
100 lines
3.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# (c) 2016 descilla <>
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or any later version.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# For a copy of the GNU General Public License
# see <>.
import glob, os, json, collections, argparse, urllib
class OfflineChecker:
def __init__(self, fileName):
self.printStatus = True
self.fileNames = []
self.results = {} = self.__getFile__(fileName)
self.addresses = self.__getFile__('nodes_legacy_adresses.json')
self.addressesOld = self.__getFile__('nodes_legacy_adresses_old.json')
def __getFile__(self, nodesFile):
if nodesFile.startswith('https://') or nodesFile.startswith('http://'):
if self.printStatus:
print "Download node.json from URL: " + nodesFile
resource = urllib.urlopen(nodesFile)
if self.printStatus:
print "Open node.json file: " + nodesFile
resource = open(nodesFile)
data = json.loads(
return data
def searchInLog(self, key, arg):
files = ['/var/log/nginx/access.log', '/var/log/nginx/access.log.1']
for fil in files:
with open(fil) as lg:
for line in lg:
if key and key in line:
if arg in line:
date = line.split('[')[1].split(']')[0]
dest_dom = line.split('gluon-')[1].split('-')[0]
return date, dest_dom
return None, None
def parseJson(self, data):
nodes_online = 0
users_online = 0
day_stamp = data['timestamp'].split('T')[0]
for key, node in data['nodes'].iteritems():
if 'statistics' in node:
users_online += node['statistics']['clients']
if 'flags' in node:
if node['flags']['online'] == False:
if 'system' in node['nodeinfo']:
siteCode = node['nodeinfo']['system']['site_code']
if siteCode not in self.results:
self.results[siteCode] = {}
self.results[siteCode][key] = {
'lastseen' : node['lastseen'],
'id' : key,
'mac' : node['nodeinfo']['network']['mac'],
'pub_v6' : self.getPublicAddress(node),
'name' : node['nodeinfo']['hostname']
def getFwState(self):
print 'fw_geladen\tlastseen\tziel_dom\tipv6_adresse\tnodeid\thostname\tmailaddress'
for node, val in self.results['ffms'].iteritems():
date, dest_dom = self.searchInLog(val['pub_v6'], "sysupgrade.bin")
if date and dest_dom:
#mail = self.addresses['nodes'][node]['nodeinfo']['owner']['contact'] if node in self.addresses['nodes'] and 'owner' in self.addresses['nodes'][node]['nodeinfo'] else ''
mail = 'JA' if (node in self.addresses['nodes'] and 'owner' in self.addresses['nodes'][node]['nodeinfo']) or (node in self.addressesOld['nodes'] and 'owner' in self.addressesOld['nodes'][node]['nodeinfo']) else 'NEIN'
print date +'\t'+ val['lastseen'] + '\t' + dest_dom + '\t' + val['pub_v6'] + '\t' + node + '\t' + val['name'] + '\t' + mail
def printResults(self):
ordered = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.results.items()))
print "date\tnodes_online\tusers_online"
for k,v in ordered.iteritems():
print k+'\t'+str(v['nodes_online'])+'\t'+str(v['users_online'])
def getPublicAddress(self,node):
if 'addresses' in node['nodeinfo']['network']:
for address in node['nodeinfo']['network']['addresses']:
if address.startswith('2a03'):
return address
return None
dmax = OfflineChecker('')