith', 'subtract', 'sumBy', 'take', 'takeRight',
	    'takeRightWhile', 'takeWhile', 'tap', 'throttle', 'thru', 'times', 'trimChars',
	    'trimCharsEnd', 'trimCharsStart', 'truncate', 'union', 'uniqBy', 'uniqWith',
	    'unset', 'unzipWith', 'without', 'wrap', 'xor', 'zip', 'zipObject',
	  '3': [
	    'assignInWith', 'assignWith', 'clamp', 'differenceBy', 'differenceWith',
	    'findFrom', 'findIndexFrom', 'findLastFrom', 'findLastIndexFrom', 'getOr',
	    'includesFrom', 'indexOfFrom', 'inRange', 'intersectionBy', 'intersectionWith',
	    'invokeArgs', 'invokeArgsMap', 'isEqualWith', 'isMatchWith', 'flatMapDepth',
	    'lastIndexOfFrom', 'mergeWith', 'orderBy', 'padChars', 'padCharsEnd',
	    'padCharsStart', 'pullAllBy', 'pullAllWith', 'rangeStep', 'rangeStepRight',
	    'reduce', 'reduceRight', 'replace', 'set', 'slice', 'sortedIndexBy',
	    'sortedLastIndexBy', 'transform', 'unionBy', 'unionWith', 'update', 'xorBy',
	    'xorWith', 'zipWith'
	  '4': [
	    'fill', 'setWith', 'updateWith'

	/** Used to map ary to rearg configs. */
	exports.aryRearg = {
	  '2': [1, 0],
	  '3': [2, 0, 1],
	  '4': [3, 2, 0, 1]

	/** Used to map method names to their iteratee ary. */
	exports.iterateeAry = {
	  'dropRightWhile': 1,
	  'dropWhile': 1,
	  'every': 1,
	  'filter': 1,
	  'find': 1,
	  'findFrom': 1,
	  'findIndex': 1,
	  'findIndexFrom': 1,
	  'findKey': 1,
	  'findLast': 1,
	  'findLastFrom': 1,
	  'findLastIndex': 1,
	  'findLastIndexFrom': 1,
	  'findLastKey': 1,
	  'flatMap': 1,
	  'flatMapDeep': 1,
	  'flatMapDepth': 1,
	  'forEach': 1,
	  'forEachRight': 1,
	  'forIn': 1,
	  'forInRight': 1,
	  'forOwn': 1,
	  'forOwnRight': 1,
	  'map': 1,
	  'mapKeys': 1,
	  'mapValues': 1,
	  'partition': 1,
	  'reduce': 2,
	  'reduceRight': 2,
	  'reject': 1,
	  'remove': 1,
	  'some': 1,
	  'takeRightWhile': 1,
	  'takeWhile': 1,
	  'times': 1,
	  'transform': 2

	/** Used to map method names to iteratee rearg configs. */
	exports.iterateeRearg = {
	  'mapKeys': [1],
	  'reduceRight': [1, 0]

	/** Used to map method names to rearg configs. */
	exports.methodRearg = {
	  'assignInAllWith': [1, 0],
	  'assignInWith': [1, 2, 0],
	  'assignAllWith': [1, 0],
	  'assignWith': [1, 2, 0],
	  'differenceBy': [1, 2, 0],
	  'differenceWith': [1, 2, 0],
	  'getOr': [2, 1, 0],
	  'intersectionBy': [1, 2, 0],
	  'intersectionWith': [1, 2, 0],
	  'isEqualWith': [1, 2, 0],
	  'isMatchWith': [2, 1, 0],
	  'mergeAllWith': [1, 0],
	  'mergeWith': [1, 2, 0],
	  'padChars': [2, 1, 0],
	  'padCharsEnd': [2, 1, 0],
	  'padCharsStart': [2, 1, 0],
	  'pullAllBy': [2, 1, 0],
	  'pullAllWith': [2, 1, 0],
	  'rangeStep': [1, 2, 0],
	  'rangeStepRight': [1, 2, 0],
	  'setWith': [3, 1, 2, 0],
	  'sortedIndexBy': [2, 1, 0],
	  'sortedLastIndexBy': [2, 1, 0],
	  'unionBy': [1, 2, 0],
	  'unionWith': [1, 2, 0],
	  'updateWith': [3, 1, 2, 0],
	  'xorBy': [1, 2, 0],
	  'xorWith': [1, 2, 0],
	  'zipWith': [1, 2, 0]

	/** Used to map method names to spread configs. */
	exports.methodSpread = {
	  'assignAll': { 'start': 0 },
	  'assignAllWith': { 'start': 0 },
	  'assignInAll': { 'start': 0 },
	  'assignInAllWith': { 'start': 0 },
	  'defaultsAll': { 'start': 0 },
	  'defaultsDeepAll': { 'start': 0 },
	  'invokeArgs': { 'start': 2 },
	  'invokeArgsMap': { 'start': 2 },
	  'mergeAll': { 'start': 0 },
	  'mergeAllWith': { 'start': 0 },
	  'partial': { 'start': 1 },
	  'partialRight': { 'start': 1 },
	  'without': { 'start': 1 },
	  'zipAll': { 'start': 0 }

	/** Used to identify methods which mutate arrays or objects. */
	exports.mutate = {
	  'array': {
	    'fill': true,
	    'pull': true,
	    'pullAll': true,
	    'pullAllBy': true,
	    'pullAllWith': true,
	    'pullAt': true,
	    'remove': true,
	    'reverse': true
	  'object': {
	    'assign': true,
	    'assignAll': true,
	    'assignAllWith': true,
	    'assignIn': true,
	    'assignInAll': true,
	    'assignInAllWith': true,
	    'assignInWith': true,
	    'assignWith': true,
	    'defaults': true,
	    'defaultsAll': true,
	    'defaultsDeep': true,
	    'defaultsDeepAll': true,
	    'merge': true,
	    'mergeAll': true,
	    'mergeAllWith': true,
	    'mergeWith': true,
	  'set': {
	    'set': true,
	    'setWith': true,
	    'unset': true,
	    'update': true,
	    'updateWith': true

	/** Used to map real names to their aliases. */
	exports.realToAlias = (function() {
	  var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
	      object = exports.aliasToReal,
	      result = {};

	  for (var key in object) {
	    var value = object[key];
	    if (hasOwnProperty.call(result, value)) {
	    } else {
	      result[value] = [key];
	  return result;

	/** Used to map method names to other names. */
	exports.remap = {
	  'assignAll': 'assign',
	  'assignAllWith': 'assignWith',
	  'assignInAll': 'assignIn',
	  'assignInAllWith': 'assignInWith',
	  'curryN': 'curry',
	  'curryRightN': 'curryRight',
	  'defaultsAll': 'defaults',
	  'defaultsDeepAll': 'defaultsDeep',
	  'findFrom': 'find',
	  'findIndexFrom': 'findIndex',
	  'findLastFrom': 'findLast',
	  'findLastIndexFrom': 'findLastIndex',
	  'getOr': 'get',
	  'includesFrom': 'includes',
	  'indexOfFrom': 'indexOf',
	  'invokeArgs': 'invoke',
	  'invokeArgsMap': 'invokeMap',
	  'lastIndexOfFrom': 'lastIndexOf',
	  'mergeAll': 'merge',
	  'mergeAllWith': 'mergeWith',
	  'padChars': 'pad',
	  'padCharsEnd': 'padEnd',
	  'padCharsStart': 'padStart',
	  'propertyOf': 'get',
	  'rangeStep': 'range',
	  'rangeStepRight': 'rangeRight',
	  'restFrom': 'rest',
	  'spreadFrom': 'spread',
	  'trimChars': 'trim',
	  'trimCharsEnd': 'trimEnd',
	  'trimCharsStart': 'trimStart',
	  'zipAll': 'zip'

	/** Used to track methods that skip fixing their arity. */
	exports.skipFixed = {
	  'castArray': true,
	  'flow': true,
	  'flowRight': true,
	  'iteratee': true,
	  'mixin': true,
	  'rearg': true,
	  'runInContext': true

	/** Used to track methods that skip rearranging arguments. */
	exports.skipRearg = {
	  'add': true,
	  'assign': true,
	  'assignIn': true,
	  'bind': true,
	  'bindKey': true,
	  'concat': true,
	  'difference': true,
	  'divide': true,
	  'eq': true,
	  'gt': true,
	  'gte': true,
	  'isEqual': true,
	  'lt': true,
	  'lte': true,
	  'matchesProperty': true,
	  'merge': true,
	  'multiply': true,
	  'overArgs': true,
	  'partial': true,
	  'partialRight': true,
	  'propertyOf': true,
	  'random': true,
	  'range': true,
	  'rangeRight': true,
	  'subtract': true,
	  'zip': true,
	  'zipObject': true,
	  'zipObjectDeep': true

/***/ }),
/* 3 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {

	 * The default argument placeholder value for methods.
	 * @type {Object}
	module.exports = {};

/***/ })
/******/ ])