2019-03-07 17:58:43 +01:00

48 lines
934 B

# hamburg-freifunk-wp-theme (2019)
Wordpress Theme for the Website of Freifunk Hamburg, with FoundationPress + Foundation 6 Sites
## Installation
FoundationPress relies to not-up-to-date dependencies, works with node.js ~6, use n to install older version node.js
`$ n 6`
Install gulp
`$ sudo npm -g install gulp`
Install node modules
`$ npm install`
If there is a problem with babel versions, like
babel-loader@8 requires Babel 7.x (the package '@babel/core'). If you'd like to use Babel 6.x ('babel-core'), you should install 'babel-loader@7'.
`$ npm install --save-dev babel-loader@7`
Keep dependencies updated
`$ ncu`
`$ ncu -u`
(Install ncu with `$ npm install -g npm-check-updates`)
## Development
During design/development, render SCSS etc:
`$ npm start`
## Depliy
Render and pack for deployment
`$ npm run package`
(zip file will be located in packaged folder)