[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tcatm/meshviewer.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tcatm/meshviewer) # Meshviewer Meshviewer is a frontend for [ffmap-backend](https://github.com/ffnord/ffmap-backend). [Changelog](CHANGELOG.md) # Screenshots ![](doc/mapview.png?raw=true) ![](doc/graphview.png?raw=true) ![](doc/allnodes.png?raw=true) ![](doc/links.png?raw=true) ![](doc/statistics.png?raw=true) # Dependencies - npm - bower - grunt-cli - Sass (>= 3.2) # Installing dependencies Install npm with your package-manager. On Debian-like systems run: sudo apt-get install npm Execute these commands on your server as a normal user to prepare the dependencies: git clone https://github.com/tcatm/meshviewer.git cd meshviewer npm install npm install bower grunt-cli node_modules/.bin/bower install # Configure Copy `config.js.example` to `config.js` and change it to match your community. ## dataPath (string) `dataPath` must point to a directory containing `nodes.json` and `graph.json` (both are generated by [ffmap-backend](https://github.com/ffnord/ffmap-backend)). Don't forget the trailing slash! Data may be served from a different domain with [CORS enabled]. Also, GZip will greatly reduce bandwidth consumption. ## siteName (string) Change this to match your communities' name. It will be used in various places. ## mapSigmaScale (float) This affects the initial scale of the map. Greater values will show a larger area. Values like 1.0 and 0.5 might be good choices. ## showContact (bool) Setting this to `false` will hide contact information for nodes. # Building Just run the following command from the meshviewer directory: node_modules/.bin/grunt This will generate `build/` containing all required files. [CORS enabled]: http://enable-cors.org/server.html