Marvin W 5cb88e8d06 Use server side resolving only, add proper support for nexthop resolving (#81)
* Revert "Use resolved data if gateway was already resolved (#78)"

This reverts commit 44bb8e9d3d.

* Revert "proportions: lookup gateway name"

This reverts commit 94662cb3dc.

* Revert "infobox/node: change mac used to lookup nodes"

This reverts commit 2ca2604403.

* Revert "infobox/node: resolve nexthop and gateway from data"

This reverts commit 9e7049c9e3.

* Resolve nexthop full chain if possible

requires hopglass/hopglass-server#79

* Correctly handle sidecase when nodes on route report inconsistent gateway
2017-01-07 18:43:04 +01:00

237 lines
7.1 KiB

define(["chroma-js", "virtual-dom", "numeral-intl", "filters/genericnode", "vercomp" ],
function (Chroma, V, numeral, Filter, vercomp) {
return function (config, filterManager) {
var self = this
var scale = Chroma.scale("YlGnBu").mode("lab")
var statusTable = document.createElement("table")
var fwTable = document.createElement("table")
var hwTable = document.createElement("table")
var geoTable = document.createElement("table")
var autoTable = document.createElement("table")
var uplinkTable = document.createElement("table")
var gwNodesTable = document.createElement("table")
var gwClientsTable = document.createElement("table")
var siteTable = document.createElement("table")
function showStatGlobal(o) {
return showStat(o)
function count(nodes, key, f) {
var dict = {}
nodes.forEach( function (d) {
var v = dictGet(d, key.slice(0))
if (f !== undefined)
v = f(v)
if (v === null)
dict[v] = 1 + (v in dict ? dict[v] : 0)
return Object.keys(dict).map(function (d) { return [d, dict[d], key, f] })
function countClients(nodes, key, f) {
var dict = {}
nodes.forEach( function (d) {
var v = dictGet(d, key.slice(0))
if (f !== undefined)
v = f(v)
if (v === null)
dict[v] = d.statistics.clients + (v in dict ? dict[v] : 0)
return Object.keys(dict).map(function (d) { return [d, dict[d], key, f] })
function addFilter(filter) {
return function () {
return false
function fillTable(name, table, data) {
if (!table.last)
table.last = V.h("table")
var max = 0
data.forEach(function (d) {
if (d[1] > max)
max = d[1]
var items = data.map(function (d) {
var v = d[1] / max
var c1 = Chroma.contrast(scale(v), "white")
var c2 = Chroma.contrast(scale(v), "black")
var filter = new Filter(name, d[2], d[0], d[3])
var a = V.h("a", { href: "#", onclick: addFilter(filter) }, d[0])
var th = V.h("th", a)
var td = V.h("td", V.h("span", {style: {
width: Math.round(v * 100) + "%",
backgroundColor: scale(v).hex(),
color: c1 > c2 ? "white" : "black"
}}, numeral(d[1]).format("0,0")))
return V.h("tr", [th, td])
var tableNew = V.h("table", items)
table = V.patch(table, V.diff(table.last, tableNew))
table.last = tableNew
self.setData = function (data) {
var onlineNodes = data.nodes.all.filter(online)
var nodes = onlineNodes.concat(data.nodes.lost)
var nodeDict = {}
data.nodes.all.forEach(function (d) {
nodeDict[d.nodeinfo.node_id] = d
var statusDict = count(nodes, ["flags", "online"], function (d) {
return d ? "online" : "offline"
var fwDict = count(nodes, ["nodeinfo", "software", "firmware", "release"])
var hwDict = count(nodes, ["nodeinfo", "hardware", "model"], function (d) {
if (d) {
d = d.replace(/\(r\)|\(tm\)/gi, "").replace(/AMD |Intel |TP-Link | CPU| Processor/g, "")
if (d.indexOf("@") > 0) d = d.substring(0, d.indexOf("@"))
return d
var geoDict = count(nodes, ["nodeinfo", "location"], function (d) {
return d && d.longitude && d.latitude ? "ja" : "nein"
var autoDict = count(nodes, ["nodeinfo", "software", "autoupdater"], function (d) {
if (d === null)
return null
else if (d.enabled)
return d.branch
return "(deaktiviert)"
var uplinkDict = count(nodes, ["flags", "uplink"], function (d) {
return d ? "ja" : "nein"
var gwNodesDict = count(onlineNodes, ["statistics", "gateway"], function (d) {
if (d === null)
return null
if (d.node)
return d.node.nodeinfo.hostname
if (d.id)
return d.id
return d
var gwClientsDict = countClients(onlineNodes, ["statistics", "gateway"], function (d) {
if (d === null)
return null
if (d.node)
return d.node.nodeinfo.hostname
if (d.id)
return d.id
return d
var siteDict = count(nodes, ["nodeinfo", "system", "site_code"], function (d) {
var rt = d
if (config.siteNames)
config.siteNames.forEach( function (t) {
if(d === t.site)
rt = t.name
return rt
fillTable("Status", statusTable, statusDict.sort(function (a, b) { return b[1] - a[1] }))
fillTable("Firmware", fwTable, fwDict.sort(function (a, b) { return vercomp(b[0], a[0]) }))
fillTable("Hardware", hwTable, hwDict.sort(function (a, b) { return b[1] - a[1] }))
fillTable("Koordinaten", geoTable, geoDict.sort(function (a, b) { return b[1] - a[1] }))
fillTable("Uplink", uplinkTable, uplinkDict.sort(function (a, b) { return b[1] - a[1] }))
fillTable("Autom. Updates", autoTable, autoDict.sort(function (a, b) { return b[1] - a[1] }))
fillTable("Gateway", gwNodesTable, gwNodesDict.sort(function (a, b) { return b[1] - a[1] }))
fillTable("Gateway", gwClientsTable, gwClientsDict.sort(function (a, b) { return b[1] - a[1] }))
fillTable("Site", siteTable, siteDict.sort(function (a, b) { return b[1] - a[1] }))
self.render = function (el) {
var h2
self.renderSingle(el, "Status", statusTable)
self.renderSingle(el, "Nodes an Gateway", gwNodesTable)
self.renderSingle(el, "Clients an Gateway", gwClientsTable)
self.renderSingle(el, "Firmwareversionen", fwTable)
self.renderSingle(el, "Uplink", uplinkTable)
self.renderSingle(el, "Hardwaremodelle", hwTable)
self.renderSingle(el, "Auf der Karte sichtbar", geoTable)
self.renderSingle(el, "Autoupdater", autoTable)
self.renderSingle(el, "Site", siteTable)
if (config.globalInfos)
config.globalInfos.forEach(function (globalInfo) {
h2 = document.createElement("h2")
h2.textContent = globalInfo.name
self.renderSingle = function (el, heading, table) {
var h2
h2 = document.createElement("h2")
h2.textContent = heading
h2.onclick = function () {
return self