'use strict'; const util = require('util'); const fs = require('graceful-fs'); const glob = util.promisify(require('glob')); const path = require('path'); const config = require('../config').config; const Logger = require('../logger'); async function applyPatch(db, file) { Logger.tag('database', 'migration').info('Checking if patch need to be applied: %s', file); const contents = await util.promisify(fs.readFile)(file); const version = path.basename(file, '.sql'); const row = await db.get('SELECT * FROM schema_version WHERE version = ?', version); if (row) { // patch is already applied. skip! Logger.tag('database', 'migration').info('Patch already applied, skipping: %s', file); return } const sql = 'BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n' + contents.toString() + '\n' + 'INSERT INTO schema_version (version) VALUES (\'' + version + '\');\n' + 'END TRANSACTION;'; await db.exec(sql); Logger.tag('database', 'migration').info('Patch successfully applied: %s', file); } async function applyMigrations(db) { Logger.tag('database', 'migration').info('Migrating database...'); const sql = 'BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schema_version (\n' + ' version VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY ASC,\n' + ' applied_at DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL\n' + '); END TRANSACTION;'; await db.exec(sql); const files = await glob(__dirname + '/patches/*.sql'); for (const file of files) { await applyPatch(db, file) } } async function init() { const SQLite3 = require('sqlite3'); const file = config.server.databaseFile; Logger.tag('database').info('Setting up database: %s', file); let db; try { db = new SQLite3.Database(file); } catch (error) { Logger.tag('database').error('Error initialzing database:', error); throw error; } db.on('profile', (sql, time) => Logger.tag('database').profile('[%sms]\t%s', time, sql)); try { await applyMigrations(db); } catch (error) { Logger.tag('database').error('Error migrating database:', error); throw error; } module.exports.db = db; } module.exports = { init };