gl.setup(1280, 720) font = resource.load_font("Oswald-Medium.ttf") node.alias("room") local json = require "json" -- Configure room here local SAAL = "attraktor" util.auto_loader(_G) util.file_watch("schedule.json", function(content) print("reloading schedule") talks = json.decode(content) end) util.file_watch("config.json", function(content) local config = json.decode(content) if sys.get_env then saal = config.devices[sys.get_env("SERIAL")] end if not saal then print("using statically configured saal identifier") saal = SAAL end print(saal) rooms = config.rooms room = config.rooms[saal] end) local base_time = N.base_time or 0 local current_talk local all_talks = {} local day = 0 function get_now() return base_time + end function check_next_talk() local now = get_now() local room_next = {} for idx, talk in ipairs(talks) do if rooms[] and not room_next[] and talk.unix + 25 * 60 > now then room_next[] = talk end end for room, talk in pairs(room_next) do talk.lines = wrap(talk.title, 40) end if room_next[saal] then current_talk = room_next[saal] else current_talk = nil end all_talks = {} for room, talk in pairs(room_next) do if current_talk and room ~= then all_talks[#all_talks + 1] = talk end end table.sort(all_talks, function(a, b) if a.unix < b.unix then return true elseif a.unix > b.unix then return false else return < end end) end function wrap(str, limit, indent, indent1) limit = limit or 72 local here = 1 local wrapped = str:gsub("(%s+)()(%S+)()", function(sp, st, word, fi) if fi-here > limit then here = st return "\n"..word end end) local splitted = {} for token in string.gmatch(wrapped, "[^\n]+") do splitted[#splitted + 1] = token end return splitted end local clock = (function() local base_time = N.base_time or 0 local function set(time) base_time = tonumber(time) - end util.data_mapper{ ["clock/midnight"] = function(since_midnight) set(since_midnight) end; } local left = 0 local function get() local time = (base_time + % 86400 return string.format("%d:%02d", math.floor(time / 3600), math.floor(time % 3600 / 60)) end return { get = get; set = set; } end)() check_next_talk() util.data_mapper{ ["clock/set"] = function(time) base_time = tonumber(time) - N.base_time = base_time check_next_talk() print("UPDATED TIME", base_time) end; ["clock/day"] = function(new_day) print("DAY", new_day) day = new_day end; } function switcher(screens) local current_idx = 1 local current = screens[current_idx] local switch = + current.time local switched = local blend = 0.5 local function draw() local now = local percent = ((now - switched) / (switch - switched)) * 3.14129 * 2 - 3.14129 progress:use{percent = percent} white:draw(WIDTH-50, HEIGHT-50, WIDTH-10, HEIGHT-10) progress:deactivate() if now - switched < blend then local delta = (switched - now) / blend gl.pushMatrix() gl.translate(WIDTH/2, 0) gl.rotate(270-90 * delta, 0, 1, 0) gl.translate(-WIDTH/2, 0) current.draw() gl.popMatrix() elseif now < switch - blend then current.draw(now - switched) elseif now < switch then local delta = 1 - (switch - now) / blend gl.pushMatrix() gl.translate(WIDTH/2, 0) gl.rotate(90 * delta, 0, 1, 0) gl.translate(-WIDTH/2, 0) current.draw() gl.popMatrix() else current_idx = current_idx + 1 if current_idx > #screens then current_idx = 1 end current = screens[current_idx] switch = now + current.time switched = now end end return { draw = draw; } end content = switcher{ { time = 20; draw = function() redU(400, 200, "Other rooms", 80) white:draw(0, 300, WIDTH, 302, 0.6) y = 320 local time_sep = false if #all_talks > 0 then for idx, talk in ipairs(all_talks) do if not time_sep and talk.unix > get_now() then if idx > 1 then y = y + 5 white:draw(0, y, WIDTH, y+2, 0.6) y = y + 20 end time_sep = true end local alpha = 1 if not time_sep then alpha = 0.3 end blueU(30, y, talk.start, 50) redU(190, y,, 50) yellow(450, y, talk.lines[math.floor(( % #talk.lines)+1], 50) y = y + 60 end else yellow(400, 330, "No other talks.", 50, 1,1,1,1) end end }, { time = 30; draw = function() if not current_talk then redU(400, 200, "Next session...", 80, 1,1,1,1) white:draw(0, 300, WIDTH, 302, 0.6) redU(400, 330, "Nope. That's it.", 80) else local delta = current_talk.unix - get_now() if delta > 0 then redU(400, 200, "Next session", 80) else redU(400, 200, "This session", 80) end white:draw(0, 300, WIDTH, 302, 0.6) blue(130, 330, current_talk.start, 50, 1,1,1,1) if delta > 0 then blue(130, 330 + 60, string.format("in %d min", math.floor(delta/60)+1), 50) end for idx, line in ipairs(current_talk.lines) do if idx >= 5 then break end yellow(400, 330 - 60 + 60 * idx, line, 50) end for i, speaker in ipairs(current_talk.speakers) do blue(400, 510 + 50 * i, speaker, 50) end end end }, { time = 10; draw = function(t) redU(400, 200, "Info", 80) white:draw(0, 300, WIDTH, 302, 0.6) blueU(30, 320, "WC", 50) yellow(400, 320, "Im Keller", 50) blueU(30, 380, "Spenden", 50) yellow(400, 380, "Box am Tresen - Kosten noch nicht gedeckt", 50) blueU(30, 480, "IRC", 50) yellow(400, 480, room.irc, 50) blueU(30, 540, "Twitter", 50) yellow(400, 540, room.twitter, 50) end }, { time = 15; draw = function(t) redU(110, 200, "PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT", 80) white:draw(0, 300, WIDTH, 302, 0.6) yellowU(350, 400, "ESST MEHR BRÖTCHEN!!1ELF", 50) yellowU(350, 470, "ESST MEHR AUFSCHNITT!!1ELF", 50) yellowU(300, 540, "SPENDET MEHR FÜR'S FRÜHSTÜCK!", 50) end }, } function redU(x, y, text, size) red(x, y, string.upper(text), size) end function red(x, y, text, size) font:write(x, y, text, size, 0.894, 0.251, 0.506, 1) end function yellowU(x, y, text, size) yellow(x, y, string.upper(text), size) end function yellow(x, y, text, size) font:write(x, y, text, size, 1.0, 0.776, 0.251, 1) end function blueU(x, y, text, size) blue(x, y, string.upper(text), size) end function blue(x, y, text, size) font:write(x, y, text, size, 0.251, 0.714, 0.906, 1) end function node.render() gl.clear(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1) if base_time == 0 then return end util.draw_correct(logo, 20, 20, 300, 120) yellowU(310, 20, saal, 80) blueU(730, 20, clock.get(), 80) redU(WIDTH-300, 20, string.format("Day %d", day), 80) local fov = math.atan2(HEIGHT, WIDTH*2) * 360 / math.pi gl.perspective(fov, WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2, -WIDTH, WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2, 0) content.draw() end