2016-05-29 18:56:50 +02:00

119 lines
4.3 KiB

from cloud.Graph import Graph
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint
from exceptions.HieraException import HieraException
class LocalGraph(Graph):
def __init__(self, nodes, links, debugPrint = False):
super().__init__(nodes, links)
self.__enableDebugPrinting__ = debugPrint
if self.__enableDebugPrinting__:
def getNodesWithVpn(self):
nodes = []
for link in self.__links__:
if link.isVpn == True:
nodes = nodes + [x for x in link.getEndpointNodes() if x not in nodes]
return nodes
def getCountOfNodesWithVpn(self):
return len(self.getNodesWithVpn())
def getDeptOfNode(self, node):
return self.getDeptOfNodeByID(node.nodeID, [])
def getDeptOfNodeByID(self, nodeID, trace):
if self.getCountOfNodesWithVpn() == 0:
raise HieraException('No VPN Node in LocalCloud was found!')
new_trace = trace[:]
lowestDepth = None
currentDept = None
links = self.getLinksByNodeID(nodeID)
endpoints = []
for link in links:
endpoints = endpoints + [x for x in link.getEndpointNodeIDs() if x not in endpoints]
if link.isVpn == True:
return 0
for childNodeID in endpoints:
if childNodeID not in new_trace:
currentDept = self.getDeptOfNodeByID(childNodeID, new_trace + endpoints)
if currentDept != None:
currentDept = currentDept + 1
if lowestDepth == None or currentDept < lowestDepth:
lowestDepth = currentDept
return lowestDepth
def getMaxDepth(self):
maxDepth = 0
for k,v in self.__nodes__.items():
nodeDepth = self.getDeptOfNode(v)
maxDepth = nodeDepth if nodeDepth > maxDepth else maxDepth
return maxDepth
def getAllNodesWithDepthEquals(self, depth):
nodes = []
for k,v in self.__nodes__.items():
if self.getDeptOfNode(v) == depth:
return nodes
def getNodesWithNoDependencies(self):
#TODO: Implement smarter selection
return self.getAllNodesWithDepthEquals(self.getMaxDepth())
def isAutoupdaterEnabledOnAllNodes(self):
for k, v in self.__nodes__.items():
if v.isAutoupdaterEnabled == False:
return False
return True
def getLanLinksInCloud(self):
links = []
for link in self.__links__:
if link.linkType == 'other' and link.isVpn == False:
return links
def areLanLinksInCloud(self):
for link in self.__links__:
if link.linkType == 'other' and link.isVpn == False:
return True
return False
def getBranchesThatExistsInCloud(self):
branches = []
for k, v in self.__nodes__.items():
if v.autoupdaterBranch not in branches:
return branches
def getGeoCenterOfNodeCloud(self):
geoPoints = []
for k, v in self.__nodes__.items():
if v.geo != None:
geoPoints.append((v.geo['lon'], v.geo['lat']))
return MultiPoint(geoPoints).representative_point()
def __debugPrint__(self):
for k,v in self.__nodes__.items():
print('nodes with vpn:')
for node in self.getNodesWithVpn():
print('nodes with no dependencies:')
for node in self.getNodesWithNoDependencies():
print('>', node.hostname)
print('maxdepth:', self.getMaxDepth())
print('isAutoupdaterEnabledOnAllNodes:', self.isAutoupdaterEnabledOnAllNodes())
print('areLanLinksInCloud:', self.areLanLinksInCloud())
print('BranchesThatExistsInCloud:', self.getBranchesThatExistsInCloud())
print('lan links in cloud:')
for link in self.getLanLinksInCloud():
if link.__srcNode__ != None and link.__dstNode__ != None:
print(' ', link.__srcNode__.hostname, '<--->', link.__dstNode__.hostname)