;(function() { /** Used to access the Firebug Lite panel (set by `run`). */ var fbPanel; /** Used as a safe reference for `undefined` in pre ES5 environments. */ var undefined; /** Used as a reference to the global object. */ var root = typeof global == 'object' && global || this; /** Method and object shortcuts. */ var phantom = root.phantom, amd = root.define && define.amd, argv = root.process && process.argv, document = !phantom && root.document, noop = function() {}, params = root.arguments, system = root.system; /** Add `console.log()` support for Rhino and RingoJS. */ var console = root.console || (root.console = { 'log': root.print }); /** The file path of the lodash file to test. */ var filePath = (function() { var min = 0, result = []; if (phantom) { result = params = phantom.args; } else if (system) { min = 1; result = params = system.args; } else if (argv) { min = 2; result = params = argv; } else if (params) { result = params; } var last = result[result.length - 1]; result = (result.length > min && !/perf(?:\.js)?$/.test(last)) ? last : '../lodash.js'; if (!amd) { try { result = require('fs').realpathSync(result); } catch (e) {} try { result = require.resolve(result); } catch (e) {} } return result; }()); /** Used to match path separators. */ var rePathSeparator = /[\/\\]/; /** Used to detect primitive types. */ var rePrimitive = /^(?:boolean|number|string|undefined)$/; /** Used to match RegExp special characters. */ var reSpecialChars = /[.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\]/g; /** The `ui` object. */ var ui = root.ui || (root.ui = { 'buildPath': basename(filePath, '.js'), 'otherPath': 'underscore' }); /** The lodash build basename. */ var buildName = root.buildName = basename(ui.buildPath, '.js'); /** The other library basename. */ var otherName = root.otherName = (function() { var result = basename(ui.otherPath, '.js'); return result + (result == buildName ? ' (2)' : ''); }()); /** Used to score performance. */ var score = { 'a': [], 'b': [] }; /** Used to queue benchmark suites. */ var suites = []; /** Use a single "load" function. */ var load = (typeof require == 'function' && !amd) ? require : noop; /** Load lodash. */ var lodash = root.lodash || (root.lodash = ( lodash = load(filePath) || root._, lodash = lodash._ || lodash, (lodash.runInContext ? lodash.runInContext(root) : lodash), lodash.noConflict() )); /** Load Underscore. */ var _ = root.underscore || (root.underscore = ( _ = load('../vendor/underscore/underscore.js') || root._, _._ || _ )); /** Load Benchmark.js. */ var Benchmark = root.Benchmark || (root.Benchmark = ( Benchmark = load('../node_modules/benchmark/benchmark.js') || root.Benchmark, Benchmark = Benchmark.Benchmark || Benchmark, Benchmark.runInContext(lodash.extend({}, root, { '_': lodash })) )); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Gets the basename of the given `filePath`. If the file `extension` is passed, * it will be removed from the basename. * * @private * @param {string} path The file path to inspect. * @param {string} extension The extension to remove. * @returns {string} Returns the basename. */ function basename(filePath, extension) { var result = (filePath || '').split(rePathSeparator).pop(); return (arguments.length < 2) ? result : result.replace(RegExp(extension.replace(reSpecialChars, '\\$&') + '$'), ''); } /** * Computes the geometric mean (log-average) of an array of values. * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometric_mean#Relationship_with_arithmetic_mean_of_logarithms. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array of values. * @returns {number} The geometric mean. */ function getGeometricMean(array) { return Math.pow(Math.E, lodash.reduce(array, function(sum, x) { return sum + Math.log(x); }, 0) / array.length) || 0; } /** * Gets the Hz, i.e. operations per second, of `bench` adjusted for the * margin of error. * * @private * @param {Object} bench The benchmark object. * @returns {number} Returns the adjusted Hz. */ function getHz(bench) { var result = 1 / (bench.stats.mean + bench.stats.moe); return isFinite(result) ? result : 0; } /** * Host objects can return type values that are different from their actual * data type. The objects we are concerned with usually return non-primitive * types of "object", "function", or "unknown". * * @private * @param {*} object The owner of the property. * @param {string} property The property to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the property value is a non-primitive, else `false`. */ function isHostType(object, property) { if (object == null) { return false; } var type = typeof object[property]; return !rePrimitive.test(type) && (type != 'object' || !!object[property]); } /** * Logs text to the console. * * @private * @param {string} text The text to log. */ function log(text) { console.log(text + ''); if (fbPanel) { // Scroll the Firebug Lite panel down. fbPanel.scrollTop = fbPanel.scrollHeight; } } /** * Runs all benchmark suites. * * @private (@public in the browser) */ function run() { fbPanel = (fbPanel = root.document && document.getElementById('FirebugUI')) && (fbPanel = (fbPanel = fbPanel.contentWindow || fbPanel.contentDocument).document || fbPanel) && fbPanel.getElementById('fbPanel1'); log('\nSit back and relax, this may take a while.'); suites[0].run({ 'async': true }); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ lodash.extend(Benchmark.Suite.options, { 'onStart': function() { log('\n' + this.name + ':'); }, 'onCycle': function(event) { log(event.target); }, 'onComplete': function() { for (var index = 0, length = this.length; index < length; index++) { var bench = this[index]; if (bench.error) { var errored = true; } } if (errored) { log('There was a problem, skipping...'); } else { var formatNumber = Benchmark.formatNumber, fastest = this.filter('fastest'), fastestHz = getHz(fastest[0]), slowest = this.filter('slowest'), slowestHz = getHz(slowest[0]), aHz = getHz(this[0]), bHz = getHz(this[1]); if (fastest.length > 1) { log('It\'s too close to call.'); aHz = bHz = slowestHz; } else { var percent = ((fastestHz / slowestHz) - 1) * 100; log( fastest[0].name + ' is ' + formatNumber(percent < 1 ? percent.toFixed(2) : Math.round(percent)) + '% faster.' ); } // Add score adjusted for margin of error. score.a.push(aHz); score.b.push(bHz); } // Remove current suite from queue. suites.shift(); if (suites.length) { // Run next suite. suites[0].run({ 'async': true }); } else { var aMeanHz = getGeometricMean(score.a), bMeanHz = getGeometricMean(score.b), fastestMeanHz = Math.max(aMeanHz, bMeanHz), slowestMeanHz = Math.min(aMeanHz, bMeanHz), xFaster = fastestMeanHz / slowestMeanHz, percentFaster = formatNumber(Math.round((xFaster - 1) * 100)), message = 'is ' + percentFaster + '% ' + (xFaster == 1 ? '' : '(' + formatNumber(xFaster.toFixed(2)) + 'x) ') + 'faster than'; // Report results. if (aMeanHz >= bMeanHz) { log('\n' + buildName + ' ' + message + ' ' + otherName + '.'); } else { log('\n' + otherName + ' ' + message + ' ' + buildName + '.'); } } } }); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ lodash.extend(Benchmark.options, { 'async': true, 'setup': '\ var _ = global.underscore,\ lodash = global.lodash,\ belt = this.name == buildName ? lodash : _;\ \ var date = new Date,\ limit = 50,\ regexp = /x/,\ object = {},\ objects = Array(limit),\ numbers = Array(limit),\ fourNumbers = [5, 25, 10, 30],\ nestedNumbers = [1, [2], [3, [[4]]]],\ nestedObjects = [{}, [{}], [{}, [[{}]]]],\ twoNumbers = [12, 23];\ \ for (var index = 0; index < limit; index++) {\ numbers[index] = index;\ object["key" + index] = index;\ objects[index] = { "num": index };\ }\ var strNumbers = numbers + "";\ \ if (typeof assign != "undefined") {\ var _assign = _.assign || _.extend,\ lodashAssign = lodash.assign;\ }\ if (typeof bind != "undefined") {\ var thisArg = { "name": "fred" };\ \ var func = function(greeting, punctuation) {\ return (greeting || "hi") + " " + this.name + (punctuation || ".");\ };\ \ var _boundNormal = _.bind(func, thisArg),\ _boundMultiple = _boundNormal,\ _boundPartial = _.bind(func, thisArg, "hi");\ \ var lodashBoundNormal = lodash.bind(func, thisArg),\ lodashBoundMultiple = lodashBoundNormal,\ lodashBoundPartial = lodash.bind(func, thisArg, "hi");\ \ for (index = 0; index < 10; index++) {\ _boundMultiple = _.bind(_boundMultiple, { "name": "fred" + index });\ lodashBoundMultiple = lodash.bind(lodashBoundMultiple, { "name": "fred" + index });\ }\ }\ if (typeof bindAll != "undefined") {\ var bindAllCount = -1,\ bindAllObjects = Array(this.count);\ \ var funcNames = belt.reject(belt.functions(belt).slice(0, 40), function(funcName) {\ return /^_/.test(funcName);\ });\ \ // Potentially expensive.\n\ for (index = 0; index < this.count; index++) {\ bindAllObjects[index] = belt.reduce(funcNames, function(object, funcName) {\ object[funcName] = belt[funcName];\ return object;\ }, {});\ }\ }\ if (typeof chaining != "undefined") {\ var even = function(v) { return v % 2 == 0; },\ square = function(v) { return v * v; };\ \ var largeArray = belt.range(10000),\ _chaining = _(largeArray).chain(),\ lodashChaining = lodash(largeArray).chain();\ }\ if (typeof compact != "undefined") {\ var uncompacted = numbers.slice();\ uncompacted[2] = false;\ uncompacted[6] = null;\ uncompacted[18] = "";\ }\ if (typeof flowRight != "undefined") {\ var compAddOne = function(n) { return n + 1; },\ compAddTwo = function(n) { return n + 2; },\ compAddThree = function(n) { return n + 3; };\ \ var _composed = _.flowRight && _.flowRight(compAddThree, compAddTwo, compAddOne),\ lodashComposed = lodash.flowRight && lodash.flowRight(compAddThree, compAddTwo, compAddOne);\ }\ if (typeof countBy != "undefined" || typeof omit != "undefined") {\ var wordToNumber = {\ "one": 1,\ "two": 2,\ "three": 3,\ "four": 4,\ "five": 5,\ "six": 6,\ "seven": 7,\ "eight": 8,\ "nine": 9,\ "ten": 10,\ "eleven": 11,\ "twelve": 12,\ "thirteen": 13,\ "fourteen": 14,\ "fifteen": 15,\ "sixteen": 16,\ "seventeen": 17,\ "eighteen": 18,\ "nineteen": 19,\ "twenty": 20,\ "twenty-one": 21,\ "twenty-two": 22,\ "twenty-three": 23,\ "twenty-four": 24,\ "twenty-five": 25,\ "twenty-six": 26,\ "twenty-seven": 27,\ "twenty-eight": 28,\ "twenty-nine": 29,\ "thirty": 30,\ "thirty-one": 31,\ "thirty-two": 32,\ "thirty-three": 33,\ "thirty-four": 34,\ "thirty-five": 35,\ "thirty-six": 36,\ "thirty-seven": 37,\ "thirty-eight": 38,\ "thirty-nine": 39,\ "forty": 40\ };\ \ var words = belt.keys(wordToNumber).slice(0, limit);\ }\ if (typeof flatten != "undefined") {\ var _flattenDeep = _.flatten([[1]])[0] !== 1,\ lodashFlattenDeep = lodash.flatten([[1]])[0] !== 1;\ }\ if (typeof isEqual != "undefined") {\ var objectOfPrimitives = {\ "boolean": true,\ "number": 1,\ "string": "a"\ };\ \ var objectOfObjects = {\ "boolean": new Boolean(true),\ "number": new Number(1),\ "string": new String("a")\ };\ \ var objectOfObjects2 = {\ "boolean": new Boolean(true),\ "number": new Number(1),\ "string": new String("A")\ };\ \ var object2 = {},\ object3 = {},\ objects2 = Array(limit),\ objects3 = Array(limit),\ numbers2 = Array(limit),\ numbers3 = Array(limit),\ nestedNumbers2 = [1, [2], [3, [[4]]]],\ nestedNumbers3 = [1, [2], [3, [[6]]]];\ \ for (index = 0; index < limit; index++) {\ object2["key" + index] = index;\ object3["key" + index] = index;\ objects2[index] = { "num": index };\ objects3[index] = { "num": index };\ numbers2[index] = index;\ numbers3[index] = index;\ }\ object3["key" + (limit - 1)] = -1;\ objects3[limit - 1].num = -1;\ numbers3[limit - 1] = -1;\ }\ if (typeof matches != "undefined") {\ var source = { "num": 9 };\ \ var _matcher = (_.matches || _.noop)(source),\ lodashMatcher = (lodash.matches || lodash.noop)(source);\ }\ if (typeof multiArrays != "undefined") {\ var twentyValues = belt.shuffle(belt.range(20)),\ fortyValues = belt.shuffle(belt.range(40)),\ hundredSortedValues = belt.range(100),\ hundredValues = belt.shuffle(hundredSortedValues),\ hundredValues2 = belt.shuffle(hundredValues),\ hundredTwentyValues = belt.shuffle(belt.range(120)),\ hundredTwentyValues2 = belt.shuffle(hundredTwentyValues),\ twoHundredValues = belt.shuffle(belt.range(200)),\ twoHundredValues2 = belt.shuffle(twoHundredValues);\ }\ if (typeof partial != "undefined") {\ var func = function(greeting, punctuation) {\ return greeting + " fred" + (punctuation || ".");\ };\ \ var _partial = _.partial(func, "hi"),\ lodashPartial = lodash.partial(func, "hi");\ }\ if (typeof template != "undefined") {\ var tplData = {\ "header1": "Header1",\ "header2": "Header2",\ "header3": "Header3",\ "header4": "Header4",\ "header5": "Header5",\ "header6": "Header6",\ "list": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"]\ };\ \ var tpl =\ "<div>" +\ "<h1 class=\'header1\'><%= header1 %></h1>" +\ "<h2 class=\'header2\'><%= header2 %></h2>" +\ "<h3 class=\'header3\'><%= header3 %></h3>" +\ "<h4 class=\'header4\'><%= header4 %></h4>" +\ "<h5 class=\'header5\'><%= header5 %></h5>" +\ "<h6 class=\'header6\'><%= header6 %></h6>" +\ "<ul class=\'list\'>" +\ "<% for (var index = 0, length = list.length; index < length; index++) { %>" +\ "<li class=\'item\'><%= list[index] %></li>" +\ "<% } %>" +\ "</ul>" +\ "</div>";\ \ var tplVerbose =\ "<div>" +\ "<h1 class=\'header1\'><%= data.header1 %></h1>" +\ "<h2 class=\'header2\'><%= data.header2 %></h2>" +\ "<h3 class=\'header3\'><%= data.header3 %></h3>" +\ "<h4 class=\'header4\'><%= data.header4 %></h4>" +\ "<h5 class=\'header5\'><%= data.header5 %></h5>" +\ "<h6 class=\'header6\'><%= data.header6 %></h6>" +\ "<ul class=\'list\'>" +\ "<% for (var index = 0, length = data.list.length; index < length; index++) { %>" +\ "<li class=\'item\'><%= data.list[index] %></li>" +\ "<% } %>" +\ "</ul>" +\ "</div>";\ \ var settingsObject = { "variable": "data" };\ \ var _tpl = _.template(tpl),\ _tplVerbose = _.template(tplVerbose, null, settingsObject);\ \ var lodashTpl = lodash.template(tpl),\ lodashTplVerbose = lodash.template(tplVerbose, null, settingsObject);\ }\ if (typeof wrap != "undefined") {\ var add = function(a, b) {\ return a + b;\ };\ \ var average = function(func, a, b) {\ return (func(a, b) / 2).toFixed(2);\ };\ \ var _wrapped = _.wrap(add, average);\ lodashWrapped = lodash.wrap(add, average);\ }\ if (typeof zip != "undefined") {\ var unzipped = [["a", "b", "c"], [1, 2, 3], [true, false, true]];\ }' }); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_(...).map(...).filter(...).take(...).value()`') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodashChaining.map(square).filter(even).take(100).value()', 'teardown': 'function chaining(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_chaining.map(square).filter(even).take(100).value()', 'teardown': 'function chaining(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.assign`') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodashAssign({}, { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3 })', 'teardown': 'function assign(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_assign({}, { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3 })', 'teardown': 'function assign(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.assign` with multiple sources') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodashAssign({}, { "a": 1, "b": 2 }, { "c": 3, "d": 4 })', 'teardown': 'function assign(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_assign({}, { "a": 1, "b": 2 }, { "c": 3, "d": 4 })', 'teardown': 'function assign(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.bind` (slow path)') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.bind(function() { return this.name; }, { "name": "fred" })', 'teardown': 'function bind(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.bind(function() { return this.name; }, { "name": "fred" })', 'teardown': 'function bind(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('bound call with arguments') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodashBoundNormal("hi", "!")', 'teardown': 'function bind(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_boundNormal("hi", "!")', 'teardown': 'function bind(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('bound and partially applied call with arguments') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodashBoundPartial("!")', 'teardown': 'function bind(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_boundPartial("!")', 'teardown': 'function bind(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('bound multiple times') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodashBoundMultiple()', 'teardown': 'function bind(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_boundMultiple()', 'teardown': 'function bind(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.bindAll`') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.bindAll(bindAllObjects[++bindAllCount], funcNames)', 'teardown': 'function bindAll(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.bindAll(bindAllObjects[++bindAllCount], funcNames)', 'teardown': 'function bindAll(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.clone` with an array') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.clone(numbers)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.clone(numbers)' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.clone` with an object') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.clone(object)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.clone(object)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.compact`') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.compact(uncompacted)', 'teardown': 'function compact(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.compact(uncompacted)', 'teardown': 'function compact(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.countBy` with `callback` iterating an array') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.countBy(numbers, function(num) { return num >> 1; })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.countBy(numbers, function(num) { return num >> 1; })' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.countBy` with `property` name iterating an array') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.countBy(words, "length")', 'teardown': 'function countBy(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.countBy(words, "length")', 'teardown': 'function countBy(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.countBy` with `callback` iterating an object') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.countBy(wordToNumber, function(num) { return num >> 1; })', 'teardown': 'function countBy(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.countBy(wordToNumber, function(num) { return num >> 1; })', 'teardown': 'function countBy(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.defaults`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.defaults({ "key2": 2, "key6": 6, "key18": 18 }, object)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.defaults({ "key2": 2, "key6": 6, "key18": 18 }, object)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.difference`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.difference(numbers, twoNumbers, fourNumbers)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.difference(numbers, twoNumbers, fourNumbers)' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.difference` iterating 20 and 40 elements') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.difference(twentyValues, fortyValues)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.difference(twentyValues, fortyValues)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.difference` iterating 200 elements') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.difference(twoHundredValues, twoHundredValues2)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.difference(twoHundredValues, twoHundredValues2)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.each` iterating an array') .add(buildName, '\ var result = [];\ lodash.each(numbers, function(num) {\ result.push(num * 2);\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ var result = [];\ _.each(numbers, function(num) {\ result.push(num * 2);\ })' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.each` iterating an object') .add(buildName, '\ var result = [];\ lodash.each(object, function(num) {\ result.push(num * 2);\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ var result = [];\ _.each(object, function(num) {\ result.push(num * 2);\ })' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.every` iterating an array') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.every(numbers, function(num) {\ return num < limit;\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.every(numbers, function(num) {\ return num < limit;\ })' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.every` iterating an object') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.every(object, function(num) {\ return num < limit;\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.every(object, function(num) {\ return num < limit;\ })' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.filter` iterating an array') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.filter(numbers, function(num) {\ return num % 2;\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.filter(numbers, function(num) {\ return num % 2;\ })' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.filter` iterating an object') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.filter(object, function(num) {\ return num % 2\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.filter(object, function(num) {\ return num % 2\ })' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.filter` with `_.matches` shorthand') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.filter(objects, source)', 'teardown': 'function matches(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.filter(objects, source)', 'teardown': 'function matches(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.filter` with `_.matches` predicate') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.filter(objects, lodashMatcher)', 'teardown': 'function matches(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.filter(objects, _matcher)', 'teardown': 'function matches(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.find` iterating an array') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.find(numbers, function(num) {\ return num === (limit - 1);\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.find(numbers, function(num) {\ return num === (limit - 1);\ })' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.find` iterating an object') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.find(object, function(value, key) {\ return /\D9$/.test(key);\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.find(object, function(value, key) {\ return /\D9$/.test(key);\ })' ) ); // Avoid Underscore induced `OutOfMemoryError` in Rhino and Ringo. suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.find` with `_.matches` shorthand') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.find(objects, source)', 'teardown': 'function matches(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.find(objects, source)', 'teardown': 'function matches(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.flatten`') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.flatten(nestedNumbers, !lodashFlattenDeep)', 'teardown': 'function flatten(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.flatten(nestedNumbers, !_flattenDeep)', 'teardown': 'function flatten(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.flattenDeep` nested arrays of numbers') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.flattenDeep(nestedNumbers)', 'teardown': 'function flatten(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.flattenDeep(nestedNumbers)', 'teardown': 'function flatten(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.flattenDeep` nest arrays of objects') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.flattenDeep(nestedObjects)', 'teardown': 'function flatten(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.flattenDeep(nestedObjects)', 'teardown': 'function flatten(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.flowRight`') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.flowRight(compAddThree, compAddTwo, compAddOne)', 'teardown': 'function flowRight(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.flowRight(compAddThree, compAddTwo, compAddOne)', 'teardown': 'function flowRight(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('composed call') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodashComposed(0)', 'teardown': 'function flowRight(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_composed(0)', 'teardown': 'function flowRight(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.functions`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.functions(lodash)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.functions(lodash)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.groupBy` with `callback` iterating an array') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.groupBy(numbers, function(num) { return num >> 1; })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.groupBy(numbers, function(num) { return num >> 1; })' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.groupBy` with `property` name iterating an array') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.groupBy(words, "length")', 'teardown': 'function countBy(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.groupBy(words, "length")', 'teardown': 'function countBy(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.groupBy` with `callback` iterating an object') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.groupBy(wordToNumber, function(num) { return num >> 1; })', 'teardown': 'function countBy(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.groupBy(wordToNumber, function(num) { return num >> 1; })', 'teardown': 'function countBy(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.includes` searching an array') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.includes(numbers, limit - 1)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.includes(numbers, limit - 1)' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.includes` searching an object') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.includes(object, limit - 1)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.includes(object, limit - 1)' ) ); if (lodash.includes('ab', 'ab') && _.includes('ab', 'ab')) { suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.includes` searching a string') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.includes(strNumbers, "," + (limit - 1))' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.includes(strNumbers, "," + (limit - 1))' ) ); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.indexOf`') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.indexOf(hundredSortedValues, 99)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.indexOf(hundredSortedValues, 99)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.intersection`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.intersection(numbers, twoNumbers, fourNumbers)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.intersection(numbers, twoNumbers, fourNumbers)' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.intersection` iterating 120 elements') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.intersection(hundredTwentyValues, hundredTwentyValues2)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.intersection(hundredTwentyValues, hundredTwentyValues2)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.invert`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.invert(object)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.invert(object)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.invokeMap` iterating an array') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.invokeMap(numbers, "toFixed")' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.invokeMap(numbers, "toFixed")' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.invokeMap` with arguments iterating an array') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.invokeMap(numbers, "toFixed", 1)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.invokeMap(numbers, "toFixed", 1)' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.invokeMap` with a function for `path` iterating an array') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.invokeMap(numbers, Number.prototype.toFixed, 1)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.invokeMap(numbers, Number.prototype.toFixed, 1)' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.invokeMap` iterating an object') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.invokeMap(object, "toFixed", 1)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.invokeMap(object, "toFixed", 1)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.isEqual` comparing primitives') .add(buildName, { 'fn': '\ lodash.isEqual(1, "1");\ lodash.isEqual(1, 1)', 'teardown': 'function isEqual(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '\ _.isEqual(1, "1");\ _.isEqual(1, 1);', 'teardown': 'function isEqual(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.isEqual` comparing primitives and their object counterparts (edge case)') .add(buildName, { 'fn': '\ lodash.isEqual(objectOfPrimitives, objectOfObjects);\ lodash.isEqual(objectOfPrimitives, objectOfObjects2)', 'teardown': 'function isEqual(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '\ _.isEqual(objectOfPrimitives, objectOfObjects);\ _.isEqual(objectOfPrimitives, objectOfObjects2)', 'teardown': 'function isEqual(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.isEqual` comparing arrays') .add(buildName, { 'fn': '\ lodash.isEqual(numbers, numbers2);\ lodash.isEqual(numbers2, numbers3)', 'teardown': 'function isEqual(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '\ _.isEqual(numbers, numbers2);\ _.isEqual(numbers2, numbers3)', 'teardown': 'function isEqual(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.isEqual` comparing nested arrays') .add(buildName, { 'fn': '\ lodash.isEqual(nestedNumbers, nestedNumbers2);\ lodash.isEqual(nestedNumbers2, nestedNumbers3)', 'teardown': 'function isEqual(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '\ _.isEqual(nestedNumbers, nestedNumbers2);\ _.isEqual(nestedNumbers2, nestedNumbers3)', 'teardown': 'function isEqual(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.isEqual` comparing arrays of objects') .add(buildName, { 'fn': '\ lodash.isEqual(objects, objects2);\ lodash.isEqual(objects2, objects3)', 'teardown': 'function isEqual(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '\ _.isEqual(objects, objects2);\ _.isEqual(objects2, objects3)', 'teardown': 'function isEqual(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.isEqual` comparing objects') .add(buildName, { 'fn': '\ lodash.isEqual(object, object2);\ lodash.isEqual(object2, object3)', 'teardown': 'function isEqual(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '\ _.isEqual(object, object2);\ _.isEqual(object2, object3)', 'teardown': 'function isEqual(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.isArguments`, `_.isDate`, `_.isFunction`, `_.isNumber`, `_.isObject`, `_.isRegExp`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.isArguments(arguments);\ lodash.isArguments(object);\ lodash.isDate(date);\ lodash.isDate(object);\ lodash.isFunction(lodash);\ lodash.isFunction(object);\ lodash.isNumber(1);\ lodash.isNumber(object);\ lodash.isObject(object);\ lodash.isObject(1);\ lodash.isRegExp(regexp);\ lodash.isRegExp(object)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.isArguments(arguments);\ _.isArguments(object);\ _.isDate(date);\ _.isDate(object);\ _.isFunction(_);\ _.isFunction(object);\ _.isNumber(1);\ _.isNumber(object);\ _.isObject(object);\ _.isObject(1);\ _.isRegExp(regexp);\ _.isRegExp(object)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.keys` (uses native `Object.keys` if available)') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.keys(object)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.keys(object)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.lastIndexOf`') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.lastIndexOf(hundredSortedValues, 0)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.lastIndexOf(hundredSortedValues, 0)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.map` iterating an array') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.map(objects, function(value) {\ return value.num;\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.map(objects, function(value) {\ return value.num;\ })' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.map` iterating an object') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.map(object, function(value) {\ return value;\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.map(object, function(value) {\ return value;\ })' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.map` with `_.property` shorthand') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.map(objects, "num")' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.map(objects, "num")' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.max`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.max(numbers)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.max(numbers)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.min`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.min(numbers)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.min(numbers)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.omit` iterating 20 properties, omitting 2 keys') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.omit(object, "key6", "key13")' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.omit(object, "key6", "key13")' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.omit` iterating 40 properties, omitting 20 keys') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.omit(wordToNumber, words)', 'teardown': 'function omit(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.omit(wordToNumber, words)', 'teardown': 'function omit(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.partial` (slow path)') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.partial(function(greeting) { return greeting + " " + this.name; }, "hi")', 'teardown': 'function partial(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.partial(function(greeting) { return greeting + " " + this.name; }, "hi")', 'teardown': 'function partial(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('partially applied call with arguments') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodashPartial("!")', 'teardown': 'function partial(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_partial("!")', 'teardown': 'function partial(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.partition` iterating an array') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.partition(numbers, function(num) {\ return num % 2;\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.partition(numbers, function(num) {\ return num % 2;\ })' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.partition` iterating an object') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.partition(object, function(num) {\ return num % 2;\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.partition(object, function(num) {\ return num % 2;\ })' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.pick`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.pick(object, "key6", "key13")' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.pick(object, "key6", "key13")' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.reduce` iterating an array') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.reduce(numbers, function(result, value, index) {\ result[index] = value;\ return result;\ }, {})' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.reduce(numbers, function(result, value, index) {\ result[index] = value;\ return result;\ }, {})' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.reduce` iterating an object') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.reduce(object, function(result, value, key) {\ result.push(key, value);\ return result;\ }, [])' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.reduce(object, function(result, value, key) {\ result.push(key, value);\ return result;\ }, [])' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.reduceRight` iterating an array') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.reduceRight(numbers, function(result, value, index) {\ result[index] = value;\ return result;\ }, {})' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.reduceRight(numbers, function(result, value, index) {\ result[index] = value;\ return result;\ }, {})' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.reduceRight` iterating an object') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.reduceRight(object, function(result, value, key) {\ result.push(key, value);\ return result;\ }, [])' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.reduceRight(object, function(result, value, key) {\ result.push(key, value);\ return result;\ }, [])' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.reject` iterating an array') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.reject(numbers, function(num) {\ return num % 2;\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.reject(numbers, function(num) {\ return num % 2;\ })' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.reject` iterating an object') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.reject(object, function(num) {\ return num % 2;\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.reject(object, function(num) {\ return num % 2;\ })' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.sampleSize`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.sampleSize(numbers, limit / 2)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.sampleSize(numbers, limit / 2)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.shuffle`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.shuffle(numbers)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.shuffle(numbers)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.size` with an object') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.size(object)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.size(object)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.some` iterating an array') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.some(numbers, function(num) {\ return num == (limit - 1);\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.some(numbers, function(num) {\ return num == (limit - 1);\ })' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.some` iterating an object') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.some(object, function(num) {\ return num == (limit - 1);\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.some(object, function(num) {\ return num == (limit - 1);\ })' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.sortBy` with `callback`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.sortBy(numbers, function(num) { return Math.sin(num); })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.sortBy(numbers, function(num) { return Math.sin(num); })' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.sortBy` with `property` name') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.sortBy(words, "length")', 'teardown': 'function countBy(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.sortBy(words, "length")', 'teardown': 'function countBy(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.sortedIndex`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.sortedIndex(numbers, limit)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.sortedIndex(numbers, limit)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.sortedIndexBy`') .add(buildName, { 'fn': '\ lodash.sortedIndexBy(words, "twenty-five", function(value) {\ return wordToNumber[value];\ })', 'teardown': 'function countBy(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '\ _.sortedIndexBy(words, "twenty-five", function(value) {\ return wordToNumber[value];\ })', 'teardown': 'function countBy(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.sortedIndexOf`') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.sortedIndexOf(hundredSortedValues, 99)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.sortedIndexOf(hundredSortedValues, 99)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.sortedLastIndexOf`') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.sortedLastIndexOf(hundredSortedValues, 0)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.sortedLastIndexOf(hundredSortedValues, 0)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.sum`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.sum(numbers)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.sum(numbers)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.template` (slow path)') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.template(tpl)(tplData)', 'teardown': 'function template(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.template(tpl)(tplData)', 'teardown': 'function template(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('compiled template') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodashTpl(tplData)', 'teardown': 'function template(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_tpl(tplData)', 'teardown': 'function template(){}' }) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('compiled template without a with-statement') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodashTplVerbose(tplData)', 'teardown': 'function template(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_tplVerbose(tplData)', 'teardown': 'function template(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.times`') .add(buildName, '\ var result = [];\ lodash.times(limit, function(n) { result.push(n); })' ) .add(otherName, '\ var result = [];\ _.times(limit, function(n) { result.push(n); })' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.toArray` with an array (edge case)') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.toArray(numbers)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.toArray(numbers)' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.toArray` with an object') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.toArray(object)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.toArray(object)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.toPairs`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.toPairs(object)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.toPairs(object)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.unescape` string without html entities') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.unescape("`&`, `<`, `>`, `\\"`, and `\'`")' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.unescape("`&`, `<`, `>`, `\\"`, and `\'`")' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.unescape` string with html entities') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.unescape("`&`, `<`, `>`, `"`, and `'`")' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.unescape("`&`, `<`, `>`, `"`, and `'`")' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.union`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.union(numbers, twoNumbers, fourNumbers)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.union(numbers, twoNumbers, fourNumbers)' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.union` iterating an array of 200 elements') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.union(hundredValues, hundredValues2)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.union(hundredValues, hundredValues2)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.uniq`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.uniq(numbers.concat(twoNumbers, fourNumbers))' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.uniq(numbers.concat(twoNumbers, fourNumbers))' ) ); suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.uniq` iterating an array of 200 elements') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.uniq(twoHundredValues)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.uniq(twoHundredValues)', 'teardown': 'function multiArrays(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.uniqBy`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.uniqBy(numbers.concat(twoNumbers, fourNumbers), function(num) {\ return num % 2;\ })' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.uniqBy(numbers.concat(twoNumbers, fourNumbers), function(num) {\ return num % 2;\ })' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.values`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.values(object)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.values(object)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.without`') .add(buildName, '\ lodash.without(numbers, 9, 12, 14, 15)' ) .add(otherName, '\ _.without(numbers, 9, 12, 14, 15)' ) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.wrap` result called') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodashWrapped(2, 5)', 'teardown': 'function wrap(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_wrapped(2, 5)', 'teardown': 'function wrap(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ suites.push( Benchmark.Suite('`_.zip`') .add(buildName, { 'fn': 'lodash.zip.apply(lodash, unzipped)', 'teardown': 'function zip(){}' }) .add(otherName, { 'fn': '_.zip.apply(_, unzipped)', 'teardown': 'function zip(){}' }) ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (Benchmark.platform + '') { log(Benchmark.platform); } // Expose `run` to be called later when executing in a browser. if (document) { root.run = run; } else { run(); } }.call(this));