2016-03-24 04:03:31 +01:00

799 B


This repo contains zone information for hamburgmesh.net. This repo is automatically pulled every 15min, create a pull request to get a subdomain. The proxy is limited to 2001:bf7::/32, so you need an ipv6 address from this range.

Get a subdomain

# point an A record to the proxy
yoursub         A       $SNI
# point an AAAA record to your server
yoursub         AAAA    2001:bf7::1
# point an AAAA record to your server, create an A record to the proxy, all-in-one
yourothersub    %       2001:bf7::2

Use your own domain

  1. Register a domain
  2. Create an AAAA record pointing to your server (Needs to be located in 2001:bf7::/32)
  3. Create an A record pointing to

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