define(["map/clientlayer", "map/labelslayer", "d3", "leaflet", "moment", "locationmarker", "rbush", "leaflet.label", "leaflet.providers", ""], function (ClientLayer, LabelsLayer, d3, L, moment, LocationMarker, rbush) { var options = { worldCopyJump: true, zoomControl: false }; var AddLayerButton = L.Control.extend({ options: { position: "bottomright" }, initialize: function (f, options) { L.Util.setOptions(this, options); this.f = f; }, onAdd: function () { var button = L.DomUtil.create("button", "add-layer"); button.textContent = "\uF2C7"; // L.DomEvent.disableClickPropagation(button) // Click propagation isn't disabled as this causes problems with the // location picking mode; instead propagation is stopped in onClick(). L.DomEvent.addListener(button, "click", this.f, this); this.button = button; return button; } }); var LocateButton = L.Control.extend({ options: { position: "bottomright" }, active: false, button: undefined, initialize: function (f, options) { L.Util.setOptions(this, options); this.f = f; }, onAdd: function () { var button = L.DomUtil.create("button", "locate-user"); button.textContent = "\uF2E9"; L.DomEvent.disableClickPropagation(button); L.DomEvent.addListener(button, "click", this.onClick, this); this.button = button; return button; }, update: function () { this.button.classList.toggle("active",; }, set: function (v) { = v; this.update(); }, onClick: function () { this.f(!; } }); var CoordsPickerButton = L.Control.extend({ options: { position: "bottomright" }, active: false, button: undefined, initialize: function (f, options) { L.Util.setOptions(this, options); this.f = f; }, onAdd: function () { var button = L.DomUtil.create("button", "coord-picker"); button.textContent = "\uF3A3"; // Click propagation isn't disabled as this causes problems with the // location picking mode; instead propagation is stopped in onClick(). L.DomEvent.addListener(button, "click", this.onClick, this); this.button = button; return button; }, update: function () { this.button.classList.toggle("active",; }, set: function (v) { = v; this.update(); }, onClick: function (e) { L.DomEvent.stopPropagation(e); this.f(!; } }); function mkMarker(dict, iconFunc, router) { return function (d) { var m = L.circleMarker([d.nodeinfo.location.latitude, d.nodeinfo.location.longitude], iconFunc(d)); m.resetStyle = function () { m.setStyle(iconFunc(d)); }; m.on("click", router.node(d)); m.bindLabel(d.nodeinfo.hostname); dict[d.nodeinfo.node_id] = m; return m; }; } function addLinksToMap(dict, linkScale, graph, router) { graph = graph.filter(function (d) { return "distance" in d && d.type !== "VPN"; }); return (d) { var opts = { color: d.type === "Kabel" ? "#50B0F0" : linkScale(d.tq).hex(), weight: 4, opacity: 0.5, dashArray: "none" }; var line = L.polyline(d.latlngs, opts); line.resetStyle = function () { line.setStyle(opts); }; line.bindLabel(d.source.node.nodeinfo.hostname + " – " + + "
" + showDistance(d) + " / " + showTq(d) + ""); line.on("click",; dict[] = line; return line; }); } var iconOnline = { color: "#1566A9", fillColor: "#1566A9", radius: 6, fillOpacity: 0.5, opacity: 0.5, weight: 2, className: "stroke-first" }; var iconOffline = { color: "#D43E2A", fillColor: "#D43E2A", radius: 3, fillOpacity: 0.5, opacity: 0.5, weight: 1, className: "stroke-first" }; var iconLost = { color: "#D43E2A", fillColor: "#D43E2A", radius: 6, fillOpacity: 0.8, opacity: 0.8, weight: 1, className: "stroke-first" }; var iconAlert = { color: "#D43E2A", fillColor: "#D43E2A", radius: 6, fillOpacity: 0.8, opacity: 0.8, weight: 2, className: "stroke-first node-alert" }; var iconNew = {color: "#1566A9", fillColor: "#93E929", radius: 6, fillOpacity: 1.0, opacity: 0.5, weight: 2}; return function (config, linkScale, sidebar, router, buttons) { var self = this; var barycenter; var groupOnline, groupOffline, groupNew, groupLost, groupLines; var savedView; var map, userLocation; var layerControl; var customLayers = {}; var baseLayers = {}; var locateUserButton = new LocateButton(function (d) { if (d) { enableTracking(); } else { disableTracking(); } }); var mybuttons = []; function addButton(button) { var el = button.onAdd(); mybuttons.push(el); buttons.appendChild(el); } function clearButtons() { mybuttons.forEach(function (d) { buttons.removeChild(d); }); } var showCoordsPickerButton = new CoordsPickerButton(function (d) { if (d) { enableCoords(); } else { disableCoords(); } }); function saveView() { savedView = { center: map.getCenter(), zoom: map.getZoom() }; } function enableTracking() { map.locate({ watch: true, enableHighAccuracy: true, setView: true }); locateUserButton.set(true); } function disableTracking() { map.stopLocate(); locationError(); locateUserButton.set(false); } function enableCoords() { map.getContainer().classList.add("pick-coordinates"); map.on("click", showCoordinates); showCoordsPickerButton.set(true); } function disableCoords() { map.getContainer().classList.remove("pick-coordinates");"click", showCoordinates); showCoordsPickerButton.set(false); } function showCoordinates(e) { router.gotoLocation(e.latlng); // window.prompt("Koordinaten (Lat, Lng)", + ", " + e.latlng.lng.toFixed(9)) disableCoords(); } function locationFound(e) { if (!userLocation) { userLocation = new LocationMarker(e.latlng).addTo(map); } userLocation.setLatLng(e.latlng); userLocation.setAccuracy(e.accuracy); } function locationError() { if (userLocation) { map.removeLayer(userLocation); userLocation = null; } } function addLayer(layerName) { if (layerName in baseLayers) { return; } if (layerName in customLayers) { return; } try { var layer = L.tileLayer.provider(layerName); layerControl.addBaseLayer(layer, layerName); customLayers[layerName] = layer; if (localStorageTest()) { localStorage.setItem("map/customLayers", JSON.stringify(Object.keys(customLayers))); } } catch (e) { } } function contextMenuGotoLocation(e) { router.gotoLocation(e.latlng); } var el = document.createElement("div"); el.classList.add("map"); map =, options); var layers = (d) { return { "name":, "layer": "url" in d ? L.tileLayer(d.url, d.config) : L.tileLayer.provider( }; }); layers[0].layer.addTo(map); layers.forEach(function (d) { baseLayers[] = d.layer; }); map.on("locationfound", locationFound); map.on("locationerror", locationError); map.on("dragend", saveView); map.on("contextmenu", contextMenuGotoLocation); addButton(locateUserButton); addButton(showCoordsPickerButton); addButton(new AddLayerButton(function () { /*eslint no-alert:0*/ var layerName = prompt("Leaflet Provider:"); addLayer(layerName); })); layerControl = L.control.layers(baseLayers, [], {position: "bottomright"}); layerControl.addTo(map); if (localStorageTest()) { var d = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("map/customLayers")); if (d) { d.forEach(addLayer); } d = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("map/selectedLayer")); d = d && in baseLayers ? baseLayers[] : d && in customLayers ? customLayers[] : false; if (d) { map.removeLayer(layers[0].layer); map.addLayer(d); } } var clientLayer = new ClientLayer({minZoom: 15}); clientLayer.addTo(map); clientLayer.setZIndex(5); var labelsLayer = new LabelsLayer({}); labelsLayer.addTo(map); labelsLayer.setZIndex(6); map.on("baselayerchange", function (e) { map.options.maxZoom = e.layer.options.maxZoom; clientLayer.options.maxZoom = map.options.maxZoom; labelsLayer.options.maxZoom = map.options.maxZoom; if (map.getZoom() > map.options.maxZoom) { map.setZoom(map.options.maxZoom); } if (localStorageTest()) { localStorage.setItem("map/selectedLayer", JSON.stringify({name:})); } }); var nodeDict = {}; var linkDict = {}; var highlight; function resetMarkerStyles(nodes, links) { Object.keys(nodes).forEach(function (d) { nodes[d].resetStyle(); }); Object.keys(links).forEach(function (d) { links[d].resetStyle(); }); } function setView(bounds) { map.fitBounds(bounds, {paddingTopLeft: [sidebar(), 0]}); } function resetZoom() { if (barycenter) { setView(barycenter.getBounds()); } } function goto(m) { var bounds; if ("getBounds" in m) { bounds = m.getBounds(); } else { bounds = L.latLngBounds([m.getLatLng()]); } setView(bounds); return m; } function updateView(nopanzoom) { resetMarkerStyles(nodeDict, linkDict); var m; if (highlight !== undefined) { if (highlight.type === "node") { m = nodeDict[highlight.o.nodeinfo.node_id]; if (m) { m.setStyle({color: "orange", weight: 20, fillOpacity: 1, opacity: 0.7, className: "stroke-first"}); } } else if (highlight.type === "link") { m = linkDict[]; if (m) { m.setStyle({weight: 7, opacity: 1, dashArray: "10, 10"}); } } } if (!nopanzoom) { if (m) { goto(m); } else if (savedView) { map.setView(, savedView.zoom); } else { resetZoom(); } } } function calcBarycenter(nodes) { nodes = (d) { return d.nodeinfo.location; }); if (nodes.length === 0) { return undefined; } var lats = (d) { return d.latitude; }); var lngs = (d) { return d.longitude; }); var barycenter = L.latLng(d3.median(lats), d3.median(lngs)); var barycenterDev = [d3.deviation(lats), d3.deviation(lngs)]; if (barycenterDev[0] === undefined) { barycenterDev[0] = 0; } if (barycenterDev[1] === undefined) { barycenterDev[1] = 0; } var barycenterCircle = L.latLng( + barycenterDev[0], barycenter.lng + barycenterDev[1]); var r = barycenter.distanceTo(barycenterCircle); return, r * config.mapSigmaScale); } function mapRTree(d) { var o = [d.nodeinfo.location.latitude, d.nodeinfo.location.longitude, d.nodeinfo.location.latitude, d.nodeinfo.location.longitude]; o.node = d; return o; } self.setData = function (data) { nodeDict = {}; linkDict = {}; if (groupOffline) { groupOffline.clearLayers(); } if (groupOnline) { groupOnline.clearLayers(); } if (groupNew) { groupNew.clearLayers(); } if (groupLost) { groupLost.clearLayers(); } if (groupLines) { groupLines.clearLayers(); } var lines = addLinksToMap(linkDict, linkScale, data.graph.links, router); groupLines = L.featureGroup(lines).addTo(map); if (typeof config.fixedCenter === "undefined") { barycenter = calcBarycenter(data.nodes.all.filter(has_location)); } else { barycenter = L.LatLng(, config.fixedCenter.lng)), config.fixedCenter.radius * 1000); } var nodesOnline = subtract(data.nodes.all.filter(online),; var nodesOffline = subtract(data.nodes.all.filter(offline), data.nodes.lost); var markersOnline = nodesOnline.filter(has_location) .map(mkMarker(nodeDict, function () { return iconOnline; }, router)); var markersOffline = nodesOffline.filter(has_location) .map(mkMarker(nodeDict, function () { return iconOffline; }, router)); var markersNew = .map(mkMarker(nodeDict, function () { return iconNew; }, router)); var markersLost = data.nodes.lost.filter(has_location) .map(mkMarker(nodeDict, function (d) { if (d.lastseen.isAfter(moment(, "days"))) { return iconAlert; } return iconLost; }, router)); groupOffline = L.featureGroup(markersOffline).addTo(map); groupOnline = L.featureGroup(markersOnline).addTo(map); groupLost = L.featureGroup(markersLost).addTo(map); groupNew = L.featureGroup(markersNew).addTo(map); var rtreeOnlineAll = rbush(9); rtreeOnlineAll.load(data.nodes.all.filter(online).filter(has_location).map(mapRTree)); clientLayer.setData(rtreeOnlineAll); labelsLayer.setData({ online: nodesOnline.filter(has_location), offline: nodesOffline.filter(has_location), new:, lost: data.nodes.lost.filter(has_location) }); updateView(true); }; self.resetView = function () { disableTracking(); highlight = undefined; updateView(); }; self.gotoNode = function (d) { disableTracking(); highlight = {type: "node", o: d}; updateView(); }; self.gotoLink = function (d) { disableTracking(); highlight = {type: "link", o: d}; updateView(); }; self.gotoLocation = function () { //ignore }; self.destroy = function () { clearButtons(); map.remove(); if (el.parentNode) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } }; self.render = function (d) { d.appendChild(el); map.invalidateSize(); }; return self; }; });