2017-03-21 22:53:34 +01:00

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# HopGlass
HopGlass is a frontend for the [HopGlass Server](https://github.com/plumpudding/hopglass-server).
# Screenshots
# Dependencies
- npm
- bower
- grunt-cli
- Sass (>= 3.2)
# Installing dependencies
Install npm package-manager. On Debian-like systems run:
sudo apt-get install npm
On Mac you have to install only npm via brew and sass
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew install node
npm install node-sass
Execute these commands on your server as a normal user to prepare the dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/plumpudding/hopglass
cd hopglass
npm install
npm install grunt-cli
# Building
Just run the following command from the hopglass directory:
This will generate `build/` containing all required files.
## Development
Use `grunt serve` for development.
# Configure
Copy `config.json.example` to `build/config.json` and change it to match your community.
## dataPath (string/array)
`dataPath` can be either a string containing the address of a [HopGlass Server](https://github.com/plumpudding/hopglass-server) or an array containing multiple addresses.
Don't forget the trailing slash!
Also, proxying the data through a webserver will allow GZip and thus will greatly reduce bandwidth consumption.
It may help with firewall problems too.
## siteName (string)
Change this to match your communities' name. It will be used in various places.
## mapSigmaScale (float)
This affects the initial scale of the map. Greater values will show a larger
area. Values like 1.0 and 0.5 might be good choices.
## showContact (bool)
Setting this to `false` will hide contact information for nodes.
## maxAge (integer)
Nodes being online for less than maxAge days are considered "new". Likewise,
nodes being offline for more than than maxAge days are considered "lost".
## mapLayers (List)
A list of objects describing map layers. Each object has at least `name`
property and optionally `url` and `config` properties. If no `url` is supplied
`name` is assumed to name a
## fixedCenter (array, optional)
This option allows to fix the map at one specific coordinate depending on following case-sensitive parameters:
- `lat` latitude of the center point
- `lng` longitude of the center point
- `radius` visible radius around the center in km
Examples for `fixedCenter`:
"fixedCenter": {
"lat": 50.80,
"lng": 12.07,
"radius": 30
## nodeInfos (array, optional)
This option allows to show node statistics depending on following case-sensitive parameters:
- `name` caption of statistics segment in infobox
- `href` absolute or relative URL to statistics image
- `thumbnail` absolute or relative URL to thumbnail image,
can be the same like `href`
- `caption` is shown, if `thumbnail` is not present (no thumbnail in infobox)
To insert current node-id in either `href`, `thumbnail` or `caption`
you can use the case-sensitive template string `{NODE_ID}`.
Examples for `nodeInfos`:
"nodeInfos": [
{ "name": "Clientstatistik",
"href": "stats/dashboard/db/node-byid?var-nodeid={NODE_ID}",
"thumbnail": "stats/render/dashboard-solo/db/node-byid?panelId=1&fullscreen&theme=light&width=600&height=300&var-nodeid={NODE_ID}",
"caption": "Knoten {NODE_ID}"
{ "name": "Uptime",
"href": "stats/dashboard/db/node-byid?var-nodeid={NODE_ID}",
"thumbnail": "stats/render/dashboard-solo/db/node-byid?panelId=2&fullscreen&theme=light&width=600&height=300&var-nodeid={NODE_ID}",
"caption": "Knoten {NODE_ID}"
In order to have statistics images available, you have to set up an instance of each [Prometheus](http://prometheus.io/) and [Grafana](http://grafana.org/).
## globalInfos (array, optional)
This option allows to show global statistics on statistics page depending on following case-sensitive parameters:
- `name` caption of statistics segment in infobox
- `href` absolute or relative URL to statistics image
- `thumbnail` absolute or relative URL to thumbnail image,
can be the same like `href`
- `caption` is shown, if `thumbnail` is not present (no thumbnail in infobox)
In contrast to `nodeInfos` there is no template substitution in `href`, `thumbnail` or `caption`.
Examples for `globalInfos` using Grafana server rendering:
"globalInfos": [
{ "name": "Wochenstatistik",
"href": "stats/render/render/dashboard-solo/db/global?panelId=1&fullscreen&theme=light&width=600&height=300",
"thumbnail": "nodes/globalGraph.png",
"caption": "Bild mit Wochenstatistik"
## linkInfos (array, optional)
This option allows to show link statistics depending on the following case-sensitive parameters:
- `name` caption of statistics segment in infobox
- `href` absolute or relative URL to statistics image
- `thumbnail` absolute or relative URL to thumbnail image,
can be the same like `href`
- `caption` is shown, if `thumbnail` is not present (no thumbnail in infobox)
To insert the source or target node-id in either `href`, `thumbnail` or `caption`
you can use the case-sensitive template strings `{SOURCE}` and `{TARGET}`.
"linkInfos": [
{ "href": "stats/dashboard/db/links?var-source={SOURCE}&var-target={TARGET}",
"thumbnail": "stats/render/dashboard-solo/db/links?panelId=1&fullscreen&theme=light&width=800&height=600&var-source={SOURCE}&var-target={TARGET}"
## siteNames (array, optional)
In this array name definitions for site statistics and node info can be saved. This requires one object for each site code. This object must contain:
- `site` the site code
- `name` the defined written name for this site code
If neither `siteNames` nor `showSites` are set, site statistics and node info won't be displayed
Example for `siteNames`:
"siteNames": [
{ "site": "ffhl", "name": "Lübeck" },
{ "site": "ffeh", "name": "Entenhausen" ),
{ "site": "ffgt", "name": "Gothamcity" },
{ "site": "ffal", "name": "Atlantis" }