{ "machineProfiles": { "*gen_grbl": { "machineLabel": "Generic GRBL machine", "machineDescription": "Use this if you have a GRBL machine", "settings": { "machineWidth": 300, "machineHeight": 200, "machineBeamDiameter": 0.2, "toolSafetyLockDisabled": false, "toolCncMode": false, "toolImagePosition": "BL", "toolUseNumpad": false, "toolUseVideo": false, "toolWebcamUrl": "", "gcodeStart": "G21 ; Set units to mm\r\nG90 ; Absolute positioning\r\nM4 S0 ; Enable Laser/Spindle (0 power)\r\n", "gcodeEnd": "M5 ; Disable Laser/Spindle\r\n", "gcodeHoming": "$H", "gcodeToolOn": "", "gcodeToolOff": "", "gcodeSMaxValue": 1000, "toolGridWidth": 400, "toolGridHeight": 300 }, "_locked": true }, "*gen_smoothie": { "machineLabel": "Generic SMOOTHIE machine", "machineDescription": "Use this if you have a SMOOTHIE machine", "settings": { "machineWidth": 300, "machineHeight": 200, "machineBeamDiameter": 0.2, "toolSafetyLockDisabled": false, "toolCncMode": false, "toolImagePosition": "BL", "toolUseNumpad": false, "toolUseVideo": false, "toolWebcamUrl": "", "gcodeStart": "G21 ; Set units to mm\r\nG90 ; Absolute positioning\r\n", "gcodeEnd": "M2 ; End\r\n", "gcodeHoming": "", "gcodeToolOn": "", "gcodeToolOff": "", "gcodeSMaxValue": 1, "toolGridWidth": 400, "toolGridHeight": 300 }, "_locked": true }, "*emblaser2": { "machineLabel": "Emblaser 2", "machineDescription": "Use this if you have an Emblaser 2 from Darkly Labs", "machineAbout": "emblaser2.md", "helpUrl": "https://darklylabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/115000181507-Laserweb", "tutorialsUrl": "https://darklylabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/202585917-Tutorials", "settings": { "machineWidth": 500, "machineHeight": 300, "machineBeamDiameter": 0.2, "machineOriginX": 0, "machineOriginY": 0, "machineFeedRange": { "XY": {"min": 100, "max": 6000}, "Z": {"min": 1, "max": 1250}, "A": {"min": 1, "max": 50000}, "S": {"min": 0, "max": 30000} }, "machineZEnabled": true, "machineZMatThickness": 0, "machineZToolOffset": 0, "machineZStartHeight": "", "machineBlowerEnabled": true, "machineBlowerGcodeOn": "M08", "machineBlowerGcodeOff": "M09", "pxPerInch": 72, "dpiBitmap": 72, "toolSafetyLockDisabled": false, "toolCncMode": false, "toolImagePosition": "BL", "toolUseNumpad": false, "toolVideoDevice": null, "toolVideoPerspective": { "enabled": false, "before": [ 170.66666666666666, 384, 682.6666666666666, 384, 682.6666666666666, 96, 170.66666666666666, 96 ], "after": [ 170.66666666666666, 384, 682.6666666666666, 384, 682.6666666666666, 96, 170.66666666666666, 96 ] }, "toolVideoLens": {"a": 1, "b": 1, "F": 1, "scale": 1}, "toolVideoFov": {"x": 1, "y": 1}, "toolVideoResolution": null, "toolWebcamUrl": "", "toolFeedUnits": "mm/min", "toolTestSValue": 1, "toolTestDuration": 0, "gcodeStart": "G21\nG90\n", "gcodeEnd": "M2\nG0Z50\nG0X0Y300\nM911G4P500M912G4P100M911G4P100M912G4P50M911G4P100M912", "gcodeHoming": "G1Z60F1000S0\nG92Z50\nG28X0Y0\nM911G4P100M912G4P50M911G4P100M912", "gcodeToolOn": "", "gcodeToolOff": "", "gcodeSMaxValue": 1, "gcodeCheckSizePower": 1, "gcodeToolTestPower": 50, "gcodeToolTestDuration": 1000, "connectVia": "USB", "connectBaud": "115200", "jogStepsize": 1, "jogFeedXY": 6000, "jogFeedZ": 1000, "macros": { "*GotoXY0": { "label": "Goto XY zero", "gcode": "G0 X0Y0", "keybinding": "f1" }, "*LaserOff": {"label": "LASER OFF", "gcode": "M5", "keybinding": "f2"} }, "machineBottomLeftX": 0, "machineBottomLeftY": 0, "machineAEnabled": false, "toolGridWidth": 500, "toolGridHeight": 300 }, "_locked": true }, "*FabKit": { "machineLabel": "FabKit", "machineDescription": "Use this if you have an FabKit from FabCreator", "machineAbout": "fabkit.md", "settings": { "machineWidth": 680, "machineHeight": 450, "machineBeamDiameter": 0.1, "machineZEnabled": false, "machineZMatThickness": 0, "machineZToolOffset": 0, "machineBlowerEnabled": false, "machineAEnabled": false, "machineBlowerGcodeOn": "", "machineBlowerGcodeOff": "", "pxPerInch": 72, "dpiBitmap": 300, "toolSafetyLockDisabled": false, "toolCncMode": false, "toolImagePosition": "BL", "toolUseNumpad": true, "toolVideoDevice": null, "toolVideoPerspective": { "enabled": false, "before": [ 170.66666666666666, 384, 682.6666666666666, 384, 682.6666666666666, 96, 170.66666666666666, 96 ], "after": [ 170.66666666666666, 384, 682.6666666666666, 384, 682.6666666666666, 96, 170.66666666666666, 96 ] }, "toolVideoLens": {"a": 1, "b": 1, "F": 1, "scale": 1}, "toolVideoFov": {"x": 1, "y": 1}, "toolVideoResolution": "720p(HD)", "toolWebcamUrl": "", "toolFeedUnits": "mm/s", "toolTestSValue": 1, "toolTestDuration": 0, "gcodeStart": "G21 ; Set units to mm\nG90 ; Absolute positioning\nM3 ; Laser On\nM106 ; Compressor On", "gcodeEnd": "M5 ;Laser off\nG28.2XY ; Home X & Y\nM107 ;Compressor Off", "gcodeHoming": "G28.2XY ;Home X & Y", "gcodeToolOn": "", "gcodeToolOff": "", "gcodeSMaxValue": 1, "gcodeToolTestPower": 0, "gcodeToolTestDuration": 0, "connectVia": "USB", "connectBaud": "115200", "jogStepsize": 100, "jogFeedXY": 500, "jogFeedZ": 5, "machineBottomLeftX": 0, "machineBottomLeftY": 0, "toolGridWidth": 800, "toolGridHeight": 600 }, "_locked": true }, "K40": { "machineLabel": "K40", "settings": { "__version": "4.0.990", "__selectedProfile": "K40", "showMachine": true, "machineWidth": 300, "machineHeight": 200, "machineBeamDiameter": 0.1, "machineBottomLeftX": -300, "machineBottomLeftY": -200, "machineFeedRange": { "XY": {"min": 1, "max": 50000}, "Z": {"min": 1, "max": 50000}, "A": {"min": 1, "max": 50000}, "S": {"min": 0, "max": 30000} }, "machineXYProbeOffset": 0, "machineZEnabled": false, "machineZMatThickness": 0, "machineZToolOffset": 0, "machineZStartHeight": "", "machineZProbeOffset": 0, "machineAEnabled": false, "machineBlowerEnabled": false, "machineBlowerGcodeOn": "", "machineBlowerGcodeOff": "", "pxPerInch": 25.4, "forcePxPerInch": false, "dpiBitmap": 1200, "toolGridWidth": 400, "toolGridHeight": 300, "toolGridMinorSpacing": 10, "toolGridMajorSpacing": 50, "toolSafetyLockDisabled": false, "toolCncMode": false, "toolImagePosition": "BL", "toolUseNumpad": false, "toolDisplayCache": false, "toolUseGamepad": false, "toolCreateEmptyOps": false, "toolVideoDevice": null, "toolVideoPerspective": {"enabled": false}, "toolVideoLens": {"a": 1, "b": 1, "F": 1, "scale": 1}, "toolVideoFov": {"x": 1, "y": 1}, "toolVideoResolution": null, "toolVideoOMR": false, "toolVideoOMROffsetX": 0, "toolVideoOMROffsetY": 0, "toolVideoOMRMarkerSize": 20, "toolWebcamUrl": "http://lazer.z9:5001/?action=snapshot", "toolFeedUnits": "mm/min", "toolTestSValue": 1, "toolTestDuration": 0, "gcodeStart": "G21 ; Set units to mm\r\nG90 ; Absolute positioning\r\nM4 S0 ; Enable Laser/Spindle (0 power)\r\n", "gcodeEnd": "M5 ; Disable Laser/Spindle\r\n", "gcodeHoming": "$H", "gcodeToolOn": "", "gcodeToolOff": "", "gcodeLaserIntensity": "S", "gcodeLaserIntensitySeparateLine": false, "gcodeSMinValue": 0, "gcodeSMaxValue": 1000, "gcodeCheckSizePower": 0, "gcodeToolTestPower": 5, "gcodeToolTestDuration": 1, "gcodeConcurrency": 2, "comServerVersion": "4.0.130", "comServerIP": "lazer.z9", "comServerConnect": false, "comInterfaces": ["USB", "ESP8266", "Telnet"], "comPorts": ["/dev/ttyACM0", "/dev/ttyAMA0", "/dev/ttyS0"], "comAccumulatedJobTime": 16265, "connectVia": "USB", "connectPort": "/dev/ttyACM0", "connectBaud": "115200", "connectIP": "", "jogStepsize": 1, "jogFeedXY": 1000, "jogFeedZ": 300, "macros": { "*GotoXY0": { "label": "Goto XY zero", "gcode": "G0 X0Y0", "keybinding": "ctrl+f1", "_locked": false }, "*LaserOff": { "label": "LASER OFF", "gcode": "M5", "keybinding": "ctrl+f2", "_locked": false } }, "uiFcDrag": {"x": 89.58347010412336, "y": 247.92597880448523} } } } }