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2014-04-02 20:34:16 +02:00
Plugin Name: Freifunk Metadata Shortcodes
Plugin URI:
Description: Defines shortcodes to display Freifunk metadata
Version: 0.1
Author: Martin Schuette
Author URI:
/* gets metadata from URL, handles caching */
function ff_meta_getmetadata ($url) {
$url_hash = hash('crc32', $url);
// Caching
if ( false === ( $metajson = get_transient( "ff_metadata_${url_hash}" ) ) ) {
$metajson = wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_get($url) );
set_transient( "ff_metadata_${url_hash}", $metajson, 1 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS );
$metadata = json_decode ( $metajson, $assoc = true );
return $metadata;
if ( ! shortcode_exists( 'ff_services' ) ) {
add_shortcode( 'ff_services', 'ff_meta_shortcode_services');
// Example:
// [ff_services]
// [ff_services url=""]
function ff_meta_shortcode_services( $atts ) {
$default_url = get_option( 'ff_meta_url' );
extract(shortcode_atts( array(
'url' => $default_url,
), $atts));
$metadata = ff_meta_getmetadata ($url);
$services = $metadata['services'];
// Output
$outstr = '<div class="ff ff_services"><ul>';
foreach ($services as $service) {
$outstr .= sprintf('<li>%s (%s): <a href="%s">%s</a></li>',
$service['serviceName'], $service['serviceDescription'],
$service['internalUri'], $service['internalUri']);
$outstr .= '</ul></div>';
return $outstr;
if ( ! shortcode_exists( 'ff_contact' ) ) {
add_shortcode( 'ff_contact', 'ff_meta_shortcode_contact');
// Example:
// [ff_contact]
// [ff_contact url=""]
function ff_meta_shortcode_contact( $atts ) {
$default_url = get_option( 'ff_meta_url' );
extract(shortcode_atts( array(
'url' => $default_url,
), $atts));
$metadata = ff_meta_getmetadata ($url);
$contact = $metadata['contact'];
// Output -- rather ugly but the data is not uniform, some fields are URIs, some are usernames, ...
$outstr = '<div class="ff ff_contact"><p>';
if (!empty($contact['email'])) {
$outstr .= sprintf("E-Mail: <a href=\"mailto:%s\">%s</a><br />\n", $contact['email'], $contact['email']);
if (!empty($contact['ml'])) {
$outstr .= sprintf("Mailingliste: <a href=\"mailto:%s\">%s</a><br />\n", $contact['ml'], $contact['ml']);
if (!empty($contact['irc'])) {
$outstr .= sprintf("IRC: <a href=\"%s\">%s</a><br />\n", $contact['irc'], $contact['irc']);
if (!empty($contact['twitter'])) {
// catch username instead of URI
if ($contact['twitter'][0] === "@") {
$twitter_url = ''.ltrim($contact['twitter'], "@");
$twitter_handle = $contact['twitter'];
} else {
$twitter_url = $contact['twitter'];
$twitter_handle = '@' . substr($contact['twitter'], strrpos($contact['twitter'], '/') + 1);
$outstr .= sprintf("Twitter: <a href=\"%s\">%s</a><br />\n", $twitter_url, $twitter_handle);
if (!empty($contact['facebook'])) {
$outstr .= sprintf("Facebook: <a href=\"%s\">%s</a><br />\n", $contact['facebook'], $contact['facebook']);
if (!empty($contact['googleplus'])) {
$outstr .= sprintf("G+: <a href=\"%s\">%s</a><br />\n", $contact['googleplus'], $contact['googleplus']);
if (!empty($contact['jabber'])) {
$outstr .= sprintf("XMPP: <a href=\"xmpp:%s\">%s</a><br />\n", $contact['jabber'], $contact['jabber']);
# maybe we do not want public phone numbers...
#if (!empty($contact['phone'])) {
# $outstr .= sprintf("Telephon: %s<br />\n", $contact['phone']);
$outstr .= '</p></div>';
return $outstr;
// Options Page:
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'ff_meta_admin_menu' );
function ff_meta_admin_menu() {
'FF Meta Plugin', // page title
'FF Meta', // menu title
'manage_options', // req'd capability
'ff_meta_plugin', // menu slug
'ff_meta_options_page' // callback function
add_action( 'admin_init', 'ff_meta_admin_init' );
function ff_meta_admin_init() {
'ff_meta_settings-group', // group name
'ff_meta_url' // option name
'ff_meta_section-one', // ID
'Section One', // Title
'ff_meta_section_one_callback', // callback to fill
'ff_meta_plugin' // page to display on
'ff_meta_url', // ID
'URL of meta.json', // Title
'ff_meta_url_callback', // callback to fill field
'ff_meta_plugin', // menu page=slug to display field on
'ff_meta_section-one' // section to display the field in
function ff_meta_section_one_callback() {
echo 'This Plugin provides shortcodes to display information from the Freifunk meta.json.';
function ff_meta_url_callback() {
$url = get_option( 'ff_meta_url' );
echo "<input type='text' name='ff_meta_url' value='$url' />";
function ff_meta_options_page() {
<div class="wrap">
<h2>Freifunk Meta Plugin Options</h2>
<form action="options.php" method="POST">
<?php settings_fields( 'ff_meta_settings-group' ); ?>
<?php do_settings_sections( 'ff_meta_plugin' ); ?>
<?php submit_button(); ?>