{ lib, pkgs, ... }: # Setup users. To add a new user: # 1. Add the name of the user to the list in the second-to-last line # 2. Make sure that the git repo contains the key as "$USER.pub" # 3. Make sure that the commit ("rev") contains the latest commit hash. If it correct, jump to step 7. # 4. If you changed the commit, manipulate the sha512 entry by changing the first character from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0. # 5. Run "nixos-rebuild build" # 6. Wait for a message about an invalid hash and replace the hash in this file with the new one. # 7. Run "nixos-rebuild switch" # 8. Let the user login and change their password let sshkeys = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "freifunkhamburg"; repo = "ssh-keys"; rev = "286c324f0c0c9ddfd37eee286d064b36dc5e4c2c"; sha512 = "034d5y75wr8vyz3r222hxar1wm0vmqryvgcji2lh1f8jxpgs3nchb0w2qv44msz085s9p4i92s96z9cb8zapmwj3anm0p8f156pf34c"; }; getpubkeys = user: builtins.readFile "${sshkeys}/${user}.pub"; mkuser = user: { name = user; isNormalUser = true; extraGroups = [ "wheel" ]; createHome = true; initialPassword = "test1234"; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = ( lib.splitString "\n" (getpubkeys user) ); }; in { users.users = (lib.genAttrs [ "tokudan" "Entil_Zha" "alexander" "kantorkel" "djerun" ] mkuser) // { jamonitor = { name = "jamonitor"; isNormalUser = true; extraGroups = [ "wheel" ]; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "ssh-rsa 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" ]; }; }; security.sudo.extraConfig = '' ## Allow the monitor user to run commands as root jamonitor ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL ''; }