#### How to build the Freifunk Hamburg Firmware git clone git://github.com/freifunk-gluon/gluon.git # Get the official Gluon repository cd gluon git clone git://github.com/freifunkhamburg/site-ffhh.git site # Get the Freifunk Hamburg site repository make update # Get other repositories used by Gluon make # Build Gluon Please see [the official Gluon repository](https://github.com/freifunk-gluon/gluon) for an in-depth explanation of the build process. #### Gluon versions used for specific Hamburg Freifunk Firmware builds - 0.5.1: v2014.3.1 - 0.5: v2014.3 - 0.4.2: v2014.2 - note: no gluon fork used anymore - 0.4.1: v2014.2-hh - equal to official gluon v2014.2 + ffhh specific patches - 0.4a: v2014.1a - equal to official gluon v2014.1 + ffhh specific patches