* Split Node into multiple types and make sure fields are actually set when type says so. * Refactor request handling. * Start getting rid of moment as a dependency by using UnixTimestampSeconds instead.
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308 lines
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import _ from "lodash";
import CONSTRAINTS from "../validation/constraints";
import ErrorTypes from "../utils/errorTypes";
import Logger from "../logger";
import {Constraints, forConstraints, isConstraints} from "../validation/validator";
import {Request, Response} from "express";
import {
type GenericSortField,
} from "../types";
export type RequestData = JSONObject;
export type RequestHandler = (request: Request, response: Response) => void;
export type Entity = { [key: string]: any };
export type RestParams = {
q?: string;
_sortField?: GenericSortField;
_sortDir?: SortDirection;
_page: number;
_perPage: number;
filters?: FilterClause;
export type OrderByClause = { query: string, params: any[] };
export type LimitOffsetClause = { query: string, params: any[] };
export type FilterClause = { query: string, params: any[] };
function respond(res: Response, httpCode: number, data: any, type: string): void {
switch (type) {
case 'html':
res.writeHead(httpCode, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
res.writeHead(httpCode, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
function orderByClause<S>(
restParams: RestParams,
defaultSortField: EnumValue<S>,
isSortField: EnumTypeGuard<S>,
): OrderByClause {
let sortField: EnumValue<S> | undefined = isSortField(restParams._sortField) ? restParams._sortField : undefined;
if (!sortField) {
sortField = defaultSortField;
return {
query: 'ORDER BY LOWER(' + sortField + ') ' + (restParams._sortDir === SortDirection.ASCENDING ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'),
params: []
function limitOffsetClause(restParams: RestParams): LimitOffsetClause {
const page = restParams._page;
const perPage = restParams._perPage;
return {
query: 'LIMIT ? OFFSET ?',
params: [perPage, ((page - 1) * perPage)]
function escapeForLikePattern(str: string): string {
return str
.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
.replace(/%/g, '\\%')
.replace(/_/g, '\\_');
function filterCondition(restParams: RestParams, filterFields: string[]): FilterClause {
if (_.isEmpty(filterFields)) {
return {
query: '1 = 1',
params: []
let query = _.join(
_.map(filterFields, function (field) {
return 'LOWER(' + field + ') LIKE ?';
' OR '
query += ' ESCAPE \'\\\'';
const search = '%' + (_.isString(restParams.q) ? escapeForLikePattern(_.toLower(restParams.q.trim())) : '') + '%';
const params = _.times(filterFields.length, _.constant(search));
return {
query: query,
params: params
function getConstrainedValues(data: { [key: string]: any }, constraints: Constraints): { [key: string]: any } {
const values: { [key: string]: any } = {};
_.each(_.keys(constraints), (key: string): void => {
const value = data[key];
values[key] =
_.isUndefined(value) && key in constraints && !_.isUndefined(constraints[key].default)
? constraints[key].default
: value;
return values;
function normalize(data: any): JSONObject {
return isJSONObject(data) ? data : {};
export function getData(req: Request): RequestData {
const body = normalize(req.body);
const params = normalize(req.params);
const query = normalize(req.query);
return {
export async function getValidRestParams(
type: string,
subtype: string | null,
req: Request,
): Promise<RestParams> {
const restConstraints = CONSTRAINTS.rest as { [key: string]: any };
let constraints: Constraints;
if (!(type in restConstraints) || !isConstraints(restConstraints[type])) {
Logger.tag('validation', 'rest').error('Unknown REST resource type: {}', type);
throw {data: 'Internal error.', type: ErrorTypes.internalError};
constraints = restConstraints[type];
let filterConstraints: Constraints = {};
if (subtype) {
const subtypeFilters = subtype + 'Filters';
const constraintsObj = CONSTRAINTS as { [key: string]: any };
if (!(subtypeFilters in constraintsObj) || !isConstraints(constraintsObj[subtypeFilters])) {
Logger.tag('validation', 'rest').error('Unknown REST resource subtype: {}', subtype);
throw {data: 'Internal error.', type: ErrorTypes.internalError};
filterConstraints = constraintsObj[subtypeFilters];
const data = getData(req);
const restParams = getConstrainedValues(data, constraints);
const filterParams = getConstrainedValues(data, filterConstraints);
const areValidParams = forConstraints(constraints, false);
const areValidFilters = forConstraints(filterConstraints, false);
if (!areValidParams(restParams) || !areValidFilters(filterParams)) {
throw {data: 'Invalid REST parameters.', type: ErrorTypes.badRequest};
restParams.filters = filterParams;
return restParams as RestParams;
export function filter<E>(entities: ArrayLike<E>, allowedFilterFields: string[], restParams: RestParams): E[] {
let query = restParams.q;
if (query) {
query = _.toLower(query.trim());
function queryMatches(entity: Entity): boolean {
if (!query) {
return true;
return _.some(allowedFilterFields, (field: string): boolean => {
if (!query) {
return true;
let value = entity[field];
if (_.isNumber(value)) {
value = value.toString();
if (!_.isString(value) || _.isEmpty(value)) {
return false;
value = _.toLower(value);
if (field === 'mac') {
return _.includes(value.replace(/:/g, ''), query.replace(/:/g, ''));
return _.includes(value, query);
const filters = restParams.filters;
function filtersMatch(entity: Entity): boolean {
if (_.isEmpty(filters)) {
return true;
return _.every(filters, (value: any, key: string): boolean => {
if (_.isUndefined(value)) {
return true;
if (_.startsWith(key, 'has')) {
const entityKey = key.substring(3, 4).toLowerCase() + key.substring(4);
return _.isEmpty(entity[entityKey]).toString() !== value;
return entity[key] === value;
return _.filter(entities, function (entity) {
return queryMatches(entity) && filtersMatch(entity);
export function sort<T, S>(entities: ArrayLike<T>, isSortField: TypeGuard<S>, restParams: RestParams): ArrayLike<T> {
const sortField: S | undefined = isSortField(restParams._sortField) ? restParams._sortField : undefined;
if (!sortField) {
return entities;
const sorted: T[] = _.sortBy(entities, [sortField]);
if (restParams._sortDir === SortDirection.ASCENDING) {
return sorted;
} else {
return _.reverse(sorted);
export function getPageEntities(entities: ArrayLike<Entity>, restParams: RestParams) {
const page = restParams._page;
const perPage = restParams._perPage;
return _.slice(entities, (page - 1) * perPage, page * perPage);
export {filterCondition as whereCondition};
export function filterClause<S>(
restParams: RestParams,
defaultSortField: EnumValue<S>,
isSortField: EnumTypeGuard<S>,
filterFields: string[],
): FilterClause {
const orderBy = orderByClause<S>(
const limitOffset = limitOffsetClause(restParams);
const filter = filterCondition(
return {
query: filter.query + ' ' + orderBy.query + ' ' + limitOffset.query,
params: _.concat(filter.params, orderBy.params, limitOffset.params)
export function success(res: Response, data: any) {
respond(res, 200, data, 'json');
export function successHtml(res: Response, html: string) {
respond(res, 200, html, 'html');
export function error(res: Response, err: { data: any, type: { code: number } }) {
respond(res, err.type.code, err.data, 'json');
export function handleJSON<Response>(handler: () => Promise<Response>): RequestHandler {
return (request, response) => {
.then(data => success(response, data || {}))
.catch(error => error(response, error));
export function handleJSONWithData<Response>(handler: (data: RequestData) => Promise<Response>): RequestHandler {
return (request, response) => {
.then(data => success(response, data || {}))
.catch(error => error(response, error));