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* The MIT License
* Copyright (c) 2013 the angular-leaflet-directive Team, http://tombatossals.github.io/angular-leaflet-directive
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* angular-leaflet-directive
* https://github.com/tombatossals/angular-leaflet-directive
* @authors https://github.com/tombatossals/angular-leaflet-directive/graphs/contributors
* angular-leaflet-directive 2015-11-06
* angular-leaflet-directive - An AngularJS directive to easily interact with Leaflet maps
* git: https://github.com/tombatossals/angular-leaflet-directive
'use strict';
angular.module('leaflet-directive', []).directive('leaflet', ["$q", "leafletData", "leafletMapDefaults", "leafletHelpers", "leafletMapEvents", function($q, leafletData, leafletMapDefaults, leafletHelpers, leafletMapEvents) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
replace: true,
scope: {
center: '=',
lfCenter: '=',
defaults: '=',
maxbounds: '=',
bounds: '=',
markers: '=',
legend: '=',
geojson: '=',
paths: '=',
tiles: '=',
layers: '=',
controls: '=',
decorations: '=',
eventBroadcast: '=',
markersWatchOptions: '=',
geojsonWatchOptions: '=',
transclude: true,
template: '<div class="angular-leaflet-map"><div ng-transclude></div></div>',
controller: ["$scope", function($scope) {
this._leafletMap = $q.defer();
this.getMap = function() {
return this._leafletMap.promise;
this.getLeafletScope = function() {
return $scope;
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var defaults = leafletMapDefaults.setDefaults(scope.defaults, attrs.id);
var mapEvents = leafletMapEvents.getAvailableMapEvents();
var addEvents = leafletMapEvents.addEvents;
scope.mapId = attrs.id;
leafletData.setDirectiveControls({}, attrs.id);
// Set width and height utility functions
function updateWidth() {
if (isNaN(attrs.width)) {
element.css('width', attrs.width);
} else {
element.css('width', attrs.width + 'px');
function updateHeight() {
if (isNaN(attrs.height)) {
element.css('height', attrs.height);
} else {
element.css('height', attrs.height + 'px');
// If the width attribute defined update css
// Then watch if bound property changes and update css
if (isDefined(attrs.width)) {
function() {
return element[0].getAttribute('width');
function() {
// If the height attribute defined update css
// Then watch if bound property changes and update css
if (isDefined(attrs.height)) {
function() {
return element[0].getAttribute('height');
function() {
// Create the Leaflet Map Object with the options
var map = new L.Map(element[0], leafletMapDefaults.getMapCreationDefaults(attrs.id));
if (!isDefined(attrs.center) && !isDefined(attrs.lfCenter)) {
map.setView([defaults.center.lat, defaults.center.lng], defaults.center.zoom);
// If no layers nor tiles defined, set the default tileLayer
if (!isDefined(attrs.tiles) && (!isDefined(attrs.layers))) {
var tileLayerObj = L.tileLayer(defaults.tileLayer, defaults.tileLayerOptions);
leafletData.setTiles(tileLayerObj, attrs.id);
// Set zoom control configuration
if (isDefined(map.zoomControl) &&
isDefined(defaults.zoomControlPosition)) {
if (isDefined(map.zoomControl) && defaults.zoomControl === false) {
if (isDefined(map.zoomsliderControl) &&
isDefined(defaults.zoomsliderControl) &&
defaults.zoomsliderControl === false) {
// if no event-broadcast attribute, all events are broadcasted
if (!isDefined(attrs.eventBroadcast)) {
var logic = 'broadcast';
addEvents(map, mapEvents, 'eventName', scope, logic);
// Resolve the map object to the promises
map.whenReady(function() {
leafletData.setMap(map, attrs.id);
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
//Handle request to invalidate the map size
//Up scope using $scope.$emit('invalidateSize')
//Down scope using $scope.$broadcast('invalidateSize')
scope.$on('invalidateSize', function() {
angular.module('leaflet-directive').factory('leafletBoundsHelpers', ["$log", "leafletHelpers", function($log, leafletHelpers) {
var isArray = leafletHelpers.isArray;
var isNumber = leafletHelpers.isNumber;
var isFunction = leafletHelpers.isFunction;
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
function _isValidBounds(bounds) {
return angular.isDefined(bounds) && angular.isDefined(bounds.southWest) &&
angular.isDefined(bounds.northEast) && angular.isNumber(bounds.southWest.lat) &&
angular.isNumber(bounds.southWest.lng) && angular.isNumber(bounds.northEast.lat) &&
return {
createLeafletBounds: function(bounds) {
if (_isValidBounds(bounds)) {
return L.latLngBounds([bounds.southWest.lat, bounds.southWest.lng],
[bounds.northEast.lat, bounds.northEast.lng]);
isValidBounds: _isValidBounds,
createBoundsFromArray: function(boundsArray) {
if (!(isArray(boundsArray) && boundsArray.length === 2 &&
isArray(boundsArray[0]) && isArray(boundsArray[1]) &&
boundsArray[0].length === 2 && boundsArray[1].length === 2 &&
isNumber(boundsArray[0][0]) && isNumber(boundsArray[0][1]) &&
isNumber(boundsArray[1][0]) && isNumber(boundsArray[1][1]))) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] The bounds array is not valid.');
return {
northEast: {
lat: boundsArray[0][0],
lng: boundsArray[0][1],
southWest: {
lat: boundsArray[1][0],
lng: boundsArray[1][1],
createBoundsFromLeaflet: function(lfBounds) {
if (!(isDefined(lfBounds) && isFunction(lfBounds.getNorthEast) && isFunction(lfBounds.getSouthWest))) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] The leaflet bounds is not valid object.');
var northEast = lfBounds.getNorthEast();
var southWest = lfBounds.getSouthWest();
return {
northEast: {
lat: northEast.lat,
lng: northEast.lng,
southWest: {
lat: southWest.lat,
lng: southWest.lng,
angular.module('leaflet-directive').factory('leafletControlHelpers', ["$rootScope", "$log", "leafletHelpers", "leafletLayerHelpers", "leafletMapDefaults", function($rootScope, $log, leafletHelpers, leafletLayerHelpers, leafletMapDefaults) {
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var isObject = leafletHelpers.isObject;
var createLayer = leafletLayerHelpers.createLayer;
var _controls = {};
var errorHeader = leafletHelpers.errorHeader + ' [Controls] ';
var _controlLayersMustBeVisible = function(baselayers, overlays, mapId) {
var defaults = leafletMapDefaults.getDefaults(mapId);
if (!defaults.controls.layers.visible) {
return false;
var atLeastOneControlItemMustBeShown = false;
if (isObject(baselayers)) {
Object.keys(baselayers).forEach(function(key) {
var layer = baselayers[key];
if (!isDefined(layer.layerOptions) || layer.layerOptions.showOnSelector !== false) {
atLeastOneControlItemMustBeShown = true;
if (isObject(overlays)) {
Object.keys(overlays).forEach(function(key) {
var layer = overlays[key];
if (!isDefined(layer.layerParams) || layer.layerParams.showOnSelector !== false) {
atLeastOneControlItemMustBeShown = true;
return atLeastOneControlItemMustBeShown;
var _createLayersControl = function(mapId) {
var defaults = leafletMapDefaults.getDefaults(mapId);
var controlOptions = {
collapsed: defaults.controls.layers.collapsed,
position: defaults.controls.layers.position,
autoZIndex: false,
angular.extend(controlOptions, defaults.controls.layers.options);
var control;
if (defaults.controls.layers && isDefined(defaults.controls.layers.control)) {
control = defaults.controls.layers.control.apply(this, [[], [], controlOptions]);
} else {
control = new L.control.layers([], [], controlOptions);
return control;
var controlTypes = {
draw: {
isPluginLoaded: function() {
if (!angular.isDefined(L.Control.Draw)) {
$log.error(errorHeader + ' Draw plugin is not loaded.');
return false;
return true;
checkValidParams: function(/* params */) {
return true;
createControl: function(params) {
return new L.Control.Draw(params);
scale: {
isPluginLoaded: function() {
return true;
checkValidParams: function(/* params */) {
return true;
createControl: function(params) {
return new L.control.scale(params);
fullscreen: {
isPluginLoaded: function() {
if (!angular.isDefined(L.Control.Fullscreen)) {
$log.error(errorHeader + ' Fullscreen plugin is not loaded.');
return false;
return true;
checkValidParams: function(/* params */) {
return true;
createControl: function(params) {
return new L.Control.Fullscreen(params);
search: {
isPluginLoaded: function() {
if (!angular.isDefined(L.Control.Search)) {
$log.error(errorHeader + ' Search plugin is not loaded.');
return false;
return true;
checkValidParams: function(/* params */) {
return true;
createControl: function(params) {
return new L.Control.Search(params);
custom: {},
minimap: {
isPluginLoaded: function() {
if (!angular.isDefined(L.Control.MiniMap)) {
$log.error(errorHeader + ' Minimap plugin is not loaded.');
return false;
return true;
checkValidParams: function(params) {
if (!isDefined(params.layer)) {
$log.warn(errorHeader + ' minimap "layer" option should be defined.');
return false;
return true;
createControl: function(params) {
var layer = createLayer(params.layer);
if (!isDefined(layer)) {
$log.warn(errorHeader + ' minimap control "layer" could not be created.');
return new L.Control.MiniMap(layer, params);
return {
layersControlMustBeVisible: _controlLayersMustBeVisible,
isValidControlType: function(type) {
return Object.keys(controlTypes).indexOf(type) !== -1;
createControl: function(type, params) {
if (!controlTypes[type].checkValidParams(params)) {
return controlTypes[type].createControl(params);
updateLayersControl: function(map, mapId, loaded, baselayers, overlays, leafletLayers) {
var i;
var _layersControl = _controls[mapId];
var mustBeLoaded = _controlLayersMustBeVisible(baselayers, overlays, mapId);
if (isDefined(_layersControl) && loaded) {
for (i in leafletLayers.baselayers) {
for (i in leafletLayers.overlays) {
delete _controls[mapId];
if (mustBeLoaded) {
_layersControl = _createLayersControl(mapId);
_controls[mapId] = _layersControl;
for (i in baselayers) {
var hideOnSelector = isDefined(baselayers[i].layerOptions) &&
baselayers[i].layerOptions.showOnSelector === false;
if (!hideOnSelector && isDefined(leafletLayers.baselayers[i])) {
_layersControl.addBaseLayer(leafletLayers.baselayers[i], baselayers[i].name);
for (i in overlays) {
var hideOverlayOnSelector = isDefined(overlays[i].layerParams) &&
overlays[i].layerParams.showOnSelector === false;
if (!hideOverlayOnSelector && isDefined(leafletLayers.overlays[i])) {
_layersControl.addOverlay(leafletLayers.overlays[i], overlays[i].name);
return mustBeLoaded;
angular.module('leaflet-directive').service('leafletData', ["$log", "$q", "leafletHelpers", function($log, $q, leafletHelpers) {
var getDefer = leafletHelpers.getDefer,
getUnresolvedDefer = leafletHelpers.getUnresolvedDefer,
setResolvedDefer = leafletHelpers.setResolvedDefer;
var _private = {};
var self = this;
var upperFirst = function(string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
var _privateItems = [
'UTFGrid', //odd ball on naming convention keeping to not break
_privateItems.forEach(function(itemName) {
_private[itemName] = {};
this.unresolveMap = function(scopeId) {
var id = leafletHelpers.obtainEffectiveMapId(_private.map, scopeId);
_privateItems.forEach(function(itemName) {
_private[itemName][id] = undefined;
//int repetitive stuff (get and sets)
_privateItems.forEach(function(itemName) {
var name = upperFirst(itemName);
self['set' + name] = function(lObject, scopeId) {
var defer = getUnresolvedDefer(_private[itemName], scopeId);
setResolvedDefer(_private[itemName], scopeId);
self['get' + name] = function(scopeId) {
var defer = getDefer(_private[itemName], scopeId);
return defer.promise;
.service('leafletDirectiveControlsHelpers', ["$log", "leafletData", "leafletHelpers", function($log, leafletData, leafletHelpers) {
var _isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var _isString = leafletHelpers.isString;
var _isObject = leafletHelpers.isObject;
var _mainErrorHeader = leafletHelpers.errorHeader;
var _errorHeader = _mainErrorHeader + '[leafletDirectiveControlsHelpers';
var _extend = function(id, thingToAddName, createFn, cleanFn) {
var _fnHeader = _errorHeader + '.extend] ';
var extender = {};
if (!_isDefined(thingToAddName)) {
$log.error(_fnHeader + 'thingToAddName cannot be undefined');
if (_isString(thingToAddName) && _isDefined(createFn) && _isDefined(cleanFn)) {
extender[thingToAddName] = {
create: createFn,
clean: cleanFn,
} else if (_isObject(thingToAddName) && !_isDefined(createFn) && !_isDefined(cleanFn)) {
extender = thingToAddName;
} else {
$log.error(_fnHeader + 'incorrect arguments');
//add external control to create / destroy markers without a watch
leafletData.getDirectiveControls().then(function(controls) {
angular.extend(controls, extender);
leafletData.setDirectiveControls(controls, id);
return {
extend: _extend,
.service('leafletGeoJsonHelpers', ["leafletHelpers", "leafletIterators", function(leafletHelpers, leafletIterators) {
var lHlp = leafletHelpers;
var lIt = leafletIterators;
var Point = function(lat, lng) {
this.lat = lat;
this.lng = lng;
return this;
var _getLat = function(value) {
if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 2) {
return value[1];
} else if (lHlp.isDefined(value.type) && value.type === 'Point') {
return +value.coordinates[1];
} else {
return +value.lat;
var _getLng = function(value) {
if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 2) {
return value[0];
} else if (lHlp.isDefined(value.type) && value.type === 'Point') {
return +value.coordinates[0];
} else {
return +value.lng;
var _validateCoords = function(coords) {
if (lHlp.isUndefined(coords)) {
return false;
if (lHlp.isArray(coords)) {
if (coords.length === 2 && lHlp.isNumber(coords[0]) && lHlp.isNumber(coords[1])) {
return true;
} else if (lHlp.isDefined(coords.type)) {
if (
coords.type === 'Point' && lHlp.isArray(coords.coordinates) &&
coords.coordinates.length === 2 &&
lHlp.isNumber(coords.coordinates[0]) &&
lHlp.isNumber(coords.coordinates[1])) {
return true;
var ret = lIt.all(['lat', 'lng'], function(pos) {
return lHlp.isDefined(coords[pos]) && lHlp.isNumber(coords[pos]);
return ret;
var _getCoords = function(value) {
if (!value || !_validateCoords(value)) {
var p = null;
if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 2) {
p = new Point(value[1], value[0]);
} else if (lHlp.isDefined(value.type) && value.type === 'Point') {
p = new Point(value.coordinates[1], value.coordinates[0]);
} else {
return value;
//note angular.merge is avail in angular 1.4.X we might want to fill it here
return angular.extend(value, p);//tap on lat, lng if it doesnt exist
return {
getLat: _getLat,
getLng: _getLng,
validateCoords: _validateCoords,
getCoords: _getCoords,
angular.module('leaflet-directive').service('leafletHelpers', ["$q", "$log", function($q, $log) {
var _errorHeader = '[AngularJS - Leaflet] ';
var _copy = angular.copy;
var _clone = _copy;
For parsing paths to a field in an object
var obj = {
1: 'hi'
2: 'foo'
_getObjectValue(obj,"bike.1") returns 'hi'
this is getPath in ui-gmap
var _getObjectValue = function(object, pathStr) {
var obj;
if (!object || !angular.isObject(object))
//if the key is not a sting then we already have the value
if ((pathStr === null) || !angular.isString(pathStr)) {
return pathStr;
obj = object;
pathStr.split('.').forEach(function(value) {
if (obj) {
obj = obj[value];
return obj;
Object Array Notation
var _getObjectArrayPath = function(pathStr) {
return pathStr.split('.').reduce(function(previous, current) {
return previous + '["' + current + '"]';
/* Object Dot Notation
var _getObjectDotPath = function(arrayOfStrings) {
return arrayOfStrings.reduce(function(previous, current) {
return previous + '.' + current;
function _obtainEffectiveMapId(d, mapId) {
var id;
var i;
if (!angular.isDefined(mapId)) {
if (Object.keys(d).length === 0) {
id = 'main';
} else if (Object.keys(d).length >= 1) {
for (i in d) {
if (d.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
id = i;
} else {
$log.error(_errorHeader + '- You have more than 1 map on the DOM, you must provide the map ID to the leafletData.getXXX call');
} else {
id = mapId;
return id;
function _getUnresolvedDefer(d, mapId) {
var id = _obtainEffectiveMapId(d, mapId);
var defer;
if (!angular.isDefined(d[id]) || d[id].resolvedDefer === true) {
defer = $q.defer();
d[id] = {
defer: defer,
resolvedDefer: false,
} else {
defer = d[id].defer;
return defer;
var _isDefined = function(value) {
return angular.isDefined(value) && value !== null;
var _isUndefined = function(value) {
return !_isDefined(value);
// BEGIN DIRECT PORT FROM AngularJS code base
var SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP = /([\:\-\_]+(.))/g;
var MOZ_HACK_REGEXP = /^moz([A-Z])/;
var PREFIX_REGEXP = /^((?:x|data)[\:\-_])/i;
Converts snake_case to camelCase.
Also there is special case for Moz prefix starting with upper case letter.
@param name Name to normalize
var camelCase = function(name) {
return name.replace(SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP, function(_, separator, letter, offset) {
if (offset) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
} else {
return letter;
}).replace(MOZ_HACK_REGEXP, 'Moz$1');
Converts all accepted directives format into proper directive name.
@param name Name to normalize
var directiveNormalize = function(name) {
return camelCase(name.replace(PREFIX_REGEXP, ''));
// END AngularJS port
return {
camelCase: camelCase,
directiveNormalize: directiveNormalize,
errorHeader: _errorHeader,
getObjectValue: _getObjectValue,
getObjectDotPath: _getObjectDotPath,
defaultTo: function(val, _default) {
return _isDefined(val) ? val : _default;
//mainly for checking attributes of directives lets keep this minimal (on what we accept)
isTruthy: function(val) {
return val === 'true' || val === true;
//Determine if a reference is {}
isEmpty: function(value) {
return Object.keys(value).length === 0;
//Determine if a reference is undefined or {}
isUndefinedOrEmpty: function(value) {
return (angular.isUndefined(value) || value === null) || Object.keys(value).length === 0;
// Determine if a reference is defined
isDefined: _isDefined,
isNumber: angular.isNumber,
isString: angular.isString,
isArray: angular.isArray,
isObject: angular.isObject,
isFunction: angular.isFunction,
equals: angular.equals,
isValidCenter: function(center) {
return angular.isDefined(center) && angular.isNumber(center.lat) &&
angular.isNumber(center.lng) && angular.isNumber(center.zoom);
isValidPoint: function(point) {
if (!angular.isDefined(point)) {
return false;
if (angular.isArray(point)) {
return point.length === 2 && angular.isNumber(point[0]) && angular.isNumber(point[1]);
return angular.isNumber(point.lat) && angular.isNumber(point.lng);
isSameCenterOnMap: function(centerModel, map) {
var mapCenter = map.getCenter();
var zoom = map.getZoom();
if (centerModel.lat && centerModel.lng &&
mapCenter.lat.toFixed(4) === centerModel.lat.toFixed(4) &&
mapCenter.lng.toFixed(4) === centerModel.lng.toFixed(4) &&
zoom === centerModel.zoom) {
return true;
return false;
safeApply: function($scope, fn) {
var phase = $scope.$root.$$phase;
if (phase === '$apply' || phase === '$digest') {
} else {
obtainEffectiveMapId: _obtainEffectiveMapId,
getDefer: function(d, mapId) {
var id = _obtainEffectiveMapId(d, mapId);
var defer;
if (!angular.isDefined(d[id]) || d[id].resolvedDefer === false) {
defer = _getUnresolvedDefer(d, mapId);
} else {
defer = d[id].defer;
return defer;
getUnresolvedDefer: _getUnresolvedDefer,
setResolvedDefer: function(d, mapId) {
var id = _obtainEffectiveMapId(d, mapId);
d[id].resolvedDefer = true;
rangeIsSupported: function() {
var testrange = document.createElement('input');
testrange.setAttribute('type', 'range');
return testrange.type === 'range';
FullScreenControlPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return angular.isDefined(L.Control.Fullscreen);
MiniMapControlPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return angular.isDefined(L.Control.MiniMap);
AwesomeMarkersPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return angular.isDefined(L.AwesomeMarkers) && angular.isDefined(L.AwesomeMarkers.Icon);
is: function(icon) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return icon instanceof L.AwesomeMarkers.Icon;
} else {
return false;
equal: function(iconA, iconB) {
if (!this.isLoaded()) {
return false;
if (this.is(iconA)) {
return angular.equals(iconA, iconB);
} else {
return false;
VectorMarkersPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return angular.isDefined(L.VectorMarkers) && angular.isDefined(L.VectorMarkers.Icon);
is: function(icon) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return icon instanceof L.VectorMarkers.Icon;
} else {
return false;
equal: function(iconA, iconB) {
if (!this.isLoaded()) {
return false;
if (this.is(iconA)) {
return angular.equals(iconA, iconB);
} else {
return false;
DomMarkersPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
if (angular.isDefined(L.DomMarkers) && angular.isDefined(L.DomMarkers.Icon)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
is: function(icon) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return icon instanceof L.DomMarkers.Icon;
} else {
return false;
equal: function(iconA, iconB) {
if (!this.isLoaded()) {
return false;
if (this.is(iconA)) {
return angular.equals(iconA, iconB);
} else {
return false;
PolylineDecoratorPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
if (angular.isDefined(L.PolylineDecorator)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
is: function(decoration) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return decoration instanceof L.PolylineDecorator;
} else {
return false;
equal: function(decorationA, decorationB) {
if (!this.isLoaded()) {
return false;
if (this.is(decorationA)) {
return angular.equals(decorationA, decorationB);
} else {
return false;
MakiMarkersPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
if (angular.isDefined(L.MakiMarkers) && angular.isDefined(L.MakiMarkers.Icon)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
is: function(icon) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return icon instanceof L.MakiMarkers.Icon;
} else {
return false;
equal: function(iconA, iconB) {
if (!this.isLoaded()) {
return false;
if (this.is(iconA)) {
return angular.equals(iconA, iconB);
} else {
return false;
ExtraMarkersPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
if (angular.isDefined(L.ExtraMarkers) && angular.isDefined(L.ExtraMarkers.Icon)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
is: function(icon) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return icon instanceof L.ExtraMarkers.Icon;
} else {
return false;
equal: function(iconA, iconB) {
if (!this.isLoaded()) {
return false;
if (this.is(iconA)) {
return angular.equals(iconA, iconB);
} else {
return false;
LabelPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return angular.isDefined(L.Label);
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.MarkerClusterGroup;
} else {
return false;
MarkerClusterPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return angular.isDefined(L.MarkerClusterGroup);
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.MarkerClusterGroup;
} else {
return false;
GoogleLayerPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return angular.isDefined(L.Google);
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.Google;
} else {
return false;
LeafletProviderPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return angular.isDefined(L.TileLayer.Provider);
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.TileLayer.Provider;
} else {
return false;
ChinaLayerPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return angular.isDefined(L.tileLayer.chinaProvider);
HeatLayerPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return angular.isDefined(L.heatLayer);
WebGLHeatMapLayerPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return angular.isDefined(L.TileLayer.WebGLHeatMap);
BingLayerPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return angular.isDefined(L.BingLayer);
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.BingLayer;
} else {
return false;
WFSLayerPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return L.GeoJSON.WFS !== undefined;
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.GeoJSON.WFS;
} else {
return false;
AGSBaseLayerPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return L.esri !== undefined && L.esri.basemapLayer !== undefined;
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.esri.basemapLayer;
} else {
return false;
AGSLayerPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return lvector !== undefined && lvector.AGS !== undefined;
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof lvector.AGS;
} else {
return false;
AGSFeatureLayerPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return L.esri !== undefined && L.esri.featureLayer !== undefined;
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.esri.featureLayer;
} else {
return false;
AGSTiledMapLayerPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return L.esri !== undefined && L.esri.tiledMapLayer !== undefined;
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.esri.tiledMapLayer;
} else {
return false;
AGSDynamicMapLayerPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return L.esri !== undefined && L.esri.dynamicMapLayer !== undefined;
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.esri.dynamicMapLayer;
} else {
return false;
AGSImageMapLayerPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return L.esri !== undefined && L.esri.imageMapLayer !== undefined;
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.esri.imageMapLayer;
} else {
return false;
AGSClusteredLayerPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return L.esri !== undefined && L.esri.clusteredFeatureLayer !== undefined;
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.esri.clusteredFeatureLayer;
} else {
return false;
AGSHeatmapLayerPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return L.esri !== undefined && L.esri.heatmapFeatureLayer !== undefined;
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.esri.heatmapFeatureLayer;
} else {
return false;
YandexLayerPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return angular.isDefined(L.Yandex);
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.Yandex;
} else {
return false;
GeoJSONPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return angular.isDefined(L.TileLayer.GeoJSON);
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.TileLayer.GeoJSON;
} else {
return false;
UTFGridPlugin: {
isLoaded: function() {
return angular.isDefined(L.UtfGrid);
is: function(layer) {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.UtfGrid;
} else {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] No UtfGrid plugin found.');
return false;
CartoDB: {
isLoaded: function() {
return cartodb;
is: function(/*layer*/) {
return true;
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return layer instanceof L.TileLayer.GeoJSON;
} else {
return false;
Leaflet: {
DivIcon: {
is: function(icon) {
return icon instanceof L.DivIcon;
equal: function(iconA, iconB) {
if (this.is(iconA)) {
return angular.equals(iconA, iconB);
} else {
return false;
Icon: {
is: function(icon) {
return icon instanceof L.Icon;
equal: function(iconA, iconB) {
if (this.is(iconA)) {
return angular.equals(iconA, iconB);
} else {
return false;
watchOptions - object to set deep nested watches and turn off watches all together
(rely on control / functional updates)
watchOptions - Object
isDeep:boolean (sets $watch(function,isDeep))
//legacy defaults
watchOptions: {
isDeep: true,
isDeep: true,
angular.module('leaflet-directive').service('leafletIterators', ["$log", "leafletHelpers", function($log, leafletHelpers) {
var lHlp = leafletHelpers;
var errorHeader = leafletHelpers.errorHeader + 'leafletIterators: ';
//BEGIN COPY from underscore
var _keys = Object.keys;
var _isFunction = lHlp.isFunction;
var _isObject = lHlp.isObject;
// Helper for collection methods to determine whether a collection
// should be iterated as an array or as an object
// Related: http://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-tolength
var MAX_ARRAY_INDEX = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1;
var _isArrayLike = function(collection) {
var length = collection !== null && collection.length;
return lHlp.isNumber(length) && length >= 0 && length <= MAX_ARRAY_INDEX;
// Keep the identity function around for default iteratees.
var _identity = function(value) {
return value;
var _property = function(key) {
return function(obj) {
return obj === null ? void 0 : obj[key];
// Internal function that returns an efficient (for current engines) version
// of the passed-in callback, to be repeatedly applied in other Underscore
// functions.
var optimizeCb = function(func, context, argCount) {
if (context === void 0) return func;
switch (argCount === null ? 3 : argCount) {
case 1: return function(value) {
return func.call(context, value);
case 2: return function(value, other) {
return func.call(context, value, other);
case 3: return function(value, index, collection) {
return func.call(context, value, index, collection);
case 4: return function(accumulator, value, index, collection) {
return func.call(context, accumulator, value, index, collection);
return function() {
return func.apply(context, arguments);
// An internal function for creating assigner functions.
var createAssigner = function(keysFunc, undefinedOnly) {
return function(obj) {
var length = arguments.length;
if (length < 2 || obj === null) return obj;
for (var index = 1; index < length; index++) {
var source = arguments[index];
var keys = keysFunc(source);
var l = keys.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (!undefinedOnly || obj[key] === void 0) obj[key] = source[key];
return obj;
// Assigns a given object with all the own properties in the passed-in object(s)
// (https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/assign)
var _extendOwn;
var _assign = null;
_extendOwn = _assign = createAssigner(_keys);
// Returns whether an object has a given set of `key:value` pairs.
var _isMatch = function(object, attrs) {
var keys = _keys(attrs);
var length = keys.length;
if (object === null) return !length;
var obj = Object(object);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (attrs[key] !== obj[key] || !(key in obj)) return false;
return true;
// Returns a predicate for checking whether an object has a given set of
// `key:value` pairs.
var _matcher;
var _matches = null;
_matcher = _matches = function(attrs) {
attrs = _extendOwn({}, attrs);
return function(obj) {
return _isMatch(obj, attrs);
// A mostly-internal function to generate callbacks that can be applied
// to each element in a collection, returning the desired result — either
// identity, an arbitrary callback, a property matcher, or a property accessor.
var cb = function(value, context, argCount) {
if (value === null) return _identity;
if (_isFunction(value)) return optimizeCb(value, context, argCount);
if (_isObject(value)) return _matcher(value);
return _property(value);
var _every;
var _all = null;
_every = _all = function(obj, predicate, context) {
predicate = cb(predicate, context);
var keys = !_isArrayLike(obj) && _keys(obj);
var length = (keys || obj).length;
for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
var currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index;
if (!predicate(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj)) return false;
return true;
//END COPY fron underscore
var _hasErrors = function(collection, cb, ignoreCollection, cbName) {
if (!ignoreCollection) {
if (!lHlp.isDefined(collection) || !lHlp.isDefined(cb)) {
return true;
if (!lHlp.isFunction(cb)) {
cbName = lHlp.defaultTo(cb, 'cb');
$log.error(errorHeader + cbName + ' is not a function');
return true;
return false;
var _iterate = function(collection, externalCb, internalCb) {
if (_hasErrors(undefined, internalCb, true, 'internalCb')) {
if (!_hasErrors(collection, externalCb)) {
for (var key in collection) {
if (collection.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
internalCb(collection[key], key);
//see http://jsperf.com/iterators/3
//utilizing for in is way faster
var _each = function(collection, cb) {
_iterate(collection, cb, function(val, key) {
cb(val, key);
return {
forEach: _each,
every: _every,
all: _all,
.factory('leafletLayerHelpers', ["$rootScope", "$log", "$q", "leafletHelpers", "leafletIterators", function($rootScope, $log, $q, leafletHelpers, leafletIterators) {
var Helpers = leafletHelpers;
var isString = leafletHelpers.isString;
var isObject = leafletHelpers.isObject;
var isArray = leafletHelpers.isArray;
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var errorHeader = leafletHelpers.errorHeader;
var $it = leafletIterators;
var utfGridCreateLayer = function(params) {
if (!Helpers.UTFGridPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] The UTFGrid plugin is not loaded.');
var utfgrid = new L.UtfGrid(params.url, params.pluginOptions);
utfgrid.on('mouseover', function(e) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('leafletDirectiveMap.utfgridMouseover', e);
utfgrid.on('mouseout', function(e) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('leafletDirectiveMap.utfgridMouseout', e);
utfgrid.on('click', function(e) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('leafletDirectiveMap.utfgridClick', e);
utfgrid.on('mousemove', function(e) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('leafletDirectiveMap.utfgridMousemove', e);
return utfgrid;
var layerTypes = {
xyz: {
mustHaveUrl: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
return L.tileLayer(params.url, params.options);
mapbox: {
mustHaveKey: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
var version = 3;
if (isDefined(params.options.version) && params.options.version === 4) {
version = params.options.version;
var url = version === 3 ?
'//{s}.tiles.mapbox.com/v3/' + params.key + '/{z}/{x}/{y}.png' :
'//api.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/' + params.key + '/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=' + params.apiKey;
return L.tileLayer(url, params.options);
geoJSON: {
mustHaveUrl: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
if (!Helpers.GeoJSONPlugin.isLoaded()) {
return new L.TileLayer.GeoJSON(params.url, params.pluginOptions, params.options);
geoJSONShape: {
mustHaveUrl: false,
createLayer: function(params) {
return new L.GeoJSON(params.data,
geoJSONAwesomeMarker: {
mustHaveUrl: false,
createLayer: function(params) {
return new L.geoJson(params.data, {
pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
return L.marker(latlng, {icon: L.AwesomeMarkers.icon(params.icon)});
geoJSONVectorMarker: {
mustHaveUrl: false,
createLayer: function(params) {
return new L.geoJson(params.data, {
pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
return L.marker(latlng, {icon: L.VectorMarkers.icon(params.icon)});
utfGrid: {
mustHaveUrl: true,
createLayer: utfGridCreateLayer,
cartodbTiles: {
mustHaveKey: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
var url = '//' + params.user + '.cartodb.com/api/v1/map/' + params.key + '/{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
return L.tileLayer(url, params.options);
cartodbUTFGrid: {
mustHaveKey: true,
mustHaveLayer: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
params.url = '//' + params.user + '.cartodb.com/api/v1/map/' + params.key + '/' + params.layer + '/{z}/{x}/{y}.grid.json';
return utfGridCreateLayer(params);
cartodbInteractive: {
mustHaveKey: true,
mustHaveLayer: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
var tilesURL = '//' + params.user + '.cartodb.com/api/v1/map/' + params.key + '/{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
var tileLayer = L.tileLayer(tilesURL, params.options);
params.url = '//' + params.user + '.cartodb.com/api/v1/map/' + params.key + '/' + params.layer + '/{z}/{x}/{y}.grid.json';
var utfLayer = utfGridCreateLayer(params);
return L.layerGroup([tileLayer, utfLayer]);
wms: {
mustHaveUrl: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
return L.tileLayer.wms(params.url, params.options);
wmts: {
mustHaveUrl: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
return L.tileLayer.wmts(params.url, params.options);
wfs: {
mustHaveUrl: true,
mustHaveLayer: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
if (!Helpers.WFSLayerPlugin.isLoaded()) {
var options = angular.copy(params.options);
if (options.crs && typeof options.crs === 'string') {
/*jshint -W061 */
options.crs = eval(options.crs);
return new L.GeoJSON.WFS(params.url, params.layer, options);
group: {
mustHaveUrl: false,
createLayer: function(params) {
var lyrs = [];
$it.each(params.options.layers, function(l) {
params.options.loadedDefer = function() {
var defers = [];
if (isDefined(params.options.layers)) {
for (var i = 0; i < params.options.layers.length; i++) {
var d = params.options.layers[i].layerOptions.loadedDefer;
if (isDefined(d)) {
return defers;
return L.layerGroup(lyrs);
featureGroup: {
mustHaveUrl: false,
createLayer: function() {
return L.featureGroup();
google: {
mustHaveUrl: false,
createLayer: function(params) {
var type = params.type || 'SATELLITE';
if (!Helpers.GoogleLayerPlugin.isLoaded()) {
return new L.Google(type, params.options);
here: {
mustHaveUrl: false,
createLayer: function(params) {
var provider = params.provider || 'HERE.terrainDay';
if (!Helpers.LeafletProviderPlugin.isLoaded()) {
return new L.TileLayer.Provider(provider, params.options);
createLayer:function(params) {
var type = params.type || '';
if (!Helpers.ChinaLayerPlugin.isLoaded()) {
return L.tileLayer.chinaProvider(type, params.options);
agsBase: {
mustHaveLayer: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
if (!Helpers.AGSBaseLayerPlugin.isLoaded()) {
return L.esri.basemapLayer(params.layer, params.options);
ags: {
mustHaveUrl: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
if (!Helpers.AGSLayerPlugin.isLoaded()) {
var options = angular.copy(params.options);
angular.extend(options, {
url: params.url,
var layer = new lvector.AGS(options);
layer.onAdd = function(map) {
layer.onRemove = function() {
return layer;
agsFeature: {
mustHaveUrl: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
if (!Helpers.AGSFeatureLayerPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.warn(errorHeader + ' The esri plugin is not loaded.');
params.options.url = params.url;
var layer = L.esri.featureLayer(params.options);
var load = function() {
if (isDefined(params.options.loadedDefer)) {
layer.on('loading', function() {
params.options.loadedDefer = $q.defer();
layer.off('load', load);
layer.on('load', load);
return layer;
agsTiled: {
mustHaveUrl: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
if (!Helpers.AGSTiledMapLayerPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.warn(errorHeader + ' The esri plugin is not loaded.');
params.options.url = params.url;
return L.esri.tiledMapLayer(params.options);
agsDynamic: {
mustHaveUrl: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
if (!Helpers.AGSDynamicMapLayerPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.warn(errorHeader + ' The esri plugin is not loaded.');
params.options.url = params.url;
return L.esri.dynamicMapLayer(params.options);
agsImage: {
mustHaveUrl: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
if (!Helpers.AGSImageMapLayerPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.warn(errorHeader + ' The esri plugin is not loaded.');
params.options.url = params.url;
return L.esri.imageMapLayer(params.options);
agsClustered: {
mustHaveUrl: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
if (!Helpers.AGSClusteredLayerPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.warn(errorHeader + ' The esri clustered layer plugin is not loaded.');
if (!Helpers.MarkerClusterPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.warn(errorHeader + ' The markercluster plugin is not loaded.');
return L.esri.clusteredFeatureLayer(params.url, params.options);
agsHeatmap: {
mustHaveUrl: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
if (!Helpers.AGSHeatmapLayerPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.warn(errorHeader + ' The esri heatmap layer plugin is not loaded.');
if (!Helpers.HeatLayerPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.warn(errorHeader + ' The heatlayer plugin is not loaded.');
return L.esri.heatmapFeatureLayer(params.url, params.options);
markercluster: {
mustHaveUrl: false,
createLayer: function(params) {
if (!Helpers.MarkerClusterPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.warn(errorHeader + ' The markercluster plugin is not loaded.');
return new L.MarkerClusterGroup(params.options);
bing: {
mustHaveUrl: false,
createLayer: function(params) {
if (!Helpers.BingLayerPlugin.isLoaded()) {
return new L.BingLayer(params.key, params.options);
webGLHeatmap: {
mustHaveUrl: false,
mustHaveData: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
if (!Helpers.WebGLHeatMapLayerPlugin.isLoaded()) {
var layer = new L.TileLayer.WebGLHeatMap(params.options);
if (isDefined(params.data)) {
return layer;
heat: {
mustHaveUrl: false,
mustHaveData: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
if (!Helpers.HeatLayerPlugin.isLoaded()) {
var layer = new L.heatLayer();
if (isArray(params.data)) {
if (isObject(params.options)) {
return layer;
yandex: {
mustHaveUrl: false,
createLayer: function(params) {
var type = params.type || 'map';
if (!Helpers.YandexLayerPlugin.isLoaded()) {
return new L.Yandex(type, params.options);
imageOverlay: {
mustHaveUrl: true,
mustHaveBounds: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
return L.imageOverlay(params.url, params.bounds, params.options);
iip: {
mustHaveUrl: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
return L.tileLayer.iip(params.url, params.options);
// This "custom" type is used to accept every layer that user want to define himself.
// We can wrap these custom layers like heatmap or yandex, but it means a lot of work/code to wrap the world,
// so we let user to define their own layer outside the directive,
// and pass it on "createLayer" result for next processes
custom: {
createLayer: function(params) {
if (params.layer instanceof L.Class) {
return angular.copy(params.layer);
} else {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] A custom layer must be a leaflet Class');
cartodb: {
mustHaveUrl: true,
createLayer: function(params) {
return cartodb.createLayer(params.map, params.url);
function isValidLayerType(layerDefinition) {
// Check if the baselayer has a valid type
if (!isString(layerDefinition.type)) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] A layer must have a valid type defined.');
return false;
if (Object.keys(layerTypes).indexOf(layerDefinition.type) === -1) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] A layer must have a valid type: ' + Object.keys(layerTypes));
return false;
// Check if the layer must have an URL
if (layerTypes[layerDefinition.type].mustHaveUrl && !isString(layerDefinition.url)) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] A base layer must have an url');
return false;
if (layerTypes[layerDefinition.type].mustHaveData && !isDefined(layerDefinition.data)) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] The base layer must have a "data" array attribute');
return false;
if (layerTypes[layerDefinition.type].mustHaveLayer && !isDefined(layerDefinition.layer)) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] The type of layer ' + layerDefinition.type + ' must have an layer defined');
return false;
if (layerTypes[layerDefinition.type].mustHaveBounds && !isDefined(layerDefinition.bounds)) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] The type of layer ' + layerDefinition.type + ' must have bounds defined');
return false;
if (layerTypes[layerDefinition.type].mustHaveKey && !isDefined(layerDefinition.key)) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] The type of layer ' + layerDefinition.type + ' must have key defined');
return false;
return true;
function createLayer(layerDefinition) {
if (!isValidLayerType(layerDefinition)) {
if (!isString(layerDefinition.name)) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] A base layer must have a name');
if (!isObject(layerDefinition.layerParams)) {
layerDefinition.layerParams = {};
if (!isObject(layerDefinition.layerOptions)) {
layerDefinition.layerOptions = {};
// Mix the layer specific parameters with the general Leaflet options. Although this is an overhead
// the definition of a base layers is more 'clean' if the two types of parameters are differentiated
for (var attrname in layerDefinition.layerParams) {
layerDefinition.layerOptions[attrname] = layerDefinition.layerParams[attrname];
var params = {
url: layerDefinition.url,
data: layerDefinition.data,
options: layerDefinition.layerOptions,
layer: layerDefinition.layer,
icon: layerDefinition.icon,
type: layerDefinition.layerType,
bounds: layerDefinition.bounds,
key: layerDefinition.key,
apiKey: layerDefinition.apiKey,
pluginOptions: layerDefinition.pluginOptions,
user: layerDefinition.user,
//TODO Add $watch to the layer properties
return layerTypes[layerDefinition.type].createLayer(params);
function safeAddLayer(map, layer) {
if (layer && typeof layer.addTo === 'function') {
} else {
function safeRemoveLayer(map, layer, layerOptions) {
if (isDefined(layerOptions) && isDefined(layerOptions.loadedDefer)) {
if (angular.isFunction(layerOptions.loadedDefer)) {
var defers = layerOptions.loadedDefer();
$log.debug('Loaded Deferred', defers);
var count = defers.length;
if (count > 0) {
var resolve = function() {
if (count === 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < defers.length; i++) {
} else {
} else {
layerOptions.loadedDefer.promise.then(function() {
} else {
return {
createLayer: createLayer,
safeAddLayer: safeAddLayer,
safeRemoveLayer: safeRemoveLayer,
angular.module('leaflet-directive').factory('leafletLegendHelpers', function() {
var _updateLegend = function(div, legendData, type, url) {
div.innerHTML = '';
if (legendData.error) {
div.innerHTML += '<div class="info-title alert alert-danger">' + legendData.error.message + '</div>';
} else {
if (type === 'arcgis') {
for (var i = 0; i < legendData.layers.length; i++) {
var layer = legendData.layers[i];
div.innerHTML += '<div class="info-title" data-layerid="' + layer.layerId + '">' + layer.layerName + '</div>';
for (var j = 0; j < layer.legend.length; j++) {
var leg = layer.legend[j];
div.innerHTML +=
'<div class="inline" data-layerid="' + layer.layerId + '"><img src="data:' + leg.contentType + ';base64,' + leg.imageData + '" /></div>' +
'<div class="info-label" data-layerid="' + layer.layerId + '">' + leg.label + '</div>';
} else if (type === 'image') {
div.innerHTML = '<img src="' + url + '"/>';
var _getOnAddLegend = function(legendData, legendClass, type, url) {
return function(/*map*/) {
var div = L.DomUtil.create('div', legendClass);
if (!L.Browser.touch) {
L.DomEvent.on(div, 'mousewheel', L.DomEvent.stopPropagation);
} else {
L.DomEvent.on(div, 'click', L.DomEvent.stopPropagation);
_updateLegend(div, legendData, type, url);
return div;
var _getOnAddArrayLegend = function(legend, legendClass) {
return function(/*map*/) {
var div = L.DomUtil.create('div', legendClass);
for (var i = 0; i < legend.colors.length; i++) {
div.innerHTML +=
'<div class="outline"><i style="background:' + legend.colors[i] + '"></i></div>' +
'<div class="info-label">' + legend.labels[i] + '</div>';
if (!L.Browser.touch) {
L.DomEvent.on(div, 'mousewheel', L.DomEvent.stopPropagation);
} else {
L.DomEvent.on(div, 'click', L.DomEvent.stopPropagation);
return div;
return {
getOnAddLegend: _getOnAddLegend,
getOnAddArrayLegend: _getOnAddArrayLegend,
updateLegend: _updateLegend,
angular.module('leaflet-directive').factory('leafletMapDefaults', ["$q", "leafletHelpers", function($q, leafletHelpers) {
function _getDefaults() {
return {
keyboard: true,
dragging: true,
worldCopyJump: false,
doubleClickZoom: true,
scrollWheelZoom: true,
tap: true,
touchZoom: true,
zoomControl: true,
zoomsliderControl: false,
zoomControlPosition: 'topleft',
attributionControl: true,
controls: {
layers: {
visible: true,
position: 'topright',
collapsed: true,
nominatim: {
server: ' http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search',
crs: L.CRS.EPSG3857,
tileLayer: '//{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
tileLayerOptions: {
attribution: '© <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
path: {
weight: 10,
opacity: 1,
color: '#0000ff',
center: {
lat: 0,
lng: 0,
zoom: 1,
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var isObject = leafletHelpers.isObject;
var obtainEffectiveMapId = leafletHelpers.obtainEffectiveMapId;
var defaults = {};
// Get the _defaults dictionary, and override the properties defined by the user
return {
reset: function() {
defaults = {};
getDefaults: function(scopeId) {
var mapId = obtainEffectiveMapId(defaults, scopeId);
return defaults[mapId];
getMapCreationDefaults: function(scopeId) {
var mapId = obtainEffectiveMapId(defaults, scopeId);
var d = defaults[mapId];
var mapDefaults = {
maxZoom: d.maxZoom,
keyboard: d.keyboard,
dragging: d.dragging,
zoomControl: d.zoomControl,
doubleClickZoom: d.doubleClickZoom,
scrollWheelZoom: d.scrollWheelZoom,
tap: d.tap,
touchZoom: d.touchZoom,
attributionControl: d.attributionControl,
worldCopyJump: d.worldCopyJump,
crs: d.crs,
if (isDefined(d.minZoom)) {
mapDefaults.minZoom = d.minZoom;
if (isDefined(d.zoomAnimation)) {
mapDefaults.zoomAnimation = d.zoomAnimation;
if (isDefined(d.fadeAnimation)) {
mapDefaults.fadeAnimation = d.fadeAnimation;
if (isDefined(d.markerZoomAnimation)) {
mapDefaults.markerZoomAnimation = d.markerZoomAnimation;
if (d.map) {
for (var option in d.map) {
mapDefaults[option] = d.map[option];
return mapDefaults;
setDefaults: function(userDefaults, scopeId) {
var newDefaults = _getDefaults();
if (isDefined(userDefaults)) {
newDefaults.doubleClickZoom = isDefined(userDefaults.doubleClickZoom) ? userDefaults.doubleClickZoom : newDefaults.doubleClickZoom;
newDefaults.scrollWheelZoom = isDefined(userDefaults.scrollWheelZoom) ? userDefaults.scrollWheelZoom : newDefaults.doubleClickZoom;
newDefaults.tap = isDefined(userDefaults.tap) ? userDefaults.tap : newDefaults.tap;
newDefaults.touchZoom = isDefined(userDefaults.touchZoom) ? userDefaults.touchZoom : newDefaults.doubleClickZoom;
newDefaults.zoomControl = isDefined(userDefaults.zoomControl) ? userDefaults.zoomControl : newDefaults.zoomControl;
newDefaults.zoomsliderControl = isDefined(userDefaults.zoomsliderControl) ? userDefaults.zoomsliderControl : newDefaults.zoomsliderControl;
newDefaults.attributionControl = isDefined(userDefaults.attributionControl) ? userDefaults.attributionControl : newDefaults.attributionControl;
newDefaults.tileLayer = isDefined(userDefaults.tileLayer) ? userDefaults.tileLayer : newDefaults.tileLayer;
newDefaults.zoomControlPosition = isDefined(userDefaults.zoomControlPosition) ? userDefaults.zoomControlPosition : newDefaults.zoomControlPosition;
newDefaults.keyboard = isDefined(userDefaults.keyboard) ? userDefaults.keyboard : newDefaults.keyboard;
newDefaults.dragging = isDefined(userDefaults.dragging) ? userDefaults.dragging : newDefaults.dragging;
if (isDefined(userDefaults.controls)) {
angular.extend(newDefaults.controls, userDefaults.controls);
if (isObject(userDefaults.crs)) {
newDefaults.crs = userDefaults.crs;
} else if (isDefined(L.CRS[userDefaults.crs])) {
newDefaults.crs = L.CRS[userDefaults.crs];
if (isDefined(userDefaults.center)) {
angular.copy(userDefaults.center, newDefaults.center);
if (isDefined(userDefaults.tileLayerOptions)) {
angular.copy(userDefaults.tileLayerOptions, newDefaults.tileLayerOptions);
if (isDefined(userDefaults.maxZoom)) {
newDefaults.maxZoom = userDefaults.maxZoom;
if (isDefined(userDefaults.minZoom)) {
newDefaults.minZoom = userDefaults.minZoom;
if (isDefined(userDefaults.zoomAnimation)) {
newDefaults.zoomAnimation = userDefaults.zoomAnimation;
if (isDefined(userDefaults.fadeAnimation)) {
newDefaults.fadeAnimation = userDefaults.fadeAnimation;
if (isDefined(userDefaults.markerZoomAnimation)) {
newDefaults.markerZoomAnimation = userDefaults.markerZoomAnimation;
if (isDefined(userDefaults.worldCopyJump)) {
newDefaults.worldCopyJump = userDefaults.worldCopyJump;
if (isDefined(userDefaults.map)) {
newDefaults.map = userDefaults.map;
if (isDefined(userDefaults.path)) {
newDefaults.path = userDefaults.path;
var mapId = obtainEffectiveMapId(defaults, scopeId);
defaults[mapId] = newDefaults;
return newDefaults;
angular.module('leaflet-directive').service('leafletMarkersHelpers', ["$rootScope", "$timeout", "leafletHelpers", "$log", "$compile", "leafletGeoJsonHelpers", function($rootScope, $timeout, leafletHelpers, $log, $compile, leafletGeoJsonHelpers) {
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var defaultTo = leafletHelpers.defaultTo;
var MarkerClusterPlugin = leafletHelpers.MarkerClusterPlugin;
var AwesomeMarkersPlugin = leafletHelpers.AwesomeMarkersPlugin;
var VectorMarkersPlugin = leafletHelpers.VectorMarkersPlugin;
var MakiMarkersPlugin = leafletHelpers.MakiMarkersPlugin;
var ExtraMarkersPlugin = leafletHelpers.ExtraMarkersPlugin;
var DomMarkersPlugin = leafletHelpers.DomMarkersPlugin;
var safeApply = leafletHelpers.safeApply;
var Helpers = leafletHelpers;
var isString = leafletHelpers.isString;
var isNumber = leafletHelpers.isNumber;
var isObject = leafletHelpers.isObject;
var groups = {};
var geoHlp = leafletGeoJsonHelpers;
var errorHeader = leafletHelpers.errorHeader;
var _string = function(marker) {
//this exists since JSON.stringify barfs on cyclic
var retStr = '';
['_icon', '_latlng', '_leaflet_id', '_map', '_shadow'].forEach(function(prop) {
retStr += prop + ': ' + defaultTo(marker[prop], 'undefined') + ' \n';
return '[leafletMarker] : \n' + retStr;
var _log = function(marker, useConsole) {
var logger = useConsole ? console : $log;
var createLeafletIcon = function(iconData) {
if (isDefined(iconData) && isDefined(iconData.type) && iconData.type === 'awesomeMarker') {
if (!AwesomeMarkersPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.error(errorHeader + ' The AwesomeMarkers Plugin is not loaded.');
return new L.AwesomeMarkers.icon(iconData);
if (isDefined(iconData) && isDefined(iconData.type) && iconData.type === 'vectorMarker') {
if (!VectorMarkersPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.error(errorHeader + ' The VectorMarkers Plugin is not loaded.');
return new L.VectorMarkers.icon(iconData);
if (isDefined(iconData) && isDefined(iconData.type) && iconData.type === 'makiMarker') {
if (!MakiMarkersPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.error(errorHeader + 'The MakiMarkers Plugin is not loaded.');
return new L.MakiMarkers.icon(iconData);
if (isDefined(iconData) && isDefined(iconData.type) && iconData.type === 'extraMarker') {
if (!ExtraMarkersPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.error(errorHeader + 'The ExtraMarkers Plugin is not loaded.');
return new L.ExtraMarkers.icon(iconData);
if (isDefined(iconData) && isDefined(iconData.type) && iconData.type === 'div') {
return new L.divIcon(iconData);
if (isDefined(iconData) && isDefined(iconData.type) && iconData.type === 'dom') {
if (!DomMarkersPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.error(errorHeader + 'The DomMarkers Plugin is not loaded.');
var markerScope = angular.isFunction(iconData.getMarkerScope) ? iconData.getMarkerScope() : $rootScope;
var template = $compile(iconData.template)(markerScope);
var iconDataCopy = angular.copy(iconData);
iconDataCopy.element = template[0];
return new L.DomMarkers.icon(iconDataCopy);
// allow for any custom icon to be used... assumes the icon has already been initialized
if (isDefined(iconData) && isDefined(iconData.type) && iconData.type === 'icon') {
return iconData.icon;
var base64icon = '';
var base64shadow = '';
if (!isDefined(iconData) || !isDefined(iconData.iconUrl)) {
return new L.Icon.Default({
iconUrl: base64icon,
shadowUrl: base64shadow,
iconSize: [25, 41],
iconAnchor: [12, 41],
popupAnchor: [1, -34],
shadowSize: [41, 41],
return new L.Icon(iconData);
var _resetMarkerGroup = function(groupName) {
if (isDefined(groups[groupName])) {
groups.splice(groupName, 1);
var _resetMarkerGroups = function() {
groups = {};
var _deleteMarker = function(marker, map, layers) {
// There is no easy way to know if a marker is added to a layer, so we search for it
// if there are overlays
if (isDefined(layers) && isDefined(layers.overlays)) {
for (var key in layers.overlays) {
if (layers.overlays[key] instanceof L.LayerGroup || layers.overlays[key] instanceof L.FeatureGroup) {
if (layers.overlays[key].hasLayer(marker)) {
if (isDefined(groups)) {
for (var groupKey in groups) {
if (groups[groupKey].hasLayer(marker)) {
if (map.hasLayer(marker)) {
var adjustPopupPan = function(marker, map) {
var containerHeight = marker._popup._container.offsetHeight;
var layerPos = new L.Point(marker._popup._containerLeft, -containerHeight - marker._popup._containerBottom);
var containerPos = map.layerPointToContainerPoint(layerPos);
if (containerPos !== null) {
var compilePopup = function(marker, markerScope) {
var updatePopup = function(marker, markerScope, map) {
//The innerText should be more than 1 once angular has compiled.
//We need to keep trying until angular has compiled before we _updateLayout and _updatePosition
//This should take care of any scenario , eg ngincludes, whatever.
//Is there a better way to check for this?
var innerText = marker._popup._contentNode.innerText || marker._popup._contentNode.textContent;
if (innerText.length < 1) {
$timeout(function() {
updatePopup(marker, markerScope, map);
//cause a reflow - this is also very important - if we don't do this then the widths are from before $compile
var reflow = marker._popup._contentNode.offsetWidth;
if (marker._popup.options.autoPan) {
adjustPopupPan(marker, map);
//using / returning reflow so jshint doesn't moan
return reflow;
var _manageOpenPopup = function(marker, markerData, map) {
// The marker may provide a scope returning function used to compile the message
// default to $rootScope otherwise
var markerScope = angular.isFunction(markerData.getMessageScope) ? markerData.getMessageScope() : $rootScope;
var compileMessage = isDefined(markerData.compileMessage) ? markerData.compileMessage : true;
if (compileMessage) {
if (!isDefined(marker._popup) || !isDefined(marker._popup._contentNode)) {
$log.error(errorHeader + 'Popup is invalid or does not have any content.');
return false;
compilePopup(marker, markerScope);
updatePopup(marker, markerData, map);
var _manageOpenLabel = function(marker, markerData) {
var markerScope = angular.isFunction(markerData.getMessageScope) ? markerData.getMessageScope() : $rootScope;
var labelScope = angular.isFunction(markerData.getLabelScope) ? markerData.getLabelScope() : markerScope;
var compileMessage = isDefined(markerData.compileMessage) ? markerData.compileMessage : true;
if (Helpers.LabelPlugin.isLoaded() && isDefined(markerData.label)) {
if (isDefined(markerData.label.options) && markerData.label.options.noHide === true) {
if (compileMessage && isDefined(marker.label)) {
var _updateMarker = function(markerData, oldMarkerData, marker, name, leafletScope, layers, map) {
if (!isDefined(oldMarkerData)) {
// Update the lat-lng property (always present in marker properties)
if (!geoHlp.validateCoords(markerData)) {
$log.warn('There are problems with lat-lng data, please verify your marker model');
_deleteMarker(marker, map, layers);
// watch is being initialized if old and new object is the same
var isInitializing = markerData === oldMarkerData;
// Update marker rotation
if (isDefined(markerData.iconAngle) && oldMarkerData.iconAngle !== markerData.iconAngle) {
// It is possible that the layer has been removed or the layer marker does not exist
// Update the layer group if present or move it to the map if not
if (!isString(markerData.layer)) {
// There is no layer information, we move the marker to the map if it was in a layer group
if (isString(oldMarkerData.layer)) {
// Remove from the layer group that is supposed to be
if (isDefined(layers.overlays[oldMarkerData.layer]) && layers.overlays[oldMarkerData.layer].hasLayer(marker)) {
// Test if it is not on the map and add it
if (!map.hasLayer(marker)) {
if ((isNumber(markerData.opacity) || isNumber(parseFloat(markerData.opacity))) && markerData.opacity !== oldMarkerData.opacity) {
// There was a different opacity so we update it
if (isString(markerData.layer) && oldMarkerData.layer !== markerData.layer) {
// If it was on a layer group we have to remove it
if (isString(oldMarkerData.layer) && isDefined(layers.overlays[oldMarkerData.layer]) && layers.overlays[oldMarkerData.layer].hasLayer(marker)) {
// Remove it from the map in case the new layer is hidden or there is an error in the new layer
if (map.hasLayer(marker)) {
// The markerData.layer is defined so we add the marker to the layer if it is different from the old data
if (!isDefined(layers.overlays[markerData.layer])) {
$log.error(errorHeader + 'You must use a name of an existing layer');
// Is a group layer?
var layerGroup = layers.overlays[markerData.layer];
if (!(layerGroup instanceof L.LayerGroup || layerGroup instanceof L.FeatureGroup)) {
$log.error(errorHeader + 'A marker can only be added to a layer of type "group" or "featureGroup"');
// The marker goes to a correct layer group, so first of all we add it
// The marker is automatically added to the map depending on the visibility
// of the layer, so we only have to open the popup if the marker is in the map
if (map.hasLayer(marker) && markerData.focus === true) {
// Update the draggable property
if (markerData.draggable !== true && oldMarkerData.draggable === true && (isDefined(marker.dragging))) {
if (markerData.draggable === true && oldMarkerData.draggable !== true) {
// The markerData.draggable property must be true so we update if there wasn't a previous value or it wasn't true
if (marker.dragging) {
} else {
if (L.Handler.MarkerDrag) {
marker.dragging = new L.Handler.MarkerDrag(marker);
marker.options.draggable = true;
// Update the icon property
if (!isObject(markerData.icon)) {
// If there is no icon property or it's not an object
if (isObject(oldMarkerData.icon)) {
// If there was an icon before restore to the default
if (isString(markerData.message)) {
marker.bindPopup(markerData.message, markerData.popupOptions);
if (isObject(markerData.icon) && isObject(oldMarkerData.icon) && !angular.equals(markerData.icon, oldMarkerData.icon)) {
var dragG = false;
if (marker.dragging) {
dragG = marker.dragging.enabled();
if (dragG) {
if (isString(markerData.message)) {
marker.bindPopup(markerData.message, markerData.popupOptions);
// if marker has been already focused, reopen popup
if (map.hasLayer(marker) && markerData.focus === true) {
// Update the Popup message property
if (!isString(markerData.message) && isString(oldMarkerData.message)) {
// Update the label content or bind a new label if the old one has been removed.
if (Helpers.LabelPlugin.isLoaded()) {
if (isDefined(markerData.label) && isDefined(markerData.label.message)) {
if ('label' in oldMarkerData && 'message' in oldMarkerData.label && !angular.equals(markerData.label.message, oldMarkerData.label.message)) {
} else if (!angular.isFunction(marker.getLabel) || angular.isFunction(marker.getLabel) && !isDefined(marker.getLabel())) {
marker.bindLabel(markerData.label.message, markerData.label.options);
_manageOpenLabel(marker, markerData);
} else {
_manageOpenLabel(marker, markerData);
} else if (!('label' in markerData && !('message' in markerData.label))) {
if (angular.isFunction(marker.unbindLabel)) {
// There is some text in the popup, so we must show the text or update existing
if (isString(markerData.message) && !isString(oldMarkerData.message)) {
// There was no message before so we create it
marker.bindPopup(markerData.message, markerData.popupOptions);
if (isString(markerData.message) && isString(oldMarkerData.message) && markerData.message !== oldMarkerData.message) {
// There was a different previous message so we update it
// Update the focus property
var updatedFocus = false;
if (markerData.focus !== true && oldMarkerData.focus === true) {
// If there was a focus property and was true we turn it off
updatedFocus = true;
// The markerData.focus property must be true so we update if there wasn't a previous value or it wasn't true
if (markerData.focus === true && (!isDefined(oldMarkerData.focus) || oldMarkerData.focus === false) || (isInitializing && markerData.focus === true)) {
// Reopen the popup when focus is still true
updatedFocus = true;
// zIndexOffset adjustment
if (oldMarkerData.zIndexOffset !== markerData.zIndexOffset) {
var markerLatLng = marker.getLatLng();
var isCluster = (isString(markerData.layer) && Helpers.MarkerClusterPlugin.is(layers.overlays[markerData.layer]));
// If the marker is in a cluster it has to be removed and added to the layer when the location is changed
if (isCluster) {
// The focus has changed even by a user click or programatically
if (updatedFocus) {
// We only have to update the location if it was changed programatically, because it was
// changed by a user drag the marker data has already been updated by the internal event
// listened by the directive
if ((markerData.lat !== oldMarkerData.lat) || (markerData.lng !== oldMarkerData.lng)) {
marker.setLatLng([markerData.lat, markerData.lng]);
} else {
// The marker has possibly moved. It can be moved by a user drag (marker location and data are equal but old
// data is diferent) or programatically (marker location and data are diferent)
if ((markerLatLng.lat !== markerData.lat) || (markerLatLng.lng !== markerData.lng)) {
// The marker was moved by a user drag
marker.setLatLng([markerData.lat, markerData.lng]);
} else if ((markerData.lat !== oldMarkerData.lat) || (markerData.lng !== oldMarkerData.lng)) {
// The marker was moved programatically
marker.setLatLng([markerData.lat, markerData.lng]);
} else if (isObject(markerData.icon) && isObject(oldMarkerData.icon) && !angular.equals(markerData.icon, oldMarkerData.icon)) {
} else if (markerLatLng.lat !== markerData.lat || markerLatLng.lng !== markerData.lng) {
marker.setLatLng([markerData.lat, markerData.lng]);
return {
resetMarkerGroup: _resetMarkerGroup,
resetMarkerGroups: _resetMarkerGroups,
deleteMarker: _deleteMarker,
manageOpenPopup: _manageOpenPopup,
manageOpenLabel: _manageOpenLabel,
createMarker: function(markerData) {
if (!isDefined(markerData) || !geoHlp.validateCoords(markerData)) {
$log.error(errorHeader + 'The marker definition is not valid.');
var coords = geoHlp.getCoords(markerData);
if (!isDefined(coords)) {
$log.error(errorHeader + 'Unable to get coordinates from markerData.');
var markerOptions = {
icon: createLeafletIcon(markerData.icon),
title: isDefined(markerData.title) ? markerData.title : '',
draggable: isDefined(markerData.draggable) ? markerData.draggable : false,
clickable: isDefined(markerData.clickable) ? markerData.clickable : true,
riseOnHover: isDefined(markerData.riseOnHover) ? markerData.riseOnHover : false,
zIndexOffset: isDefined(markerData.zIndexOffset) ? markerData.zIndexOffset : 0,
iconAngle: isDefined(markerData.iconAngle) ? markerData.iconAngle : 0,
// Add any other options not added above to markerOptions
for (var markerDatum in markerData) {
if (markerData.hasOwnProperty(markerDatum) && !markerOptions.hasOwnProperty(markerDatum)) {
markerOptions[markerDatum] = markerData[markerDatum];
var marker = new L.marker(coords, markerOptions);
if (!isString(markerData.message)) {
return marker;
addMarkerToGroup: function(marker, groupName, groupOptions, map) {
if (!isString(groupName)) {
$log.error(errorHeader + 'The marker group you have specified is invalid.');
if (!MarkerClusterPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.error(errorHeader + 'The MarkerCluster plugin is not loaded.');
if (!isDefined(groups[groupName])) {
groups[groupName] = new L.MarkerClusterGroup(groupOptions);
listenMarkerEvents: function(marker, markerData, leafletScope, doWatch, map) {
marker.on('popupopen', function(/* event */) {
safeApply(leafletScope, function() {
if (isDefined(marker._popup) || isDefined(marker._popup._contentNode)) {
markerData.focus = true;
_manageOpenPopup(marker, markerData, map);//needed since markerData is now a copy
marker.on('popupclose', function(/* event */) {
safeApply(leafletScope, function() {
markerData.focus = false;
marker.on('add', function(/* event */) {
safeApply(leafletScope, function() {
if ('label' in markerData)
_manageOpenLabel(marker, markerData);
updateMarker: _updateMarker,
addMarkerWatcher: function(marker, name, leafletScope, layers, map, isDeepWatch) {
var markerWatchPath = Helpers.getObjectArrayPath('markers.' + name);
isDeepWatch = defaultTo(isDeepWatch, true);
var clearWatch = leafletScope.$watch(markerWatchPath, function(markerData, oldMarkerData) {
if (!isDefined(markerData)) {
_deleteMarker(marker, map, layers);
_updateMarker(markerData, oldMarkerData, marker, name, leafletScope, layers, map);
}, isDeepWatch);
string: _string,
log: _log,
angular.module('leaflet-directive').factory('leafletPathsHelpers', ["$rootScope", "$log", "leafletHelpers", function($rootScope, $log, leafletHelpers) {
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var isArray = leafletHelpers.isArray;
var isNumber = leafletHelpers.isNumber;
var isValidPoint = leafletHelpers.isValidPoint;
var availableOptions = [
// Path options
'stroke', 'weight', 'color', 'opacity',
'fill', 'fillColor', 'fillOpacity',
'dashArray', 'lineCap', 'lineJoin', 'clickable',
'pointerEvents', 'className',
// Polyline options
'smoothFactor', 'noClip',
function _convertToLeafletLatLngs(latlngs) {
return latlngs.filter(function(latlng) {
return isValidPoint(latlng);
}).map(function(latlng) {
return _convertToLeafletLatLng(latlng);
function _convertToLeafletLatLng(latlng) {
if (isArray(latlng)) {
return new L.LatLng(latlng[0], latlng[1]);
} else {
return new L.LatLng(latlng.lat, latlng.lng);
function _convertToLeafletMultiLatLngs(paths) {
return paths.map(function(latlngs) {
return _convertToLeafletLatLngs(latlngs);
function _getOptions(path, defaults) {
var options = {};
for (var i = 0; i < availableOptions.length; i++) {
var optionName = availableOptions[i];
if (isDefined(path[optionName])) {
options[optionName] = path[optionName];
} else if (isDefined(defaults.path[optionName])) {
options[optionName] = defaults.path[optionName];
return options;
var _updatePathOptions = function(path, data) {
var updatedStyle = {};
for (var i = 0; i < availableOptions.length; i++) {
var optionName = availableOptions[i];
if (isDefined(data[optionName])) {
updatedStyle[optionName] = data[optionName];
var _isValidPolyline = function(latlngs) {
if (!isArray(latlngs)) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < latlngs.length; i++) {
var point = latlngs[i];
if (!isValidPoint(point)) {
return false;
return true;
var pathTypes = {
polyline: {
isValid: function(pathData) {
var latlngs = pathData.latlngs;
return _isValidPolyline(latlngs);
createPath: function(options) {
return new L.Polyline([], options);
setPath: function(path, data) {
_updatePathOptions(path, data);
multiPolyline: {
isValid: function(pathData) {
var latlngs = pathData.latlngs;
if (!isArray(latlngs)) {
return false;
for (var i in latlngs) {
var polyline = latlngs[i];
if (!_isValidPolyline(polyline)) {
return false;
return true;
createPath: function(options) {
return new L.multiPolyline([[[0, 0], [1, 1]]], options);
setPath: function(path, data) {
_updatePathOptions(path, data);
polygon: {
isValid: function(pathData) {
var latlngs = pathData.latlngs;
return _isValidPolyline(latlngs);
createPath: function(options) {
return new L.Polygon([], options);
setPath: function(path, data) {
_updatePathOptions(path, data);
multiPolygon: {
isValid: function(pathData) {
var latlngs = pathData.latlngs;
if (!isArray(latlngs)) {
return false;
for (var i in latlngs) {
var polyline = latlngs[i];
if (!_isValidPolyline(polyline)) {
return false;
return true;
createPath: function(options) {
return new L.MultiPolygon([[[0, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]]], options);
setPath: function(path, data) {
_updatePathOptions(path, data);
rectangle: {
isValid: function(pathData) {
var latlngs = pathData.latlngs;
if (!isArray(latlngs) || latlngs.length !== 2) {
return false;
for (var i in latlngs) {
var point = latlngs[i];
if (!isValidPoint(point)) {
return false;
return true;
createPath: function(options) {
return new L.Rectangle([[0, 0], [1, 1]], options);
setPath: function(path, data) {
path.setBounds(new L.LatLngBounds(_convertToLeafletLatLngs(data.latlngs)));
_updatePathOptions(path, data);
circle: {
isValid: function(pathData) {
var point = pathData.latlngs;
return isValidPoint(point) && isNumber(pathData.radius);
createPath: function(options) {
return new L.Circle([0, 0], 1, options);
setPath: function(path, data) {
if (isDefined(data.radius)) {
_updatePathOptions(path, data);
circleMarker: {
isValid: function(pathData) {
var point = pathData.latlngs;
return isValidPoint(point) && isNumber(pathData.radius);
createPath: function(options) {
return new L.CircleMarker([0, 0], options);
setPath: function(path, data) {
if (isDefined(data.radius)) {
_updatePathOptions(path, data);
var _getPathData = function(path) {
var pathData = {};
if (path.latlngs) {
pathData.latlngs = path.latlngs;
if (path.radius) {
pathData.radius = path.radius;
return pathData;
return {
setPathOptions: function(leafletPath, pathType, data) {
if (!isDefined(pathType)) {
pathType = 'polyline';
pathTypes[pathType].setPath(leafletPath, data);
createPath: function(name, path, defaults) {
if (!isDefined(path.type)) {
path.type = 'polyline';
var options = _getOptions(path, defaults);
var pathData = _getPathData(path);
if (!pathTypes[path.type].isValid(pathData)) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] Invalid data passed to the ' + path.type + ' path');
return pathTypes[path.type].createPath(options);
.service('leafletWatchHelpers', function() {
var _maybe = function(scope, watchFunctionName, thingToWatchStr, watchOptions, initCb) {
//watchOptions.isDeep is/should be ignored in $watchCollection
var unWatch = scope[watchFunctionName](thingToWatchStr, function(newValue, oldValue) {
initCb(newValue, oldValue);
if (!watchOptions.doWatch)
}, watchOptions.isDeep);
return unWatch;
@name: maybeWatch
@description: Utility to watch something once or forever.
@returns unWatch function
@param watchOptions - see markersWatchOptions and or derrivatives. This object is used
to set watching to once and its watch depth.
var _maybeWatch = function(scope, thingToWatchStr, watchOptions, initCb) {
return _maybe(scope, '$watch', thingToWatchStr, watchOptions, initCb);
@name: _maybeWatchCollection
@description: Utility to watch something once or forever.
@returns unWatch function
@param watchOptions - see markersWatchOptions and or derrivatives. This object is used
to set watching to once and its watch depth.
var _maybeWatchCollection = function(scope, thingToWatchStr, watchOptions, initCb) {
return _maybe(scope, '$watchCollection', thingToWatchStr, watchOptions, initCb);
return {
maybeWatch: _maybeWatch,
maybeWatchCollection: _maybeWatchCollection,
angular.module('leaflet-directive').factory('nominatimService', ["$q", "$http", "leafletHelpers", "leafletMapDefaults", function($q, $http, leafletHelpers, leafletMapDefaults) {
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
return {
query: function(address, mapId) {
var defaults = leafletMapDefaults.getDefaults(mapId);
var url = defaults.nominatim.server;
var df = $q.defer();
$http.get(url, { params: { format: 'json', limit: 1, q: address } }).success(function(data) {
if (data.length > 0 && isDefined(data[0].boundingbox)) {
} else {
df.reject('[Nominatim] Invalid address');
return df.promise;
angular.module('leaflet-directive').directive('bounds', ["$log", "$timeout", "$http", "leafletHelpers", "nominatimService", "leafletBoundsHelpers", function($log, $timeout, $http, leafletHelpers, nominatimService, leafletBoundsHelpers) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
replace: false,
require: ['leaflet'],
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var createLeafletBounds = leafletBoundsHelpers.createLeafletBounds;
var leafletScope = controller[0].getLeafletScope();
var mapController = controller[0];
var errorHeader = leafletHelpers.errorHeader + ' [Bounds] ';
var emptyBounds = function(bounds) {
return (bounds._southWest.lat === 0 && bounds._southWest.lng === 0 &&
bounds._northEast.lat === 0 && bounds._northEast.lng === 0);
mapController.getMap().then(function(map) {
leafletScope.$on('boundsChanged', function(event) {
var scope = event.currentScope;
var bounds = map.getBounds();
if (emptyBounds(bounds) || scope.settingBoundsFromScope) {
scope.settingBoundsFromLeaflet = true;
var newScopeBounds = {
northEast: {
lat: bounds._northEast.lat,
lng: bounds._northEast.lng,
southWest: {
lat: bounds._southWest.lat,
lng: bounds._southWest.lng,
options: bounds.options,
if (!angular.equals(scope.bounds, newScopeBounds)) {
scope.bounds = newScopeBounds;
$timeout(function() {
scope.settingBoundsFromLeaflet = false;
var lastNominatimQuery;
leafletScope.$watch('bounds', function(bounds) {
if (scope.settingBoundsFromLeaflet)
if (isDefined(bounds.address) && bounds.address !== lastNominatimQuery) {
scope.settingBoundsFromScope = true;
nominatimService.query(bounds.address, attrs.id).then(function(data) {
var b = data.boundingbox;
var newBounds = [[b[0], b[2]], [b[1], b[3]]];
}, function(errMsg) {
$log.error(errorHeader + ' ' + errMsg + '.');
lastNominatimQuery = bounds.address;
$timeout(function() {
scope.settingBoundsFromScope = false;
var leafletBounds = createLeafletBounds(bounds);
if (leafletBounds && !map.getBounds().equals(leafletBounds)) {
scope.settingBoundsFromScope = true;
map.fitBounds(leafletBounds, bounds.options);
$timeout(function() {
scope.settingBoundsFromScope = false;
}, true);
var centerDirectiveTypes = ['center', 'lfCenter'];
var centerDirectives = {};
centerDirectiveTypes.forEach(function(directiveName) {
centerDirectives[directiveName] = ['$log', '$q', '$location', '$timeout', 'leafletMapDefaults', 'leafletHelpers',
'leafletBoundsHelpers', 'leafletMapEvents',
function($log, $q, $location, $timeout, leafletMapDefaults, leafletHelpers,
leafletBoundsHelpers, leafletMapEvents) {
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var isNumber = leafletHelpers.isNumber;
var isSameCenterOnMap = leafletHelpers.isSameCenterOnMap;
var safeApply = leafletHelpers.safeApply;
var isValidCenter = leafletHelpers.isValidCenter;
var isValidBounds = leafletBoundsHelpers.isValidBounds;
var isUndefinedOrEmpty = leafletHelpers.isUndefinedOrEmpty;
var errorHeader = leafletHelpers.errorHeader;
var shouldInitializeMapWithBounds = function(bounds, center) {
return isDefined(bounds) && isValidBounds(bounds) && isUndefinedOrEmpty(center);
var _leafletCenter;
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
replace: false,
require: 'leaflet',
controller: function() {
_leafletCenter = $q.defer();
this.getCenter = function() {
return _leafletCenter.promise;
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var leafletScope = controller.getLeafletScope();
var centerModel = leafletScope[directiveName];
controller.getMap().then(function(map) {
var defaults = leafletMapDefaults.getDefaults(attrs.id);
if (attrs[directiveName].search('-') !== -1) {
$log.error(errorHeader + ' The "center" variable can\'t use a "-" on its key name: "' + attrs[directiveName] + '".');
map.setView([defaults.center.lat, defaults.center.lng], defaults.center.zoom);
} else if (shouldInitializeMapWithBounds(leafletScope.bounds, centerModel)) {
map.fitBounds(leafletBoundsHelpers.createLeafletBounds(leafletScope.bounds), leafletScope.bounds.options);
centerModel = map.getCenter();
safeApply(leafletScope, function(scope) {
angular.extend(scope[directiveName], {
lat: map.getCenter().lat,
lng: map.getCenter().lng,
zoom: map.getZoom(),
autoDiscover: false,
safeApply(leafletScope, function(scope) {
var mapBounds = map.getBounds();
scope.bounds = {
northEast: {
lat: mapBounds._northEast.lat,
lng: mapBounds._northEast.lng,
southWest: {
lat: mapBounds._southWest.lat,
lng: mapBounds._southWest.lng,
} else if (!isDefined(centerModel)) {
$log.error(errorHeader + ' The "center" property is not defined in the main scope');
map.setView([defaults.center.lat, defaults.center.lng], defaults.center.zoom);
} else if (!(isDefined(centerModel.lat) && isDefined(centerModel.lng)) && !isDefined(centerModel.autoDiscover)) {
angular.copy(defaults.center, centerModel);
var urlCenterHash;
var mapReady;
if (attrs.urlHashCenter === 'yes') {
var extractCenterFromUrl = function() {
var search = $location.search();
var centerParam;
if (isDefined(search.c)) {
var cParam = search.c.split(':');
if (cParam.length === 3) {
centerParam = {
lat: parseFloat(cParam[0]),
lng: parseFloat(cParam[1]),
zoom: parseInt(cParam[2], 10),
return centerParam;
urlCenterHash = extractCenterFromUrl();
leafletScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function(event) {
var scope = event.currentScope;
//$log.debug("updated location...");
var urlCenter = extractCenterFromUrl();
if (isDefined(urlCenter) && !isSameCenterOnMap(urlCenter, map)) {
//$log.debug("updating center model...", urlCenter);
angular.extend(scope[directiveName], {
lat: urlCenter.lat,
lng: urlCenter.lng,
zoom: urlCenter.zoom,
leafletScope.$watch(directiveName, function(center) {
if (leafletScope.settingCenterFromLeaflet)
//$log.debug("updated center model...");
// The center from the URL has priority
if (isDefined(urlCenterHash)) {
angular.copy(urlCenterHash, center);
urlCenterHash = undefined;
if (!isValidCenter(center) && center.autoDiscover !== true) {
$log.warn(errorHeader + ' invalid \'center\'');
//map.setView([defaults.center.lat, defaults.center.lng], defaults.center.zoom);
if (center.autoDiscover === true) {
if (!isNumber(center.zoom)) {
map.setView([defaults.center.lat, defaults.center.lng], defaults.center.zoom);
if (isNumber(center.zoom) && center.zoom > defaults.center.zoom) {
setView: true,
maxZoom: center.zoom,
} else if (isDefined(defaults.maxZoom)) {
setView: true,
maxZoom: defaults.maxZoom,
} else {
setView: true,
if (mapReady && isSameCenterOnMap(center, map)) {
//$log.debug("no need to update map again.");
//$log.debug("updating map center...", center);
leafletScope.settingCenterFromScope = true;
map.setView([center.lat, center.lng], center.zoom);
leafletMapEvents.notifyCenterChangedToBounds(leafletScope, map);
$timeout(function() {
leafletScope.settingCenterFromScope = false;
//$log.debug("allow center scope updates");
}, true);
map.whenReady(function() {
mapReady = true;
map.on('moveend', function(/* event */) {
// Resolve the center after the first map position
leafletMapEvents.notifyCenterUrlHashChanged(leafletScope, map, attrs, $location.search());
//$log.debug("updated center on map...");
if (isSameCenterOnMap(centerModel, map) || leafletScope.settingCenterFromScope) {
//$log.debug("same center in model, no need to update again.");
leafletScope.settingCenterFromLeaflet = true;
safeApply(leafletScope, function(scope) {
if (!leafletScope.settingCenterFromScope) {
//$log.debug("updating center model...", map.getCenter(), map.getZoom());
angular.extend(scope[directiveName], {
lat: map.getCenter().lat,
lng: map.getCenter().lng,
zoom: map.getZoom(),
autoDiscover: false,
leafletMapEvents.notifyCenterChangedToBounds(leafletScope, map);
$timeout(function() {
leafletScope.settingCenterFromLeaflet = false;
if (centerModel.autoDiscover === true) {
map.on('locationerror', function() {
$log.warn(errorHeader + ' The Geolocation API is unauthorized on this page.');
if (isValidCenter(centerModel)) {
map.setView([centerModel.lat, centerModel.lng], centerModel.zoom);
leafletMapEvents.notifyCenterChangedToBounds(leafletScope, map);
} else {
map.setView([defaults.center.lat, defaults.center.lng], defaults.center.zoom);
leafletMapEvents.notifyCenterChangedToBounds(leafletScope, map);
centerDirectiveTypes.forEach(function(dirType) {
angular.module('leaflet-directive').directive(dirType, centerDirectives[dirType]);
angular.module('leaflet-directive').directive('controls', ["$log", "leafletHelpers", "leafletControlHelpers", function($log, leafletHelpers, leafletControlHelpers) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
replace: false,
require: '?^leaflet',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
if (!controller) {
var createControl = leafletControlHelpers.createControl;
var isValidControlType = leafletControlHelpers.isValidControlType;
var leafletScope = controller.getLeafletScope();
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var isArray = leafletHelpers.isArray;
var leafletControls = {};
var errorHeader = leafletHelpers.errorHeader + ' [Controls] ';
controller.getMap().then(function(map) {
leafletScope.$watchCollection('controls', function(newControls) {
// Delete controls from the array
for (var name in leafletControls) {
if (!isDefined(newControls[name])) {
if (map.hasControl(leafletControls[name])) {
delete leafletControls[name];
for (var newName in newControls) {
var control;
var controlType = isDefined(newControls[newName].type) ? newControls[newName].type : newName;
if (!isValidControlType(controlType)) {
$log.error(errorHeader + ' Invalid control type: ' + controlType + '.');
if (controlType !== 'custom') {
control = createControl(controlType, newControls[newName]);
leafletControls[newName] = control;
} else {
var customControlValue = newControls[newName];
if (isArray(customControlValue)) {
for (var i in customControlValue) {
var customControl = customControlValue[i];
leafletControls[newName] = !isDefined(leafletControls[newName]) ? [customControl] : leafletControls[newName].concat([customControl]);
} else {
leafletControls[newName] = customControlValue;
angular.module('leaflet-directive').directive('decorations', ["$log", "leafletHelpers", function($log, leafletHelpers) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
replace: false,
require: 'leaflet',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var leafletScope = controller.getLeafletScope();
var PolylineDecoratorPlugin = leafletHelpers.PolylineDecoratorPlugin;
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var leafletDecorations = {};
/* Creates an "empty" decoration with a set of coordinates, but no pattern. */
function createDecoration(options) {
if (isDefined(options) && isDefined(options.coordinates)) {
if (!PolylineDecoratorPlugin.isLoaded()) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] The PolylineDecorator Plugin is not loaded.');
return L.polylineDecorator(options.coordinates);
/* Updates the path and the patterns for the provided decoration, and returns the decoration. */
function setDecorationOptions(decoration, options) {
if (isDefined(decoration) && isDefined(options)) {
if (isDefined(options.coordinates) && isDefined(options.patterns)) {
return decoration;
controller.getMap().then(function(map) {
leafletScope.$watch('decorations', function(newDecorations) {
for (var name in leafletDecorations) {
if (!isDefined(newDecorations[name]) || !angular.equals(newDecorations[name], leafletDecorations)) {
delete leafletDecorations[name];
for (var newName in newDecorations) {
var decorationData = newDecorations[newName];
var newDecoration = createDecoration(decorationData);
if (isDefined(newDecoration)) {
leafletDecorations[newName] = newDecoration;
setDecorationOptions(newDecoration, decorationData);
}, true);
angular.module('leaflet-directive').directive('eventBroadcast', ["$log", "$rootScope", "leafletHelpers", "leafletMapEvents", "leafletIterators", function($log, $rootScope, leafletHelpers, leafletMapEvents, leafletIterators) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
replace: false,
require: 'leaflet',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var isObject = leafletHelpers.isObject;
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var leafletScope = controller.getLeafletScope();
var eventBroadcast = leafletScope.eventBroadcast;
var availableMapEvents = leafletMapEvents.getAvailableMapEvents();
var addEvents = leafletMapEvents.addEvents;
controller.getMap().then(function(map) {
var mapEvents = [];
var logic = 'broadcast';
// We have a possible valid object
if (!isDefined(eventBroadcast.map)) {
// We do not have events enable/disable do we do nothing (all enabled by default)
mapEvents = availableMapEvents;
} else if (!isObject(eventBroadcast.map)) {
// Not a valid object
$log.warn('[AngularJS - Leaflet] event-broadcast.map must be an object check your model.');
} else {
// We have a possible valid map object
// Event propadation logic
if (eventBroadcast.map.logic !== 'emit' && eventBroadcast.map.logic !== 'broadcast') {
// This is an error
$log.warn('[AngularJS - Leaflet] Available event propagation logic are: \'emit\' or \'broadcast\'.');
} else {
logic = eventBroadcast.map.logic;
if (!(isObject(eventBroadcast.map.enable) && eventBroadcast.map.enable.length >= 0)) {
$log.warn('[AngularJS - Leaflet] event-broadcast.map.enable must be an object check your model.');
} else {
// Enable events
leafletIterators.each(eventBroadcast.map.enable, function(eventName) {
// Do we have already the event enabled?
if (mapEvents.indexOf(eventName) === -1 && availableMapEvents.indexOf(eventName) !== -1) {
// as long as the map is removed in the root leaflet directive we
// do not need ot clean up the events as leaflet does it itself
addEvents(map, mapEvents, 'eventName', leafletScope, logic);
.directive('geojson', ["$log", "$rootScope", "leafletData", "leafletHelpers", "leafletWatchHelpers", "leafletDirectiveControlsHelpers", "leafletIterators", "leafletGeoJsonEvents", function($log, $rootScope, leafletData, leafletHelpers,
leafletWatchHelpers, leafletDirectiveControlsHelpers, leafletIterators, leafletGeoJsonEvents) {
var _maybeWatch = leafletWatchHelpers.maybeWatch;
var _watchOptions = leafletHelpers.watchOptions;
var _extendDirectiveControls = leafletDirectiveControlsHelpers.extend;
var hlp = leafletHelpers;
var $it = leafletIterators;
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
replace: false,
require: 'leaflet',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var leafletScope = controller.getLeafletScope();
var leafletGeoJSON = {};
var _hasSetLeafletData = false;
controller.getMap().then(function(map) {
var watchOptions = leafletScope.geojsonWatchOptions || _watchOptions;
var _hookUpEvents = function(geojson, maybeName) {
var onEachFeature;
if (angular.isFunction(geojson.onEachFeature)) {
onEachFeature = geojson.onEachFeature;
} else {
onEachFeature = function(feature, layer) {
if (leafletHelpers.LabelPlugin.isLoaded() && isDefined(feature.properties.description)) {
leafletGeoJsonEvents.bindEvents(attrs.id, layer, null, feature,
leafletScope, maybeName,
{resetStyleOnMouseout: geojson.resetStyleOnMouseout,
mapId: attrs.id, });
return onEachFeature;
var isNested = (hlp.isDefined(attrs.geojsonNested) &&
var _clean = function() {
if (!leafletGeoJSON)
var _remove = function(lObject) {
if (isDefined(lObject) && map.hasLayer(lObject)) {
if (isNested) {
$it.each(leafletGeoJSON, function(lObject) {
var _addGeojson = function(model, maybeName) {
var geojson = angular.copy(model);
if (!(isDefined(geojson) && isDefined(geojson.data))) {
var onEachFeature = _hookUpEvents(geojson, maybeName);
if (!isDefined(geojson.options)) {
//right here is why we use a clone / copy (we modify and thus)
//would kick of a watcher.. we need to be more careful everywhere
//for stuff like this
geojson.options = {
style: geojson.style,
filter: geojson.filter,
onEachFeature: onEachFeature,
pointToLayer: geojson.pointToLayer,
var lObject = L.geoJson(geojson.data, geojson.options);
if (maybeName && hlp.isString(maybeName)) {
leafletGeoJSON[maybeName] = lObject;
} else {
leafletGeoJSON = lObject;
if (!_hasSetLeafletData) {//only do this once and play with the same ref forever
_hasSetLeafletData = true;
leafletData.setGeoJSON(leafletGeoJSON, attrs.id);
var _create = function(model) {
if (isNested) {
if (!model || !Object.keys(model).length)
$it.each(model, function(m, name) {
//name could be layerName and or groupName
//for now it is not tied to a layer
_addGeojson(m, name);
_extendDirectiveControls(attrs.id, 'geojson', _create, _clean);
_maybeWatch(leafletScope, 'geojson', watchOptions, function(geojson) {
angular.module('leaflet-directive').directive('layercontrol', ["$filter", "$log", "leafletData", "leafletHelpers", function($filter, $log, leafletData, leafletHelpers) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
icons: '=?',
autoHideOpacity: '=?', // Hide other opacity controls when one is activated.
showGroups: '=?', // Hide other opacity controls when one is activated.
title: '@',
baseTitle: '@',
overlaysTitle: '@',
replace: true,
transclude: false,
require: '^leaflet',
controller: ["$scope", "$element", "$sce", function($scope, $element, $sce) {
$log.debug('[Angular Directive - Layers] layers', $scope, $element);
var safeApply = leafletHelpers.safeApply;
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
angular.extend($scope, {
baselayer: '',
oldGroup: '',
layerProperties: {},
groupProperties: {},
rangeIsSupported: leafletHelpers.rangeIsSupported(),
changeBaseLayer: function(key, e) {
leafletHelpers.safeApply($scope, function(scp) {
scp.baselayer = key;
leafletData.getMap().then(function(map) {
leafletData.getLayers().then(function(leafletLayers) {
if (map.hasLayer(leafletLayers.baselayers[key])) {
for (var i in scp.layers.baselayers) {
scp.layers.baselayers[i].icon = scp.icons.unradio;
if (map.hasLayer(leafletLayers.baselayers[i])) {
scp.layers.baselayers[key].icon = $scope.icons.radio;
moveLayer: function(ly, newIndex, e) {
var delta = Object.keys($scope.layers.baselayers).length;
if (newIndex >= (1 + delta) && newIndex <= ($scope.overlaysArray.length + delta)) {
var oldLy;
for (var key in $scope.layers.overlays) {
if ($scope.layers.overlays[key].index === newIndex) {
oldLy = $scope.layers.overlays[key];
if (oldLy) {
safeApply($scope, function() {
oldLy.index = ly.index;
ly.index = newIndex;
initIndex: function(layer, idx) {
var delta = Object.keys($scope.layers.baselayers).length;
layer.index = isDefined(layer.index) ? layer.index : idx + delta + 1;
initGroup: function(groupName) {
$scope.groupProperties[groupName] = $scope.groupProperties[groupName] ? $scope.groupProperties[groupName] : {};
toggleOpacity: function(e, layer) {
if (layer.visible) {
if ($scope.autoHideOpacity && !$scope.layerProperties[layer.name].opacityControl) {
for (var k in $scope.layerProperties) {
$scope.layerProperties[k].opacityControl = false;
$scope.layerProperties[layer.name].opacityControl = !$scope.layerProperties[layer.name].opacityControl;
toggleLegend: function(layer) {
$scope.layerProperties[layer.name].showLegend = !$scope.layerProperties[layer.name].showLegend;
showLegend: function(layer) {
return layer.legend && $scope.layerProperties[layer.name].showLegend;
unsafeHTML: function(html) {
return $sce.trustAsHtml(html);
getOpacityIcon: function(layer) {
return layer.visible && $scope.layerProperties[layer.name].opacityControl ? $scope.icons.close : $scope.icons.open;
getGroupIcon: function(group) {
return group.visible ? $scope.icons.check : $scope.icons.uncheck;
changeOpacity: function(layer) {
var op = $scope.layerProperties[layer.name].opacity;
leafletData.getMap().then(function(map) {
leafletData.getLayers().then(function(leafletLayers) {
var ly;
for (var k in $scope.layers.overlays) {
if ($scope.layers.overlays[k] === layer) {
ly = leafletLayers.overlays[k];
if (map.hasLayer(ly)) {
if (ly.setOpacity) {
ly.setOpacity(op / 100);
if (ly.getLayers && ly.eachLayer) {
ly.eachLayer(function(lay) {
if (lay.setOpacity) {
lay.setOpacity(op / 100);
changeGroupVisibility: function(groupName) {
if (!isDefined($scope.groupProperties[groupName])) {
var visible = $scope.groupProperties[groupName].visible;
for (var k in $scope.layers.overlays) {
var layer = $scope.layers.overlays[k];
if (layer.group === groupName) {
layer.visible = visible;
var div = $element.get(0);
if (!L.Browser.touch) {
L.DomEvent.on(div, 'mousewheel', L.DomEvent.stopPropagation);
} else {
L.DomEvent.on(div, 'click', L.DomEvent.stopPropagation);
'<div class="angular-leaflet-control-layers" ng-show="overlaysArray.length">' +
'<h4 ng-if="title">{{ title }}</h4>' +
'<div class="lf-baselayers">' +
'<h5 class="lf-title" ng-if="baseTitle">{{ baseTitle }}</h5>' +
'<div class="lf-row" ng-repeat="(key, layer) in baselayersArray">' +
'<label class="lf-icon-bl" ng-click="changeBaseLayer(key, $event)">' +
'<input class="leaflet-control-layers-selector" type="radio" name="lf-radio" ' +
'ng-show="false" ng-checked="baselayer === key" ng-value="key" /> ' +
'<i class="lf-icon lf-icon-radio" ng-class="layer.icon"></i>' +
'<div class="lf-text">{{layer.name}}</div>' +
'</label>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="lf-overlays">' +
'<h5 class="lf-title" ng-if="overlaysTitle">{{ overlaysTitle }}</h5>' +
'<div class="lf-container">' +
'<div class="lf-row" ng-repeat="layer in (o = (overlaysArray | orderBy:\'index\':order))" ng-init="initIndex(layer, $index)">' +
'<label class="lf-icon-ol-group" ng-if="showGroups && layer.group && layer.group != o[$index-1].group">' +
'<input class="lf-control-layers-selector" type="checkbox" ng-show="false" ' +
'ng-change="changeGroupVisibility(layer.group)" ng-model="groupProperties[layer.group].visible"/> ' +
'<i class="lf-icon lf-icon-check" ng-class="getGroupIcon(groupProperties[layer.group])"></i>' +
'<div class="lf-text">{{ layer.group }}</div>' +
'</label>' +
'<label class="lf-icon-ol">' +
'<input class="lf-control-layers-selector" type="checkbox" ng-show="false" ng-model="layer.visible"/> ' +
'<i class="lf-icon lf-icon-check" ng-class="layer.icon"></i>' +
'<div class="lf-text">{{layer.name}}</div>' +
'</label>' +
'<div class="lf-icons">' +
'<i class="lf-icon lf-up" ng-class="icons.up" ng-click="moveLayer(layer, layer.index - orderNumber, $event)"></i> ' +
'<i class="lf-icon lf-down" ng-class="icons.down" ng-click="moveLayer(layer, layer.index + orderNumber, $event)"></i> ' +
'<i class="lf-icon lf-toggle-legend" ng-class="icons.toggleLegend" ng-if="layer.legend" ng-click="toggleLegend(layer)"></i> ' +
'<i class="lf-icon lf-open" ng-class="getOpacityIcon(layer)" ng-click="toggleOpacity($event, layer)"></i>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="lf-legend" ng-if="showLegend(layer)" ng-bind-html="unsafeHTML(layer.legend)"></div>' +
'<div class="lf-opacity clearfix" ng-if="layer.visible && layerProperties[layer.name].opacityControl">' +
'<label ng-if="rangeIsSupported" class="pull-left" style="width: 50%">0</label>' +
'<label ng-if="rangeIsSupported" class="pull-left text-right" style="width: 50%">100</label>' +
'<input ng-if="rangeIsSupported" class="clearfix" type="range" min="0" max="100" class="lf-opacity-control" ' +
'ng-model="layerProperties[layer.name].opacity" ng-change="changeOpacity(layer)"/>' +
'<h6 ng-if="!rangeIsSupported">Range is not supported in this browser</h6>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var leafletScope = controller.getLeafletScope();
var layers = leafletScope.layers;
scope.$watch('icons', function() {
var defaultIcons = {
uncheck: 'fa fa-square-o',
check: 'fa fa-check-square-o',
radio: 'fa fa-dot-circle-o',
unradio: 'fa fa-circle-o',
up: 'fa fa-angle-up',
down: 'fa fa-angle-down',
open: 'fa fa-angle-double-down',
close: 'fa fa-angle-double-up',
toggleLegend: 'fa fa-pencil-square-o',
if (isDefined(scope.icons)) {
angular.extend(defaultIcons, scope.icons);
angular.extend(scope.icons, defaultIcons);
} else {
scope.icons = defaultIcons;
// Setting layer stack order.
attrs.order = (isDefined(attrs.order) && (attrs.order === 'normal' || attrs.order === 'reverse')) ? attrs.order : 'normal';
scope.order = attrs.order === 'normal';
scope.orderNumber = attrs.order === 'normal' ? -1 : 1;
scope.layers = layers;
controller.getMap().then(function(map) {
leafletScope.$watch('layers.baselayers', function(newBaseLayers) {
var baselayersArray = {};
leafletData.getLayers().then(function(leafletLayers) {
var key;
for (key in newBaseLayers) {
var layer = newBaseLayers[key];
layer.icon = scope.icons[map.hasLayer(leafletLayers.baselayers[key]) ? 'radio' : 'unradio'];
baselayersArray[key] = layer;
scope.baselayersArray = baselayersArray;
leafletScope.$watch('layers.overlays', function(newOverlayLayers) {
var overlaysArray = [];
var groupVisibleCount = {};
leafletData.getLayers().then(function(leafletLayers) {
var key;
for (key in newOverlayLayers) {
var layer = newOverlayLayers[key];
layer.icon = scope.icons[(layer.visible ? 'check' : 'uncheck')];
if (!isDefined(scope.layerProperties[layer.name])) {
scope.layerProperties[layer.name] = {
opacity: isDefined(layer.layerOptions.opacity) ? layer.layerOptions.opacity * 100 : 100,
opacityControl: false,
showLegend: true,
if (isDefined(layer.group)) {
if (!isDefined(scope.groupProperties[layer.group])) {
scope.groupProperties[layer.group] = {
visible: false,
groupVisibleCount[layer.group] = isDefined(groupVisibleCount[layer.group]) ? groupVisibleCount[layer.group] : {
count: 0,
visibles: 0,
if (layer.visible) {
if (isDefined(layer.index) && leafletLayers.overlays[key].setZIndex) {
for (key in groupVisibleCount) {
scope.groupProperties[key].visible = groupVisibleCount[key].visibles === groupVisibleCount[key].count;
scope.overlaysArray = overlaysArray;
}, true);
angular.module('leaflet-directive').directive('layers', ["$log", "$q", "leafletData", "leafletHelpers", "leafletLayerHelpers", "leafletControlHelpers", function($log, $q, leafletData, leafletHelpers, leafletLayerHelpers, leafletControlHelpers) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
replace: false,
require: 'leaflet',
controller: ["$scope", function($scope) {
$scope._leafletLayers = $q.defer();
this.getLayers = function() {
return $scope._leafletLayers.promise;
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var leafletLayers = {};
var leafletScope = controller.getLeafletScope();
var layers = leafletScope.layers;
var createLayer = leafletLayerHelpers.createLayer;
var safeAddLayer = leafletLayerHelpers.safeAddLayer;
var safeRemoveLayer = leafletLayerHelpers.safeRemoveLayer;
var updateLayersControl = leafletControlHelpers.updateLayersControl;
var isLayersControlVisible = false;
controller.getMap().then(function(map) {
// We have baselayers to add to the map
leafletData.setLayers(leafletLayers, attrs.id);
leafletLayers.baselayers = {};
leafletLayers.overlays = {};
var mapId = attrs.id;
// Setup all baselayers definitions
var oneVisibleLayer = false;
for (var layerName in layers.baselayers) {
var newBaseLayer = createLayer(layers.baselayers[layerName]);
if (!isDefined(newBaseLayer)) {
delete layers.baselayers[layerName];
leafletLayers.baselayers[layerName] = newBaseLayer;
// Only add the visible layer to the map, layer control manages the addition to the map
// of layers in its control
if (layers.baselayers[layerName].top === true) {
safeAddLayer(map, leafletLayers.baselayers[layerName]);
oneVisibleLayer = true;
// If there is no visible layer add first to the map
if (!oneVisibleLayer && Object.keys(leafletLayers.baselayers).length > 0) {
safeAddLayer(map, leafletLayers.baselayers[Object.keys(layers.baselayers)[0]]);
// Setup the Overlays
for (layerName in layers.overlays) {
//if (layers.overlays[layerName].type === 'cartodb') {
var newOverlayLayer = createLayer(layers.overlays[layerName]);
if (!isDefined(newOverlayLayer)) {
delete layers.overlays[layerName];
leafletLayers.overlays[layerName] = newOverlayLayer;
// Only add the visible overlays to the map
if (layers.overlays[layerName].visible === true) {
safeAddLayer(map, leafletLayers.overlays[layerName]);
// Watch for the base layers
leafletScope.$watch('layers.baselayers', function(newBaseLayers, oldBaseLayers) {
if (angular.equals(newBaseLayers, oldBaseLayers)) {
isLayersControlVisible = updateLayersControl(map, mapId, isLayersControlVisible, newBaseLayers, layers.overlays, leafletLayers);
return true;
// Delete layers from the array
for (var name in leafletLayers.baselayers) {
if (!isDefined(newBaseLayers[name]) || newBaseLayers[name].doRefresh) {
// Remove from the map if it's on it
if (map.hasLayer(leafletLayers.baselayers[name])) {
delete leafletLayers.baselayers[name];
if (newBaseLayers[name] && newBaseLayers[name].doRefresh) {
newBaseLayers[name].doRefresh = false;
// add new layers
for (var newName in newBaseLayers) {
if (!isDefined(leafletLayers.baselayers[newName])) {
var testBaseLayer = createLayer(newBaseLayers[newName]);
if (isDefined(testBaseLayer)) {
leafletLayers.baselayers[newName] = testBaseLayer;
// Only add the visible layer to the map
if (newBaseLayers[newName].top === true) {
safeAddLayer(map, leafletLayers.baselayers[newName]);
} else {
if (newBaseLayers[newName].top === true && !map.hasLayer(leafletLayers.baselayers[newName])) {
safeAddLayer(map, leafletLayers.baselayers[newName]);
} else if (newBaseLayers[newName].top === false && map.hasLayer(leafletLayers.baselayers[newName])) {
//we have layers, so we need to make, at least, one active
var found = false;
// search for an active layer
for (var key in leafletLayers.baselayers) {
if (map.hasLayer(leafletLayers.baselayers[key])) {
found = true;
// If there is no active layer make one active
if (!found && Object.keys(leafletLayers.baselayers).length > 0) {
safeAddLayer(map, leafletLayers.baselayers[Object.keys(leafletLayers.baselayers)[0]]);
// Only show the layers switch selector control if we have more than one baselayer + overlay
isLayersControlVisible = updateLayersControl(map, mapId, isLayersControlVisible, newBaseLayers, layers.overlays, leafletLayers);
}, true);
// Watch for the overlay layers
leafletScope.$watch('layers.overlays', function(newOverlayLayers, oldOverlayLayers) {
if (angular.equals(newOverlayLayers, oldOverlayLayers)) {
isLayersControlVisible = updateLayersControl(map, mapId, isLayersControlVisible, layers.baselayers, newOverlayLayers, leafletLayers);
return true;
// Delete layers from the array
for (var name in leafletLayers.overlays) {
if (!isDefined(newOverlayLayers[name]) || newOverlayLayers[name].doRefresh) {
// Remove from the map if it's on it
if (map.hasLayer(leafletLayers.overlays[name])) {
// Safe remove when ArcGIS layers is loading.
var options = isDefined(newOverlayLayers[name]) ?
newOverlayLayers[name].layerOptions : null;
safeRemoveLayer(map, leafletLayers.overlays[name], options);
// TODO: Depending on the layer type we will have to delete what's included on it
delete leafletLayers.overlays[name];
if (newOverlayLayers[name] && newOverlayLayers[name].doRefresh) {
newOverlayLayers[name].doRefresh = false;
// add new overlays
for (var newName in newOverlayLayers) {
if (!isDefined(leafletLayers.overlays[newName])) {
var testOverlayLayer = createLayer(newOverlayLayers[newName]);
if (!isDefined(testOverlayLayer)) {
// If the layer creation fails, continue to the next overlay
leafletLayers.overlays[newName] = testOverlayLayer;
if (newOverlayLayers[newName].visible === true) {
safeAddLayer(map, leafletLayers.overlays[newName]);
} else {
// check for the .visible property to hide/show overLayers
if (newOverlayLayers[newName].visible && !map.hasLayer(leafletLayers.overlays[newName])) {
safeAddLayer(map, leafletLayers.overlays[newName]);
} else if (newOverlayLayers[newName].visible === false && map.hasLayer(leafletLayers.overlays[newName])) {
// Safe remove when ArcGIS layers is loading.
safeRemoveLayer(map, leafletLayers.overlays[newName], newOverlayLayers[newName].layerOptions);
//refresh heatmap data if present
if (newOverlayLayers[newName].visible && map._loaded && newOverlayLayers[newName].data && newOverlayLayers[newName].type === 'heatmap') {
// Only add the layers switch selector control if we have more than one baselayer + overlay
isLayersControlVisible = updateLayersControl(map, mapId, isLayersControlVisible, layers.baselayers, newOverlayLayers, leafletLayers);
}, true);
angular.module('leaflet-directive').directive('legend', ["$log", "$http", "leafletHelpers", "leafletLegendHelpers", function($log, $http, leafletHelpers, leafletLegendHelpers) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
replace: false,
require: 'leaflet',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var isArray = leafletHelpers.isArray;
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var isFunction = leafletHelpers.isFunction;
var leafletScope = controller.getLeafletScope();
var legend = leafletScope.legend;
var legendClass;
var position;
var leafletLegend;
var type;
leafletScope.$watch('legend', function(newLegend) {
if (isDefined(newLegend)) {
legendClass = newLegend.legendClass ? newLegend.legendClass : 'legend';
position = newLegend.position || 'bottomright';
// default to arcgis
type = newLegend.type || 'arcgis';
}, true);
controller.getMap().then(function(map) {
leafletScope.$watch('legend', function(newLegend) {
if (!isDefined(newLegend)) {
if (isDefined(leafletLegend)) {
leafletLegend = null;
if (!isDefined(newLegend.url) && (type === 'arcgis') && (!isArray(newLegend.colors) || !isArray(newLegend.labels) || newLegend.colors.length !== newLegend.labels.length)) {
$log.warn('[AngularJS - Leaflet] legend.colors and legend.labels must be set.');
if (isDefined(newLegend.url)) {
$log.info('[AngularJS - Leaflet] loading legend service.');
if (isDefined(leafletLegend)) {
leafletLegend = null;
leafletLegend = L.control({
position: position,
if (type === 'arcgis') {
leafletLegend.onAdd = leafletLegendHelpers.getOnAddArrayLegend(newLegend, legendClass);
leafletScope.$watch('legend.url', function(newURL) {
if (!isDefined(newURL)) {
.success(function(legendData) {
if (isDefined(leafletLegend)) {
leafletLegendHelpers.updateLegend(leafletLegend.getContainer(), legendData, type, newURL);
} else {
leafletLegend = L.control({
position: position,
leafletLegend.onAdd = leafletLegendHelpers.getOnAddLegend(legendData, legendClass, type, newURL);
if (isDefined(legend.loadedData) && isFunction(legend.loadedData)) {
.error(function() {
$log.warn('[AngularJS - Leaflet] legend.url not loaded.');
["$log", "$rootScope", "$q", "leafletData", "leafletHelpers", "leafletMapDefaults", "leafletMarkersHelpers", "leafletMarkerEvents", "leafletIterators", "leafletWatchHelpers", "leafletDirectiveControlsHelpers", function($log, $rootScope, $q, leafletData, leafletHelpers, leafletMapDefaults,
leafletMarkersHelpers, leafletMarkerEvents, leafletIterators, leafletWatchHelpers,
leafletDirectiveControlsHelpers) {
//less terse vars to helpers
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var errorHeader = leafletHelpers.errorHeader;
var Helpers = leafletHelpers;
var isString = leafletHelpers.isString;
var addMarkerWatcher = leafletMarkersHelpers.addMarkerWatcher;
var updateMarker = leafletMarkersHelpers.updateMarker;
var listenMarkerEvents = leafletMarkersHelpers.listenMarkerEvents;
var addMarkerToGroup = leafletMarkersHelpers.addMarkerToGroup;
var createMarker = leafletMarkersHelpers.createMarker;
var deleteMarker = leafletMarkersHelpers.deleteMarker;
var $it = leafletIterators;
var _markersWatchOptions = leafletHelpers.watchOptions;
var maybeWatch = leafletWatchHelpers.maybeWatch;
var extendDirectiveControls = leafletDirectiveControlsHelpers.extend;
var _getLMarker = function(leafletMarkers, name, maybeLayerName) {
if (!Object.keys(leafletMarkers).length) return;
if (maybeLayerName && isString(maybeLayerName)) {
if (!leafletMarkers[maybeLayerName] || !Object.keys(leafletMarkers[maybeLayerName]).length)
return leafletMarkers[maybeLayerName][name];
return leafletMarkers[name];
var _setLMarker = function(lObject, leafletMarkers, name, maybeLayerName) {
if (maybeLayerName && isString(maybeLayerName)) {
if (!isDefined(leafletMarkers[maybeLayerName]))
leafletMarkers[maybeLayerName] = {};
leafletMarkers[maybeLayerName][name] = lObject;
} else
leafletMarkers[name] = lObject;
return lObject;
var _maybeAddMarkerToLayer = function(layerName, layers, model, marker, doIndividualWatch, map) {
if (!isString(layerName)) {
$log.error(errorHeader + ' A layername must be a string');
return false;
if (!isDefined(layers)) {
$log.error(errorHeader + ' You must add layers to the directive if the markers are going to use this functionality.');
return false;
if (!isDefined(layers.overlays) || !isDefined(layers.overlays[layerName])) {
$log.error(errorHeader + ' A marker can only be added to a layer of type "group"');
return false;
var layerGroup = layers.overlays[layerName];
if (!(layerGroup instanceof L.LayerGroup || layerGroup instanceof L.FeatureGroup)) {
$log.error(errorHeader + ' Adding a marker to an overlay needs a overlay of the type "group" or "featureGroup"');
return false;
// The marker goes to a correct layer group, so first of all we add it
// The marker is automatically added to the map depending on the visibility
// of the layer, so we only have to open the popup if the marker is in the map
if (!doIndividualWatch && map.hasLayer(marker) && model.focus === true) {
return true;
//TODO: move to leafletMarkersHelpers??? or make a new class/function file (leafletMarkersHelpers is large already)
var _addMarkers = function(mapId, markersToRender, oldModels, map, layers, leafletMarkers, leafletScope,
watchOptions, maybeLayerName, skips) {
for (var newName in markersToRender) {
if (skips[newName])
if (newName.search('-') !== -1) {
$log.error('The marker can\'t use a "-" on his key name: "' + newName + '".');
var model = Helpers.copy(markersToRender[newName]);
var pathToMarker = Helpers.getObjectDotPath(maybeLayerName ? [maybeLayerName, newName] : [newName]);
var maybeLMarker = _getLMarker(leafletMarkers, newName, maybeLayerName);
if (!isDefined(maybeLMarker)) {
//(nmccready) very important to not have model changes when lObject is changed
//this might be desirable in some cases but it causes two-way binding to lObject which is not ideal
//if it is left as the reference then all changes from oldModel vs newModel are ignored
//see _destroy (where modelDiff becomes meaningless if we do not copy here)
var marker = createMarker(model);
var layerName = (model ? model.layer : undefined) || maybeLayerName; //original way takes pref
if (!isDefined(marker)) {
$log.error(errorHeader + ' Received invalid data on the marker ' + newName + '.');
_setLMarker(marker, leafletMarkers, newName, maybeLayerName);
// Bind message
if (isDefined(model.message)) {
marker.bindPopup(model.message, model.popupOptions);
// Add the marker to a cluster group if needed
if (isDefined(model.group)) {
var groupOptions = isDefined(model.groupOption) ? model.groupOption : null;
addMarkerToGroup(marker, model.group, groupOptions, map);
// Show label if defined
if (Helpers.LabelPlugin.isLoaded() && isDefined(model.label) && isDefined(model.label.message)) {
marker.bindLabel(model.label.message, model.label.options);
// Check if the marker should be added to a layer
if (isDefined(model) && (isDefined(model.layer) || isDefined(maybeLayerName))) {
var pass = _maybeAddMarkerToLayer(layerName, layers, model, marker,
watchOptions.individual.doWatch, map);
if (!pass)
continue; //something went wrong move on in the loop
} else if (!isDefined(model.group)) {
// We do not have a layer attr, so the marker goes to the map layer
if (!watchOptions.individual.doWatch && model.focus === true) {
if (watchOptions.individual.doWatch) {
addMarkerWatcher(marker, pathToMarker, leafletScope, layers, map,
listenMarkerEvents(marker, model, leafletScope, watchOptions.individual.doWatch, map);
leafletMarkerEvents.bindEvents(mapId, marker, pathToMarker, model, leafletScope, layerName);
} else {
var oldModel = isDefined(oldModel) ? oldModels[newName] : undefined;
updateMarker(model, oldModel, maybeLMarker, pathToMarker, leafletScope, layers, map);
var _seeWhatWeAlreadyHave = function(markerModels, oldMarkerModels, lMarkers, isEqual, cb) {
var hasLogged = false;
var equals = false;
var oldMarker;
var newMarker;
var doCheckOldModel = isDefined(oldMarkerModels);
for (var name in lMarkers) {
if (!hasLogged) {
$log.debug(errorHeader + '[markers] destroy: ');
hasLogged = true;
if (doCheckOldModel) {
//might want to make the option (in watch options) to disable deep checking
//ie the options to only check !== (reference check) instead of angular.equals (slow)
newMarker = markerModels[name];
oldMarker = oldMarkerModels[name];
equals = angular.equals(newMarker, oldMarker) && isEqual;
if (!isDefined(markerModels) ||
!Object.keys(markerModels).length ||
!isDefined(markerModels[name]) ||
!Object.keys(markerModels[name]).length ||
equals) {
if (cb && Helpers.isFunction(cb))
cb(newMarker, oldMarker, name);
var _destroy = function(markerModels, oldMarkerModels, lMarkers, map, layers) {
_seeWhatWeAlreadyHave(markerModels, oldMarkerModels, lMarkers, false,
function(newMarker, oldMarker, lMarkerName) {
$log.debug(errorHeader + '[marker] is deleting marker: ' + lMarkerName);
deleteMarker(lMarkers[lMarkerName], map, layers);
delete lMarkers[lMarkerName];
var _getNewModelsToSkipp = function(newModels, oldModels, lMarkers) {
var skips = {};
_seeWhatWeAlreadyHave(newModels, oldModels, lMarkers, true,
function(newMarker, oldMarker, lMarkerName) {
$log.debug(errorHeader + '[marker] is already rendered, marker: ' + lMarkerName);
skips[lMarkerName] = newMarker;
return skips;
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
replace: false,
require: ['leaflet', '?layers'],
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var mapController = controller[0];
var leafletScope = mapController.getLeafletScope();
mapController.getMap().then(function(map) {
var leafletMarkers = {};
var getLayers;
// If the layers attribute is used, we must wait until the layers are created
if (isDefined(controller[1])) {
getLayers = controller[1].getLayers;
} else {
getLayers = function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
var watchOptions = leafletScope.markersWatchOptions || _markersWatchOptions;
// backwards compat
if (isDefined(attrs.watchMarkers))
watchOptions.doWatch = watchOptions.individual.doWatch =
(!isDefined(attrs.watchMarkers) || Helpers.isTruthy(attrs.watchMarkers));
var isNested = (isDefined(attrs.markersNested) && Helpers.isTruthy(attrs.markersNested));
getLayers().then(function(layers) {
var _clean = function(models, oldModels) {
if (isNested) {
$it.each(models, function(markerToMaybeDel, layerName) {
var oldModel = isDefined(oldModel) ? oldModels[layerName] : undefined;
_destroy(markerToMaybeDel, oldModel, leafletMarkers[layerName], map, layers);
_destroy(models, oldModels, leafletMarkers, map, layers);
var _create = function(models, oldModels) {
_clean(models, oldModels);
var skips = null;
if (isNested) {
$it.each(models, function(markersToAdd, layerName) {
var oldModel = isDefined(oldModel) ? oldModels[layerName] : undefined;
skips = _getNewModelsToSkipp(models[layerName], oldModel, leafletMarkers[layerName]);
_addMarkers(attrs.id, markersToAdd, oldModels, map, layers, leafletMarkers, leafletScope,
watchOptions, layerName, skips);
skips = _getNewModelsToSkipp(models, oldModels, leafletMarkers);
_addMarkers(attrs.id, models, oldModels, map, layers, leafletMarkers, leafletScope,
watchOptions, undefined, skips);
extendDirectiveControls(attrs.id, 'markers', _create, _clean);
leafletData.setMarkers(leafletMarkers, attrs.id);
maybeWatch(leafletScope, 'markers', watchOptions, function(newMarkers, oldMarkers) {
_create(newMarkers, oldMarkers);
angular.module('leaflet-directive').directive('maxbounds', ["$log", "leafletMapDefaults", "leafletBoundsHelpers", "leafletHelpers", function($log, leafletMapDefaults, leafletBoundsHelpers, leafletHelpers) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
replace: false,
require: 'leaflet',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var leafletScope = controller.getLeafletScope();
var isValidBounds = leafletBoundsHelpers.isValidBounds;
var isNumber = leafletHelpers.isNumber;
controller.getMap().then(function(map) {
leafletScope.$watch('maxbounds', function(maxbounds) {
if (!isValidBounds(maxbounds)) {
// Unset any previous maxbounds
var leafletBounds = leafletBoundsHelpers.createLeafletBounds(maxbounds);
if (isNumber(maxbounds.pad)) {
leafletBounds = leafletBounds.pad(maxbounds.pad);
if (!attrs.center && !attrs.lfCenter) {
angular.module('leaflet-directive').directive('paths', ["$log", "$q", "leafletData", "leafletMapDefaults", "leafletHelpers", "leafletPathsHelpers", "leafletPathEvents", function($log, $q, leafletData, leafletMapDefaults, leafletHelpers, leafletPathsHelpers, leafletPathEvents) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
replace: false,
require: ['leaflet', '?layers'],
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var mapController = controller[0];
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var isString = leafletHelpers.isString;
var leafletScope = mapController.getLeafletScope();
var paths = leafletScope.paths;
var createPath = leafletPathsHelpers.createPath;
var bindPathEvents = leafletPathEvents.bindPathEvents;
var setPathOptions = leafletPathsHelpers.setPathOptions;
mapController.getMap().then(function(map) {
var defaults = leafletMapDefaults.getDefaults(attrs.id);
var getLayers;
// If the layers attribute is used, we must wait until the layers are created
if (isDefined(controller[1])) {
getLayers = controller[1].getLayers;
} else {
getLayers = function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
if (!isDefined(paths)) {
getLayers().then(function(layers) {
var leafletPaths = {};
leafletData.setPaths(leafletPaths, attrs.id);
// Should we watch for every specific marker on the map?
var shouldWatch = (!isDefined(attrs.watchPaths) || attrs.watchPaths === 'true');
// Function for listening every single path once created
var watchPathFn = function(leafletPath, name) {
var clearWatch = leafletScope.$watch('paths["' + name + '"]', function(pathData, old) {
if (!isDefined(pathData)) {
if (isDefined(old.layer)) {
for (var i in layers.overlays) {
var overlay = layers.overlays[i];
setPathOptions(leafletPath, pathData.type, pathData);
}, true);
leafletScope.$watchCollection('paths', function(newPaths) {
// Delete paths (by name) from the array
for (var name in leafletPaths) {
if (!isDefined(newPaths[name])) {
delete leafletPaths[name];
// Create the new paths
for (var newName in newPaths) {
if (newName.search('\\$') === 0) {
if (newName.search('-') !== -1) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] The path name "' + newName + '" is not valid. It must not include "-" and a number.');
if (!isDefined(leafletPaths[newName])) {
var pathData = newPaths[newName];
var newPath = createPath(newName, newPaths[newName], defaults);
// bind popup if defined
if (isDefined(newPath) && isDefined(pathData.message)) {
newPath.bindPopup(pathData.message, pathData.popupOptions);
// Show label if defined
if (leafletHelpers.LabelPlugin.isLoaded() && isDefined(pathData.label) && isDefined(pathData.label.message)) {
newPath.bindLabel(pathData.label.message, pathData.label.options);
// Check if the marker should be added to a layer
if (isDefined(pathData) && isDefined(pathData.layer)) {
if (!isString(pathData.layer)) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] A layername must be a string');
if (!isDefined(layers)) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] You must add layers to the directive if the markers are going to use this functionality.');
if (!isDefined(layers.overlays) || !isDefined(layers.overlays[pathData.layer])) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] A path can only be added to a layer of type "group"');
var layerGroup = layers.overlays[pathData.layer];
if (!(layerGroup instanceof L.LayerGroup || layerGroup instanceof L.FeatureGroup)) {
$log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] Adding a path to an overlay needs a overlay of the type "group" or "featureGroup"');
// Listen for changes on the new path
leafletPaths[newName] = newPath;
// The path goes to a correct layer group, so first of all we add it
if (shouldWatch) {
watchPathFn(newPath, newName);
} else {
setPathOptions(newPath, pathData.type, pathData);
} else if (isDefined(newPath)) {
// Listen for changes on the new path
leafletPaths[newName] = newPath;
if (shouldWatch) {
watchPathFn(newPath, newName);
} else {
setPathOptions(newPath, pathData.type, pathData);
bindPathEvents(attrs.id, newPath, newName, pathData, leafletScope);
angular.module('leaflet-directive').directive('tiles', ["$log", "leafletData", "leafletMapDefaults", "leafletHelpers", function($log, leafletData, leafletMapDefaults, leafletHelpers) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
replace: false,
require: 'leaflet',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var leafletScope = controller.getLeafletScope();
var tiles = leafletScope.tiles;
if (!isDefined(tiles) || !isDefined(tiles.url)) {
$log.warn('[AngularJS - Leaflet] The \'tiles\' definition doesn\'t have the \'url\' property.');
controller.getMap().then(function(map) {
var defaults = leafletMapDefaults.getDefaults(attrs.id);
var tileLayerObj;
leafletScope.$watch('tiles', function(tiles, oldtiles) {
var tileLayerOptions = defaults.tileLayerOptions;
var tileLayerUrl = defaults.tileLayer;
// If no valid tiles are in the scope, remove the last layer
if (!isDefined(tiles.url) && isDefined(tileLayerObj)) {
// No leafletTiles object defined yet
if (!isDefined(tileLayerObj)) {
if (isDefined(tiles.options)) {
angular.copy(tiles.options, tileLayerOptions);
if (isDefined(tiles.url)) {
tileLayerUrl = tiles.url;
if (tiles.type === 'wms') {
tileLayerObj = L.tileLayer.wms(tileLayerUrl, tileLayerOptions);
} else {
tileLayerObj = L.tileLayer(tileLayerUrl, tileLayerOptions);
leafletData.setTiles(tileLayerObj, attrs.id);
// If the options of the tilelayer is changed, we need to redraw the layer
if (isDefined(tiles.url) && isDefined(tiles.options) &&
(tiles.type !== oldtiles.type || !angular.equals(tiles.options, tileLayerOptions))) {
tileLayerOptions = defaults.tileLayerOptions;
angular.copy(tiles.options, tileLayerOptions);
tileLayerUrl = tiles.url;
if (tiles.type === 'wms') {
tileLayerObj = L.tileLayer.wms(tileLayerUrl, tileLayerOptions);
} else {
tileLayerObj = L.tileLayer(tileLayerUrl, tileLayerOptions);
leafletData.setTiles(tileLayerObj, attrs.id);
// Only the URL of the layer is changed, update the tiles object
if (isDefined(tiles.url)) {
}, true);
Create multiple similar directives for watchOptions to support directiveControl
instead. (when watches are disabled)
NgAnnotate does not work here due to the functional creation
['markers', 'geojson'].forEach(function(name) {
angular.module('leaflet-directive').directive(name + 'WatchOptions', [
'$log', '$rootScope', '$q', 'leafletData', 'leafletHelpers',
function($log, $rootScope, $q, leafletData, leafletHelpers) {
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined,
errorHeader = leafletHelpers.errorHeader,
isObject = leafletHelpers.isObject,
_watchOptions = leafletHelpers.watchOptions;
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
replace: false,
require: ['leaflet'],
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var mapController = controller[0],
leafletScope = mapController.getLeafletScope();
mapController.getMap().then(function() {
if (isDefined(scope[name + 'WatchOptions'])) {
if (isObject(scope[name + 'WatchOptions']))
angular.extend(_watchOptions, scope[name + 'WatchOptions']);
$log.error(errorHeader + '[' + name + 'WatchOptions] is not an object');
leafletScope[name + 'WatchOptions'] = _watchOptions;
.factory('LeafletEventsHelpersFactory', ["$rootScope", "$q", "$log", "leafletHelpers", function($rootScope, $q, $log, leafletHelpers) {
var safeApply = leafletHelpers.safeApply;
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var isObject = leafletHelpers.isObject;
var isArray = leafletHelpers.isArray;
var errorHeader = leafletHelpers.errorHeader;
var EventsHelper = function(rootBroadcastName, lObjectType) {
this.rootBroadcastName = rootBroadcastName;
$log.debug('LeafletEventsHelpersFactory: lObjectType: ' + lObjectType + 'rootBroadcastName: ' + rootBroadcastName);
//used to path/key out certain properties based on the type , "markers", "geojson"
this.lObjectType = lObjectType;
EventsHelper.prototype.getAvailableEvents = function() {return [];};
argument: name: Note this can be a single string or dot notation
markerModel : {
m1: { lat:_, lon: _}
//would yield name of
name = "m1"
If nested:
markerModel : {
cars: {
m1: { lat:_, lon: _}
//would yield name of
name = "cars.m1"
EventsHelper.prototype.genDispatchEvent = function(maybeMapId, eventName, logic, leafletScope, lObject, name, model, layerName, extra) {
var _this = this;
maybeMapId = maybeMapId || '';
if (maybeMapId)
maybeMapId = '.' + maybeMapId;
return function(e) {
var broadcastName = _this.rootBroadcastName + maybeMapId + '.' + eventName;
_this.fire(leafletScope, broadcastName, logic, e, e.target || lObject, model, name, layerName, extra);
EventsHelper.prototype.fire = function(scope, broadcastName, logic, event, lObject, model, modelName, layerName) {
// Safely broadcast the event
safeApply(scope, function() {
var toSend = {
leafletEvent: event,
leafletObject: lObject,
modelName: modelName,
model: model,
if (isDefined(layerName))
angular.extend(toSend, {layerName: layerName});
if (logic === 'emit') {
scope.$emit(broadcastName, toSend);
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast(broadcastName, toSend);
EventsHelper.prototype.bindEvents = function(maybeMapId, lObject, name, model, leafletScope, layerName, extra) {
var events = [];
var logic = 'emit';
var _this = this;
if (!isDefined(leafletScope.eventBroadcast)) {
// Backward compatibility, if no event-broadcast attribute, all events are broadcasted
events = this.getAvailableEvents();
} else if (!isObject(leafletScope.eventBroadcast)) {
// Not a valid object
$log.error(errorHeader + 'event-broadcast must be an object check your model.');
} else {
// We have a possible valid object
if (!isDefined(leafletScope.eventBroadcast[_this.lObjectType])) {
// We do not have events enable/disable do we do nothing (all enabled by default)
events = this.getAvailableEvents();
} else if (!isObject(leafletScope.eventBroadcast[_this.lObjectType])) {
// Not a valid object
$log.warn(errorHeader + 'event-broadcast.' + [_this.lObjectType] + ' must be an object check your model.');
} else {
// We have a possible valid map object
// Event propadation logic
if (isDefined(leafletScope.eventBroadcast[this.lObjectType].logic)) {
// We take care of possible propagation logic
if (leafletScope.eventBroadcast[_this.lObjectType].logic !== 'emit' &&
leafletScope.eventBroadcast[_this.lObjectType].logic !== 'broadcast')
$log.warn(errorHeader + 'Available event propagation logic are: \'emit\' or \'broadcast\'.');
// Enable / Disable
var eventsEnable = false;
var eventsDisable = false;
if (isDefined(leafletScope.eventBroadcast[_this.lObjectType].enable) &&
eventsEnable = true;
if (isDefined(leafletScope.eventBroadcast[_this.lObjectType].disable) &&
eventsDisable = true;
if (eventsEnable && eventsDisable) {
// Both are active, this is an error
$log.warn(errorHeader + 'can not enable and disable events at the same time');
} else if (!eventsEnable && !eventsDisable) {
// Both are inactive, this is an error
$log.warn(errorHeader + 'must enable or disable events');
} else {
// At this point the object is OK, lets enable or disable events
if (eventsEnable) {
// Enable events
leafletScope.eventBroadcast[this.lObjectType].enable.forEach(function(eventName) {
// Do we have already the event enabled?
if (events.indexOf(eventName) !== -1) {
// Repeated event, this is an error
$log.warn(errorHeader + 'This event ' + eventName + ' is already enabled');
} else {
// Does the event exists?
if (_this.getAvailableEvents().indexOf(eventName) === -1) {
// The event does not exists, this is an error
$log.warn(errorHeader + 'This event ' + eventName + ' does not exist');
} else {
// All ok enable the event
} else {
// Disable events
events = this.getAvailableEvents();
leafletScope.eventBroadcast[_this.lObjectType].disable.forEach(function(eventName) {
var index = events.indexOf(eventName);
if (index === -1) {
// The event does not exist
$log.warn(errorHeader + 'This event ' + eventName + ' does not exist or has been already disabled');
} else {
events.splice(index, 1);
events.forEach(function(eventName) {
lObject.on(eventName, _this.genDispatchEvent(maybeMapId, eventName, logic, leafletScope, lObject, name, model, layerName, extra));
return logic;
return EventsHelper;
.service('leafletEventsHelpers', ["LeafletEventsHelpersFactory", function(LeafletEventsHelpersFactory) {
return new LeafletEventsHelpersFactory();
.factory('leafletGeoJsonEvents', ["$rootScope", "$q", "$log", "leafletHelpers", "LeafletEventsHelpersFactory", "leafletData", function($rootScope, $q, $log, leafletHelpers,
LeafletEventsHelpersFactory, leafletData) {
var safeApply = leafletHelpers.safeApply;
var EventsHelper = LeafletEventsHelpersFactory;
var GeoJsonEvents = function() {
EventsHelper.call(this, 'leafletDirectiveGeoJson', 'geojson');
GeoJsonEvents.prototype = new EventsHelper();
GeoJsonEvents.prototype.genDispatchEvent = function(maybeMapId, eventName, logic, leafletScope, lObject, name, model, layerName, extra) {
var base = EventsHelper.prototype.genDispatchEvent.call(this, maybeMapId, eventName, logic, leafletScope, lObject, name, model, layerName);
var _this = this;
return function(e) {
if (eventName === 'mouseout') {
if (extra.resetStyleOnMouseout) {
.then(function(leafletGeoJSON) {
//this is broken on nested needs to traverse or user layerName (nested)
var lobj = layerName ? leafletGeoJSON[layerName] : leafletGeoJSON;
safeApply(leafletScope, function() {
$rootScope.$broadcast(_this.rootBroadcastName + '.mouseout', e);
base(e); //common
GeoJsonEvents.prototype.getAvailableEvents = function() { return [
return new GeoJsonEvents();
.factory('leafletLabelEvents', ["$rootScope", "$q", "$log", "leafletHelpers", "LeafletEventsHelpersFactory", function($rootScope, $q, $log, leafletHelpers, LeafletEventsHelpersFactory) {
var Helpers = leafletHelpers;
var EventsHelper = LeafletEventsHelpersFactory;
var LabelEvents = function() {
EventsHelper.call(this, 'leafletDirectiveLabel', 'markers');
LabelEvents.prototype = new EventsHelper();
LabelEvents.prototype.genDispatchEvent = function(maybeMapId, eventName, logic, leafletScope, lObject, name, model, layerName) {
var markerName = name.replace('markers.', '');
return EventsHelper.prototype
.genDispatchEvent.call(this, maybeMapId, eventName, logic, leafletScope, lObject, markerName, model, layerName);
LabelEvents.prototype.getAvailableEvents = function() {
return [
LabelEvents.prototype.genEvents = function(maybeMapId, eventName, logic, leafletScope, lObject, name, model, layerName) {
var _this = this;
var labelEvents = this.getAvailableEvents();
var scopeWatchName = Helpers.getObjectArrayPath('markers.' + name);
labelEvents.forEach(function(eventName) {
lObject.label.on(eventName, _this.genDispatchEvent(
maybeMapId, eventName, logic, leafletScope, lObject.label, scopeWatchName, model, layerName));
LabelEvents.prototype.bindEvents = function() {};
return new LabelEvents();
.factory('leafletMapEvents', ["$rootScope", "$q", "$log", "leafletHelpers", "leafletEventsHelpers", "leafletIterators", function($rootScope, $q, $log, leafletHelpers, leafletEventsHelpers, leafletIterators) {
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var fire = leafletEventsHelpers.fire;
var _getAvailableMapEvents = function() {
return [
var _genDispatchMapEvent = function(scope, eventName, logic, maybeMapId) {
if (maybeMapId)
maybeMapId = maybeMapId + '.';
return function(e) {
// Put together broadcast name
var broadcastName = 'leafletDirectiveMap.' + maybeMapId + eventName;
// Safely broadcast the event
fire(scope, broadcastName, logic, e, e.target, scope);
var _notifyCenterChangedToBounds = function(scope) {
var _notifyCenterUrlHashChanged = function(scope, map, attrs, search) {
if (!isDefined(attrs.urlHashCenter)) {
var center = map.getCenter();
var centerUrlHash = (center.lat).toFixed(4) + ':' + (center.lng).toFixed(4) + ':' + map.getZoom();
if (!isDefined(search.c) || search.c !== centerUrlHash) {
//$log.debug("notified new center...");
scope.$emit('centerUrlHash', centerUrlHash);
var _addEvents = function(map, mapEvents, contextName, scope, logic) {
leafletIterators.each(mapEvents, function(eventName) {
var context = {};
context[contextName] = eventName;
map.on(eventName, _genDispatchMapEvent(scope, eventName, logic, map._container.id || ''), context);
return {
getAvailableMapEvents: _getAvailableMapEvents,
genDispatchMapEvent: _genDispatchMapEvent,
notifyCenterChangedToBounds: _notifyCenterChangedToBounds,
notifyCenterUrlHashChanged: _notifyCenterUrlHashChanged,
addEvents: _addEvents,
.factory('leafletMarkerEvents', ["$rootScope", "$q", "$log", "leafletHelpers", "LeafletEventsHelpersFactory", "leafletLabelEvents", function($rootScope, $q, $log, leafletHelpers, LeafletEventsHelpersFactory, leafletLabelEvents) {
var safeApply = leafletHelpers.safeApply;
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var Helpers = leafletHelpers;
var lblHelp = leafletLabelEvents;
var EventsHelper = LeafletEventsHelpersFactory;
var MarkerEvents = function() {
EventsHelper.call(this, 'leafletDirectiveMarker', 'markers');
MarkerEvents.prototype = new EventsHelper();
MarkerEvents.prototype.genDispatchEvent = function(maybeMapId, eventName, logic, leafletScope, lObject, name, model, layerName) {
var handle = EventsHelper.prototype
.genDispatchEvent.call(this, maybeMapId, eventName, logic, leafletScope, lObject, name, model, layerName);
return function(e) {
// Broadcast old marker click name for backwards compatibility
if (eventName === 'click') {
safeApply(leafletScope, function() {
$rootScope.$broadcast('leafletDirectiveMarkersClick', name);
} else if (eventName === 'dragend') {
safeApply(leafletScope, function() {
model.lat = lObject.getLatLng().lat;
model.lng = lObject.getLatLng().lng;
if (model.message && model.focus === true) {
handle(e); //common
MarkerEvents.prototype.getAvailableEvents = function() { return [
MarkerEvents.prototype.bindEvents = function(maybeMapId, lObject, name, model, leafletScope, layerName) {
var logic = EventsHelper.prototype.bindEvents.call(this, maybeMapId, lObject, name, model, leafletScope, layerName);
if (Helpers.LabelPlugin.isLoaded() && isDefined(lObject.label)) {
lblHelp.genEvents(maybeMapId, name, logic, leafletScope, lObject, model, layerName);
return new MarkerEvents();
.factory('leafletPathEvents', ["$rootScope", "$q", "$log", "leafletHelpers", "leafletLabelEvents", "leafletEventsHelpers", function($rootScope, $q, $log, leafletHelpers, leafletLabelEvents, leafletEventsHelpers) {
var isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined;
var isObject = leafletHelpers.isObject;
var Helpers = leafletHelpers;
var errorHeader = leafletHelpers.errorHeader;
var lblHelp = leafletLabelEvents;
var fire = leafletEventsHelpers.fire;
TODO (nmccready) This EventsHelper needs to be derrived from leafletEventsHelpers to elminate copy and paste code.
var _genDispatchPathEvent = function(maybeMapId, eventName, logic, leafletScope, lObject, name, model, layerName) {
maybeMapId = maybeMapId || '';
if (maybeMapId)
maybeMapId = '.' + maybeMapId;
return function(e) {
var broadcastName = 'leafletDirectivePath' + maybeMapId + '.' + eventName;
fire(leafletScope, broadcastName, logic, e, e.target || lObject, model, name, layerName);
var _bindPathEvents = function(maybeMapId, lObject, name, model, leafletScope) {
var pathEvents = [];
var i;
var eventName;
var logic = 'broadcast';
if (!isDefined(leafletScope.eventBroadcast)) {
// Backward compatibility, if no event-broadcast attribute, all events are broadcasted
pathEvents = _getAvailablePathEvents();
} else if (!isObject(leafletScope.eventBroadcast)) {
// Not a valid object
$log.error(errorHeader + 'event-broadcast must be an object check your model.');
} else {
// We have a possible valid object
if (!isDefined(leafletScope.eventBroadcast.path)) {
// We do not have events enable/disable do we do nothing (all enabled by default)
pathEvents = _getAvailablePathEvents();
} else if (isObject(leafletScope.eventBroadcast.paths)) {
// Not a valid object
$log.warn(errorHeader + 'event-broadcast.path must be an object check your model.');
} else {
// We have a possible valid map object
// Event propadation logic
if (leafletScope.eventBroadcast.path.logic !== undefined && leafletScope.eventBroadcast.path.logic !== null) {
// We take care of possible propagation logic
if (leafletScope.eventBroadcast.path.logic !== 'emit' && leafletScope.eventBroadcast.path.logic !== 'broadcast') {
// This is an error
$log.warn(errorHeader + 'Available event propagation logic are: \'emit\' or \'broadcast\'.');
} else if (leafletScope.eventBroadcast.path.logic === 'emit') {
logic = 'emit';
// Enable / Disable
var pathEventsEnable = false;
var pathEventsDisable = false;
if (leafletScope.eventBroadcast.path.enable !== undefined && leafletScope.eventBroadcast.path.enable !== null) {
if (typeof leafletScope.eventBroadcast.path.enable === 'object') {
pathEventsEnable = true;
if (leafletScope.eventBroadcast.path.disable !== undefined && leafletScope.eventBroadcast.path.disable !== null) {
if (typeof leafletScope.eventBroadcast.path.disable === 'object') {
pathEventsDisable = true;
if (pathEventsEnable && pathEventsDisable) {
// Both are active, this is an error
$log.warn(errorHeader + 'can not enable and disable events at the same time');
} else if (!pathEventsEnable && !pathEventsDisable) {
// Both are inactive, this is an error
$log.warn(errorHeader + 'must enable or disable events');
} else {
// At this point the path object is OK, lets enable or disable events
if (pathEventsEnable) {
// Enable events
for (i = 0; i < leafletScope.eventBroadcast.path.enable.length; i++) {
eventName = leafletScope.eventBroadcast.path.enable[i];
// Do we have already the event enabled?
if (pathEvents.indexOf(eventName) !== -1) {
// Repeated event, this is an error
$log.warn(errorHeader + 'This event ' + eventName + ' is already enabled');
} else {
// Does the event exists?
if (_getAvailablePathEvents().indexOf(eventName) === -1) {
// The event does not exists, this is an error
$log.warn(errorHeader + 'This event ' + eventName + ' does not exist');
} else {
// All ok enable the event
} else {
// Disable events
pathEvents = _getAvailablePathEvents();
for (i = 0; i < leafletScope.eventBroadcast.path.disable.length; i++) {
eventName = leafletScope.eventBroadcast.path.disable[i];
var index = pathEvents.indexOf(eventName);
if (index === -1) {
// The event does not exist
$log.warn(errorHeader + 'This event ' + eventName + ' does not exist or has been already disabled');
} else {
pathEvents.splice(index, 1);
for (i = 0; i < pathEvents.length; i++) {
eventName = pathEvents[i];
lObject.on(eventName, _genDispatchPathEvent(maybeMapId, eventName, logic, leafletScope, pathEvents, name));
if (Helpers.LabelPlugin.isLoaded() && isDefined(lObject.label)) {
lblHelp.genEvents(maybeMapId, name, logic, leafletScope, lObject, model);
var _getAvailablePathEvents = function() {
return [
return {
getAvailablePathEvents: _getAvailablePathEvents,
bindPathEvents: _bindPathEvents,
}(angular)); |