import subprocess import re import os from operator import xor, eq from functools import reduce from itertools import starmap import math class RRDIncompatibleException(Exception): """ Is raised when an RRD doesn't have the desired definition and cannot be upgraded to it. """ pass class RRDOutdatedException(Exception): """ Is raised when an RRD doesn't have the desired definition, but can be upgraded to it. """ pass if not hasattr(__builtins__, "FileNotFoundError"): class FileNotFoundError(Exception): pass class RRD(object): """ An RRD is a Round Robin Database, a database which forgets old data and aggregates multiple records into new ones. It contains multiple Data Sources (DS) which can be thought of as columns, and Round Robin Archives (RRA) which can be thought of as tables with the DS as columns and time-dependant rows. """ # rra[2].cdp_prep[0].value = 1,8583033333e+03 _info_regex = re.compile(""" (?P
[a-z_]+) \[ (?P[a-zA-Z0-9_]+) \] \. | (?P[a-z_]+) \s*=\s* "? (?P.*?) "? $""", re.X) _cached_info = None def _exec_rrdtool(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): pargs = ["rrdtool", cmd, self.filename] for k, v in kwargs.items(): pargs.extend(["--" + k, str(v)]) pargs.extend(args) subprocess.check_output(pargs) def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename def ensure_sanity(self, ds_list, rra_list, **kwargs): """ Create or upgrade the RRD file if necessary to contain all DS in ds_list. If it needs to be created, the RRAs in rra_list and any kwargs will be used for creation. Note that RRAs and options of an existing database are NOT modified! """ try: self.check_sanity(ds_list) except FileNotFoundError: self.create(ds_list, rra_list, **kwargs) except RRDOutdatedException: self.upgrade(ds_list) def check_sanity(self, ds_list=()): """ Check if the RRD file exists and contains (at least) the DS listed in ds_list. """ if not os.path.exists(self.filename): raise FileNotFoundError(self.filename) info = if set(ds_list) - set(info['ds'].values()) != set(): for ds in ds_list: if in info['ds'] and\ ds.type != info['ds'][].type: raise RRDIncompatibleException( "{} is {} but should be {}".format(, ds.type, info['ds'][].type)) else: raise RRDOutdatedException() def upgrade(self, dss): """ Upgrade the DS definitions (!) of this RRD. (To update its values, use update()) The list dss contains DSS objects to be updated or added. The parameters of a DS can be changed, but not its type. New DS are always added at the end in the order of their appearance in the list. This is done internally via an rrdtool dump -> rrdtool restore and modifying the dump on the fly. """ info = new_ds = list(info['ds'].values()) new_ds.sort(key=lambda ds: ds.index) for ds in dss: if in info['ds']: old_ds = info['ds'][] if info['ds'][].type != ds.type: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot convert existing DS '{}'" "from type '{}' to '{}'".format(, old_ds.type, ds.type)) ds.index = old_ds.index new_ds[ds.index] = ds else: ds.index = len(new_ds) new_ds.append(ds) added_ds_num = len(new_ds) - len(info['ds']) dump = subprocess.Popen( ["rrdtool", "dump", self.filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) restore = subprocess.Popen( ["rrdtool", "restore", "-", self.filename + ".new"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) echo = True ds_definitions = True for line in dump.stdout: if ds_definitions and b'' in line: echo = False if b'' in line: ds_definitions = False for ds in new_ds: restore.stdin.write(bytes(""" %s %s %i %s %s %s %s %i """ % (, ds.type, ds.args[0], ds.args[1], ds.args[2], ds.last_ds, ds.value, ds.unknown_sec), "utf-8")) if b'' in line: restore.stdin.write(added_ds_num * b""" NaN NaN NaN 0 """) # echoing of input line if echo: restore.stdin.write( line.replace( b'', (added_ds_num * b'NaN') + b'' ) ) if ds_definitions and b'' in line: echo = True dump.stdout.close() restore.stdin.close() dump.wait() restore.wait() os.rename(self.filename + ".new", self.filename) self._cached_info = None def create(self, ds_list, rra_list, **kwargs): """ Create a new RRD file with the specified list of RRAs and DSs. Any kwargs are passed as --key=value to rrdtool create. """ self._exec_rrdtool( "create", *map(str, rra_list + ds_list), **kwargs ) self._cached_info = None def update(self, V): """ Update the RRD with new values V. V can be either list or dict: * If it is a dict, its keys must be DS names in the RRD and it is ensured that the correct DS are updated with the correct values, by passing a "template" to rrdtool update (see man rrdupdate). * If it is a list, no template is generated and the order of the values in V must be the same as that of the DS in the RRD. """ try: args = ['N:' + ':'.join(map(str, V.values()))] kwargs = {'template': ':'.join(V.keys())} except AttributeError: args = ['N:' + ':'.join(map(str, V))] kwargs = {} self._exec_rrdtool("update", *args, **kwargs) self._cached_info = None def info(self): """ Return a dictionary with information about the RRD. See `man rrdinfo` for more details. """ if self._cached_info: return self._cached_info env = os.environ.copy() env["LC_ALL"] = "C" proc = subprocess.Popen( ["rrdtool", "info", self.filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env ) out, err = proc.communicate() out = out.decode() info = {} for line in out.splitlines(): base = info for match in self._info_regex.finditer(line): section, key, name, value = "section", "key", "name", "value") if section and key: try: key = int(key) except ValueError: pass if section not in base: base[section] = {} if key not in base[section]: base[section][key] = {} base = base[section][key] if name and value: try: base[name] = int(value) except ValueError: try: base[name] = float(value) except: base[name] = value dss = {} for name, ds in info['ds'].items(): ds_obj = DS(name, ds['type'], ds['minimal_heartbeat'], ds['min'], ds['max']) ds_obj.index = ds['index'] ds_obj.last_ds = ds['last_ds'] ds_obj.value = ds['value'] ds_obj.unknown_sec = ds['unknown_sec'] dss[name] = ds_obj info['ds'] = dss rras = [] for rra in info['rra'].values(): rras.append(RRA(rra['cf'], rra['xff'], rra['pdp_per_row'], rra['rows'])) info['rra'] = rras self._cached_info = info return info class DS(object): """ DS stands for Data Source and represents one line of data points in a Round Robin Database (RRD). """ name = None type = None args = [] index = -1 last_ds = 'U' value = 0 unknown_sec = 0 def __init__(self, name, dst, *args): = name self.type = dst self.args = args def __str__(self): return "DS:%s:%s:%s" % (, self.type, ":".join(map(str, self._nan_to_u_args())) ) def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r, %r, %s)" % ( self.__class__.__name__,, self.type, ", ".join(map(repr, self.args)) ) def __eq__(self, other): return all(starmap(eq, zip(self.compare_keys(), other.compare_keys()))) def __hash__(self): return reduce(xor, map(hash, self.compare_keys())) def _nan_to_u_args(self): return tuple( 'U' if type(arg) is float and math.isnan(arg) else arg for arg in self.args ) def compare_keys(self): return, self.type, self._nan_to_u_args() class RRA(object): def __init__(self, cf, *args): = cf self.args = args def __str__(self): return "RRA:%s:%s" % (, ":".join(map(str, self.args))) def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r, %s)" % ( self.__class__.__name__,, ", ".join(map(repr, self.args)) )