class ff_gw($ff_net, $ff_mesh_net, $ff_as, $mesh_mac, $gw_ipv4, $gw_ipv4_netmask = '', $gw_ipv6, $gw_ipv6_prefixlen = '64', $secret_key, $vpn_ca_crt, $vpn_usr_crt, $vpn_usr_key, $dhcprange_start, $dhcprange_end, $gw_do_ic_peering = false, $tinc_name = false, $tinc_keyfile = '/etc/tinc/rsa_key.priv', $ic_vpn_ip4 = false, $ic_vpn_ip6 = false) { class { 'ff_gw::software': } -> class { 'ff_gw::fastd': mesh_mac => $mesh_mac, gw_ipv4 => $gw_ipv4, gw_ipv4_netmask => $gw_ipv4_netmask, gw_ipv6 => $gw_ipv6, gw_ipv6_prefixlen => $gw_ipv6_prefixlen, secret_key => $secret_key, } -> class { 'ff_gw::dhcpd': gw_ipv4 => $gw_ipv4, dhcprange_start => $dhcprange_start, dhcprange_end => $dhcprange_end, } -> class { 'ff_gw::radvd': own_ipv6 => $gw_ipv6, } -> class { 'ff_gw::vpn': usr_crt => $vpn_usr_crt, usr_key => $vpn_usr_key, ca_crt => $vpn_ca_crt, } -> class { 'ff_gw::iptables': } -> class { 'ff_gw::dnsmasq': } -> class { 'ff_gw::dns_resolvconf': gw_ipv4 => $gw_ipv4, } -> class { 'ff_gw::bird': ff_net => $ff_net, ff_mesh_net => $ff_mesh_net, ff_as => $ff_as, own_ipv4 => $gw_ipv4, own_ipv6 => $gw_ipv6, gw_do_ic_peering => $gw_do_ic_peering, ic_vpn_ip6 => $ic_vpn_ip6, } if $gw_do_ic_peering { class { 'ff_gw::tinc': tinc_name => $tinc_name, tinc_keyfile => $tinc_keyfile, ic_vpn_ip4 => $ic_vpn_ip4, ic_vpn_ip6 => $ic_vpn_ip6 } } } class ff_gw::software { package { 'batctl': ensure => installed; 'batman-adv-dkms': ensure => installed; 'fastd': ensure => installed; 'bridge-utils': ensure => installed; } exec { 'enable_batman_mod': command => 'echo batman-adv >> /etc/modules', unless => 'grep -q ^batman-adv /etc/modules', path => ['/bin', '/usr/sbin'], } } class ff_gw::fastd($mesh_mac, $gw_ipv4, $gw_ipv4_netmask, $gw_ipv6, $gw_ipv6_prefixlen, $secret_key) { validate_re($mesh_mac, '^de:ad:be:[0-9a-f]{2}:[0-9a-f]{2}:[0-9a-f]{2}$') # TODO: parameterize interface names $br_if = 'br-ffhh' $bat_if = 'bat0' $mesh_if = 'ffhh-mesh-vpn' file { '/etc/fastd/ffhh-mesh-vpn': ensure => directory; '/etc/fastd/ffhh-mesh-vpn/fastd.conf': ensure => file, notify => Service['fastd'], content => template('ff_gw/etc/fastd/ffhh-mesh-vpn/fastd.conf.erb'); '/etc/fastd/ffhh-mesh-vpn/secret.conf': ensure => file, mode => '0600', content => inline_template('secret "<%= @secret_key %>";'); '/root/bin': ensure => directory; '/root/bin/': ensure => file, mode => '0755', source => 'puppet:///modules/ff_gw/root/bin/'; '/usr/local/bin/check_gateway': ensure => file, mode => '0755', source => 'puppet:///modules/ff_gw/usr/local/bin/check_gateway'; } -> # should use an abstraction layer like, # but I found none that is flexible enough to handle all our config lines augeas { "${br_if}-inet6": context => '/files/etc/network/interfaces', show_diff => true, changes => [ "set auto[child::1 = '${br_if}']/1 ${br_if}", "set iface[. = '${br_if}'][1] ${br_if}", "set iface[. = '${br_if}'][1]/family inet6", "set iface[. = '${br_if}'][1]/method static", "set iface[. = '${br_if}'][1]/bridge-ports none", "set iface[. = '${br_if}'][1]/address ${gw_ipv6}", "set iface[. = '${br_if}'][1]/netmask ${gw_ipv6_prefixlen}", ], } -> augeas { "${br_if}-inet": context => '/files/etc/network/interfaces', show_diff => true, changes => [ "set iface[. = '${br_if}'][2] ${br_if}", "set iface[. = '${br_if}'][2]/family inet", "set iface[. = '${br_if}'][2]/method static", "set iface[. = '${br_if}'][2]/address ${gw_ipv4}", "set iface[. = '${br_if}'][2]/netmask ${gw_ipv4_netmask}", ], } -> # TODO: parameterize ffhh-mesh-vpn augeas { "${bat_if}": context => '/files/etc/network/interfaces', show_diff => true, changes => [ "set allow-hotplug[child::1 = '${bat_if}']/1 ${bat_if}", "set iface[. = '${bat_if}'] ${bat_if}", "set iface[. = '${bat_if}']/family inet6", "set iface[. = '${bat_if}']/method manual", "set iface[. = '${bat_if}']/pre-up[1] 'modprobe batman-adv'", "set iface[. = '${bat_if}']/pre-up[2] 'batctl if add ${mesh_if}'", "set iface[. = '${bat_if}']/up 'ip link set \$IFACE up'", "set iface[. = '${bat_if}']/post-up[1] 'brctl addif ${br_if} \$IFACE'", "set iface[. = '${bat_if}']/post-up[2] 'batctl it 10000'", "set iface[. = '${bat_if}']/post-up[3] '/sbin/ip rule add from all fwmark 0x1 table 42'", "set iface[. = '${bat_if}']/pre-down 'brctl delif ${br_if} \$IFACE || true'", "set iface[. = '${bat_if}']/down 'ip link set \$IFACE down'", ]; } -> vcsrepo { '/etc/fastd/ffhh-mesh-vpn/peers': ensure => present, provider => git, source => '', } cron { 'autoupdate_fastd': command => '/root/bin/', user => root, minute => '*/5'; 'check_gateway': command => '/usr/local/bin/check_gateway', user => root, minute => '*'; } exec { 'start_bridge_if': command => '/sbin/brctl addbr br-ffhh && /sbin/ifup br-ffhh', unless => '/sbin/ifconfig br-ffhh'; 'batman_mod': command => '/sbin/modprobe batman-adv', unless => '/sbin/lsmod | /bin/grep -q "^batman_adv"'; } -> service { 'fastd': ensure => running, enable => true, } } class ff_gw::dhcpd($gw_ipv4, $dhcprange_start, $dhcprange_end) { if ! is_ip_address($dhcprange_start) or ! is_ip_address($dhcprange_end) or ! is_ip_address($gw_ipv4) { fail('require gateway IP and DHCP range start/end') } # this class uses way too much dependencies # -- but with all those exec resources we really want # to stop processing if anything goes wrong package { 'isc-dhcp-server': ensure => installed; } -> file { '/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf': ensure => file, notify => Service['isc-dhcp-server'], content => template('ff_gw/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf.erb'); } -> user { 'dhcpstatic': ensure => present, home => '/home/dhcpstatic'; } -> file { '/home/dhcpstatic': ensure => directory, owner => dhcpstatic; } -> vcsrepo { '/home/dhcpstatic/dhcp-static': ensure => present, provider => git, user => 'dhcpstatic', source => '', } -> exec { 'updateStatics': command => '/home/dhcpstatic/dhcp-static/', creates => '/etc/dhcp/static.conf'; } -> cron { 'update_statics': command => '/home/dhcpstatic/dhcp-static/', user => root, minute => '*/5'; } -> file { '/var/log/dhcpd.log': ensure => file, owner => 'root', group => 'adm', mode => '0600'; '/etc/rsyslog.d/dhcpd.conf': ensure => file, notify => Service['rsyslog'], content => '# managed by puppet # log DHCP warnings local7.warn /var/log/dhcpd.log # but do not log DHCP leases etc. local7.* ~'; '/etc/default/isc-dhcpd': ensure => file, content => '# managed by puppet #DHCPD_CONF=/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf #DHCPD_PID=/var/run/ #OPTIONS="" # On what interfaces should the DHCP server (dhcpd) serve DHCP requests? # Separate multiple interfaces with spaces, e.g. "eth0 eth1". INTERFACES="br-ffhh" '; } -> exec { 'syslog_filter_l7': command => 'sed -i \'s:\*\.\*;auth,authpriv\.none:*.*;auth,authpriv.none;local7.none:\' /etc/rsyslog.conf', unless => 'grep -q \'authpriv.none;local7.none\' /etc/rsyslog.conf', path => ['/bin', '/usr/sbin'], notify => Service['rsyslog']; } -> service { 'rsyslog': ensure => running, enable => true, } -> service { 'isc-dhcp-server': ensure => running, enable => true, } } class ff_gw::dnsmasq() { package { 'dnsmasq': ensure => installed; } -> user { 'ffdnsmasq': ensure => present, home => '/home/ffdnsmasq', } -> file { '/home/ffdnsmasq': ensure => directory, owner => 'ffdnsmasq', } -> vcsrepo { '/home/ffdnsmasq/dnsmasq': ensure => present, provider => git, user => 'ffdnsmasq', source => '', } -> exec { 'updateDnsmasq': command => '/home/ffdnsmasq/dnsmasq/', creates => '/etc/dnsmasq.d/rules'; 'fix_dnsmasq_init.d': command => 'sed -i -e \'s/^# Required-Start: \$network \$remote_fs \$syslog/# Required-Start: $network $remote_fs $syslog openvpn/\' /etc/init.d/dnsmasq', unless => 'grep \'^# Required-Start: $network $remote_fs $syslog openvpn$\' /etc/init.d/dnsmasq', path => ['/bin'], } -> cron { 'update_Dnsmasq': command => '/home/ffdnsmasq/dnsmasq/', user => root, minute => '*/5'; } -> service { 'dnsmasq': ensure => running, enable => true, require => Service['openvpn'], } } class ff_gw::dns_resolvconf($gw_ipv4) { # add our own IP as first entry to /etc/resolv.conf # try to preserve everything else as the default nameserver should be the fastest augeas { 'edit_resolv_conf': context => '/files/etc/resolv.conf', changes => [ 'ins nameserver before nameserver[1]', "set nameserver[1] \"${gw_ipv4}\"", ], onlyif => "get nameserver[1] != \"${gw_ipv4}\"", } } class ff_gw::radvd($own_ipv6) { package { 'radvd': ensure => installed; } -> file { '/etc/radvd.conf': ensure => file, content => template('ff_gw/etc/radvd.conf.erb'); } -> service { 'radvd': ensure => running, enable => true, } augeas { 'enable_ip_forwarding': context => '/files/etc/sysctl.conf', changes => [ 'set net.ipv4.ip_forward 1', 'set net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding 1' ], } ~> exec { 'sysctl': command => '/sbin/sysctl -p', # this gets notified to run only if /etc/sysctl.conf is changed: refreshonly => true; } } class ff_gw::vpn($ca_crt, $usr_crt, $usr_key, $openvpn_version = '2.3.2-7~bpo70+1', $ensure = 'running') { # TODO: this name is used in several places including dnsmasq # and is even used for other providers, thus hard to change $vpnname = 'mullvad' package { 'openvpn': ensure => $openvpn_version; } -> file { "/etc/openvpn/${vpnname}": ensure => directory; "/etc/openvpn/${vpnname}/ca.crt": ensure => file, content => $ca_crt; "/etc/openvpn/${vpnname}/client.crt": ensure => file, content => $usr_crt; "/etc/openvpn/${vpnname}/client.key": ensure => file, mode => '0600', content => $usr_key; "/etc/openvpn/${vpnname}/mullvad-up": ensure => file, mode => '0755', content => '#!/bin/sh ip route replace via $5 table 42 ip route replace via $5 table 42 /etc/openvpn/update-dnsmasq-forward exit 0'; "/etc/openvpn/${vpnname}.conf": ensure => file, source => "puppet:///modules/ff_gw/etc/openvpn/${vpnname}.conf"; "/etc/openvpn/update-dnsmasq-forward": ensure => file, mode => '0755', source => "puppet:///modules/ff_gw/etc/openvpn/update-dnsmasq-forward"; } ~> service { 'openvpn': ensure => $ensure, enable => true, } ~> exec { 'openvpn_sleep': # OpenVPN takes some time to set up the interface command => '/bin/sleep 5', refreshonly => true, } } class ff_gw::iptables { package { 'iptables-persistent': ensure => installed; } -> file { '/etc/iptables/rules.v4': ensure => file, source => 'puppet:///modules/ff_gw/etc/iptables/rules.v4'; '/etc/rc.local': ensure => file, content => '#!/bin/sh -e # managed by puppet # # rc.local # # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel. # Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other # value on error. # # In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution # bits. # # By default this script does nothing. /sbin/ip route add unreachable default table 42 /sbin/ip rule add from all fwmark 0x1 table 42 exit 0'; } ~> service { 'iptables-persistent': ensure => running, enable => true, } } class ff_gw::bird($ff_net, $ff_mesh_net, $ff_as, $own_ipv4, $own_ipv6, $gw_do_ic_peering, $ic_vpn_ip6, $version = '1.4.3-2~bpo70+1') { # read peering data from data file $module_path = get_module_path($module_name) $peeringdata = loadyaml("${module_path}/data/peering.yaml") $peerings_v4 = $peeringdata[peerings_v4] $peerings_v6 = $peeringdata[peerings_v6] $ic_peerings_v4 = $peeringdata[ic_peerings_v4] $ic_peerings_v6 = $peeringdata[ic_peerings_v6] # for compatibility with old & new bird versions file { '/etc/bird': ensure => directory; } package { 'bird': ensure => $version, } -> file { '/etc/bird/bird.conf': ensure => file, require => File['/etc/bird'], content => template('ff_gw/etc/bird/bird.conf.erb'); '/etc/bird.conf': ensure => link, target => '/etc/bird/bird.conf'; } ~> service { 'bird': ensure => running, enable => true, require => Service['openvpn'], } package { 'bird6': ensure => $version, require => Package['bird'], } -> file { '/etc/bird/bird6.conf': ensure => file, require => File['/etc/bird'], content => template('ff_gw/etc/bird/bird6.conf.erb'); '/etc/bird6.conf': ensure => link, target => '/etc/bird/bird6.conf'; } ~> service { 'bird6': ensure => running, enable => true, require => Service['openvpn'], } } class ff_gw::tinc($tinc_name, $tinc_keyfile, $ic_vpn_ip4, $ic_vpn_ip6, $version = 'present') { # note: class ff_gw needs default values and sets these to false. # in case the tinc class is applied then these are the real checks, # making sure the user set usable parameters: validate_string($tinc_name) validate_string($tinc_keyfile) validate_string($ic_vpn_ip4) validate_string($ic_vpn_ip6) package { 'tinc': ensure => $version, } -> vcsrepo { '/etc/tinc/icvpn': ensure => present, provider => git, source => '', } -> file { '/etc/tinc/nets.boot': ensure => file, content => '# all tinc networks -- managed by puppet icvpn '; '/etc/tinc/icvpn/tinc.conf': ensure => file, content => template('ff_gw/etc/tinc/icvpn/tinc.conf.erb'); '/etc/tinc/icvpn/tinc-up': ensure => file, mode => '0755', content => inline_template('#!/bin/sh /sbin/ip link set dev $INTERFACE up /sbin/ip addr add dev $INTERFACE <%= @ic_vpn_ip4 %>/16 broadcast /sbin/ip -6 addr add dev $INTERFACE <%= @ic_vpn_ip6 %>/96 preferred_lft 0 '); '/etc/tinc/icvpn/tinc-down': ensure => file, mode => '0755', content => inline_template('#!/bin/sh /sbin/ip addr del dev $INTERFACE <%= @ic_vpn_ip4 %>/16 broadcast /sbin/ip -6 addr del dev $INTERFACE <%= @ic_vpn_ip6 %>/96 /sbin/ip link set dev $INTERFACE down '); } ~> service { 'tinc': ensure => running, enable => true, require => Service['openvpn'], } }