;(function(window) { 'use strict'; /** The base path of the lodash builds. */ var basePath = '../'; /** The lodash build to load. */ var build = (build = /build=([^&]+)/.exec(location.search)) && decodeURIComponent(build[1]); /** The module loader to use. */ var loader = (loader = /loader=([^&]+)/.exec(location.search)) && decodeURIComponent(loader[1]); /** The `ui` object. */ var ui = {}; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Initialize controls. addEventListener('load', function() { function eventHandler(event) { var buildIndex = buildList.selectedIndex, loaderIndex = loaderList.selectedIndex, search = location.search.replace(/^\?|&?(?:build|loader)=[^&]*&?/g, ''); if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { event.cancelBubble = true; } location.href = location.href.split('?')[0] + '?' + (search ? search + '&' : '') + 'build=' + (buildIndex < 0 ? build : buildList[buildIndex].value) + '&' + 'loader=' + (loaderIndex < 0 ? loader : loaderList[loaderIndex].value); } function init() { var toolbar = document.getElementById('qunit-testrunner-toolbar'); if (!toolbar) { setTimeout(init, 15); return; } toolbar.insertBefore(span2, toolbar.lastChild); toolbar.insertBefore(span1, span2); buildList.selectedIndex = (function() { switch (build) { case 'lodash': return 1; case 'lodash-core-dev': return 2; case 'lodash-core': return 3; case 'lodash-dev': case null: return 0; } return -1; }()); loaderList.selectedIndex = (function() { switch (loader) { case 'curl': return 1; case 'dojo': return 2; case 'requirejs': return 3; case 'none': case null: return 0; } return -1; }()); buildList.addEventListener('change', eventHandler); loaderList.addEventListener('change', eventHandler); } var span1 = document.createElement('span'); span1.innerHTML = '<label for="qunit-build">Build: </label>' + '<select id="qunit-build">' + '<option value="lodash-dev">lodash (development)</option>' + '<option value="lodash">lodash (production)</option>' + '<option value="lodash-core-dev">lodash-core (development)</option>' + '<option value="lodash-core">lodash-core (production)</option>' + '</select>'; var span2 = document.createElement('span'); span2.innerHTML = '<label for="qunit-loader">Loader: </label>' + '<select id="qunit-loader">' + '<option value="none">None</option>' + '<option value="curl">Curl</option>' + '<option value="dojo">Dojo</option>' + '<option value="requirejs">RequireJS</option>' + '</select>'; span1.style.cssText = span2.style.cssText = 'display:inline-block;float:right;line-height:2.1em;margin-left:1em;margin-top:0;'; span1.firstChild.style.cssText = span2.firstChild.style.cssText = 'display:inline-block;margin-right:.5em;'; var buildList = span1.lastChild, loaderList = span2.lastChild; setTimeout(function() { ui.timing.loadEventEnd = +new Date; }, 1); init(); }); // The lodash build file path. ui.buildPath = (function() { var result; switch (build) { case 'lodash': result = 'dist/lodash.min.js'; break; case 'lodash-core-dev': result = 'dist/lodash.core.js'; break; case 'lodash-core': result = 'dist/lodash.core.min.js'; break; case null: build = 'lodash-dev'; case 'lodash-dev': result = 'lodash.js'; break; default: return build; } return basePath + result; }()); // The module loader file path. ui.loaderPath = (function() { var result; switch (loader) { case 'curl': result = 'node_modules/curl-amd/dist/curl-kitchen-sink/curl.js'; break; case 'dojo': result = 'node_modules/dojo/dojo.js'; break; case 'requirejs': result = 'node_modules/requirejs/require.js'; break; case null: loader = 'none'; return ''; default: return loader; } return basePath + result; }()); // Used to indicate testing a core build. ui.isCore = /\bcore(\.min)?\.js\b/.test(ui.buildPath); // Used to indicate testing a foreign file. ui.isForeign = RegExp('^(\\w+:)?//').test(build); // Used to indicate testing a modularized build. ui.isModularize = /\b(?:amd|commonjs|es|node|npm|(index|main)\.js)\b/.test([location.pathname, location.search]); // Used to indicate testing in Sauce Labs' automated test cloud. ui.isSauceLabs = location.port == '9001'; // Used to indicate that lodash is in strict mode. ui.isStrict = /\bes\b/.test([location.pathname, location.search]); ui.urlParams = { 'build': build, 'loader': loader }; ui.timing = { 'loadEventEnd': 0 }; window.ui = ui; }(this));