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CCCHH Website

The new CCCHH website powered by the HUGO static site generator.

Website vs. Wiki

The website should contain information for new people about the club as well as upcoming events. The blog should also still exist. All other information like details on groups, projects and recurring events should be in the wiki.

  • start page (onepager)
    • who we are
    • announcements aka current blog entry (if in the future)
    • visit us -> open chaos + link to wiki for all recurring events
    • event calendar
    • groups, e.g. CTF team, CMS, freifunk, etc.
    • directions (map)
  • blog, split into:
    • (event) announcements
    • other blog posts and press releases
  • imprint


Build and Deploy

Running the hugo command without and parameters will re-generate the site in the public directory. To deploy the website, just copy the whole folder to a directory which is servered by the webserver of your preference.

Please note, that the website should be re-deployed at least daily to update the "announcement" section on the front page even if there were no changed to the content.

Add Pages

To run a local version, just install HUGO by following the instructions for your operating system. To build the website and run a development webserver, execute:

hugo server

To also build posts in the future or in draft state, run this instead:

hugo server -D

Add an Event Announcement

There are two basic types of posts: Events and articles. Events will be shown on the home page from their publishing date until they have happened.

To create a new event blog post, run a command like this:

hugo new content --king event blog/

Add a Blog Entry

As mentioned before, you can also create blog posts for things which aren't events. They will only be shown in the "blog" section and posted to the RSS feeds.

To create a new general blog post, run a command like this:

hugo new content --king article blog/


You can use solid and brand icons from version 6 in your posts like this:

{{< fa envelope >}}
{{< fa brands gitlab >}}