jtbx 3957b4e129 content: Fix imported posts (markdown syntax, article types)
The auto-importer has created several issues with the markdown syntax which
needed manual fixing. Additionally quite a lot of event annoucements were
categorized as article.
2023-12-02 22:46:14 +01:00

14 lines
399 B

- jalmeroth
categories: event
date: '2018-05-29T19:30:00+02:00'
draft: false
lastmod: '2018-05-01T16:42:00+02:00'
location: z9
publishDate: '2018-05-01T16:42:00+02:00'
slug: no-openchaos-mai-index
title: "Kein OpenChaos im Mai \u2192 CCCHHMV18"
Aufgrund der alle zwei Jahre stattfinden Mitgliederversammlung des CCC Hansestadt Hamburg e.V. fällt das Open-Chaos im Mai leider aus.