Config snippets to resolve TLDs from freifunk and other networks
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2014-05-06 11:37:59 +02:00
data luebeck: add reverse dns 2014-05-06 11:37:59 +02:00 Make compatible to Python 3 2014-05-06 11:26:47 +02:00 Migrate to unified data storage and generation script 2014-05-06 11:20:02 +02:00

Freifunk DNS repository

This repository is supposed to make the management of DNS in the ICVPN easier. It consists of two parts:


In the data directory, there are files containing information how to resolve the TLDs and other domains (think RDNS) of various Freifunk communities and other networks (like DN42 for example). Please send pull requests to insert/update your own data!

Each community/network has a file of its own in a format as simple as


As you can see, there are lines starting with domain= which define domains "owned" by this community, and lines starting with server= defining the servers of this community that are able to resolve the domains.

The format is intended to retype as few data as possbile.

Generation script

The Python script can generate configs for different DNS resolvers from the above data format. It currently supports bind9 (types static-stub and forward) and dnsmasq.

It is capable of excluding some files from the data directory, so that you can exclude your own community (because you probably are the master for your own domains) and recursively resolve all others. You may also filter out IPv4 or IPv6 servers if you are operating a single-stack network.

The complete help message reads:

Usage: [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FMT, --format=FMT  Create config in format FMT. Possible values: bind,
                        dnsmasq, bind-forward. Default: dnsmasq
  -s DIR, --sourcedir=DIR
                        Use files in DIR as input files. Default: data/
  -x FILES, --exclude=FILES
                        Exclude the comma-separated list of FILES in the
                        sourcedir from the generation
  --filter=FILTER       Only include certain servers. Possible choices: v4, v6